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AoS 2 - Ironjawz Discussion

Chris Tomlin

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22 minutes ago, Durnaxe said:

I think this combo needs explained to me. I'm guessing just multiple WAAGHs and (mulitple?) FoV to buff up our SoJ wielder?

You don't need the waaagh! Running to abuse it, definitely helps but isn't needed.

The two options to carry SoJ are a megaboss (either type) or a warchanter. You stack FoV on them then delete a monster/hero. With 2 warchanters it triggers on a 4+ to hit. If it's on a megaboss then as they kill heroes with it they gain more base attacks with that weapon. With a warchanter the triggers will also trigger their extra attack on the same value.

That's it. Warchanter and FoV. 

It lets is get through things like archaon, treelords, Phoenix, stardrakes etc. All the stuff which normally bends us over. Considering that warchanter are cheap and good in their own right it's a very easy buy in which the opponent MUST deal with. The big example would be 3 WC one with the SoJ, at 240 points your opponent now has to focus an 80 point warchanter over brutes or your MK.  Even if your opponent kills the SoJ you still have 2 FoV buffs to throw around which is how many are run in a standard list anyway!

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40 minutes ago, Malakree said:

You don't need the waaagh! Running to abuse it, definitely helps but isn't needed.

The two options to carry SoJ are a megaboss (either type) or a warchanter. You stack FoV on them then delete a monster/hero. With 2 warchanters it triggers on a 4+ to hit. If it's on a megaboss then as they kill heroes with it they gain more base attacks with that weapon. With a warchanter the triggers will also trigger their extra attack on the same value.

That's it. Warchanter and FoV. 

It lets is get through things like archaon, treelords, Phoenix, stardrakes etc. All the stuff which normally bends us over. Considering that warchanter are cheap and good in their own right it's a very easy buy in which the opponent MUST deal with. The big example would be 3 WC one with the SoJ, at 240 points your opponent now has to focus an 80 point warchanter over brutes or your MK.  Even if your opponent kills the SoJ you still have 2 FoV buffs to throw around which is how many are run in a standard list anyway!

The warchanter is particularly amusing since rolling a 6+ to hit not only triggers D6 mortal wounds but also an additional attack which can potentially also trigger d6 mortals.

So a warchanter with 2 Waaaghs has 6 attacks, if buffed by himself and 2 other warchanters he hits on a 2+ and on a 3+ triggers d6 mortals and another attack.

so in average he scores 4 x d6 mortal wounds plus a regular hit. Then he gets another 4 attacks and will do another 2d6 - 3d6 mortal wounds. So that 80 point hero will likely inflict 21-25 mortal wounds on an unfortunate monster or hero.

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I finally won against the Slaves player.  This time he used slaanesh.  I finally pinned his chaos warriors in with gore-gruntas.  Worked wonders. 

Blood and Glory I think was the scenario. (4 Objectives)

We played in Shyish. (Unnatural Darkness is insane)

Here is the list I took.

  • Spoiler
    Allegiance: Ironjawz
    Orruk Megaboss (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Ironclad
    - Artefact: The Boss Skewer
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    Orruk Warboss (140)
    - Great Waaagh Banner
    - Allies
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (80)
    20 x Orruk Ardboys (320)
    - 8x Choppa or Smasha & Shields
    - 12x Big Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    - 1x Gore Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    - 1x Gore Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    - 1x Gore Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    - 1x Gore Choppas
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    10 x Orruks (80)
    - Bows & Cuttas
    - Allies

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 220 / 400
    Wounds: 175

    2 sets of brutes took 2"range



     So first thing I did was roll for Rampaging Destroyers, getting 1 success, giving the movement to 1 set of gore-gruntas.  They moved straight toward the chaos warriors.  I then cast unnatural darkness on that set of gore-gruntas(just in range) to give them -1 to be hit.  Then the second spell from the fungoid who ate a mushroom, cast another shyish spell which allows a unit to ignore rend.  I cast that on the other set of goregruntas.   NO waagh first turn.  The warchanters buffed up each set of gore-gruntas.  The first set of gore-gruntas moved again toward the chaos warriors, ending about 7 inches away. (just made the charge).   This pinned them back where they started.  It actually took 2 rounds for the chaos warriors to kill these 3 goregruntas!!  The other 3 gore-gruntas were in the middle of the board, got charged by his knights and eventually some marauders.  The boss from this set of gore-gruntas ended up living till the end of the battle  (unbelievable).

