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Just now, Damosane2 said:

Where is this helmet from ? It completely fixes the only part of the model I hate!

It looks really cool indeed. And it doesn't feel out of place, I initially thought it was part of the kit.

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31 minutes ago, Kronos said:

I always wanted to see Halflings Return in AoS but with the Mawtribes, but as a Cannibal Race.  I wouldn’t want them to lose their Charm of Simple folk with an affinity for farming and riding Big roosters, they just happen to eat everyone 😂


We’ve had one Aelf for Breakfast yes, But what About Second Aelves?

Not really Cannibal, but most like the "logistical" members of the tribes. So,  Mawtribes want to represent the "hunter gatherer" archetype from pre-history. But Ogor are only the Hunter. The Halfing must become the gatherer. They recolt plants, they know what to eat (and what is delicious for their Ogors friends) It's important in the case where the tribe travel on a place during month without the less civilization.

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11 minutes ago, Shankelton said:

This is how I feel too. I love soup, but I feel like Moonclan is such a powerful aesthetic that having gitmob smashed into it. They completely overshadow it, and I cant help but fear that if I committed to trying to run a gitmob army, I'd just be forced into a few goblins, with moonclan and troggs.

Which is fine if you like that. But I love my faction have more to them then just "they exist as a minor faction for the main guys".

I think that's why despite wanting gitmob more then anything, Skaven is more appealing because at least I'm invested in a full faction.

Agreed. The Snarlfang Riders also dont add much Spider Riders, Boingrot Bounders or Squig Hoppers cant offer. The Gitmob keyword also doesnt do anything at the moment. They are in a weird spot. They dont mix well with any of the existing subfactions. Its sad because i love the models. A hero model or some keyword bingo could fix that quite easily though. But instead of trying to make them fit GG i rather see them shine in their own tome of Evil Sun worshippers.


I had a random thought about Beastclaw Raiders. Wouldnt it be awesome to make them ride walrus and sea elephants.

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2 minutes ago, PJetski said:


The leak from @SG Warhound seems like a very close match to this art

Looks like a female prosecutor but with a fancy halo and a spear? Or a bird? Is this some new hero?


Full art for anyone who hasn't seen it yet: 


What is the source of the art?

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3 minutes ago, PJetski said:


The leak from @SG Warhound seems like a very close match to this art

Looks like a female prosecutor but with a fancy halo and a spear? Or a bird? Is this some new hero?


Full art for anyone who hasn't seen it yet: 


This is awesome. Now we are looking at it those 2 at the bottom have to be Sacrosant chamber right? If this is a new design for them I love it. I do find the story behind the Sacrosant some of my favourite for Stormcast, but they are quite chunky (though I do prefer them over warrior and vanguard).

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@Shankelton @Gitzdee

My prediction,  as much as I'd prefer not, is that gitmob will indeed stay souped with glooms much like orruks. 

I'd wager the next book will even be titled a new as well. Something like "Gitz Klanz" or "Grot tribez" with a sizable expansion outside of gloomspite bringing gitmob into their own and possibly more. 

As per Snarlfang having an awkward place I really really do hope they tweak the rules to present gitmob in a more "capable warrior to be feared" with a malicious intelligence. Fang riders should almost be an elite grot with excellent stats both in ranged and melee BUT still being grots and all they're not terribly strong. So still leaning into the horde grot mentality but not on the level of glooms. 

I'm so very excited to see what becomes of them and sincerely hope the range keeps the feeling that the initial fang riders kit presents. 

And being grots I do hope they bring their own kind of troggoth to field as well. Maybe even a reimaging of sourbreath. 

Kits I'd like:

I would really like a foot troop kit (so I don't have to buy 30 fang riders kits to kitbash custom stabbas and shootas... I'll do it Geedubs. Don't test a ******.😆

Chariots of course with build options. 

I'd love a war coach. Think like the black coach from Nighthaunt but snarlfang and loaded with gitmob. Perhaps even a ballista of something. Or even as a transport, unit type very much lacking in AoS, would be cool. 

A heavy calvary Ike a gnarly plains bison all AoS-ified. 

Just a few. 

💚 the new gitmob aesthetic and want more!

