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Blog Entries posted by Gwendar

  1. Gwendar
    My list:

    Game 1: Daughters of Khaine - Duality of Death in Shyish

    Their List:
    I win drops and elect him to go first, risking him changing Morathi T1 so I can try for a double. He drops the Heartrenders and their shooting + an Arcane Bolt manage to kill off 5 Ghouls from my big unit as he pushes forward.

    I continue my trend of rolling horrifically on my casting rolls but manage to get off FH for +1 attack on the GKoTG and Spectral Host so I can attempt to make a backline-flyover charge as we deployed pretty close. I decide to go ahead and bring in 1 Varghulf to support the Ghouls and 1 unit of Flayers on the right and the left to put some pressure on his choices if he wins priority. The right Flayers and GKoTG make their charges as well as the 10 Ghoul unit into the Heartrenders and thanks to FF, I manage to kill the Cauldron and put 3 wounds on Morathi with the TG. Other than that, the 10 Ghoul unit kills off 4 Khinerai and the Flayers + TG manage to kill off enough of the 10 Witch unit to make the rest run. I went big on this turn so I didn't park on any objectives as I knew I had to strike at Morathi with everything I had to get her down ASAP.

    I (thankfully) manage to get the double which pretty much seals the deal for Morathi assuming I can roll halfway decently. I believe I failed 4 of my casts this turn which didn't leave me surprised at all but managed to get off Miasmal Shroud and leave the Witches at -1 to hit. Anyway, going into combat saw Morathi receive her last 3 wounds and the 20 Witch unit down to 14 from the 5 Flayers.. he rolled his saves pretty hot this entire game which was nuts to see. On pile in with Morathi, I get my GKoTG to be within 3" of the right objective and cap it. I was about a 1/2" shy on the left since I opted not to auto-run my AA. 1-0 FeC

    With not much left, he does everything he can to push me back and manages to kill off all the Flayers.

    He gets the double, charges the GKoTG and kills it which was pretty much a Pyrrhic victory for him personally.

    On my turn I finally get off the Chalice and get +3 attacks on the 10 Ghoul unit and charge it into the remaining Witches along with the Varghulf and, well, it's pretty much just a slog-fest with him bringing the Ghouls down to 2 left, but the Chalice returns 6 more.

    We go into his T4 just to see if he can kill the Varghulf but he fails and concedes after the Varghulf retaliation kills her leaving him with 2 Witches left. 7-0 at the end of my turn, FeC victory.

    Overall Thoughts
    I've really been struggling with the army, had a bad couple of games Thursday against Seraphon losing my 1st this league and tie-ing on the second (not going to bother posting as I made poor decisions in both games and I knew better) and I've honestly just missed playing my Skaven. That said, I still enjoy using them and I think DoK was a great match-up since he practically 1-shot the TG.. of course had he managed to change Morathi on his T1 I imagine this would have gone far differently. This is one of my favorite Battleplans to play as it forces both players to play a little more offensively than how they might normally if it were, say, Scorched Earth (one of my least favorites). Great opponent, great game and I look forward to more. There's about 7 weeks left in the league (going 2 weeks per 250 points increase now instead of 1 week) so I'll hold out and keep the batreps coming. May have 1-2 games next week, but time\availability will tell. Currently standing at 12W-1L.

    Game 2: Seraphon - Places of Arcane Power in Shyish

    Their List:
    He goes first and grabs 2 VP's right away. Razordons teleport over to try to kill off my AAR's but they whiff, only causing about 2 wounds which get healed on my turn. He moves his Slann on the back right Objective while he takes 20 Skinks and a Starpriest middle and carefully tries to position against a charge with the TG.

    I (for once) manage to get off Chalice and UV which really makes me feel safer against the Rippers. I deployed in such a way he had no good target for them T1, but I knew he was trying to bait the TG out in the open so that he could drop them down. I go ahead and drop 3 Flayers down to threaten his Slann in the back and 3 up front to handle the Razordons. Varghulf comes in on my left to sit on the Objective with the 10 Ghouls. Since I had Chalice and UV, I went ahead and charged the TG right into the Skinks and luckily maw was in range of the Starpriest.. unfortunately after all that combat, I wasn't in range of the Objective, but everything got wiped out. 2-1 Seraphon.

    He wins priority and (surprise) brings down the Rippers into the TG and I nervously roll dice as he manages to take it down to 5 wounds remaining. Since the TG hardly suffers from being bracketed, it easily wiped them out with FF. I roll pretty horrifically end of phase and only get 3 wounds healed on the Chalice.

    I heal 2 more to the TG and I begin advancing my center Ghouls and AAR's to claim the objective to free up the TG so it + the Flayers can contest the back objective. I charge the unit of 2 Flayers in so they can remove Doppleganger cloak. 4-4 Tie.