     He double turned me. He cast unnatural darkness on his knights giving them -1 to be hit.  On his 2nd turn he retreated with the knights, but was able to pile back in with a 6 inch pile in.  This allowed to move around the gore-gruntas and into the Fungoid behind.  He moved up his manticore lord and got him into my gruntas. (this was the set of gruntas that was ignoring rend)(only mattered vs the manticore lord i think) The fungoid tanked 2 rounds of attacks from the knights and took no damage.

     My 2nd turn I moved up my ardboys and all the brutes and got all but one set of brutes into combat.  Waagh'd twice and got 3 total attacks for almost the whole army.  FOV twice on the ardboys, and one FOV on my Megaboss. (both of these charged his knights who were -1 to be hit) I cast unnatural darkness on my ardboys.   I ended up taking out the knights, a set of maruaders, taking his manticore lord down to 1, and hurting another set of marauders.

     He won the roll off, taking the next turn.  On his turn he had enough summoning points to summon 2 sets of daemonettes, trying to go for the objectives I had mostly moved away from.  He moved his chaos warriors up and into my ardboys.  Moved his other caster manticore toward an objective behind me.   The ardboys were -1 to be hit still and the chaos warriors couldn't get much damage through.  Overall, it wasn't enough.  Shortly after he called it.

I left with a feeling that he threw the game a bit...but he didn't admit that.


  • Pinning the unit of chaos warriors made all the difference. 
  • No battalion was fine.  It gave me more points on units.
  • More Units felt great.  There were always enough units around to succeed on Waagh, even from a footboss.  This allowed for more board coverage as well.  Having more units allowed me feel okay about possibly losing the grunta units quickly.
  • I love the fungoid. I love the warboss. 
  • Missed having ballistas.


Edited by Superninja
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Hi guys was wondering if using a Megaboss, Orruk war boss with banner, 2warchanter and 3units of Brutes is a good way of playing  Ironjaws at 1000p.

in other words.

can a army consisting mostly or only out of Brutes and some hero’s, be in some way  competitive?


Edited by Skreech Verminking
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Awesome to hear your success @Superninja! I kinda wanna remain pure Ironjawz at the moment so haven't tried the Orruk Warboss yet, but I do think the Great Waagh Banner sounds great. 

What was the reason you inlcuded those 10 Orruks, just because you had an 80 point whole to fill? Do they do anything other than sit on an objective and hope to be ignored?

@Skreech Verminking sounds like it could be fun - you've certainly got a lot of heroes. The thing I would be worrying about is how slow everything in your army is (except your warboss).

I've seen people play all brute armies, but usually this is at 2000 points with bloodtoofs and cogs to help speed them up.

I suspect that although that list could work, if you included a Gore Grunta unit or two (or a fast ally unit) then it'd be stronger.

The list I am currently playing with a 1000 points is: Mawkrusher, Warchanter, 10 Ardboyz, 5 Brutes, 3 Gore Gruntas. I mostly made this just because I wanted one of each unit so I could play with them all, so I'm not claiming it's super competitive. But that diversity is something of a strength, and I'd expect to be able to dictate which combats happen because of the extra speed my Mawkrusher and Gruntas have over your army.

I think it's always going to be a struggle for an army which has no ranged or magic threat, so it combat only, and is also slower than it's opponent.

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One of the main goals of the list was more models and wounds. (didn't want to go all out ardboy though)

It was an 80 point hole to fill. 

One of my problems, previously, was my battleline outrunning my heroes most games.  This usually puts them out of range of Look Out Sir and possibly other buffs.  This particular thing didn't come into play as my opponent had no range.   But the idea was that a small unit could hold an objective, be near heroes, and contribute to the fight with ranged.  Originally, I had Ironskull's boys in that slot.  I switched it out for the orruks for the ranged capability.

Not taking Ironfist kept my army closer, obviously, so it wasn't as necessary as other times.

