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Busy day so I've not really had chance to do more than just look at the images of the models. Honestly this felt like one of the weaker previews to me but some neat stuff still.

For 40k and Kill Team, I really liked the Votann models, they look very characterful and fun to paint. I also like the new Brood Brothers although I'll wait for them to get an individual release as I don't need the characters again. The Chaos characters are fine, I like the one on foot a lot more than the jump pack one, but the box sets don't really grab me (same with the Custodes one). 

Heresy was a tease as they said but at least was pointing clearly in the direction of the next phase of releases, the Necromunda one just fell flat though. Like I get the rumours about us going to Hive Secundus and what comes with that lore wise, but the teaser just didn't give enough. If it is the Genestealers of Secundus then at least it'll give me something fun to paint up.

TOW was better than I expected it to be. It'll be a shame to see all the CoS Duardin kits move to TOW but honestly they're still a solid range. The characters look good, and that they're getting new plastics is a real boon. Definitely happy with the Made to Order section too, the 80s Dwarves will be a cool little painting project and I always wanted to get Helgar so the fact she's getting a reissue is great.

Underworlds is stellar, the Cities of Sigmar warband is utterly insane, and the Flesh-Eater Courts continue to be some of the best models in AoS. Definitely going to pick that up.

Warcry I was kind of mid on. I really like the Ossiarchs, and the walking tree is a cool terrain piece. But the Sylvaneth don't do enough to grab me. I like the Swarmsage's hair, although the swarms make her a little too busy, and the revenant with the briar tentacle arm is great, but the rest of the revenants and the dryads don't feel different enough to the existing models to me. I have a small Sylvaneth army so will pick them up but they don't get me excited.

AoS proper, Abraxia is really solid, definitely would like to pick her up and have a go at painting her even if I never play with her. The trailer for 4th was good and looks exciting and I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays, but I'll wait until we see some models from the box set before really focusing on that. Definitely a fan of Spearhead being a format like combat patrol, as I prefer smaller quicker games.


Now bring on April and the previews of the launch box models.

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1 minute ago, Garrac said:

Btw, very surprisingly we didn't get a single roadmap for any of the game systems! I thought at least one for TOW was kinda due at this point? How truly messy is GW's calendar rn?

I also was really hoping for a Road Map!! At least for mainline but maybe we will get one once the boxed set is officially revealed?

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Sadly, I wasn’t wowed by any of it. 

I liked the 4oS trailer. 

But haven’t the SCE known for quite some time that each reforging can strip another bit of them away? I have a vague memory of some future lighting dude shouting at another SCE…but I did recently watch The Flash again. 

Sigmar resurrects folk without their prior consent and thrusts them into the fray to fight an ‘eternal’ war for him. Missing out the ‘you’ll eventually run out of luck’ bit doesn’t surprise me. He’s already that kinda guy.

He’s kind of a douche, really. 

‘Hey, brah, sorry you’re dead, and you might be having a nice afterlife and all but I could totally use some help fighting the endless hordes of Chaos, Death and…whoever those other guys are…. Would it be cool if I turn you into a superwarrior? If you die you’ll just come back - which will hurt *like a lot* - and your soul will eventually wear out so you’ll just be either gone or some weird lightning thing…not sure on that. Whaddya say?’

Consent, Sigmar. Consent!


Edited by Souleater
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21 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

From what I see from the comments online the responses from the trailer were overwhelmingly positive. There’s always some minority of troglodytes who like to dunk on AoS because they think it’s one of their valued personality traits, but personally I don’t give two ****** about these guys, they can mald and seethe and stay mad as long as they want, I couldn’t care less and so should you.

There is a sector of the Warhammer Fantasy and TOW community that will never get over End Of Times and hates Age of Sigmar and its community to death, because they have romanticized Fantasy to a point of no return and absolute ridiculousness.

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2 hours ago, Sigmarusvult said:

Even the ghb battle tactics are annoying and unbalanced, some armies can naturally do them while others have to make sacrifices (Who has ever wanted to play with units of furies ?) to be able to score them. Imo fighting for objectives is enough, we don’t need extra challenges.


Removing BTs altogether is a bad idea, because without them the most lethal/efficient armies will naturally just win the melees/shoot-outs over the primary objectives. BTs reward building flexible lists and make units (like furies) useful. 

Battle tactics are good, just faction battle tactics don't work. 



