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Destruction's Most Wanted Models

Warboss Gorbolg

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I can't be the only one that constantly wonders what new models the best Grand Alliance will be receiving.  What are the models  (and warscrolls if necessary) that you most want to see?  

In order of desire:

1.  Troggoth Leader.  The Fellwater kit is great and in plastic.  I want a plastic kit to build Troggoth leaders.  Associated warscroll also necessary.

2.  Everything Squigs.  Old sculpts that are only available in finecast.  I would gladly throw $200-300 at GW for new squigs and have no desire to purchase finecast.

3.  Sky ships.  Greenskinz and/or Gitmob.  Duardin envy in full effect.

4.  2nd Gargant.  Same style, just new poses so that you can field 4 or 5 without them looking too similar.  I know that not everyone loves the current Gargant but I think that it has great character.

5.  Flying mounts for Grots (either type or both!)

6.  Total Gitmob reboot.  Everything goes.  The non-warmachines looked old a decade ago.  


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2 minutes ago, Payce said:

New Ardboys matching the visual aestetic of the Ironjawz.

/End Thread


But seriously, better looking ardboy'z as I am not a massive fan of them and a ranged IJ option. Either some form of blunderbuss scrap gun or crossbow wielding brutes. 

Dont expect them personally but wishlisting here

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any (metal) model that still doesn't match the warscroll would be great. 

So the butcher with couldron in a plastic version (so it doenst cost 51 euro!) but also Rat ogres with flame cannons. (still not selling it but it has been a free option for ages). Stuff like that. 

In general I would prefer getting current ranges up te date rather then all new factions. :)


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18 hours ago, Mohojoe said:

Start collecting Fimir

Fimir plastic kits

Fimir Leaders

The new teased Fimir models 


Why no option to like a post more than once??

Eh you missed out the Battletome: Fimir so clearly doesn't deserve more likes anyway ?

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Above all I think our alliance needs some better battleline models, so a I would like to see a new AoS-specific battleline unit. Not upgrades to old kits like 'Ardboys, Moonclan Grots, Savage Orruks or even the basic Orruk unit, but new models that is not WHFB-leftovers.

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