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Khorgoraths and Dragon Ogors help


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Im asking the communities help on something... does anyone happen to own a new plastic Dragon Ogor (preferably on oval base) and the Starter set Khorgorath?

could you post a photo side by side or provide some details on if the bases are same or how is the height of each?

I ask because I really love the Dragon Ogor models and dont care for their fluff. I also hate the look of the khorgorath and like the concept and rules as it fits into Blades of Khorne. Id like to convert the Ogors with Whips and arm blades and count them as Khorgorath.



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23 minutes ago, Fireymonkeyboy said:

I've never seen these in the bare plastic - they're terrific looking models.


Ive really wanted some for awhile, but I need a place for them in my army. I’m no stranger to conversion work so hopefully I can make them believable as Khorgoraths.

Not looking the same, but having the same height and pressence, and giving weapons and attitude to match the 6” ‘bone whip’ and demoralizing and skull eating special rules.

Thinking whips, executioners hoods with lots of hanging chain, and saddlebags full of decapitated heads and skulls. Bottom halfs would look great painted like fleshhounds

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3 hours ago, Fireymonkeyboy said:

I've never seen these in the bare plastic - they're terrific looking models.


I agree. The studio palette and shots don't do them justice. I saw a random guy's Drogres painted in grim grey recently (as opposed to pallid office worker flesh) and they looked fantastic.

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There's not much reason not to do it, but you'll need to do some extensive changes of the heads and arms to match up.

You'll need strong  bare fisted arms, so perhaps River Troll or Rat Ogres as a base, with a smaller head surrounded by Chaos Spawn parts

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Ordered the box shipped to Japanese GW for pickup, might have in hand in a week or two. For the arms... the box comes with multiple options. I might keep the basic arms and swap weapons, but I'm curious how Daemon prince or BT arms stack up, which I currently have extras for. Also some of the crab arms from the spawn box could work.

Another Idea I had was to add 4 arms (two sets from the box) Goro style. Also means they have 8 limbs! Then they can hold 2 handed executioners axes, whips from the Bloodthirsters etc, and have a hand free to hold decapitated corpses, or clutch handfuls of bloody skulls. Khorgoraths absorb skulls to gain wounds back, and terrify enemies if they cause wounds, so mine will be like woeful executioners, consuming and collecting skulls they decapitate from victims. fun!

Oh and their 5 CC attacks could also be represented by their dragon half's claws. But the weapon profiles in AoS are so abstracted I feel having whips and also CC weapons together is enough for Khorgorath's two weapon profiles.


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4 hours ago, CrimsonKing said:

Ordered the box shipped to Japanese GW for pickup, might have in hand in a week or two. For the arms... the box comes with multiple options. I might keep the basic arms and swap weapons, but I'm curious how Daemon prince or BT arms stack up, which I currently have extras for. Also some of the crab arms from the spawn box could work.

Another Idea I had was to add 4 arms (two sets from the box) Goro style. Also means they have 8 limbs! Then they can hold 2 handed executioners axes, whips from the Bloodthirsters etc, and have a hand free to hold decapitated corpses, or clutch handfuls of bloody skulls. Khorgoraths absorb skulls to gain wounds back, and terrify enemies if they cause wounds, so mine will be like woeful executioners, consuming and collecting skulls they decapitate from victims. fun!

Oh and their 5 CC attacks could also be represented by their dragon half's claws. But the weapon profiles in AoS are so abstracted I feel having whips and also CC weapons together is enough for Khorgorath's two weapon profiles.


I personally think when it comes to conversion work is to keep it simple and powerful. The less you need to cut for a cool effect the better! :P

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Went a bit more simple, couldnt get the 4 arms to fit (maybe the one model in a high swinging pose could)

Still need the bag of heads, just adding gibs to the neck of some heads with GS.

Also want to add more chain as well, and maybe horizontal horns to the helmet, skullreaper banners etc. 

base is 90x52 oval, height to horns is 8cm without base, 8.7 with.





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Here's a Korg I'm converting oiut of Scyla.

He was failcast so after placing in boiling water I could change his pose to fill up the heavy cav base and make him look less Scylary...

After removing a few spikes of his collar the boiling water also allowed me to make them more dynamic like tentacles.

I'm tossing up what I want to do with his tail and if I want to change his head/fist.



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Jazman nice go of it, not a fan of that model, but mot sure of the background; he is a gorilla?

Either way as a standin for khorg looks like a decent size match, this guy has the muscles for it.

Maybe drill some spots in his back for skullpoles or spikes or some other khorne bling. Also khorgs have the ranged attack... could give him a spiked long tongue or BT whip or something like i did, or maybe he spits lava or something like that you could paint the effect on. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Second guy mostly up!

So i am going for that fresh execution style on him... dunno if ill even bother modelling a ranged attack on him, or somehow roll up a whip on his belt or slung over his shoulder.

last guy has his arms over his head and its either a giant 2h mace (using BT chainwhip swinging anvil as a mallet) or a smaller Axe and whip combo




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