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Just now, Landohammer said:


Removing BTs altogether is a bad idea, because without them the most lethal/efficient armies will naturally just win the melees/shoot-outs over the primary objectives. BTs reward building flexible lists and make units (like furies) useful. 

Battle tactics are good, just faction battle tactics don't work. 



This is an argument for the existence of a secondary scoring system, not for the battle tactic system.
Faction battle tactics are just a balance problem.
Battle tactics themselves being an overly complex system that are battleplan agnostic and make your games feel similar by being busywork at high skill levels, and bring games to a halt at low skill levels are problems at the conceptual level.

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23 minutes ago, Souleater said:

Sadly, I wasn’t wowed by any of it. 

I liked the 4oS trailer. 

But haven’t the SCE known for quite some time that each reforging can strip another bit of them away? I have a vague memory of some future lighting dude shouting at another SCE…but I did recently watch The Flash again. 

Sigmar resurrects folk without their prior consent and thrusts them into the fray to fight an ‘eternal’ war for him. Missing out the ‘you’ll eventually run out of luck’ bit doesn’t surprise me. He’s already that kinda guy.

He’s kind of a douche, really. 

‘Hey, brah, sorry you’re dead, and you might be having a nice afterlife and all but I could totally use some help fighting the endless hordes of Chaos, Death and…whoever those other guys are…. Would it be cool if I turn you into a superwarrior? If you die you’ll just come back - which will hurt *like a lot* - and your soul will eventually wear out so you’ll just be either gone or some weird lightning thing…not sure on that. Whaddya say?’

Consent, Sigmar. Consent!


Whilst yes, it is not the most ethical recruitment policy, ones morals tend to go by the wayside when one is desperate. Most of the Realms fell to Chaos and there was little anyone could do about it, and Sigmar has personally seen the consequences of Chaos winning before. Endless terror, ruination and torture by evil eldrich gods in which one's only hope is to join with one of the invaders and become part of the host destroying everything makes doing something pretty atrocious in order to resist said horror seem pretty small potatoes.


I think that Sigmar's actions are ultimately justifiable. Not good, in fact quite horrible, but asking beforehand risks reducing the army you need to fight the literal hordes of hell - indeed given the souls need to be stolen from the god of Death it might not even be possible to ask consent, though might be wrong on that one. That said if the situation was different, and this was peacetime or at least far less desparate Sigmar would be almost as much a villain of the narrative as Nagash.

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45 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Btw, very surprisingly we didn't get a single roadmap for any of the game systems! I thought at least one for TOW was kinda due at this point? How truly messy is GW's calendar rn?

I’m not surprised. I think they have had so many issues around supply and demand, they are trying to avoid committing too much to stuff.

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As usual, I am late to the reveal party. Well, I suppose I at least have something you can easily recognize by.

(Reveal trailer)t

Stunning, absolutely stunning. I specifically like it because it marks the first ever CGI-rendered appearance of the Cities/Freeguild soldiers. Although I am kind of saddened that they only stood behind and left it all to the stormcast, it appears that the rumor about the Ruination Chamber being Berserk flaggellant Stormcast was wrong. Although the part about them being on their last reforging was true, instead they seemed to be the "elite of the elite" of the Stromcast. I do like their look, though.

(Brethren of the Bolt)

Quite a wacky concept, not gonna lie. I actually dig them. It feels like the Cults Unberogen will be used to bring some quite wacky stuff into AoS, and I like that.

(Warcry bands)

Yet another centaur! This time skeletal, the AoS designers really like centaurs, that's for sure at this point. Over all, I love the look and concept of the Teratic cohort. The Sylvaneth band, which I am not that crazy about, doesn't quite bring much new to the table, I'd say.


I am not going to sugarcoat it. I am not that big of a fan of her; she looks a little too unremarkable. In my opinion, the other Varanguards look more distinct and interesting than her. I am pretty confident that if I didn't know about her before, had she been an important champion, I would just assume she was just a new, updated take on the old Chaos Lord. 

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26 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

This is an argument for the existence of a secondary scoring system, not for the battle tactic system.
Faction battle tactics are just a balance problem.
Battle tactics themselves being an overly complex system that are battleplan agnostic and make your games feel similar by being busywork at high skill levels, and bring games to a halt at low skill levels are problems at the conceptual level.

I mean yea any kind of secondary scoring system is fine. Whether you wanna call secondary objectives, battle tactics whatever. You just never want the game to become too focused on killing because there are armies who are clearly better at killing or not being killed. 

Faction battle tactics are a balance problem because you will never properly balance ~200 battle tactics. Their mere existence is the problem lol. 