Edited by Superninja
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How are people finding the Brutes? Are they actually working/important. Building on the pinning which came up with @Superninja is it potentially worth dropping them to instead pick up a Gorefist and go for the objective game. Thinking something along the lines of this kind of list.


Allegiance: Ironjawz
Mortal Realm: Ulgu

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
- General
- Trait: Ironclad 
- Artefact: Miasmatic Blade 
Orruk Megaboss (140)
- Artefact: Sword of Judgement 
Orruk Warchanter (80)
Orruk Warchanter (80)

6 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (280)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)
10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)

5 x Grot Wolf Riders (90)
- Shields & Slittas & Wolf Bows
- Allies
20 x Gitmob Grots (100)
- Bows & Slashas
- Allies

Gorefist (190)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 190 / 400
Wounds: 163

If the opponent gives us first turn we can use the Gorefist to rush across the board and pin their line while the rest of our army moves to grab objectives. It also gives us a great screen if we need it with the huge bases on the Goregruntas. Should the opponent attempt to rush across the board we can use the 15" movement to retreat out of combat then threaten the points they have just disengaged from. 

It's far more defensive than a traditional IJ list with a focus around the objective game instead.

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I intend to try Gorefist next, expanding on the idea of pinning.  This is what I am thinking. (artefacts could be different)


Allegiance: Ironjawz
Mortal Realm: Ghur
Orruk Megaboss (140)
- General
- Trait: Ironclad
- Artefact: Amberglaive
Orruk Megaboss (140)
- Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm
Orruk Warchanter (80)
Orruk Warchanter (80)
Fungoid Cave-Shaman (80)
- Allies
20 x Orruk Ardboys (320)
- 8x Choppa or Smasha & Shields
- 12x Big Choppas
5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
- 1x Gore Choppas
5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
- 1x Gore Choppas
5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
- 1x Gore Choppas
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
Gorefist (190)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 80 / 400
Wounds: 160

With the gorefist, should be able to pin a few units back, allowing the rest of the army to move up and take objectives etc.

Brutes are really great for me. (as long as I have the other pieces too. just brutes hasn't gone that well)  The brute boss alone is amazing.

Edited by Superninja
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This is going to be a wall of rant from a new player, warning issued.

So I just got back from my current escalation league match  and I have to say I'm starting to get very disenchanted with Ironjaws.
I really want to love them but what am I supposed to do against all this shooting, flying, instant unbinding, and deep striking? I thought @Malakree was being silly with wanting the 40k Deepstriking rule (that rule makes me not want to play 40k with my nids) but after encountering SCE today, yea I want that rule ASAP.
I started Ironjaws knowing they were underpowered but I was hoping for at least some close games and not these total stomps I keep encountering but man, its really frustrating.

Mighty Destoyers is so un-reliable I might as well not even roll for it and now Thunderscorn get what it used to be...yaaay.....
Smashing and bashing when it actually works is amazing but it never works because everyone has 3+ re-rolling saves or ignores rend and FNP.
Eager for Battle helps but feels like only on Ardboyz.
As for units, I really like Gore-Grunta's since it's our only model with speed and has great wound count for the points. Good number of attacks too. 
Ard boyz are awesome too with a +3" charge and being a scary tarpit unit damage output wise (though I think my ardboy bosses need to quick drinking)
Warchanter is great for his buffing abilities and he's no slouch in combat, wish he had rend though. Might actually put him onto par with everything else in the game having rend. 
Megaboss is amazing in combat but holy friggin ****** is his waagh absolute, utterly terrible, hot stinking dog s###. It's sooo bad I never want to use it. It almost forces you to bring an Orruk Warboss just for his waagh alone.
Wierdnob is still unknown to me, he feels like he should be good but I cant tell since he dies right away without doing anything (oh wait the knight incantor dispelled the only thing he did for free....). His spells feel terrible since they require us never getting our ardboyz into combat. At least you can bring groups of orruks with bows to help with that.
Brutes. I really, really REALLY hate brutes. 3 wounds, 6 bravery, FOUR ####ING INCH MOVEMENT, and our most expensive unit does not do what it needs to. Every time I've dropped brutes onto the table they either get dogpiled instantly or immediately shot off/run away before they get to do anything. Why are the biggest and baddest Orruks total wusses when it comes to bravery? When they get to fight its amazing (esp boss klaw/smasha) but  with their garbage bravery, terrible wound count, and slow movement they get to die before fighting. I don't understand how you can run them without Ironfist. If you run you can't charge, if you run and cant charge, then they get charged and die. They cost way to much for what they are. 
Haven't gotten to use MBMK but I'm HOPING he doesn't let me down, or get shot to uselessness before he gets to move. His Waagh looks slightly better but you still have to roll (which is stupid for how many points he is).

