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Everything posted by Harioch

  1. I just looked at the named wind Kitsune archer and I was like..: "ok..I can't catch this thing nor shooting at it, nor magic missile him...". If I can't deal with him, i should ignore him ...but can I afford it? His shooting is decent and his movement allows him to be where he wants to go. So he will always be a pain in the ***. A first hot take to his warscroll makes me wonder if he'll not be the most annoying thing in this Lumineth release. I'll wait to see his point cost. Also to be fair, none of these LrL warscrolls screams OP to me, even the foxes. Just them being annoying to counter with my OBR (the catapults with -1 to hit...-2 with the LrL ballistas...and ignore wounds on 5+ means a lot of wasted shots on it). The only warscrolls that seems good, at least to me, are the ballista, foxes and the swordmaster hero. Oh and I despise the fury of blows rule for the swordmasters...it will be tedious and will slow down the combat phase by a lot.
  2. The blood knights are all I wished for a remade model. They are fantastic. Speculation mode for warscrolls in the new book: -new kits :vampire lord, blood knight, fell bats, deathrattle and zombies, the vampire-rat (...and Cursed City models ?) -old kits: vargheist, coven throne, black knights, vampire on dragon, wolves. Most of them are dual kits with either Nighthaunt or FeC so I don't see them going away. -maybe something else: a big bad endgame boss (I still hope for Vlad or Abhorash). And the traditional endless spells. Anyway, I was waiting for them since...well the beginning ? (Was afraid to collect them since we didn't know back then what would be squatted...plus old Blood knight...) About Kragoth...I genuinly don't know. Could be Kurnothi, could be BoC. Both would be cool to me. Still I don't understand why BoC, with their new AoS lore (thus different from the old children of the Chaos in the Old World), they're not a Destruction army. They could have fit well in this allegiance. And even if there are some beatsmen who follow a chaos god, humans already do. So we can see this race in multiple allegiances. But that's just me.
  3. He's ...massive. And truly beautiful. I don't play Chaos but I'm tempted now...what a model. But my poor painting skills won't give him justice. Side note, another character on a big rock 😁.
  4. If we got another big preview my guess is that will be focused on 40k. But I don't know what they could reveal more than codex reworks and the sisters already shown.. On the subject of Soulblight troops, if we don't get any vampires infantry, and I hope we do (I want my Underworld, the movie, army of vampire knights), I wish that means that they make vampire heroes super elite and strong in stats to represent the fact that they are uncommon and powerful. I always liked, in Fantasy, that vampire lords could rival chaos lords and all the uber strong lord of others races. It made our opponent trembling and sweating when our Blood dragon lord charged or duelled their big bad overstuffed leader 😁. Or just give us a 3 man unit of swordman/caster elite vampire infantry(and mounted) blood knight...
  5. "I do not need Teclis protection...I have a gun."
  6. For Ironjawz, mostly new kits with axes launchers ( and by that I mean a big heavy 2h axe), chariots, etc. To me the Ironjawz could use the Iron horde of WoW art not by story, just by design, because it was a cool concept in my eyes. Bonesplitters, more shamanic units. Even great beasts (Squiggoth with a howdah please ?). Beastclaws. Getting rid of the finecast. Also more emphazise on the winter theme. I don't know some frozen elemental-ogors possessed by the everwinter something like that. And also a proper priest model instead of the hurskarl. Mawtribes. Again finecast has to go and be replaced. Sons of behemat. A matriarch/witch ogor who heal by prayer or magic. Fun ideas: A unit of giant dedicated to launch boulder...I'm not convinced it's useful rulewise as they all can alrezdy do that but the sculpt would be cool 😄. Mammoth pets as Ogor use kitties or Stormcast gryphounds. Also King Brodd of course...
