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IMO clanrats are pretty modern looking compared to other large units of dinky dudes on 25s. Skinks didn't get updated nor did ghouls, I find both of those to be very comparable. When you have to paint up 60, 80, or even 100+ lil dudes to fill out your army they don't need to be super detailed like a centerpiece monster or a hero. That along with Skaven having MANY other units that need the update far more makes me think clanrats won't and shouldn't get an update any time soon.

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3 minutes ago, MeatBone said:

IMO clanrats are pretty modern looking compared to other large units of dinky dudes on 25s. Skinks didn't get updated nor did ghouls, I find both of those to be very comparable. When you have to paint up 60, 80, or even 100+ lil dudes to fill out your army they don't need to be super detailed like a centerpiece monster or a hero. That along with Skaven having MANY other units that need the update far more makes me think clanrats won't and shouldn't get an update any time soon.



Clanrats are a Solid Kit, so much more needs attention - Rat Ogres, Skaven Really need a Rat Ogre kit with the quality and Size of the Kroxigor Kit. 

Edited by Kronos
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24 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

Updating Clanrats definitely makes sense. They may not be the oldest or ugliest models, but I don't think the importance of having fresh, easy to build, and plentiful core troops to entice new collectors can be overestimated. And that's really what these launch boxes are designed to do, in my mind - create new collectors. They make players go "You know, I always loved the idea of [army], but the models were holding me back. But now..."

As for rumor engines, I could be wrong on this, but have any of the launch box army models (Nighthaunt, Tyranids, Necrons, etc.) ever featured in rumors engines? I wanna say no? Except for the specific one they did for Kruleboyz.

Krules got RE before the RE section that was created purely for them, but I agree. It seems there are no Rat's REs yet.

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The issue with Clanrats is not updating them locks them out of any potential rerelease come Skaven in Old World ala. what will undoubtedly happen to the rest of the leftover WFB kits. The issue with updating them is I’ve got a box full of the fuckers painted and if I have to paint another 120 of those rats again I’m going jogging down the A1 to steal every lunchbox at Warhammer World

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2 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Also old world probably is dwarvish...considering they are the next faction after orcs.

Yes! Its like an early birthday present! Not expecting much new stuff beyond maybe a resin or two- probably the Shieldbearers. Plus a bunch of kits brought back. Hoping for some made to order Colin Dixon models for Longbeards and Miners, maybe some of his war machines . I wonder if they would go as far back as the Goblobber .. [although I do have one] .

But yes- Dwarf-tastic with a Kurnothi chaser...

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3 hours ago, Whitefang back me up said:

I’m going to go dark now, it’s been a good run. I will leave you with one final tease:

Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen will be making her entrance very very shortly. 

Abraxia? Will her spear be able to clean my clothes of wasteland dust too?


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Off topic, but I've spent the weekend assembling darkoath savagers. I plan to paint one a day for the next 40 days, by which time we should have the new box.

But aside from how beautiful the models are, I just want to appreciate the level of representation there is.

There's a nearly 50/50 split of men and women in the box, which is fantastic, and the models come in different shapes and sizes. On the box art, they are painted in several skin tones. 

When AoS launched, the starter box bloodbound felt in some ways like a reimagining of old world marauder tribes. So in turn, new darkoath feel like a reimagining of bloodbound, where they are moving away from the weird sausage party, into a more faithful representation of a primitive warrior society at war. 

I'm hugely stoked for the new army, and I'm also excited by the fact GW listened. 

The fact we are also getting darker, more lightning-infused stormcast, is just the cherry on top.

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3 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Off topic, but I've spent the weekend assembling darkoath savagers. I plan to paint one a day for the next 40 days, by which time we should have the new box.

But aside from how beautiful the models are, I just want to appreciate the level of representation there is.

There's a nearly 50/50 split of men and women in the box, which is fantastic, and the models come in different shapes and sizes. On the box art, they are painted in several skin tones. 

When AoS launched, the starter box bloodbound felt in some ways like a reimagining of old world marauder tribes. So in turn, new darkoath feel like a reimagining of bloodbound, where they are moving away from the weird sausage party, into a more faithful representation of a primitive warrior society at war. 

I'm hugely stoked for the new army, and I'm also excited by the fact GW listened. 

The fact we are also getting darker, more lightning-infused stormcast, is just the cherry on top.

I love that about the range too. 

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3 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

into a more faithful representation of a primitive warrior society at war. 

Not to start a debate or anything but being more faithful would be a sausage party. Love the diversity but historically men did most of that. 

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And concerning clanrats I'd say it's a safe bet they're getting a glowup. I mean they are THE battline of skaven. 

It'd be silly not to. The old kit is great but it's a new edition and time to get the level of dynamism into them that we see across AoS. 

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Except that we're finding more and more that that isn't really true. Or at least that it varied a LOT in different regions and societies.

