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15 minutes ago, madmac said:

I think it's more like, if GW is going to keep making Stormcast anyway (and they will) they might as update some of the clunkier models instead of bloating the army further with new units they don't need.

Yeah I don't see that happening, as they have no reason to do it. 

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8 minutes ago, xking said:

Is it true that 40K is going strong into digital?

According to the memes I’m seeing it looks likely. At the very least it’ll be like AoS3 where you have everything free on the app until the book update.

(Everyday our beloved Kharadron rules-lawyer becomes a bigger and bigger blessing to the community as a whole)

Edited by Baron Klatz
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3 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

According to the memes I’m seeing it looks likely. At the very least it’ll be like AoS3 where you have everything free on the app until the book update.

(Everyday our beloved Kharadron rules-lawyer becomes a bigger and bigger blessing to the community as a whole)

Hopefully they bring PDFs back. 

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I don't think it's that they're going to up and replace all the 1st edition stormcast models right away, but they have opened the door to do so when the time comes.

The new stormcast models, basically ever since Vanguard was introduced, have brought in more gender diversity, where the 1st edition models were basically male-only. I'd love to see the original Judicators and Liberators get that sort of treatment, updated to the new Thunderstrike armor and given more options for gender, heads, and other details.

I don't expect to see this happen for a goodly while, however. There are many other things that fans are craving rather than simply more Stormcast.

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How would you feel if say Ironjawz recieved a similar redesign with a more proportional and serious look or if Fyreslayers were given an overhaul with a more male and female oriented ratio and more diversifying look?

These and SE were all early AoS designs and I can definitely see a change in the look of newer AoS designs compared to these old ones. 

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1 minute ago, Vasshpit said:

How would you feel if say Ironjawz recieved a similar redesign with a more proportional and serious look or if Fyreslayers were given an overhaul with a more male and female oriented ratio and more diversifying look?

These and SE were all early AoS designs and I can definitely see a change in the look of newer AoS designs compared to these old ones. 

Pretty much. It's almost an adage at this point "GW works 5 years ahead", well, that means that stuff that came out 5+ years ago is now a concept that began 10+ years ago, which was a totally different time than we are now.

It makes me real excited for what could be coming in the next 5 years!

On another note, what do we think is going to happen with Seraphon sub-factions?

Currently, there's 4 main subfactions (Dracothion's Tail, Koatl's Claw, Thunder Lizard, and Fangs of Sotek) and then the two variations on the army, Coalesced and Starborne.

Stormcast definitely have a similar breakdown, where their Scions of the Storm have more deep strike shenanigans where the Stormkeep is more about protecting the cities. I could see Starborne getting plenty more deepstrike/relocation shenanigans, but do we think they'll keep the summoning aspect? What about the Coalesced? And will we get more than 4 subfaction abilities? 

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11 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

How would you feel if say Ironjawz recieved a similar redesign with a more proportional and serious look or if Fyreslayers were given an overhaul with a more male and female oriented ratio and more diversifying look?

These and SE were all early AoS designs and I can definitely see a change in the look of newer AoS designs compared to these old ones. 

I don't expect them to update anything, but I do expect them to add new units. Also annihilators are essentially first edition paladins

Edited by xking
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1 hour ago, xking said:

I don't expect them to update anything

Damn near the entire dino-duders range just recieved an update and that seems to have been well recieved. 

1 hour ago, xking said:

annihilators are essentially first edition paladins

Yes but an updated and polished design from a 1st edition brand spanking new setting to which said initial design no longer reflects the current design moving forward. 

I'm not saying it's fair. 

Like I said in earlier posts if for example Fyreslayers recieved this same treatment I'm positive they'd pick up plenty more fans for that faction. 

They are the poster faction and they have to maintain the "image" of the game. i don't even collect SE but that new design has enticed me more than once. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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I can see some updates like earlier when I talked about the possibility of a 10th anniversary to make the Thunderstrike Brotherhood actually match the looks(at least some design touch-ups with male & female options) and give Vandus a new model to go up against Khul. Maybe more dynamic lightning around his model to show his strategy of calling down orbital strikes around his position with little care about his own safety.(could get a cool new chain reaction rule that if his lightning blasts actually take him out his troops around him act like their Blaze of Glory is triggered by the power of his own reforging, frying the enemy with a bunch of mortal wounds)

Mainly I can see an update strategy if Stormcast Eternals are planned to be the constant edition release every edition. If they’re planning that every 3 years and across 7 Realms then they’re gonna run out of new chambers fast.

Updating older units into sleeker looking angels and some warriors into top-heavy juggernauts wouldn’t be a bad idea to stretch that out(even just Ruination chamber + Ruination Chamber Thunderstrike reinforcements would shave two editions off) 

Like with the earlier Prosecutors suggestion, making them look closer in form to the Knight-Venators would likely help their graceful flyer aesthetic a lot.