Maybe next month when I finally have enough points for a battalion I'll actually be able to get to not feel so gimped. I'm looking at a wierdfist with boys and grunta's to try and do something.

I try to play the objective game but then they tarpit my heroes or shoot them down. I try to use cover to avoid it but apparently shooting through a ruins window doesn't count as cover. We're not fast so other armies can get to objectives faster, we don't have anything against Mortal Wounds, and we can't fight on the magic level. 
I know I'm still new, can and will make mistakes. I'm reading on here to go for objectives when we are too slow and vulnerable to do so and my LGS has an IJ player who says "Ignore objectives, just deathstar" and both of those keep failing for me. I'm trying to take as much advice as I can to heart from these forums and what my fellow orruk player tells me but man, this is getting depressing seeing everyone having cool toys and I can't do jack ******.
The only match that was even close was against Slaneeshi demon's and even then he can take his cheap units and delete a squad with 72+ attacks (I pulled my brutes after the first 50) but thats because it feels like two underpowered armies smacking each other around while all the favorite children get all the cool stuff to pick on us with. I guess I'll just keep losing to all the SCE, deepkin, and Nighthaunt players till I reach the armies that are actually at my level and then I get competitive games. Assuming I just don't loose my temper and chuck all these orks in the garbage.

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What's FoV?

Really liking the sword of judgement idea. It kills me that I can't fit gordrak in a bloodtoof list.


Looking at this



Megaboss on mawkrusha

3 warchanters (one with sword)

Orruk warboss on boar

3x3 goregruntas in an ironfist


Lots of speed and damage output. I like to think the megabosses will boost their own movement but I guess reliability is a problem. The sword on the warchanter buffed up is crazy, especially if gordrak gives him +2 attacks and a 3d6 charge. He could really come out of nowhere. Lure a big bad guy out, keep the warchanter 12 inches ish back and then hit him with the long charge and 8 attacks all triple waghh'ed up?


Is there any clear 'net list' with ironjawz? I really wanna run double cabbage. If you could fit gordrak into a bloodtoof for a single drop list and have his trait impact the whole battalion that would be amazing. Maybe in the next handbook!

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@Durnaxe basically yes. The worst part about AoS2 is when they made all the summons free and then "appropriately costed them" which is to say they didn't. It's why leading up to AoS2 I was really hoping for an update for all our warscrolls, things like Brutes having bravery 6 is just awful. It's one of the big reasons I don't want to give up my Bloodtoofs.

Ironjawz is a First Era Army which hasn't been updated, that's our big problem. In the same period of time stormcast have had 2 new battletomes and 3 new chambers opened (read new models). The power creep over that time has been enormous and we haven't had it.

I would say the worst thing, for you, is that Ironjawz sucks at lower points values. Really REALLY sucks. The Mawkrusha and battalions are really key, being able to get allies to shore up our weakness is pretty key. At 1k for example you don't even get enough units to reliably 6 units in the Waaagh! As I said 9 months ago there are some huge intrinsic flaws with their approach to game design and new armies which have heavily hindered it. Mass Teleporting being one of them, worst part is that in 40k you at least have the rule which says "at least half your army, rounded up, must start on the board".

@Raoiley FoV is frenzy of violence, it's the warchanters +1 to hit. I might try to squeeze a gorefist in instead of the ironfist, it's a bit awkward but gives much more usability.


Allegiance: Ironjawz

Gordrakk The Fist of Gork (580)
Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
Orruk Warchanter (80)
Orruk Warchanter (80)
Orruk Warboss (140)
- Boss Choppas
- Allies

3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)

5 x Cave Squigs (60)
- Allies

Gorefist (190)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 200 / 400
Wounds: 102

It is a really slender list though, you need everything to do it's part.