    We call it there, as he knows that having removed his Cloak it was only a matter of time before the TG and Flayers ended the Slann.. and he would just lose points if he moved off of it. Major Victory FeC.

    Overall Thoughts
    Well, since I played like an idiot against Shadowstrike last time, I wasn't about to do that again. I felt confident with Chalice + UV that even if I lured out the Rippers, they wouldn't be able to kill me as easily..and even if they did, I was certain the 30 Ghouls could take them out and I would still be left with plenty to take middle and contest the right. I think this battleplan benefited me though and playing something where bodies control more spread out objectives it would have been tougher as Seraphon excels at these types of battleplans.

    Game 3: Tzeentch - Shifting Objectives in Shyish

    Their List:
    I allow him to go first as I beat him on drops. He only manages to get off 1 spell due to some poor rolling and he moves everything up and caps the center (worth 3) with a bit of guidance from me on screening his Heroes to be more than 3" away from the TG.

    On my turn I only manage to get off the -1 to hit realm spell on the Tzaangors and everything (back to normal!) else fails to go off\is unbound.. but mostly just fails to go off. I opt to go ahead and apply pressure by bringing in 3 Flayers + Carghulf on the right side to contest the 6 Englightened and bring 3 more Flayers in to support the TG. I charge the TG into his left flank and wedge it in-between the Acolytes and Tzaangors while the right Flayers and middle Ghouls charge into the Enlightened and Tzaangors respectively. I know that with so many activations that it's impossible for him to not get the Enlightened RR'ing everything.. so I opt to go ahead with TG first and do pretty average. I opt to save my free FF for the Enlightened but.. even with it the 3 Flayers only manage to kill 2 of them and get wiped out in return. Ghouls kill about 5 1/2 Tzaangors and only 3 get killed. 5-3 FeC.

    I get the double and decide to take it.. again getting off a single spell. I get the Flayers into combat with the Gaunt Summoner and take out more Tzaangors + Acolytes with the TG but decide not to FF as I wanted him to at least have a chance of hitting back. Instead, the 10 Ghoul unit that charged the remaining Enlightened got FF'd and actually took them down to 1 remaining... so yeah, 10 Ghouls did more work than 3 Flayers, somehow. Middle Ghouls finish off the Tzaangors and remaining Enlightened and he calls the game there, knowing he doesn't have much in the way of coming back. 10-3 FeC Major Victory. (Sorry, I forgot to get a picture of the end table)

    Overall Thoughts
    I think FeC is a tough matchup for Tzeentch, to be honest. I talked with him a bit afterwards and I believe things could've swung more his direction if he positioned more defensively to prepare for a possible double turn and worried about objectives later. That way he could've got the Enlightened into the TG and (even without the RR's) could've done some damage to it and possibly taken it out which would've been a big blow. This is a great objective for us and really just solidifies why I like taking 40-60 Ghouls over heavy Flayers (RIP my Deadwatch list idea)

    End of Week Thoughts
    So, after a couple of bad Seraphon games, I pulled it together and started playing smart again.. I was really just losing touch with the army and dreaming of playing my Skaven again. I still love FeC and they aren't going anywhere.. they'll definitely always be my go to for a monster-heavy\CC heavy army. That said, I can tell you that I've really not been a fan of Flayers. I think that's largely due to them only being in units of 3, but man... when you typically are only doing 4-8 wounds on average it's just demoralizing to use them. I'm going to start building 6 Horrors today and see how they treat me.

    The League organizer decided to make each 250 points increase last 2 weeks, so starting Thursday next week I'll be posting up games at 1500 which will largely end up being the same list (40-10-10) with a Ghast Courtier and I may try running Palisade for that sweet roadblock, especially against Khorne, Fyreslayers, etc. I tried to squeeze in Ghoul Patrol, but I just wasn't sure if it was worth it as I would have to drop an AAR to do so. Anyway, thanks for the read as usual.. feedback always appreciated.
  2. Gwendar
    My list 1:
    My list 2:
    Game 1 (List 1): Seraphon - Three Places of Power in Ulgu

    Their List:
    He gets priority and makes me go first. I move the TG onto the mid objective but everything else is just short of capping anything else. Varghulf and 3 Horrors come in on the left side to support.

    He deployed pretty far back, so his turn he largely just moves everything up while failing to get off cogs + BW. 5 Knights charge the right side Ghouls but.. nothing goes through thanks to using up all my lucky 6's on saves. 1-0 FeC

    I win priority. I manage to get off FH for +1 attack on the GKoTG and spend movement phase getting into range of the other 2 objectives and summoning in another 3 Horrors on the left to further reinforce it against the Razordons. GKoTG charges the Knights + Razordons, left side Ghouls charge the Razordons as well. The GKoTG ends up killing 4 Knights and 2 Razordons and I FF him and pile in around the remaining Knight to kill the Starpriest.