(Soulbound’s sleek stylized art is a pretty good design cue to take from)

I do hope as they go along that they show Grungni’s had enough time to start embellishing again and make some stuff that looks like a combo of new and old designs.

I see people mix AoS1 designs with AoS3 and they look stellar!



1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

How would you feel if say Ironjawz recieved a similar redesign with a more proportional and serious look or if Fyreslayers were given an overhaul with a more male and female oriented ratio and more diversifying look?

These and SE were all early AoS designs and I can definitely see a change in the look of newer AoS designs compared to these old ones. 

Fyreslayers I get, they need female Fyrequeens and could use more masks and drake-scale armor like kilts, but do Ironjawz need it? They seem a pretty solid design that holds up even with the latest stuff like the Warhammer+ one.

They look like the perfect standard if someone wants to go bright and fantastical or serious and grimdark with their looks:


Would you add even more armor? Make them bigger or just do deadlier weapons like spiked brass knuckles and iron claws?

1 hour ago, RileyArlic said:

Stormcast definitely have a similar breakdown, where their Scions of the Storm have more deep strike shenanigans where the Stormkeep is more about protecting the cities. I could see Starborne getting plenty more deepstrike/relocation shenanigans, but do we think they'll keep the summoning aspect? What about the Coalesced? And will we get more than 4 subfaction abilities? 

Summoning pretty big on their lore how they get down to the lower Realms with their teleporters and Slann thinking bodysuits into existence for their Azyr bodies to wear and gain physicality, which the articles have been pretty big on pointing out the phantasmal Starborne nature, so I can’t imagine that’s going.

Personally I hope they add a bit more to both groups. Starborne gaining their starlight blood that banishes daemons & burns undead-

 > “There is a great little sidebar that depicts a vampire going up against the Seraphon. Feeling a bit peckish, she bites into a Saurus, then realises she is not drinking blood but pure celestial energy (not great for a vampire). Then the Saurus turns round and bites her head off…”

-so it’s close to Stormcast Eternals Blaze of Glory but doing like 1 damage to neutral enemies while Chaos & Death keywords get hit with D3 mortal wounds to make them dread the star daemons of perfect Order. Destruction having to deal with the hardened carapaces of the Coalesced so already have it rough.

With how big the refresh is I could imagine two more constellations. Maybe a Huanchi one that favors the Starborne chameleons fresh from the shadowy cosmos of Ulgu which buffs summoning for ambush tactics while a Chotec constellation battlelines the Spawns of Chotec and focuses on unleashing the ancient tech to cleanse Chaos with flame(insert Astartes Salamander jokes here)

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My major hope for AoS is that we DON'T see Stormcast be pushed on us every edition. It'll all come down to GW and how they make money off of the various sets, but getting to a point where in AoS a new edition could have something else featured on the box art would be incredible. Cities of Sigmar could take over for that once in a while, introducing new mortals from different cities wherever the new realm is, instead of just banking on new Stormcast... 

I still maintain that one of the best new-edition box sets they could do would be Cities vs Skaven. It'd be excellent.

One of the things I hope we see for Seraphon would be ways to make other things battleline. So far, only the Thunder Lizard subfaction gives you Stegadons as Battleline, while none of the others affect any battleline.

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46 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

I can see some updates like earlier when I talked about the possibility of a 10th anniversary to make the Thunderstrike Brotherhood actually match the looks(at least some design touch-ups with male & female options) and give Vandus a new model to go up against Khul. Maybe more dynamic lightning around his model to show his strategy of calling down orbital strikes around his position with little care about his own safety.(could get a cool new chain reaction rule that if his lightning blasts actually take him out his troops around him act like their Blaze of Glory is triggered by the power of his own reforging, frying the enemy with a bunch of mortal wounds)

Mainly I can see an update strategy if Stormcast Eternals are planned to be the constant edition release every edition. If they’re planning that every 3 years and across 7 Realms then they’re gonna run out of new chambers fast.

Updating older units into sleeker looking angels and some warriors into top-heavy juggernauts wouldn’t be a bad idea to stretch that out(even just Ruination chamber + Ruination Chamber Thunderstrike reinforcements would shave two editions off) 

Like with the earlier Prosecutors suggestion, making them look closer in form to the Knight-Venators would likely help their graceful flyer aesthetic a lot.

(Soulbound’s sleek stylized art is a pretty good design cue to take from)

I do hope as they go along that they show Grungni’s had enough time to start embellishing again and make some stuff that looks like a combo of new and old designs.

I see people mix AoS1 designs with AoS3 and they look stellar!



Fyreslayers I get, they need female Fyrequeens and could use more masks and drake-scale armor like kilts, but do Ironjawz need it? They seem a pretty solid design that holds up even with the latest stuff like the Warhammer+ one.

