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Everything posted by Furuzzolo

  1. Were the free people entries in the shop always 20? The more I look at them the more looks strange to me. Some model missing?
  2. I mean, a bit costly for an Unforged replacement but I'm not going to argue...
  3. Lets keep the topic on "CoS, date speculation and extreme anger." Pls.
  4. So... Now that we have a new army on the way WHEN are we supposed to get CoS and the Orruks book? I know some of you have done some shamanistic-calendar-prevision of the upcoming stuffs. I mean, it's all cool and fun but I got a cover art 30 days ago and dead signal...
  5. And on the bright side the 60% of our range still here is going to get a warscoll rework. Shield wall, right now, is 90% the cause of our "slow" feel... You cannot run or charge the lads in order to reroll saves. We can field gyrocopter and gyrobomber without alling them, same as steam tank, demigryph. One of the allegiance is going to have KO (or fyre, cannot remember) in without point restriction. I'm not defending GW but dispossessed are the ppls who built the cities of Sigmar, I see only options gained for a small tabletop price: outdated models. Good models, nice models, "dwarfy" models. But outdated
  6. LoN was just out when Nighthaunt got their book. I mean...do not close the door to possibilities cause of frustration. Warrior, quarrelers and thunderers have an outdated "dwarf" style, not in line with the rest of the army and of the setting. Stop. I own a ****** load of those, I'm sad but I understand that they had to go. They are lovely models, put them in the cabin and go on with your hobby, be happy that you're going to have AT LEAST a viable way to play your dwarf cause I tried, we all tried, for YEARS to field them and lets be honest, this is our best shot BY FAR.
  7. The fact that the cannon is in a legal matched-play merc company make it possible that's going to be replaced by a new sculpt. IMHO. But again what's the point in this premature rage/speculation? Lets wait a couple of days.
  8. Take a look at the allegiance abilities and battalion in CoS first. I understand the frustration but do not be hasty 😉
  9. Lets be patient and wait for an announcement. Could be all sort of things, reboxing, rebranding....what if all the units get renamed? The cannon and organ kit resculpted? Be patients my beardling (The cannon is mentioned in the merc comp GHB guys. And ghb allegiance and points are valid till the next one)
  10. Exactly. I would be sad if he's gone, such a beautiful model. Useless on the battlefield but really a stand out between all the other "rank and file" style models. Anyhow, as I said, no looking back.🍻
  11. Warriors and thunderers are a bit off the current scale of duardins (even compared to Longbeards, Irondrakes etc) same with the chaps in cannon and organ gun. Unforged I hope to be reboxed, renamed and reworked from the ground up. I love those minis and I own a bouch of them BUT things have to go forward, for the health of the game.
  12. I meant his eye seems not alligned. Was not a comment about ugly/old/or whatever. Just on the 3d model rendition...
  13. Lets hope they do a better job with the face, good lord. 🤣
  14. Hi guys! I usually play KO and Dispossessed but with the Cities of Sigmar tome I bought a good chunk of *I like this model* of free people. The idea is to have 2k humans in order to play them both alone and with my Dispo. So why not ask in the Cities of Sigmar topic, you may ask. The idea is, as said, to have a viable Free people army and I need your wisdom! I have, so far: General on Grif, Genral on horse, battlemage, Luminark or Hurricanum, 6 demigryph knight, 20 guards, 20 greatsword, 10 archers and 10 handgunnes, Steamtank. Good stuffs? I kinda like pistoleers on horse but they seems a little weak right now. What's a good Free People list ? (I like to play with models i really like, not the most competitive) Thank you all for the attention and for playing such a wanderful army
  15. The tone was way more provocative then a discussion. I mean, start a petition or write directly to GW customers service; venting on TGA isn't really helping to reduce the price, isn't it? That's not a debate, that's a dart throwing post. But maybe I just cannot understand the written english nouances/ irony... not my mother tongue, sorry.
  16. I don't get it. If you see an overpriced cake do you open reddit to complain about the cake or do you just walk on and ignore the cake?
  17. Uhm. Usually the Hammerhall Herald is a reliable source of spoiler, isn't it? This one looks not, tho... Do someone read something here?
  18. The only downside of a 25mm horde is the battleshock! Let the Hammerers 100% skip that. 🤑
  19. Hi ladz, first of all I too need the answers to @AaronWilson questions! #2. I want to run a Greyfyrd army, was thinking about 3 Grimwrath to make use of the signature command ability. Maybe two Grimwrath and a Doomseeker? I must say that I really dislike the Runeson, so lets keep him out of the options ahah. Edit... Sent this one too early, missing: "What do you suggest? Do you have some outperforming setup for this?"
  20. Not a rumor but I'm watching my GH19 right now and all the factions had some sort of point change... Beside the 2019 updated ones, bonesplitterz, gutbusters ans sylvaneth. I mean... What if the china-delay wasn't only for sylvaneth? Looks very suspicious to me. ALL the other factions had some change, even devoted of sigmar and lion rangers(??).
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