  7. Vyrgos vampire seems like a crossover between Old world Strigoi and Von Carstein lineage. Instead of Ghouls and Crypt Horrors (because they are now a faction of their own) we got a more animalistic theme on them and they keep all the ferals models that was in the old vampire counts line. There is a pagan/dark druid theme on them that I very much like. As for AoS rules, maybe the Vyrgos are only a dynasty in the next Gravelord battletome and the models are just for Cursed city, then Radukar and the like counts as generic vampire lords etc.. So for soulblight dynasties we got Vyrgos but I'm sure we can include Nulhamians( Neferata-old Lamhian vibe), Carstinians (Mannfred- old Sylvania...i still think, given Manfred nature that they are the new Necrarch). For Vordrhai or the Blood dragon...I don't know. Those two seems rather independant (one is bound to his castle and the other don't leave his mountain) so I can't quite see a dynasty which derivate from them, even if I'd love an old Blood dragon- vampire warrior theme for a dynasty.
  8. I'm hyped but at the same time I'm also prepared to be disapointed 😄.
  9. Blood of the phoenix. It's the one with the new scult for Drazhar and Jain zarr. As for your post about IDK. I sadly agree. GW releases for factions is quite erratic to me. But maybe it's because I look too much at the past. Back then when an army was re-released for a new edition (40k or Fantasy) they printed a new book and updated/added new models as well to go with. Now they mostly seems to update battletome and add some endless spells/scenery when your faction is already out. The only armies that got a new wave of models are Stormcast and Lumineth (I'm not counting the various new heros like loonboss, abhorant or ironscale because it's not a new "wave" to me. More like a bonus) so... Maybe some will prefer unplanned waves more and maybe it feels less than before to me just because AoS is still in developement 😁.
  10. https://images.app.goo.gl/hzcRie6ZuzdFqZRq5 Or dragon prince ? (Sorry I can't insert an image properly...and I've tried) ...ok I'm out..
  11. Is he holding a shield or a tablet ? To me it seems either a Bloodknight or a Wight king on horse (hence the lance). Please be a Bloodknight...in plastic ...and not 80€ for a box of 3...am I asking too much ?
  12. The price hikes has stopped me buying more than 2 armies right now (1 for 40k and 1 for AoS). Maybe a third. But before I was buying for fun side project and now I limit myself and keep on growing slowly one army at a time. And now I only buy from third parties. It also makes it difficult to promote warhammer to friends because it's not only the models you need to buy. It's the battletome, the expansion (BR or PA for exemple), paints, glue, etc...
  13. Gardus, Hamilcar and Balthas are my dream team for Stormcasts characters ...so I would be so happy if it's him 😁.
  14. I'm more than hyped if that's the case.. What buzzed me is the reference to a "hulking" figure for the one on the throne. Maybe it's an illusionary trick or maybe he's a new character but I've never seen any reference to a vampire being described this way. So I can see strong arguments of him being Belakor or Malerion. I would be happy too if it came to be them...but as a Soulblight fan I'll stick to this theory for now 😁.
  15. I don't understand the need to merge the Duardin. Fyreslayers can be a strong concept and can be expended a lot (I saw many good ideas in here and on reddit). Merging would not only mean less thematic releases for both sides but also making a melting pot of two/three strong different themes in a faction. To me if GW merges the duardin it will be like the Orruks or Legion of Nagash. To make a battletome up to the rules standard of a new edition until more releases are planned and then splitting again (we're coming to see that for LoN, let's see for the Orruks in the future). In that case let's merge DoK and Idoneth after all. Then they will match Lumineth and Stormcasts in kits..and for those who wants to play Kharadrons, Fyreslayers etc in the same army we can still use a CoS type of rules (becoming Cities of Order ?) or Grand Allegiance Order. I don't play duardins, never be fan of dwarves in any fantasy universe but to say that Fyreslayers are a weak concept, deserving to be shoved as extra units in a great duardin book seems kinda rude to those who adhere and love the concept in the first place 😄. Yes the all twelve of them. To me if there is not enough people interested in playing them is only because of the 2 kits variations for units and the price.. One thing I noticed recently is many people talking how to remake this faction concept or this one or rewrite their backgroung to the ground because it prevents them for buying and playing this same army. Not blaming anyone but I don't understand why. Not every faction need to be tailored to your personal tastes. Fluff wise or esthetically speaking. That's why you pick a faction at the end of the day. Because some are less appealing to you and that's fine. Others will love them (and I know what I'm talking about I love the Ossiarch even when they divided people for what they looked like on their release 😅). Or you can still kitbash, make your own lore... Again sorry if I sound condescending or harsh. It's really not intended at all.