I think you are being too hard on sigmar. If the primary scoring mechanism for the game was "busy work" or causing "halts" then it wouldn't be nearly as successful as it is. 

Sigmar 3rd edition is extremely popular in my region. It has even eclipsed 40k here. It was/is a really strong edition. 

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50 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I also was really hoping for a Road Map!! At least for mainline but maybe we will get one once the boxed set is officially revealed?

Yeah. I think so. In the same way that 10th listed the following codexes.

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7 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

As usual, I am late to the reveal party. Well, I suppose I at least have something you can easily recognize by.

(Reveal trailer)t

Stunning, absolutely stunning. I specifically like it because it marks the first ever CGI-rendered appearance of the Cities/Freeguild soldiers. Although I am kind of saddened that they only stood behind and left it all to the stormcast, it appears that the rumor about the Ruination Chamber being Berserk flaggellant Stormcast was wrong. Although the part about them being on their last reforging was true, instead they seemed to be the "elite of the elite" of the Stromcast. I do like their look, though.

(Brethren of the Bolt)

Quite a wacky concept, not gonna lie. I actually dig them. It feels like the Cults Unberogen will be used to bring some quite wacky stuff into AoS, and I like that.

(Warcry bands)

Yet another centaur! This time skeletal, the AoS designers really like centaurs, that's for sure at this point. Over all, I love the look and concept of the Teratic cohort. The Sylvaneth band, which I am not that crazy about, doesn't quite bring much new to the table, I'd say.


I am not going to sugarcoat it. I am not that big of a fan of her; she looks a little too unremarkable. In my opinion, the other Varanguards look more distinct and interesting than her. I am pretty confident that if I didn't know about her before, had she been an important champion, I would just assume she was just a new, updated take on the old Chaos Lord. 

Could Cults Unberogen be the new S2D tribes?

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18 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

I mean yea any kind of secondary scoring system is fine. Whether you wanna call secondary objectives, battle tactics whatever. You just never want the game to become too focused on killing because there are armies who are clearly better at killing or not being killed. 

Faction battle tactics are a balance problem because you will never properly balance ~200 battle tactics. Their mere existence is the problem lol. 

I think you are being too hard on sigmar. If the primary scoring mechanism for the game was "busy work" or causing "halts" then it wouldn't be nearly as successful as it is. 

Sigmar 3rd edition is extremely popular in my region. It has even eclipsed 40k here. It was/is a really strong edition. 

Plenty of content creators have talked about the issues with BTs, but it basically comes down to it having a bell curve of value.
BTs are bad for new players, bad for experienced players, and kind of okay, or even good, for people in between.
If it just sucked for the good players it would be much better, and it would still be better if the value of it got better with skill, but its in this weird place where its too complex for new players, but also solvable.

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Boxset not even reval and has i.pact the setting more then Kragnos and the kruleboyz. Don't know if that a feat or a fault of 3e narrative. 

Already hype for where this is going which why AoS edges 40k or ToW/WHF in terms on an ongoing narrative as the setting feeel like it progressing and almost every faction is a major player who react to the big power moves which actually impact the setting aside from "this insinificant planet got annihilated". Even when it hits a low point it won't just stay there for long


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I'm interested to see how the members of the Ruination chamber(s) are depicted. Simply casting them (no pun intended) as the Stormcast "elites" is a meaningless concept in an army, world, and franchise that is constantly one-upping itself with bigger armor and plates and taller super human warriors. The artwork of the female Stormcast transitioning from Sacrosanct to Thunderstrike and beyond looks ridiculous. 

What I think is more interesting (and honestly wouldn't surprise me), is if they portray the on-their-final-forging warriors as a mix of retired veterans who now have taken on roles of governance and traumatized warrior-poets who have made peace with the fact that they too are mortal. I want the Ruination chamber to evoke this keen sense of bravery in the face of finality - not just hurr durr even bigger pauldrons.

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2 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

I'm interested to see how the members of the Ruination chamber(s) are depicted. Simply casting them (no pun intended) as the Stormcast "elites" is a meaningless concept in an army, world, and franchise that is constantly one-upping itself with bigger armor and plates and taller super human warriors. The artwork of the female Stormcast transitioning from Sacrosanct to Thunderstrike and beyond looks ridiculous. 