Incidentally not being able to get The Big G in a megabattalion is an amazing example of how GW has just not taken into account all the new armies, realistically the following list should be possible and the points costs of our units should allow it.


Allegiance: Ironjawz

Gordrakk The Fist of Gork (580)
Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)

10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)
5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)

Ironfist (180)
Bloodtoofs (120)

Total: 2120 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 109

  • 160 Brutes
  • 140/380 Ardboys
  • 120 GG's
  • 400 Maw-Krusha
  • 520 Gordrakk

Those kind of points values would be far more inline with the other GA's.

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That all makes a lot of sense and those small point adjustments would be marvelous. I was a competitive 40k player but I don't have a ton of gaming time anymore and much prefer the fantasy aesthetic so I came back to Sigmar. I just wanna get these guys as good as possible.


What do the cave squigs do in that list?

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56 minutes ago, Raoiley said:

What do the cave squigs do in that list?

They act as a very cheap screen, space blocking or objective claiming unit.

EDIT: Honestly though we could do with a proper warscroll update.

  1. 5+ save vs mortal wounds - Ironjawz Allegiance.
  2. Brutes and Ardboys raised to bravery 7.
  3. Brutes and Megabosses save raised to 2+
  4. Ardboys, GG's and Warchanters raised to 3+
  5. Cabbage fists, Smasha, Boss Choppa, Gore-Choppa and Rip-tooth Fist all raised to -3 rend
  6. Maw-Krusha damage table only reduces move by 1" per reduction.
  7. All other weapons with -1 rend increased to -2
  8. All weapons with 0 rend, other than the GG's tusks, increased to -1 rend
  9. On unmodified charge roll of 6+ GG's get -1 rend, at unmodified roll of 9+ get -2 rend and 2 damage
  10. Remove the Ironfist

We'd actually be the Irontide we are supposed to be again. Hard to kill, slow as all hell and really painful when we get there.

Edited by Malakree
Not double posting.
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10 hours ago, Malakree said:

They act as a very cheap screen, space blocking or objective claiming unit.

EDIT: Honestly though we could do with a proper warscroll update.

  1. 5+ save vs mortal wounds - Ironjawz Allegiance.
  2. Brutes and Ardboys raised to bravery 7.
  3. Brutes and Megabosses save raised to 2+
  4. Ardboys, GG's and Warchanters raised to 3+
  5. Cabbage fists, Smasha, Boss Choppa, Gore-Choppa and Rip-tooth Fist all raised to -3 rend
  6. Maw-Krusha damage table only reduces move by 1" per reduction.
  7. All other weapons with -1 rend increased to -2
  8. All weapons with 0 rend, other than the GG's tusks, increased to -1 rend
  9. On unmodified charge roll of 6+ GG's get -1 rend, at unmodified roll of 9+ get -2 rend and 2 damage
  10. Remove the Ironfist

We'd actually be the Irontide we are supposed to be again. Hard to kill, slow as all hell and really painful when we get there.

All of this combined would make IJ insanely op. Agree on some of Them, like better bravery, improve effect of gruntas charging and some kind og movement buff outside of over priced ironfist. But army wide 3+(2+) 5++ and minimum -2 rend on unit attacks? Cmon ?

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Thinking something like this could work



Megaboss on mawkrusha

Gorefist with 5x3 gruntas

Comes to 1910, use 50 points extra for a cp. 

T1 generate a cp, t2 generate a cp, plus 1 cp for the battalion and 1 for the 50 pts.

Use gordrakks ability and then Wagh 3 times with the mawkrusha on t2. Should be well positioned to get good charges and that's giving an extra 5 attacks to each gore grunta plus they're pretty much a sure thing for the charge bonus damage with the 3d6 charge. 15 boars at 9 attacks each.. 90 attacks, hit 45, wound 22.. depending on saves going through that's a lot of d3 damage hits. Not counting the guys on top. With the free gorefist move it should also give pretty good positioning and you can use those bonus attacks on sword of judgement as well.