    At this point he concedes, 4-0 FeC Major Victory.

    Overall Thoughts
    Well, he forgot to summon in his Rippers t1 which really didn't help him at all. This allowed me to break out on my t2 and be aggressive towards his backline. Overall this is just a good objective for FeC I feel.. I can just summon in a Courtier and 6 Knights to hold 1 objective and the AAR's\Ghast Courtier can hold the others while the GKoTG does it's thing. Seraphon has to play rather.. calculated to win against FeC, but on a hero scoring battleplan like this, it's difficult.

    Game 2 (List 1): Seraphon - Relocation Orb in Ulgu

    Their List:
    Same as above

    First off, I hate this objective, as do most people I think. Anyway, he elects to go first this time and manages to get his spells off giving the Slann more summoning potential. He teleports his Scar-Vet into range of the 40 Ghouls and kills off 16 of them with Betrayers Crown + combat. 6 Rippers come down on my 10 Ghoul unit, which was...perplexing to say the least, and of course they manage to kill all 10 of them while the big Ghoul unit kills off the Scar-Vet with FF. Afterwards I found out that he thought that the leader of the Ghoul unit was the Ghast Courtier, so he was just trying to remove heroes from the board.

    My turn sees more spells fail, as usual. I also manage to get my first double 1's on the TG charge into the Rippers and don't have a CP to spend as I summoned in 3 Flayers, 3 Horrors and a Varghulf to the top right of the board. I do gain control of the middle objective

    Objective moves to the top right near my Knights + Varghulf

    I get priority and (wouldn't you know it) fail most of my spells again aside from getting off Mystic Shield on the GKoTG. The TG learns how to make a 3" charge this time and wipes out the Rippers while the Horrors kill off 2 Knights.. I didn't want to FF them in case the Ghouls needed it (they didn't as they killed all 5 Knights in the center) and I wanted to save a CP for potential IP on the Ghouls.

    He spends his turn mostly moving everything into a tightly packed screen-ring and summoned in 3 Rippers and some Skinks. The Razordons manage to remove 10 Ghouls from the middle as the Ghast Courtier was outside the 12" bubble for the FNP's and then charges them in. He goes with them first (If I recall..) but I think only removes ~2.. meanwhile my 3 Horrors manage to only get 1 wound through as my dice suddenly rebelled and decided to roll 1's & 2's and my AAR's were still by the Throne so they couldn't provide RR's. Ghouls end up killing 2 Razordons total. 2-1 FeC

    Objective moves towards him

    He gets the double and teleports the 2 Razordons behind the Knights + Varghulf and proceeds to charge in what he can which ends up taking out the Horrors. I hit back with the Flayers and only kill 2 Rippers with FF.

    On my turn I manage to run the Ghast Courtier into objective range and charge the center Ghouls into the Starpriest + Knights.. the Varghulf also gets into the Knights while also being in range of the objective. We call it there as my 2 heroes + 13 Ghouls allows me to take control of the objective and combat will likely see the end of the Rippers, Knights and Starpriest. 3-2 FeC Major Victory. *following picture is from his perspective as I forgot to take one*

    Overall Thoughts
    I really need to work on keeping my AAR's closer to the action. I find that far too often I keep them too far back while everything else is rampaging ahead, losing the benefits that the AAR's can give them. I think this is still just my brain telling me to play defensively like it does with my Skaven as I have shooting + offensive magic.. whereas FeC magic is largely just buffs\debuffs. Other than that, the GKoTG failing that charge and being stuck in the back for another turn to deal with the Rippers wasn't particularly helpful. Still some things to learn, but overall I'm happy with the outcome.. especially in the final phase where I got the heroes into range last minute.. I still hate this battleplan.

    Game 3 (List 1): Tzeentch - Shifting Objectives in Ulgu

    Their List:
    Right objective is worth 3

    I win priority but let him go first. He manages to get off some spells to generate summoning points, but other than that he just moves onto all 3 objectives... parking his 6 Enlightened out in the open in charge range of the GKoTG.