What I think is more interesting (and honestly wouldn't surprise me), is if they portray the on-their-final-forging warriors as a mix of retired veterans who now have taken on roles of governance and traumatized warrior-poets who have made peace with the fact that they too are mortal. I want the Ruination chamber to evoke this keen sense of bravery in the face of finality - not just hurr durr even bigger pauldrons.

Maybe they'll have some kind of rage or frenzy mechanic? Losing their sense of humanity while in the midst of battle. That could fit the vibe of the chamber maybe.

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1 hour ago, Garrac said:

Btw, very surprisingly we didn't get a single roadmap for any of the game systems! I thought at least one for TOW was kinda due at this point? How truly messy is GW's calendar rn?

Its so ****** ...like a lot..they have so much to release, but their factories are so overloaded ..they cant keep up with demanded

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@Goatforce my debatable ‘Sigmar as surf dude’ bit aside, him just doing stuff like that was my point.

We know he plucks suitable souls (sometimes long dead) from death to use as Stormcast. Not mentioning the downside is hardly a shock.

Mortal soldiers in AoS are already putting their lives and souls on the line…and they don’t get to respawn. 

On the other hand, the guys and girls picked to be SCE are exactly the sort of folk that if Sigmar did explain the whole thing in a slightly speeded up Terms & Conditions way before transforming them would take up the hammer willingly.




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6 minutes ago, Souleater said:

On the other hand, the guys and girls picked to be SCE are exactly the sort of folk that if Sigmar did explain the whole thing in a slightly speeded up Terms & Conditions way before transforming them would scroll down until the Accept Terms and Conditions button and click it.


Edited by Ejecutor
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16 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Boxset not even reval and has i.pact the setting more then Kragnos and the kruleboyz. Don't know if that a feat or a fault of 3e narrative. 

Already hype for where this is going which why AoS edges 40k or ToW/WHF in terms on an ongoing narrative as the setting feeel like it progressing and almost every faction is a major player who react to the big power moves which actually impact the setting aside from "this insinificant planet got annihilated". Even when it hits a low point it won't just stay there for long


I was looking at where did you take this from:

New Age of Sigmar wallpaper - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

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1 hour ago, Goatforce said:

Whilst yes, it is not the most ethical recruitment policy, ones morals tend to go by the wayside when one is desperate. Most of the Realms fell to Chaos and there was little anyone could do about it, and Sigmar has personally seen the consequences of Chaos winning before. Endless terror, ruination and torture by evil eldrich gods in which one's only hope is to join with one of the invaders and become part of the host destroying everything makes doing something pretty atrocious in order to resist said horror seem pretty small potatoes.


I think that Sigmar's actions are ultimately justifiable. Not good, in fact quite horrible, but asking beforehand risks reducing the army you need to fight the literal hordes of hell - indeed given the souls need to be stolen from the god of Death it might not even be possible to ask consent, though might be wrong on that one. That said if the situation was different, and this was peacetime or at least far less desparate Sigmar would be almost as much a villain of the narrative as Nagash.

Non conseual torment in the name of good is worse than non consensual torment that's honest about what it actually is. + the Chaos Gods are actually give you a choice to serve them and rewards for doing so.

Sigmar believes all things should be as he wants them to be and is bent on using whatever he can, consenually or no, to that end. He's an insecure abusive maniac.

Not that this is anything new. I posted something similar when 2nd Ed was released.

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23 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

I'm interested to see how the members of the Ruination chamber(s) are depicted. Simply casting them (no pun intended) as the Stormcast "elites" is a meaningless concept in an army, world, and franchise that is constantly one-upping itself with bigger armor and plates and taller super human warriors. The artwork of the female Stormcast transitioning from Sacrosanct to Thunderstrike and beyond looks ridiculous. 

What I think is more interesting (and honestly wouldn't surprise me), is if they portray the on-their-final-forging warriors as a mix of retired veterans who now have taken on roles of governance and traumatized warrior-poets who have made peace with the fact that they too are mortal. I want the Ruination chamber to evoke this keen sense of bravery in the face of finality - not just hurr durr even bigger pauldrons.

Odds on they'll be the AOS spirit animal of 40k Dreadnoughts. Not like necessarily in size and concept but thematically speaking just preserved husks I reckon.

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It's quite possible that whilst the Stormcast know about the perils of reforging in general, actually experiencing it in yourself and in those around you is a lot more traumatic. It could also be that how much is lost in reforging is much more significant than they might have thought.

Losing some memories might seem like a fair price to pay for power to fight back when your world is ending, but when all you have left of your former life is memories that price becomes much steeper

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