I'd love to stack warchanter bonuses on that sword but I don't think they'll keep up and it's a lot of points to invest in a one trick pony

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On 9/16/2018 at 10:58 PM, Malakree said:

They act as a very cheap screen, space blocking or objective claiming unit.

EDIT: Honestly though we could do with a proper warscroll update.

  1. 5+ save vs mortal wounds - Ironjawz Allegiance.
  2. Brutes and Ardboys raised to bravery 7.
  3. Brutes and Megabosses save raised to 2+
  4. Ardboys, GG's and Warchanters raised to 3+
  5. Cabbage fists, Smasha, Boss Choppa, Gore-Choppa and Rip-tooth Fist all raised to -3 rend
  6. Maw-Krusha damage table only reduces move by 1" per reduction.
  7. All other weapons with -1 rend increased to -2
  8. All weapons with 0 rend, other than the GG's tusks, increased to -1 rend
  9. On unmodified charge roll of 6+ GG's get -1 rend, at unmodified roll of 9+ get -2 rend and 2 damage
  10. Remove the Ironfist

We'd actually be the Irontide we are supposed to be again. Hard to kill, slow as all hell and really painful when we get there.

That would take away my ability to blame my losses on being a sub par faction... can’t have that.

To be honest I think a lot of flexibility and good stuff could be opened up through minor changes:

reduce the cost of the non used battalions

for ardfist and wierdfist allow more than 1 warchanter and shaman respectively

ardboys in 5 man units, max 20, otherwise points remain consistent at 80/300.

in megabattalions allow megaboss on foot or mawkrusha, also allow other maxed out battalions besides ironfist.

reduce foot of gork casting cost by 1.

if points changes are being made I would target 5% reduction in typical list or circa 100 points. Imagine your current list with 100 extra points and the above flexibility. 

I don’t think brutes and gore gruntas at bravery 7 would be unreasonable - 6 doesn’t feel right for the fluff they have.

I think that would open up some fun lists without being OP.


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A few reasonable changes I'd love:

Megaboss. hand weapon -2 rend (its a MEGABOSS. Have you seen that thing? Its a horrendous weapon! There's more plastic there than in some other factions heros! ?)

Shaman. 2 spells (maybe 2 spells per 10 models or something. Perhaps a bonus to spell #s per round to reflect the waaagh energy growing.)

Brutes. Bravery 7

Gruntas. Some kind of reason for each weapon type. Be it rend on charge, additional attack, or 3"range or something.

Just a couple reasonable changes i think. At least until new tools drop. 


Edited by Vasshpit
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I'd still like to see a gore-grunta bolas addition. Maybe a chance to impair/disable movement with damage? Perhaps a way to wrap around big-baddies like AT-ATs? I would rock a cowboy theme in an instant.

Would still like to see a change to Mighty Destroyers, too many situations where it just does absolutely nothing.  Playing 1k games without the old +2d6 or even 1d6 movement hasn't been pleasing, and I'd rather be playing 1k with GBH 1 rules. Although, if Ironjawz had a more modern allegiance ability, I would be happy.

I could see a brute 7 bravery and/or even another banner effect like the ardboyz, being in combat gives a bonus to bravery or won't desert (will be called Bad and Brutey).  

The brute marksman @Chris Tomlin has would also be a sick addition.

Edited by Kaptan
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1 hour ago, Rock Lobster said:

That would take away my ability to blame my losses on being a sub par faction... can’t have that.

To be honest I think a lot of flexibility and good stuff could be opened up through minor changes:

reduce the cost of the non used battalions

for ardfist and wierdfist allow more than 1 warchanter and shaman respectively

ardboys in 5 man units, max 20, otherwise points remain consistent at 80/300.

in megabattalions allow megaboss on foot or mawkrusha, also allow other maxed out battalions besides ironfist.

reduce foot of gork casting cost by 1.

if points changes are being made I would target 5% reduction in typical list or circa 100 points. Imagine your current list with 100 extra points and the above flexibility. 

I don’t think brutes and gore gruntas at bravery 7 would be unreasonable - 6 doesn’t feel right for the fluff they have.

I think that would open up some fun lists without being OP.


This! This would actually help a lot and could be done via a FAQ. Hopefully gw will make it right, at some point...

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