    So, my casting dice work against Tzeentch for some reason and I get off +3 attacks into the TG and UV and Mystic Shield. Chalice of course continues to just sit around and never go off. I run all the Ghouls left and center to outnumber him on the objectives.. meanwhile I summon in 6 Horrors and a Varghulf in his back right. The GKoTG swoops in on the right side 3" away from the Enlightened and makes the charge on a 3.. so at least it wasn't as catastrophic as last game. Of course, the GKoTG manages to 1-shot all 6 Enlightened without needing FF. 5-5 Tie

    He wins priority, but most of his spells fail or get unbound.. even with his RR failed casts spell going off and only manages a couple of MW's into the GKoTG. He ends up charging the Tzaangors into the GKoTG and the left Acolytes into the Ghouls. We get through combat with him only putting the TG down to 11 remaining and the Ghouls losing only ~3 models.. the TG kills off around half the Tzaangors before FF and we call it there. 10-5 FeC Major Victory.

    Overall Thoughts
    I'm really not sure what Tzeentch could do. I walked him through pre-measuring threat ranges and told him that his biggest mistake was putting those 6 Enlightened out in the open with the GKoTG being in range, knowing that I would have the next turn. As we all know, this game is won on objectives.. but much of the time that doesn't mean you need to cap all of them T1. Had he kept the Enlightened out of range and then won priority, they could've potentially charged and killed the TG with spell damage whittling it down a bit more. Had he done that and Enlightened managed to stick around, he could've swept around to kill off the Horrors and then dealt with the Ghouls. For me, I played this about as perfectly as I could as my Ghouls can easily deal with Acolytes and had no issues outnumbering him on the objectives.

    Game 4 (List 2😞 Seraphon - Duality of Death in Ulgu
    Their List:
    I beat him on drops and opt to have him go first since he deployed so far back.. he didn't have any means of summoning this time around so I was a little better off giving him 1st. Mostly he just shuffles everything around and ends his turn.

    My turn see's me moving my ZD on the left objective but only the GKoTG manages a charge.. and promptly eats the middle 10 Guard. 1-0 FeC

    I manage to get the double and charge both TG's into the Knights on the left.. and they managed to kill only half of them because I can't roll above a 4 as you will see throughout. GKoTG manages to kill the Starpriest and take 9 off the Scar-Vet Carno. Knights hit back and take 3 off a TG.

    On his turn he charges the GKoTG with the Sunblood and remaining 10 Guard.. but his Scar-vet mistakenly attacked first with Quicksilver as he forgot the Old-blood had it instead. Regardless, he takes 4 off the GKoTG but it retaliates and kills both the Sunblood and Scar-vet Carno. Meanwhile after the Knights take 2 off a TG, the "squad" of 2 kills the 4 Knights and brings the Scar-vet on Cold One down to 1 remaining. The GKoTG does take 3 from the Guard but.. luckily I can roll 6's to heal for 3 to bring him up a bit. 3-0 FeC

    This time he gets the double and teleports the Oldblood Carno to threaten the left objective and takes 2 off the ZD with shooting and then promptly charges in and murders it... but hey, the GKoTG killed off the Guard?

    On my turn 1 TG makes it in with a re-roll charge and.. well, everyone else is out of range. It only takes 5 off the Oldblood before, again, getting murdered. Remember when I said I can't roll a 4+? That applies to my saves and hits\wounds for most of this game. Naturally I had my GKoTG too far away to get Deathless saves. 3-1 FeC

    I win priority, get everybody in and take some vengeance since the maw finally decided to work and 14 damage went through. 4-1 FeC Major Victory

    Overall Thoughts
    I've been really tired of running FeC.. I'm actually excited for the league to end so I can go back to my Skaven (as much as I want to start another army, I really want to wait and see if Tom Lyons is right about TK's coming back as an elite shooting army) but that's not to say I don't enjoy my FeC as a whole. I decided to run this list as it was what I was initially wanting to do when the tome first dropped, even if it isn't the most competitive. Honestly I think I only won this because my opponent decided to try a different Seraphon list which he wasn't used to.. and he forgot a lot of rules because of it. The fact that an Oldblood on Carno managed to do 28+ wounds and kill half my army has obviously made me not want to do this anymore; it relies waaay too much on hoping those attacks go off and with everything hitting on 4+ it just isn't worth it in my opinion.

    But hey, it was fun and different and it was nice that for once in my life I wasn't moving 60-130+ models every movement phase.

    Game 5 (List 2): Khorne - Starstrike in Ulgu
    Their List (He was way under due to forgetting models):
    I let him go first and.. well he fails his prayers and only hurts himself and stays put. It was an eventful.

    I decide to just go all out and charge in the GKoTG and 1 TG up the center and (as you may expect) they kill all the Reavers. Now, I knew this would put me in charge range of the Bloodthirster if he won priority, but I went ahead anyway.

    Objective drops dead center

    So yeah, I didn't win priority and the Bloodthirster gets into my GKoTG and the 5 Warriors get the TG right beside him. I won't say this Bloodthirster is OP, but I will say that it doing 8 MW's to both the GKoTG and regular TG is nuts.. oh and my horrific saves have moved over from the previous game and the GKoTG get's murdered with the remaining -2 d6 hits of his that go through.