They look like the perfect standard if someone wants to go bright and fantastical or serious and grimdark with their looks:


Would you add even more armor? Make them bigger or just do deadlier weapons like spiked brass knuckles and iron claws?

Summoning pretty big on their lore how they get down to the lower Realms with their teleporters and Slann thinking bodysuits into existence for their Azyr bodies to wear and gain physicality, which the articles have been pretty big on pointing out the phantasmal Starborne nature, so I can’t imagine that’s going.

Personally I hope they add a bit more to both groups. Starborne gaining their starlight blood that banishes daemons & burns undead-

 > “There is a great little sidebar that depicts a vampire going up against the Seraphon. Feeling a bit peckish, she bites into a Saurus, then realises she is not drinking blood but pure celestial energy (not great for a vampire). Then the Saurus turns round and bites her head off…”

-so it’s close to Stormcast Eternals Blaze of Glory but doing like 1 damage to neutral enemies while Chaos & Death keywords get hit with D3 mortal wounds to make them dread the star daemons of perfect Order. Destruction having to deal with the hardened carapaces of the Coalesced so already have it rough.

With how big the refresh is I could imagine two more constellations. Maybe a Huanchi one that favors the Starborne chameleons fresh from the shadowy cosmos of Ulgu which buffs summoning for ambush tactics while a Chotec constellation battlelines the Spawns of Chotec and focuses on unleashing the ancient tech to cleanse Chaos with flame(insert Astartes Salamander jokes here)

I don't expect the ruination chamber to look like anything that currently exists. 

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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

Damn near the entire dino-duders range just recieved an update and that seems to have been well recieved. 

Yes but an updated and polished design from a 1st edition brand spanking new setting to which said initial design no longer reflects the current design moving forward. 

I'm not saying it's fair. 

Like I said in earlier posts if for example Fyreslayers recieved this same treatment I'm positive they'd pick up plenty more fans for that faction. 

They are the poster faction and they have to maintain the "image" of the game. i don't even collect SE but that new design has enticed me more than once.

Thunderstrike does the opposite for me. I'd probably leave the game

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31 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Fyreslayers I get, they need female Fyrequeens and could use more masks and drake-scale armor like kilts, but do Ironjawz need it? They seem a pretty solid design that holds up even with the latest stuff like the Warhammer+ one.

It was more of an example of a 1st edition straight out the gate army more than anything but if Jawz were to recieve this I dont think it'd be adding or removing so much as just redesigning similarly to what SE recieved. We see this design creeping in across much of AoS. Look at the new bloodpelt hunter compared to older ogres, the new flying drakes compared to the first drocoth riders, kruleboyz anatomical design is a pretty steep change up from the traditional Geedubs orc (ork, orruk) and even across the bits of Darkoath humans throughout aos you can see a lean into a more functional fantasy than high fantasy.  

Pinpoint prime example of this for Jawz would be gore gruntas mouths. I highly doubt we'll ever see the over the top stylization that is their goofy mess. Its subjective, I get it, but it seems AoS design is moving into, again, a more functional fantasy than high fantasy. 

Even things like the new sylvaneth bug riders seem a bit more anatomically functional and that's a pretty high fantasy design. 

It's late and perhaps I'm just spitting gibberish. 😄

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6 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

It was more of an example of a 1st edition straight out the gate army more than anything but if Jawz were to recieve this I dont think it'd be adding or removing so much as just redesigning similarly to what SE recieved. We see this design creeping in across much of AoS. Look at the new bloodpelt hunter compared to older ogres, the new flying drakes compared to the first drocoth riders, kruleboyz anatomical design is a pretty steep change up from the traditional Geedubs orc (ork, orruk) and even across the bits of Darkoath humans throughout aos you can see a lean into a more functional fantasy than high fantasy.  

Pinpoint prime example of this for Jawz would be gore gruntas mouths. I highly doubt we'll ever see the over the top stylization that is their goofy mess. Its subjective, I get it, but it seems AoS design is moving into, again, a more functional fantasy than high fantasy. 

Even things like the new sylvaneth bug riders seem a bit more anatomically functional and that's a pretty high fantasy design. 

It's late and perhaps I'm just spitting gibberish. 😄

I will agree with functional fantasy if you are talking about cities of Sigmar free Guild that were shown off. Other stuff, not so much. Like have you seen that new Sky dwarf? This is still very much age of Sigmar.

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2 hours ago, RileyArlic said:

Cities of Sigmar could take over for that once in a while, introducing new mortals from different cities wherever the new realm is, instead of just banking on new Stormcast... 


The Skaven have been eyeing up Hammerhal in their tome and scouting out it’s defenses. So it could happen as the big new edition opener as Freeguild defend Hammerhal Aqshy and then march out to aid the other major cities like Tempest’s Eye which Clans Skryre is attacking with an air fleet right now while the Stormcast Eternals are preoccupied with Khul trying to take over the Orb Infernia sub-realm moon again before he tries to use it to spread the red mist and take over Aqshy again.