  16. They...kinda did. Giving a warpstone infused blade to Alcadizzar, the king of Khemri of his time, to kill Nagash with it. And he did, Nagash died...but only for a time, as always
  17. My bet on Lumineths (Realmlords) and Warhammer quest (Gravelords). Still want to see a glimpse of the Gravelords for AoS but I'm not convinced they're coming this soon. Only the Ulfenkarn vampires will be seen I guess. If there is some Blightlords preview it'll be some new models, and definitely not a battletome because the next BR cover them too (please be pestigors).
  18. To me, with a name like Gravelords...i think it'll be a Legion of Nagash 2.0 with same grave site faction rules...but I still hope for vampires units (blood knights mounted and unmounted).
  19. I agree with your whole post and shooting needs to be adressed in future edition. I will add that shooting, while engaged, into the enemy unit could be a special rule for good and quick archers (think Legolas) instead of being the default situation. But that's just me, because we're pretty limited right now to "run and shoot" and "exploding 6s" to special rules for shooting units.
  20. So...Cathay, Demons and Kislev...what will be the last base faction .. Chaos dwarf or Ogres ? My bet on Ogre kingdom as the last one. Chaos dwarf as a DLC.
  21. Honestly I don't want Nagash to lose his hold on Death allegiance. For me it's part of the appeal: Order are multiples factions united against a common enemy or sharing same civilisation values, Destruction don't care about each others and fight as much themselves as others but unite when there is a big Waagh, Chaos feel the same with the impulse of the Dark gods. Death is like Order but it's tragic cause they are under the heel of a tyrant. They can still fight between them for a territory, a political struggle between Mortarchs or generals etc. Even rebellion can be a thing with vampires (aka Mannfred) but are ultimately doomed from the start and that makes it tragic. With Death whatever you want to achieve for yourself, it's part of something greater from you, and if it contradict what Nagash plans it will backlash at you. No freedom, no hope, just the will of a tyrant which you must serve even if try to escape. Which can make good story too. You can still see Olynder and Arkhan going fighting each other on a disagreement or political attempt to take his place in the pyramidal governement of Death, or Mannfred trying to prove himself to Nagash and in the same time trying to plot against him, and then failing and being forced to undo ( and kill) the things he had planned and the people who aided him because Nagash wills it. Stagnation goes with Death, that's why Nurgle and Alarielle are antithesis to him and Shyish. If this change I fear it will change Death allegiance in Order or Chaos 2.0 with Vampires instead of Elves or Slaanesh...
  22. @Sception well if so many people claim that Abhorash is likely to make a come back it's mostly because we've seen a reference to him in the novel Eight lamentations where there is a vampire whose name is the Blood dragon, living at the top of a mountain, who Nefereta send him her best vampires to be train because he's told to be the best warrior there is. Adhema, one of Neferata knight, is one of his pupils. So in the end, it's maybe just a hint to Abhorash by Josh Reynold (he never named him) but that also could be, if not a leader or a mortarch, at least a future character for the Soulblight.
  23. Maybe they are agents of Neferata. In 8 Lamentations, some of them were trained by a vampire who might be Abhorash (armor, dragon, sit at the top of a mountain, and the best at combat by vampire standard). So...maybe Aleya ?
  24. Yes...his name is Settrus...Lord Celestant of the Imperishables... I wish I was joking.
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