    On my turn, the ZD fails to wound with shooting on a 2+ which would've likely killed a Priest.. but that's okay as it charged the Bloodletters\Hounds and does a whole 2 damage. But hey, the wounded TG charges and manages to kill the Secrator and Priest so at least there's that. 0-0

    He win's priority again and moves his remaining priest onto the objective and the Bloodletters\Hounds take the ZD down to 7.

    I manage to get on the center objective with a TG and my other TG finally got a good scream off and did 4 MW's to kill off his Priest while the ZD killed the Bloodletters.. I put everything into the Bloodletters as splitting attacks with these things has seldom helped me out. (My notes are FUBAR'd on the points, but I know I had majority VP's)

    I get the double, but he uses Blood Tithe to finish off the ZD with the remaining Hounds. Again, my notes are wrong on the exact amount of VP but we call it with FeC Major Victory.

    Overall Thoughts
    This just further solidifies this as being a bad list for competitive play but.. I wasn't really trying to play competitively this week. I really just wanted to have a more relaxed time and I definitely did... which is also why I didn't get more than 1 picture for this game; we were just having fun and laughing at the ridiculous **** that was happening and chatting with everyone else in the store for league night. 

    I may do it again, but probably only at 2k (maybe during 1750 weeks).. just depends how I'm feeling. I really missed my spellcasting (even though it never goes off) and the Synergies as with this, once that GKoTG is gone, I basically lose all my CP and my force multiplying ability gets buried.

    End of Week Thoughts
    1st list, yeah, great and competitive... 2nd list was for fun and it has glaring issues for competitive play as one could imagine.

    As I've said before, I really want to get back to my Skaven but.. faction burnout can happen so it's nothing against the army. There's another 5ish weeks left of the League so I still appreciate any feedback you have. I'm curious to see what our inevitable points changes do to my lists.

    Anyway, I have a 2k tourney today (though, I doubt many will show due to the weather) where I will be bringing the ratbois back out.. so look forward to that later.
  3. Gwendar
    My list:
    Game 1: Seraphon - Battle of the Pass in Ghyran

    Their List:
    I elect him to go first.. really not sure that it would pan out too well if I went since I wouldn't be able to get off any T1 charges. Anyway, he largely does nothing aside from marginal pushing up and but generating Summoning points. He caps his home + bottom objective with 20 Skinks.

    My turn, I get off the Chalice but that's it. I manage to get the ZD into the Skinks  and take them down to 7 with shooting + FF which seldom seems to do much any good.. BS leaves 3 remaining so he still controls bottom. I summon 3 Horrors to take the top objective and 20 Ghouls to babysit home with the AAR. 3-3 Tie

    He wins priority, charges the 10 Knights into the ZD and the Scar-Vet into the TG.. only does 2 damage to the ZD (spoiler, it heals it all back) and I opt to activate the TG next which 1 shots the Scar-Vet. The Knights are -1 to be hit so, even with FF the ZD only kills 1-2.

    So, I manage to get Mystic Shield and +3 Ferocious Hunger off onto the GKoTG who charges into and subsequently deletes the remaining Knights and the ZD finishes the Skinks (if I recall.. I can't remember exactly how I finished off the 3 Skinks but, they died either from shooting or one of these guys). The 2 Center TG's try to make it into his home, but only 1 does and it manages to bring the 20 Skinks down to 2 remaining.. and they Wary Fighter away to get in range of IP.

    He wins priority since all my luck is being transferred to other rolls and I get two 1's for priority in a row, ah well. He teleports his Slann to my top right to threaten the AAR and Ghouls, then summons in  3 Razordons (who kill 3 Ghouls total) and an Engine of the Gods. He then decides to bring the Rippers down onto the 3 Horrors which, as you might imagine, kills them.

    I get both TG's further into his deployment charge both into his Skinks\Razordons. I forget to move and subsequently fail my charge with the Ghouls but the ZD moves in and (fails) to get the charge into the EotG while the GKoTG charges and deletes the 6 Ripperdactlys, 1 of the TG's in his home kill off all 3 Razordons and puts Claws into the 2 remaining skinks from the earlier unit, leaving 1... incidentally, this is what seals the deal for me as he Wary Fighters the larger unit away, but just outside 3" and my 2nd TG piles in, pulling them in and does 12 MW's on the Maw to kill them all and ensure I take his home objective. We call it, 17-11 FeC. 