(Lexicanum link to anyone that wants to read the first time he conquered that sub-realm by beating the Seraphon in the center and the time cannon the narrative campaign had to build to reverse his fortunes

https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Dread_Solstice )

But I don’t see the golden posterboys going anywhere soon. They’re the perfect face(mask) for the franchise and have really strong sales like even with the hyped up Gloomspite Squig box last year getting big focus for both their new tome making them competitive & a bunch of TOW usable models the Stormcast box, full of mid stuff like Knight-relictor leader & Vigilors, still sold out at the same time.

2 hours ago, RileyArlic said:

One of the things I hope we see for Seraphon would be ways to make other things battleline. So far, only the Thunder Lizard subfaction gives you Stegadons as Battleline, while none of the others affect any battleline.

AoS3 and Battleline options go together like war and hammers.

I can already bet War-spawned Andre battleline in the Sotek constellation since he favors them while the regular Kroxes probably go with Dracothion’s Tail as they do have some Draconith aesthetics and are more peaceful by nature. Koatl’s claw is so vicious that creatures with Aggro in their name should fit right in.

Raptadon probably just need a Skink general.

1 hour ago, xking said:

I don't expect the ruination chamber to look like anything that currently exists. 

Oh yeah. Personally expecting lightning golems/fantasy dreadnoughts of the Stormcast souls too fractured to retake human form(the ruination’d part) so serve in constructs that also aid in their return to Azyr by being so big nothing dares to try blocking those lightning explosion.

Big bulky Terminatorcasts could work too if Annihilators are just precursors.  And I’d love to see some rough and tumble artillery made to deepstrike in like a meteor before going to town on the foe.

Like the Astartes Deathstorm drop pods but celestial-forged space rocks.


1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

@xking If you're referring to the book one I was actually going to mention him and say the even the new Kharadron lawyer reads to me as even slightly toned down from their earlier stuff. 😄

Maybe it's just me. 

I feel a lot of that is due to being in the Realm of Beasts and a lot of heroes and releases wanting to match functional & stealthy hunters, cruel monster priests or savage beasts. Very curious if they’ll change it up next edition to reflect the other realms being more vibrant than the dour wastelands of Ghur.

Like Vindictor hoplite/argonauts for Ghur because they fit exploring and monster slaying but once we hit Chamon it’s time for high fantasy floating clockwork islands that something like lightning robots or star-vessels would fit with.

Edit: I will say though that the Codewright does seem wackier in design. Sure books are more mundane than a anti-grav balloon but this is the first time we see full on sign of electrical engineering with the megaphone mouths hooked up to his vox speaker below the chin and the robot arms are the same as many high-tech suits use.


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1 minute ago, Vasshpit said:

@xking If you're referring to the book one I was actually going to mention him and say the even the new Kharadron lawyer reads to me as even slightly toned down from their earlier stuff. 😄

Maybe it's just me.

He's definitely more weird than the other Kharadron Heroes.  Except for the Monopoly man

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I really love his robot arms holding and sorting the books. That’s some incredible engineering at near Ai levels.

Hopefully between him and the dirigible suit using the robot appendages and their focus on CP we’ll see Cogmonculus units by next edition. A CP system seems perfect for them to function as super armored and powerful infantry but need Command Points in order to do anything as their programs.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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Didnt read everyones opinions on this matter but i like the newer SE armour. Might even buy into them at some point. It makes them feel more like knights instead of marines at a quick glance compared to the old models and it makes all the difference for me. 

As for Ironjawz, i dont think they need an update anytime soon. Maybe new ardboyz if they want to do something. Bonesplitterz really need all the help they can get. The underworld warband just shows what can be done and tastes like so much more.

As for things i would like to see updated.

Skaven - everything

BoC - needs new kits

Ogors - needs new kits

Tzeentch - new mortal kits and some updated flamers, spawn and screamers. 

Orruk warclans - Bonesplitterz everything

CoS - we know its coming but they really need a complete rework.

Spiderfang, could be so much more awesome than just big and small spiders. Looking fowards to updated riders and new kits.

Everything still left over from whfb needs to be replaced honestly. The design is just so updated because of rank and file units.


Edited by Gitzdee
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Well i do like more the old design. It makes them less human, i find that the thunderstrike design make them more like « classic knight » and less « super human knight ». Dont get me wrong, the mini are great. But they look perfect, where old stormcast look more machine than human. 

But if à redesign lead to less warscroll, its a win. You could have a warscroll for basic troop where guys with +/- the same weapons (liberators, sequitors, vindictors / judicators, new archer guys) share a statline. We’ll see.

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