Edited by Vasshpit
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2 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

@Shankelton @Gitzdee

My prediction,  as much as I'd prefer not, is that gitmob will indeed stay souped with glooms much like orruks. 

I'd wager the next book will even be titled a new as well. Something like "Gitz Klanz" or "Grot tribez" with a sizable expansion outside of gloomspite bringing gitmob into their own and possibly more. 

As per Snarlfang having an awkward place I really really do hope they tweak the rules to present gitmob in a more "capable warrior to be feared" with a malicious intelligence. Fang riders should almost be an elite grot with excellent stats both in ranged and melee BUT still bring grots and all they're not terribly strong. So still leaning into the horde grot mentality but not on the level of glooms. 

I'm so very excited to see what becomes of them and sincerely hope the range keeps the feeling that the initial fang riders kit presents. 

And being grots I do hope they bring their own kind of troggoth to field as well. Maybe even a reimaging of sourbreath. 

Kits I like:

I would really like a foot troop kit (so I don't have to buy 30 fang riders kits to kitbash custom stabbas and shootas... I'll do it Geedubs. Don't test a ******.😆

Chariots of course with build options. 

I'd love a war coach. Think like the black coach from Nighthaunt but snarlfang and loaded with gitmob. Perhaps even a ballista of something. Or even as a transport, unit type very much lacking in AoS, would be cool. 

A heavy calvary Ike a gnarly plains bison all AoS-ified. 

Just a few. 

💚 the new gitmob aesthetic and want more!

I personally hope we dont see a Grot chariot, but that is just me. I hate chariots, leave them for the old world xD.

Im fine if they stay souped, but like you said i'd want to see a rebranding of the battletome, it cant be gloomspite gitz if you want to have what, 4 (3 not including troggs) major factions inside it. Just make sure they have a nice roster like ironjawz to build a force out of, without having to lean into troops from moonclan.

What chaffs me most is honestly, is Kruleboyz have the exact kinda aesthetic that would have worked for grots but they made them orks haha. In another timeline, they downsized just a tad, made them hobgrots, and im playing that army no questions

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2 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

This is awesome. Now we are looking at it those 2 at the bottom have to be Sacrosant chamber right? If this is a new design for them I love it. I do find the story behind the Sacrosant some of my favourite for Stormcast, but they are quite chunky (though I do prefer them over warrior and vanguard).

They're probably some attendant servant human NPCs that won't get models. We've seen guys like this before in every edition

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17 minutes ago, Shankelton said:

What chaffs me most is honestly, is Kruleboyz have the exact kinda aesthetic that would have worked for grots but they made them orks haha.

-Squints in kruleboy as an ominous fog starts rolling in- ... "Did you just call us grots?" 😜

Love me some Kruleboyz. Best thing to come out of AoS yet, imo. Rules not so much. Heh. 

Some of their basic gutrippaz troops have more personality and attitude than a good chunk of huge center pieces across all of AoS. 

Again, just my opinion. 🤘

Edit: out of likes but +1 to ya and a few other posts. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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39 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

This is awesome. Now we are looking at it those 2 at the bottom have to be Sacrosant chamber right? If this is a new design for them I love it. I do find the story behind the Sacrosant some of my favourite for Stormcast, but they are quite chunky (though I do prefer them over warrior and vanguard).


19 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Ok the iron mask Sacrosanct Stormcast wrangling the lighting ghiest got me interested once again

as per the fancy prosecutor in the background if we are going by @SG Warhound said  "Just seems like WHF" so does he mean that this guy is a returning character? maybe it the new Celestial Prime



Probably not Sacrosant (bit small), but human servants, like
Lord Commander Bastian Carthalos : r/Warhammer

Celestant-Prime – WARHAMMER ART

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5 minutes ago, Asbestress said:


Probably not Sacrosant (bit small), but human servants, like
Lord Commander Bastian Carthalos : r/Warhammer

Celestant-Prime – WARHAMMER ART

Not sure, they don't look that much smaller than the Stormcast there, just leaning forwards and further back, and it is up to the Sacrosant to deal with the reforging of souls and dealing with gheists.

Edited by Vaellas
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3 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

Not sure, they don't look that much smaller than the Stormcast there, just leaning forwards and further back, and it is up to the Sacrosant to deal with the reforging of souls and dealing with gheists.