    Overall Thoughts
    A bit surprised in this actually... I was certain that without bodies I wouldn't be able to properly hold off against all the Seraphon summoning but.. when 3 TG's and a ZD roll decently then I guess it pays off. That said, I think he could've won or definitely put me in far more trouble had he done a few things differently, which we talked about afterwards. First off, he admits to making a mistake not bring the Rippers down on my home objective, as he easily could've taken that and then sent the Slann to contest the top objective with the Horrors. Either way, I would've gained his home and sent everything back to my own and capped the sides.. but he likely would've been ahead and it would be a fight to get back.

    After not playing for nearly 2 weeks, it was nice to play again, even though I always say I'm burnt out on the army. I'm getting into a couple of other Wargames to break up the monotony every now and then. Anyway, I have a game lined up for tomorrow with Tzeentch and 1-2 more on Friday for league night at the LGS, all using the same list.

    Overall Week
    I actually played 2 more games this week; 1 against Tzeentch and 1 against Stormcast.. but I didn't really feel they were worth posting. Both ended by T2 if I recall.. the Tzeentch player definitely held out and was trying a more magic heavy Changehost list and hitting the GKoTG hard, but everything was healed back thanks to the Chalice getting free eats from all the Horrors.

    I was worried about the SC game, but he didn't bring any ballistas and instead loaded up on Evocators\Sequitors. At one point I conceded after he killed 2 of my TG's, but we played out the next turn which... well, he conceded after the Gristlegore GKoTG managed to kill ~1k of his army all by himself, leaving him with only 2 groups of 5 Sequitors and 3 rounds of me scoring objectives. Never concede early kids, advice I give every new player.. you never know what could happen and I should've taken my own advice.

    This list is a lot more fun but I can suffer on objectives, or so I thought. The "issue" is that this list tends to absolutely murder anything thrown at it rather quickly which leaves a couple rounds to get objectives. The hardest part is deciding whether or not I should ever take T1 or not as it's a 3 drop. If I can make a charge with at least the GKoTG and 1 other TG I typically will go for it, otherwise I usually elect them to get closer and deploy further back.. although some opponents can see this and opt not to move their first turn, depending on the objective.
  4. Gwendar
    My list:

    Game 1: Seraphon - Scorched Earth in Hysh

    Their List:
    I finish setup first and (for probably the first time in my AoS history the last 2 years) decide to take 1st turn. I make sure to setup screens so nothing can teleport behind\to the sides and ensure my objectives are held. Spectral Host + Unholy Vitality go off on the GKoTG but Chalice is unbound... but it didn't matter in the end. I run the GKoTG 19" and get a long enough charge to make it behind the Rippers and Skinks.. unfortunately I can't bite the Slann thanks to Doppleganger. Regardless, combat + FF kill 5 Rippers and 7 Skinks.. retaliation takes a wound off the TG. 

    His turns teleports the Slann to the right side and summons in Skinks + a Salamander, proceeding shooting + combat phase takes off 2 more wounds from the TG but I take the objective by wiping out the remaining 3 Skinks and lone Ripper.

    We roll for priority and with a tie, so it goes back to me and he decides to concede.

    Overall Thoughts
    Yeah so.. GKoTG. It will likely be a tougher matchup against more combat heavy armies but the combination of getting off UV and Gryph Feather just made him a tank and being able to charge T1 (likely could've been done without even casting SH) was nuts coming from someone who's largely only played shooting\magic heavy armies. I summoned in a Varghulf and 3 Flayers on the right but... after that first combat we both saw that it was likely the end unless he could get a double and try to fight back.. even then I had my 2 objectives covered pretty well and was going to let the Summons + TG do all the work.

    I think I've decided on a 1250 list, but unless someone else brings some heavy hitting, I think this could be tough to fight back against. I have 1-2 games tomorrow and another this Saturday with Tzeentch so I'll update this weekend sometime. As always any feedback\comments are welcome. This is the 7th time I've played them so I'm still trying to get in the swing of ranges, abilities, etc.

    Game 2: Fyreslayers - Better Part of Valour (modified with 4 objectives over 6) in Hysh

    Their List (didn't get their CT\Artifacts):
    I got priority and decided to (yet again) go first and see what I could do, premeasuring the stunties to make sure they couldn't reach me (but man Fyreslayers got a great speedboost T1 with charges). Long story short, I forgot to cast Chalice and opted for UV which didn't get off... FH only gave me +1 attacks and SH managed to get off as well which cemented my charge on the GKoTG. Flayers and Varghulf come in on the right hyper-aggressively and fail their charge as is tradition. I make the charge into the Grimwrath and 10 Hearthguard, and even with FF I was only able to take the Grimwrath down to 2-3 wounds left and the Hearthguard down to 4 remaining models.. I've found that every time I FF I roll significantly worse on the 2nd round of attacks.

