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Also, another btw point: ok, I was mentally prepared for not a single miniature being shown (It was 50/50 to me, just coping to see a single new clanrat) but Im also surprised that they didnt show up the new model of datasheets like they did with Leviathan. If you want to hype up a new edition you gotta give some visual reasons...

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1 minute ago, Garrac said:

Also, another btw point: ok, I was mentally prepared for not a single miniature being shown (It was 50/50 to me, just coping to see a single new clanrat) but Im also surprised that they didnt show up the new model of datasheets like they did with Leviathan. If you want to hype up a new edition you gotta give some visual reasons...

It could be they dumped too much of the specifics at Adepticon last year and the PR that came from it wasn't as good as they expected. If so they could wait until they reveal a couple of new units before going into the new warscrolls and universal rules

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Ok so thought on the reveals 

40k - meh chaos marine lords.

heresy - hoping the mech army becomes as newly affordable as the solar auxilia

kill team - the votann are half cool. The trench coats on everyone feel a bit too much.

warcry - the tree is silly and I’m now sick to death of gnarlwood terrain. Who on earth is building a bamboo platform next to a giant gaping man eating mouth ?

- sylvaneth are interesting but  abit too body horror nurgle for me 

- obr jsut continue to disappoint 


- I think the flagellants are too OTT and don’t fit cities: but happy designers can experiment in this game system 

- fec perfectly fine but not exciting 

abraxia - love the mount - slightly disappointed by Abraxia herself and might need to figure out a headswap


- trailer is brilliant 

- stormcast on bird is nice 

- the skaven reinvention is a long time coming but all the models previewed in the trailer look great and it just feels like we’re getting more of the style of the isle of blood minis but with another 10 years of technology improvements 

- the lore - it’s cool to see a big threat but I wonder if skaven blight occupying literally one third of the great parcb is a bit  much and a bit of a loss of a sense of scale, feels like it’s soooo rataclysmic that aqshy won’t recover 

- rules reset - I don’t think this was needed. Some of the changes like colored  phase keys on rules and usrs do seem nice but whether it actually requires a complete reset rather than just the 3 year cycle through battle tomes I’m not sure. Next year will be bumpy I expect 






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12 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Also, another btw point: ok, I was mentally prepared for not a single miniature being shown (It was 50/50 to me, just coping to see a single new clanrat) but Im also surprised that they didnt show up the new model of datasheets like they did with Leviathan. If you want to hype up a new edition you gotta give some visual reasons...

You have three months to build the hype. Starting too early dropping the bombs would be an error as well.

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At the same time, the Great Horned Rat has struck a deal with Archaon himself, and ascended to his rightful place as a full fifth member of the Chaos pantheon – somewhat to the chagrin of the erstwhile four.

New miniatures aside, this is the most intriguing part to me: Archaon--GHR "contract" renegotiation.

Edited by Preppikoma
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13 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

You have three months to build the hype. Starting too early dropping the bombs would be an error as well.

That's now how they managed Leviathan, but, granted, @EonChaois probably right and now they want to milk It more and avoid bad PR.

Id say tho the hype train for 10th was Great until It was revealed that whole points-are-now-power-levels drama 

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1 hour ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Boxset not even reval and has i.pact the setting more then Kragnos and the kruleboyz. Don't know if that a feat or a fault of 3e narrative. 

I think the pandemic affected 3ed pretty heavily and the narrative was supposed to go differently. 

I'd be surprised if it didn't. 

I do greatly hope to see the swamp ladz and Kragnos plot line move forward into something meaningful. 

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16 minutes ago, Nos said:

Non conseual torment in the name of good is worse than non consensual torment that's honest about what it actually is. + the Chaos Gods are actually give you a choice to serve them and rewards for doing so.

Sigmar believes all things should be as he wants them to be and is bent on using whatever he can, consenually or no, to that end. He's an insecure abusive maniac.

Not that this is anything new. I posted something similar when 2nd Ed was released.

That is rather reductive. It depends on the extent of said "torment" on either side. If the torment is just rather aggressive non-consentual tickling in order to stop an army of murderous sociopaths, for example, is tickling worse than the mass murder of said sociopaths because it is done in the name of a good cause (stopping mass murder)? Obviously not. An extreme example obviously but then "Non conseual torment in the name of good is worse than non consensual torment that's honest about what it actually is" is also a pretty extreme take.

Also serve or die is generally the deal offered by the ruinous powers, presenting them as offering meaningful choices to their followers is rather questionable. Is it something less sinister than this sometimes? Yeah. But those who go to Chaos by choice tend to be psychopaths who would do anything for power, or simply enjoy killing, torturing and other unpleasant things which are enjoyed by the gods of chaos. Also Chaos "rewards" aren't necessarily good, and often have the effect of turning individuals into tormented masses of flesh and hate. Oh and they also punish on a whim, of course.

