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What army work well with Bretonnia


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I used dwarfs in a game as i was short of Bretons.  Worked on as an objective holder as they are slow but generally sturdy if you go with longbeards. Crossbows are good too. Added a unit of Arkanaughts in my last game, not amazing as a 10 without a Khemist but still more useful than 16 Men at Arms.

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What are the weaknesses you want to cover?

Shooting with rend? Maybe 30 crossbowmen with a runelord. Runelords prayer can give -1 rend to the quarrellers. and 30 give them double shots with 20 or more models at 4+ 4+ 30" range. Or looking at the new allies rule coming up that might be a bit to expensive but 30 thunderers would be 16" 4+ 3+ -1 (+1 to hit at 20 or more models)

Do you need some objective holders? 20 ironbreakers can hold against anything (not mortal wounds) for a couple of turns. They have a 4+ save that ignores rend of -1. And they re-roll all failed saves if they didn't run or charge. But they are a bit expensive although only 20pt more then longbeards. 

So if you have a bit of an idea what you want to cover I could maybe help you better? In general all models that come with a shield get the re-roll to their save if they didn't run or charge. Which is what makes them so durable. 

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So i played against a army of Mixed Dwarfs. Kharadon and Normal Dwarfs. The problem was that all my grail knights was dead by turn 2 (shoot to death). SO i don't really know against them. I Also played against Beastclaw Raiders. My grail knights one hitted Stonehorns but the problem was that my Freeguild Guard died so i lost my meat shield. So i guess ironbreakers would work there


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Perhaps you could combine Bretonnians with Seraphon. Skinks are a good chaff unit, which is more durable because they can flee instead of piling in, and they shoot a little something. You got flying mobile Units able to keep Up with the Knights or if you need a real Rock to keep a flank safe you got the Saurus Guard. Seraphon even provide good heavy shooting at short range.

Furthermore, they got good mages, Monsters and Units able to grind the enemy.

The only Seraphon unit that really sucks ist the Saurus Cav. Maybe you could find some other army with good cavalry Units....Hmmm.. I Just can't find any... Do you? ;)

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1 hour ago, Salyx said:

Perhaps you could combine Bretonnians with Seraphon. Skinks are a good chaff unit, which is more durable because they can flee instead of piling in, and they shoot a little something. You got flying mobile Units able to keep Up with the Knights or if you need a real Rock to keep a flank safe you got the Saurus Guard. Seraphon even provide good heavy shooting at short range.

Furthermore, they got good mages, Monsters and Units able to grind the enemy.

The only Seraphon unit that really sucks ist the Saurus Cav. Maybe you could find some other army with good cavalry Units....Hmmm.. I Just can't find any... Do you? ;)

I like the idea of Serephon tho i only got some Warriors


1 hour ago, MrCharisma said:

In the new world of GHB 2107, the Ironweld Arsenal could be great support for Bretonnia. 

A bunch of gyrocopters or steam tank supporting your Knights, while rocket battery or cannon fire long distance with your trebuchet

What do you mean in the new Generals Handbook, why are they better there?

Only got a steam tank, tho got 3 cannons and a trebuchet

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1 hour ago, MrCharisma said:

Free People will have an a!legiance ability which may greatly benefit you if you keep within a single faction (free peoples). Gotta wait to see how it impacts us all, so it might be worth holding off for a few weeks.  

Where can you see this alliegiance ability couldn't find it my self?

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26 minutes ago, Congratz said:

nevermind found it


...for anyone else curious, it would be the technical definition of FREEPEOPLE (Bretonnia) vs. FREEPEOPLES (Freeguild).

Rules lawyers will say that these are two different factions due to the keyword. 

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Bretonnia's biggest weakness is probably a lack of high rend/mortal wound output (depending what you take of course), so I'd suggest something to cover that gap. Maybe a unit of Kurnoth hunters with scythes, or Stormcast paladins.

I've been eyeing some Stormcast Dracoth Knights myself since they fit an all-cav army nicely!

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14 hours ago, MrCharisma said:

...for anyone else curious, it would be the technical definition of FREEPEOPLE (Bretonnia) vs. FREEPEOPLES (Freeguild).

Rules lawyers will say that these are two different factions due to the keyword. 

There's actually official word that they're the same thing and you can ignore the "s".


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1 hour ago, Oppenheimer said:

There's actually official word that they're the same thing and you can ignore the "s".


GW has also repeatedly stated that their Facebook team doesn't make official rulings. I see Free People and Free Peoples as identical too but a Facebook post doesn't make it official. 

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3 hours ago, rokapoke said:

GW has also repeatedly stated that their Facebook team doesn't make official rulings. I see Free People and Free Peoples as identical too but a Facebook post doesn't make it official. 

Why do you feel the need to quibble? It's as close as we're going to get. There's no need to rub salt into Bretonnian player's wound like that.

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1 hour ago, Oppenheimer said:

Why do you feel the need to quibble? It's as close as we're going to get. There's no need to rub salt into Bretonnian player's wound like that.

It impacts Empire players too. A lot of the old characters have special bonuses which can't be applied to the current models (EG: Freeguild Guard) or are broken all together because they were updated from Empire Archer to Freeguild Archer, and the character applies to the former. 

It's not a quibble, it's a fact. The FAQ clearly states that the keywords must match. If you're playing with friends this doesn't really matter, however; it's something I'm conscious of as a tournament player 

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11 minutes ago, MrCharisma said:

It impacts Empire players too. A lot of the old characters have special bonuses which can't be applied to the current models (EG: Freeguild Guard) or are broken all together because they were updated from Empire Archer to Freeguild Archer, and the character applies to the former. 

It's not a quibble, it's a fact. The FAQ clearly states that the keywords must match. If you're playing with friends this doesn't really matter, however; it's something I'm conscious of as a tournament player 

It's? just ? an? s

It's not meant to be an entirely new concept.

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I just noticed that in the new table of contents there's an alliegance ability for "Wanderers". That faction doesn't exist. There is only a "Wanderer" keyword. So unless the s can be ignored as necessary GW just created a totally useless page in their new GHB.

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Clapping doesn't make you correct.  This came up when the Bonesplitters book came out, and the keyword changed from "Bonesplittas" to "Bonesplitterz".  They ruled the keywords were NOT the same, and compendium units would not affect units with the new keyword.

I'm a Bret player, and am as chafed about this as anyone - especially since I found out about this after converting a Bret-styled Freeguild general on griffon, only to find out he didn't affect Brets.  


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/30/2017 at 1:26 AM, Xin said:

For now the olny allies for Brets are Sigmarines 

That's not really correct. Bretonians cannot take allies, but Stormcast can take any ORDER models as allies.

So you cannot have a Bretonian allegiance with Stormcast.

You can have a Stormcast allegiance army with Bretonians.


Not that it really matters. Bretonnians don't have any battleline if units and are forced to use the Order allegiance abilities. So basically, fulfil your battleline and go wild.

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