    On his turn the GKoTG gets taken down 1 remaining wound (if only I had chalice last turn...) but it manages to kill all the Hearthguard + Grimwrath. the pile-in on death doesn't manage to kill off my boy though. Same combat phase he 1 shot the Flayers and took the Varghulf down to 3 wounds.. I really need to win priority or I feel at a bit of a loss.

    Well, he got the priority and I felt defeated. The Runefather charged into the TG and quickly finished him off while the other set of Hearthguard finish off the Varghulf.

    On my turn I got off a lucky Banishment spell and sent the Vulkite 24" away from the Archregent which pulled them out of combat with the remaining 9 Ghouls out of 20. I then managed to charge his Battlesmith with a long enough charge to get 6 models to his 4 in range of his objective and burned it at the end of my turn so he couldn't cap it. 1-0 FeC

    He gets priority again, but I've regained a bit of confidence if I can just play this smart. He finishes off the 9 Ghouls, but they've done their job and have kept 2 of his units in combat for this turn. The Vulkites and Runefather  move up to contest the 10 Ghouls on the left.

    My turn sees those same 10 Ghouls run outside 3" and hope to clear enough distance but don't get far while I move up the AA for some support and hope that the Ghouls can survive the likely combat ahead if I don't win priority.

    Surprise, I lost priority. He charges the Ghouls but somehow manages to only bring them down to 6. On my turn I manage to sneak out of the small gap the Vulkites left and ran 12" which put 1-2 models just in range of the back left objective, securing control and burning it for another VP and I burn my other two giving me another 8. FeC Victory 10-0

    (sorry I forgot pictures T3+T4)

    Overall Thoughts
    So I messed up big this game. Not getting off the Chalice to support the lone GKoTG is what really made this a struggle.. I likely would've healed up enough to have him still do some work and the game likely would've been shorter. Outside of that, I really need to be smarter with my summons. I quite often deploy the Flayers + Varghulf aggressively and it almost never pays off. Knowing he could've got the double had me regretting it right after I failed 2 charge rolls with them. I often burn my summons T1 but I'm trying to learn to watch opponents movement better and keep them reserved for late game. Other than that, I was pretty proud of myself for how I played with the 30 Ghouls I had left. Being able to get those high charges and retreats off is what secured the victory... Basically, never give up even when your big bad dies early on.
    Game 2: Khorne - Blood and Glory in Hysh

    Their List (didn't get their CT\Artifacts\General choice):
    I get priority but this time allow my opponent to go first and he moves every up a bit, but that's largely it.

    So, I wasn't allowed to cast spells this game.. this turn I got only got off UV on the GKoTG but FH and Chalice were both unbound as I made the bare-minimum each time and he managed to unbind them. I learned my lesson from last game and without Chalice support, I was going to move the GKoTG his 15 but opt not to charge. I manage to kill 5 Bloodreavers with the scream and the rest end up getting battleshocked off at the end. I decide to try one-more-time to play the Flayers summon aggressively and it finally pays off with them getting just enough of a charge roll to get into combat with the 2 Slaughterpriests and they manage to kill 1 1\2 of them with the free FF while I lose a Flayer in retaliation.

    I win priority.. so now it's time to be aggressive. I get FH off for +2 attacks on the GKoTG but everything else fails again or is unbound thanks to only being able to roll the minimum 6 for every cast. GKoTG charges the Bloodthirster with an 11 and also gets in range of the Bloodsecrator.. but the Bloodthirster attacks first and takes 6 wounds off the GKoTG. I manage to get the Bloodthirster down to 1 wound and the Bloodsecrator down to 2-3 remaining.. and I knew FF had to be done here, so that finishes off both. He swings back and takes a couple off the Flayers who manage to finish off the last Slaughterpriest and he concedes right after.

    Overall Thoughts
    Well, Feast Day is my new favorite thing. I feel like I really whiff the GKoTG but.. I guess the damage is largely coming from the Maw in the end and even getting 1-2 6's is largely the end of almost anything it goes into.. and with 3 base attacks RR'ing that's fairly easy to do. THe fact that the damage (and MW's) don't get bracketed makes it even better. I'm not entirely sure what I could've done differently, or him. I think if he had a turn to respond with the Bloodthirster, thing's could've gone south but hard to say. I won't lie, I brought the Flayers in aggressively again to pincer him, even if they failed the charge, I would hope it would keep things off my GKoTG.. unfortunately he never got a chance to even try that.