Oh Sigmar is no saint, I have never claimed that. But an insecure abusive maniac? He created a pantheon of gods with rather diverse views and goals, which is hardly the action of a megalomaniacal control freak. His most questionable acts are generally done to stop the advances of a cause that wishes to destroy everything and embody the very worst aspects of existence (war, hate, despair, disease, sadism, etc), they are not done out of a desire to cause pain to others (by which I mean innocents, rather than said embodiments of destruction who invaded a relatively peaceful reality), and intent matters. Also he likely would have done nothing nearly as unethical if his back was not put against the wall (I would argue that in a situation where your survival was at stake you would do some pretty shady things to get out of it, as would anyone).

I find it curious that you seem to regard Sigmar as badly or worse than the Chaos Gods, because he believes he is doing the right thing - which overall he is trying to do, even if his methods are highly questionable.

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Theory about GHR and Archaon  

And if

Archaon as a good villain who desperately wants to enter Azyr, asked the Horned Rat to make him build a huge gnawholegna to reach Azyr? This would require Archaon to agree to recognize the divinity of the Rat.

But, you tell me, if he does that, it will be broken and the fluff would be too easy for chaos

So we are talking about the god of the Skaven.
"Archaon I have fulfilled my part of the bargain! Here is a huge gnawhole straight towards Azyr!

-It's amazing ! I can see Azyrheim from here! GO MY ARMY! Get in!

they enter, then scream and disappear

-Ah yes, I forgot to specify...Only a Skaven can pass through these tunnels in reality. Go ciao goodbye!”

Archaon who joins the bench of skaven victims with Skeletor.

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17 minutes ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

Yeah I don’t expect preorder till 22 June and release on 6 July so we have 12 weeks of preview…

The launch box will be released on the 29th of June. We will see all contents of the box during a preview in May, but I guess they will start showing some single models earlier like last year with 40k.


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4 minutes ago, Elarin said:

The launch box will be released on the 29th of June. We will see all contents of the box during a preview in May, but I guess they will start showing some single models earlier like last year with 40k.


Praised be Elarin, the dates rumourmonger.

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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Praised be Elarin, the dates rumourmonger.

Unfortunately, I don't know much besides some random dates and small rumours, but so just to show that these are not only reasonable guesses on my part: the next free model in Warhammer Stores is going to be a Deathwing Knight 😁

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2 minutes ago, Elarin said:

Unfortunately, I don't know much besides some random dates and small rumours, but so just to show that these are not only reasonable guesses on my part: the next free model in Warhammer Stores is going to be a Deathwing Knight 😁

I am actually more excited to see the gift from the GW stores campaign than the models, hehehe. Also, you already proved yourself ;)

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Okay, so about the fate of Khul and Vandus in the last Dawnbringers book.



During the preview, the announcer said that we will also see an end to Khul's journey for the last skull he needs, namely Vandus', to ascend to Deamonhood. But he also said that their battle would end in an unexpected way, which leads me to believe that Vandus will kill Khul in the end.

But how have you come to this conclusion you might think, well here is my logic.

Khul has been on the path to Deamonhood for quite a while now. His tactical knowledge far outstrips that of even the most seasoned generals, he even had a Dawnbringers story about himself and the visions his chief shaman has, where he sees Khul with wings and a tail, typical Deamon stuff.

Vandus has also been losing his mind in the narrative, to the point where he has to be locked up in a basement when he isn't leading the hammers of Sigmar, also he has become obsessed with finding Khul and righting a wrong generations in the making.

Now, many of us thought that an Ascended Khul model would be coming with the last installment in the Dawnbringer narrative, but we are only getting Abraxia, kinda weird to be missing one of the more prominent chaos characters during a book all about chaos where they are also featured, right?

Now all of this information makes it seem like the deck is stacked against poor Vandus as if he is fated to fall and be little less than the sacrificial lamb for whom Khul can use for his triumph, but what if a certain someone were to interfere? "wink wink" nudge nudge"

So I guess that GW is pulling a fast one on us and making it look like Khul will win, but somehow Vandus triumphs in the end, Khul is killed and his model will be renamed to Mighty lord of Khorne for good and Vandus will get a shiny new Ruination chamber model.

Or maybe GW simply thinks that the audience by default thinks that the Stormcast will win, but Khul actually wins and gets a new model when BT: Blades of Khorne releases.


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1 hour ago, Nos said:

Non conseual torment in the name of good is worse than non consensual torment that's honest about what it actually is. + the Chaos Gods are actually give you a choice to serve them and rewards for doing so.

Sigmar believes all things should be as he wants them to be and is bent on using whatever he can, consenually or no, to that end. He's an insecure abusive maniac.