Anyway, its a fantasy setting. I personally always want more women. Women are cool.

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12 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Not to start a debate or anything but being more faithful would be a sausage party. Love the diversity but historically men did most of that. 

While I agree, I think in this case it is more accurate to have a diversified army. Imagine you are part of a roaming tribe where every day there's a battle to survive. In the end all the members of the tribe end up getting stronger and able to deal with whatever is needed.

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Also, in terms of rumours, I just read one that I cannot get the source, but I want to ask if someone else has heard about it.

Do you all remember the long debate about what is produced in China vs what is produced in the UK and how many problems GW had with what is produced in China? Well, seems in February Gw sorted this paying a ton to China to take the production back to the UK.

The rumours also mention a new generic endless spells box, in the same style as the Malign Sorcery one and faction scenery kits for those factions that don't have it.

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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Also, in terms of rumours, I just read one that I cannot get the source, but I want to ask if someone else has heard about it.

Do you all remember the long debate about what is produced in China vs what is produced in the UK and how many problems GW had with what is produced in China? Well, seems in February Gw sorted this paying a ton to China to take the production back to the UK.

The rumours also mention a new generic endless spells box, in the same style as the Malign Sorcery one and faction scenery kits for those factions that don't have it.

Huh, that could that be why they're updating their warehouse again. Maybe certain products aren't yet ready to distribute due to them being in transit between production centers. 

I'm excited for new faction scenery. I'd love to see some DoK and Kharadron terrain, maybe even a new kind of Sylvaneth piece since their playstyle is built around it.

Screenshot 2024-03-11 161435.jpg

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I'm in the opposite here. I'm not a fan of faction terrain. There's been some cool models but to me it's just one one big thing I HAVE to get to play an army and you don't really get to "play" with it as it just sits there and has rules. 

Different strokes for different folks. 

Edit: If it became more interactive and not necessary I'd be on board. An example being like a turret that overlords can plop down after claiming an objective or like an orruk totem that is placed in the same way but just plopping down a huge thing in the middle of a battlefield comes off as silly to me.

Like I guess opponents only ever fight gloomspite at the entrance of their territories?... O_o 

That's just bad Intel. 😄


Edited by Vasshpit
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20 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Also, in terms of rumours, I just read one that I cannot get the source, but I want to ask if someone else has heard about it.

Do you all remember the long debate about what is produced in China vs what is produced in the UK and how many problems GW had with what is produced in China? Well, seems in February Gw sorted this paying a ton to China to take the production back to the UK.

The rumours also mention a new generic endless spells box, in the same style as the Malign Sorcery one and faction scenery kits for those factions that don't have it.

You know what? I would be pleased with this. I like Endless Spells.

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22 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Also, in terms of rumours, I just read one that I cannot get the source, but I want to ask if someone else has heard about it.

Do you all remember the long debate about what is produced in China vs what is produced in the UK and how many problems GW had with what is produced in China? Well, seems in February Gw sorted this paying a ton to China to take the production back to the UK.

The rumours also mention a new generic endless spells box, in the same style as the Malign Sorcery one and faction scenery kits for those factions that don't have it.

Are you saying spider incarnate?!?

Edit: jokes aside, i would like it if someone could confirm this. Give me Season of War: Gallet.

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7 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Are you saying spider incarnate?!?

Edit: jokes aside, i would like it if someone could confirm this. Give me Season of War: Gallet.

I was not thinking about it in that way, as the guy didn't mention it, but... who knows!

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4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I was not thinking about it in that way, as the guy didn't mention it, but... who knows!

Isnt this just a rumour that spawned from the talk we had earlier about a factory that needed to shut down because it was close to a hospital with power issues? Combined with a Whitefang approval that business in China wasnt going how it supposed to? I would love it to be true but im not holding my breath on this one untill i see some more info.

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Just now, Gitzdee said:

Isnt this just a rumour that spawned from the talk we had earlier about a factory that needed to shut down because it was close to a hospital with power issues? Combined with a Whitefang approval that business in China wasnt going how it supposed to? I would love it to be true but im not holding my breath on this one untill i see some more info.

Could be. I asked for the source, but either is late and I could get more info tomorrow or I won't xD

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5 hours ago, DoctorPerils said:

I'm also thinking Kurnothi (remember that kurnothi dawnbringers short? It mentioned OBR iirc) they'd also fit the "hunting" theme of the season

When I say sylvaneth I do mean kurnothi, pretty clear at this point that they're not gonna be a brand new faction with belthanos with the sylvaneth. Alternatively though some heavy infantry revenants/dryads would be fun, think drycha but like 40/50 mm bases

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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

Not to start a debate or anything but being more faithful would be a sausage party. Love the diversity but historically men did most of that. 

Not necessarily across all cultures but a lot of the time yes, the key thing here is that it's a fantasy world with demons and dragons, so we can suspend our disbelief and imagine a society without heavily ingrained gender roles :)

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