    End of Week thoughts
    I had another game tomorrow.. but that opponent has decided to take a break this season after his game against DoK tonight which really sucks as he's a great opponent. I was really worried about the Fyreslayers and I think I have learned my lesson with playing against them as I barely passed with a victory. Knowing that he can bring more Hearthguard and deepstriking at 2k is a bit frightening so I will have to focus on my movement if I play him again (especially knowing they can easily get off T1 charges if I'm not careful about deployment and movement 1st turn). I feel bad about the Seraphon and Khorne plays as I feel like neither player was having fun getting beaten T1\2 but these are the models I have unfortunately so.. I don't know that there was much I could change unless I purposefully played sub-optimally.

    In the end, it's a competitive league and I'm trying to keep that in mind. I think after it's over, I will likely shelve them for a bit and move onto my 3rd WiP (Freeguild) or play with Skaven more as I prefer the play-style a bit more.. maybe by then the GHB + FAQ's will have some changes and I won't feel so bad playing my FeC (granted, I also know that other updated armies are getting to be on a level playing field).

    Thanks for the read, next week starts 1250 so I have some more models to slog through by Thursday.
  5. Gwendar
    My list:

    Game 1: Nurgle (Daemons) - Focal Points

    Their List (from memory-don't know all traits\artifacts):

    I elect him to go first, though not much happens other than tree's and some buff spells with barely any forward movement. About as expected.

    On my turn, I go ahead and summon in 6 Flayers and a Varghulf and make the right side Flayers charges to kill off some Plaguebearers. 4-2 FeC

    I get the double. Manage to get 1 extra attack on the GKoTG but fail UV and everything makes it charges. GKoTG gets in with a regular GUO and only takes it down to 6 with FF and it strikes back to take the GKoTG to 5... the GKoZD into Rotigus is somehow better, doing 11 wounds and only taking 2 in return. Ghouls fail and do only 3 wounds to one Beast and 1 to another; Slimux takes 2 while the right side Flayers wipe the Bearer unit.

    His turn sees everything getting healed and he takes the GKoTG down to 1, killing him later in combat. All of the Ghouls are taken out with BS but the left Flayers take out a Bearers unit on the left but the ZD largely does nothing and gets taken down to 2 remaining but heals back to 8 with the Chalice (tucked behind the tower). I honestly could've done quite a bit more damage and likely killed Rotigus had I actually remembered the wound re-rolls and Feast Day. Oh well. 11-4 FeC

    He rolls priority, charges and kills the AAR and Ghast Courtier with the Beasts\Slimux and summons in 20 Plaguebearers.

    I finally kill off Rotigus but not much else goes on aside from getting back 5 Plaguebearers top left to ensure he keeps that objective but I run my right Ghouls over to cap back top right. 13-10 FeC Victory


    Game 2: Fyreslayers - Starstrike

    Their List (from memory-don't know all traits\artifacts):

    I let him go first, knowing he's in the more defensive setup than the stubby T1 charge setup, which he uses to inch a bit closer.

    My turn, I get all of my spells off, do the same summons as previous game and charge in the Ghouls, TG and ZD... but not before he spends 2 CP to make 2 units fight first. Ultimately. the 10 Hearthguard somehow only managed 1 wound to go through on the GKoTG after some nice saves since I got off UV for once in my life. Some Ghouls die, but the Vulkites are wiped out.

    (Forgot to take a picture of the T1 end)

    Objective drops right on top of my 40 Ghouls

    I get the double, spells all go off again and combat has the remaining 10 Hearthguard get finished off by the GKoTG and the Grimwrath killed off by the Ghouls. I opt to pile in my Flayers towards the Runemaster who bring him down to 1, but he somehow manages to kill off 1 1/2 of them leaving 1 remaining Flayer while the Runefather kills the 3 Flayers that charged into him.

    He brings in 10 Hearthguard in the back and fails their charge, but gets the Magmadroth into the GKoZD and takes it to 2 in a fell swoop. 2-0 FeC

    Next objectives drop on left side

    I win priority again and.. well, I forgot to move my Ghouls but in the end it doesn't matter. Anyway, the GKoTG charges into the Hearthguard, but I have to be careful to make sure they cannot pile around me in order to control the objective. I end up killing 5 with FF and in return they take the TG down to 5.. however, I managed to keep the control neutral as the Hearthguard couldn't pile in to have 2 models in range. 

    His turn sees the GKoTG finally go down along with the GKoZD and he moves 10 Vulkite and the remaining Hearthguard to control bottom left, leaving his Runemaster to control top left. 5-6

    We're out of time, so we roll off and I win it. Quickly playing through, I run the 1 remaining Flayer and Varghulf top left to take control of that objective. Had he played out his turn, he wouldn't have been able to get enough in range in take back top left, ending 13-10 FeC Victory. Oh, did I mention I forgot to bring in my 10x2 Ghouls T1? So yeah, those would've been useful to have.

    (No picture of the end either...I'll get better about pictures one day)

    Game 3: Nurgle (Mortals) - