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A discussion on Forbidden Power

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Perhaps competitively but I liked the idea of non-GA forces teaming up thematically and it sure gives people options of buying something out of their GA or norm and having fun with it on the painting table and the gaming table.

My favorite bits of the story involved the out of the norm team ups with FEC and the Fyreslayers.

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5 hours ago, PJetski said:

Confirmed today that the rules for the Fyreslayer and Flesheater mercenary companies are being reprinted in Generals Handbook. One less reason to get Forbidden Power...

I was very disappointed when I read that. Not just for Forbidden Power but for all of these mini expansions. Next time one comes out I'll be thinking... okay cool but this will probably be reprinted.

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Lets be honest you'd be more annoyed if the mercenaries system were spread out over multiple books. Just seems odd for GW to put one bit in tehre when Forbidden power was so close to the GHB, then again considering how mercenaries haven't rewritten the world of the game it might be they wanted to soft launch it a little bit before to soften the blow and get people excited about the idea.


Plus lets not forget the book was always the minor point, the models and warscroll cards were always more interesting. 

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12 hours ago, Overread said:

Lets be honest you'd be more annoyed if the mercenaries system were spread out over multiple books. Just seems odd for GW to put one bit in tehre when Forbidden power was so close to the GHB, then again considering how mercenaries haven't rewritten the world of the game it might be they wanted to soft launch it a little bit before to soften the blow and get people excited about the idea.

Completely agree with this, condensing the spread of rules is certainly something that would massively help most gamers out there.

I'm fairly sure the timings of the releases is down to the scheduling team again.  Personally I'd much prefer this type of expansion nearer Christmas :D

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I do think Forbidden Power has hit a snag in marketing - its come out just before Contrast Paints (GW's big release of the mid year) and also near to Warcry - so its kind of been overshadowed. Also I thikn Sylvanath (and possibly others) messing up the release timings might also mean that the community team has been having to adapt and thus hasn't had the time to do as much of a build up and followup because their release pattern has been shifting around. 

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