Not all humans are that small in comparison with a Stormcast:


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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

@Shankelton @Gitzdee

My prediction,  as much as I'd prefer not, is that gitmob will indeed stay souped with glooms much like orruks. 

I'd wager the next book will even be titled a new as well. Something like "Gitz Klanz" or "Grot tribez" with a sizable expansion outside of gloomspite bringing gitmob into their own and possibly more. 

As per Snarlfang having an awkward place I really really do hope they tweak the rules to present gitmob in a more "capable warrior to be feared" with a malicious intelligence. Fang riders should almost be an elite grot with excellent stats both in ranged and melee BUT still being grots and all they're not terribly strong. So still leaning into the horde grot mentality but not on the level of glooms. 

I'm so very excited to see what becomes of them and sincerely hope the range keeps the feeling that the initial fang riders kit presents. 

And being grots I do hope they bring their own kind of troggoth to field as well. Maybe even a reimaging of sourbreath. 

Kits I'd like:

I would really like a foot troop kit (so I don't have to buy 30 fang riders kits to kitbash custom stabbas and shootas... I'll do it Geedubs. Don't test a ******.😆

Chariots of course with build options. 

I'd love a war coach. Think like the black coach from Nighthaunt but snarlfang and loaded with gitmob. Perhaps even a ballista of something. Or even as a transport, unit type very much lacking in AoS, would be cool. 

A heavy calvary Ike a gnarly plains bison all AoS-ified. 

Just a few. 

💚 the new gitmob aesthetic and want more!

I'm a gitz fanatic, I've got more than I can ever field or need, but I think I might be in the gitz minority here... I really want to see the non-night goblin stuff split off. I like the armies having cohesive aesthetics. I'd still collect them, but separately.
But I feel that way about most of the soup stuff.

I like the way they split up VC (post LoN soup mess).
Giving spirits, ghouls and vampires with thralls distinct armies of their own (and expanding them). I still own them all, but they're separate in neat tidy little armies and not all jumbled together based on what I can field, or need to field to compete.

I think the Kruleboyz reintroducing orcs and goblins together kind of backwards stepped the line they drew between them. Hobgrotz, sure, have them I guess until Chrofs ask for them back. But the little minion grots... why?

I'm guessing it's an unpopular set of thoughts from what I'm seeing but, oh well.

I'd love to see gitmob and grotbag, just not really in my soup 🍲. I'd like them as an extra course please 🥧.

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4 hours ago, Gaball Slaaneshi said:

Halfing slaves for Ogor Mawtribes ! 

I would be all for this!! Cannibalistic Halflings, GW would give them their own names of course but short and stout hunters that have a hunger that drives them to side with Ogors and scout out choice hunting spots for the Mawpath, that work alongside the Bloodpelt Hunter.

It makes much more sense than what the Gnoblars currently do.



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I like my soup a few different ways.

LoN style? No ty. Sharing models with nighthaunt was a balance nightmare.

Orruk Warclans style? Maybe. This is just 3 armies in a tome with a 4th soup option. I actually quite like this. Could work like this to put Gitmob into the GG tome. Like how they put KB into Warclans with their own subfactions, artifacts etc.

GG style? I think it doesnt need another subfaction added to the keyword soup it already is. I think moonclan, squigs, troggoths and spiderfang are enough. But thats just me. I like the tome how it is now. Including Gitmob here saves me the money of buying another tome, thats a plus i guess.

Edited by Gitzdee
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6 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I like my soup a few different ways.

LoN style? No ty. Sharing models with nighthaunt was a balance nightmare.

Orruk Warclans style? Maybe. This is just 3 armies in a tome with a 4th soup option. I actually quite like this. Could work the way to put Gitmob into the GG tome. Like how they put KB into Warclans with their own subfactions, artifacts etc.

GG style? I think doesnt need another subfaction added to the keyword soup it already is. I think moonclan, squigs, troggoths and spiderfang are enough. But thats just me. I like the tome how it is now. Including Gitmob here saves me the money of buying another tome, thats a plus i guess.

That's a pretty solid way of looking at it. I think I agree with that kind of setup.
If the restaurant only offers soup, I'll have what you're having.

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