Not that this is anything new. I posted something similar when 2nd Ed was released.

You're welcome to as many "Sigmar secretly bad" headcanons as you like, but respectfully no, he's not an insecure abusive maniac & this isn't 40K.

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18 minutes ago, Elarin said:

Unfortunately, I don't know much besides some random dates and small rumours, but so just to show that these are not only reasonable guesses on my part: the next free model in Warhammer Stores is going to be a Deathwing Knight 😁

Maybe you know the date for the Next necromunda box? Im very intrigued.

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13 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

Okay, so about the fate of Khul and Vandus in the last Dawnbringers book.


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During the preview, the announcer said that we will also see an end to Khul's journey for the last skull he needs, namely Vandus', to ascend to Deamonhood. But he also said that their battle would end in an unexpected way, which leads me to believe that Vandus will kill Khul in the end.

But how have you come to this conclusion you might think, well here is my logic.

Khul has been on the path to Deamonhood for quite a while now. His tactical knowledge far outstrips that of even the most seasoned generals, he even had a Dawnbringers story about himself and the visions his chief shaman has, where he sees Khul with wings and a tail, typical Deamon stuff.

Vandus has also been losing his mind in the narrative, to the point where he has to be locked up in a basement when he isn't leading the hammers of Sigmar, also he has become obsessed with finding Khul and righting a wrong generations in the making.

Now, many of us thought that an Ascended Khul model would be coming with the last installment in the Dawnbringer narrative, but we are only getting Abraxia, kinda weird to be missing one of the more prominent chaos characters during a book all about chaos where they are also featured, right?

Now all of this information makes it seem like the deck is stacked against poor Vandus as if he is fated to fall and be little less than the sacrificial lamb for whom Khul can use for his triumph, but what if a certain someone were to interfere? "wink wink" nudge nudge"

So I guess that GW is pulling a fast one on us and making it look like Khul will win, but somehow Vandus triumphs in the end, Khul is killed and his model will be renamed to Mighty lord of Khorne for good and Vandus will get a shiny new Ruination chamber model.

Or maybe GW simply thinks that the audience by default thinks that the Stormcast will win, but Khul actually wins and gets a new model when BT: Blades of Khorne releases.


Maybe Vandus will become the daemon prince, champion of Khorne, instead of Khul... 

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20 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

Okay, so about the fate of Khul and Vandus in the last Dawnbringers book.


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During the preview, the announcer said that we will also see an end to Khul's journey for the last skull he needs, namely Vandus', to ascend to Deamonhood. But he also said that their battle would end in an unexpected way, which leads me to believe that Vandus will kill Khul in the end.

But how have you come to this conclusion you might think, well here is my logic.

Khul has been on the path to Deamonhood for quite a while now. His tactical knowledge far outstrips that of even the most seasoned generals, he even had a Dawnbringers story about himself and the visions his chief shaman has, where he sees Khul with wings and a tail, typical Deamon stuff.

Vandus has also been losing his mind in the narrative, to the point where he has to be locked up in a basement when he isn't leading the hammers of Sigmar, also he has become obsessed with finding Khul and righting a wrong generations in the making.

Now, many of us thought that an Ascended Khul model would be coming with the last installment in the Dawnbringer narrative, but we are only getting Abraxia, kinda weird to be missing one of the more prominent chaos characters during a book all about chaos where they are also featured, right?

Now all of this information makes it seem like the deck is stacked against poor Vandus as if he is fated to fall and be little less than the sacrificial lamb for whom Khul can use for his triumph, but what if a certain someone were to interfere? "wink wink" nudge nudge"

So I guess that GW is pulling a fast one on us and making it look like Khul will win, but somehow Vandus triumphs in the end, Khul is killed and his model will be renamed to Mighty lord of Khorne for good and Vandus will get a shiny new Ruination chamber model.

Or maybe GW simply thinks that the audience by default thinks that the Stormcast will win, but Khul actually wins and gets a new model when BT: Blades of Khorne releases.


My Theory, for whatever it's worth:


Khul will become a daemon prince by killing Garviel Sureheart. Vandus will get recast and join the Ruination Chamber as the character with the giant Axe in the 4th Edition Marketing Material - continuing his journey to becoming a lightning gheist


Edited by mawhis117
I used a quote instead of a spoiler
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3 minutes ago, Someravella said:

Maybe Vandus will become the daemon prince, champion of Khorne, instead of Khul... 

Or, one of them ascends and subsequently gets unmade by Abraxia with a steel chair, erm, mutating spear. After all, she hunts Daemon Princes.

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6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Ghal Maraz to Khul and Vandus ascending to daemonhood. Swapping roles.

Celestant Prime kills Khul and redeems his soul, making him a Stormcast!

Edited by mawhis117
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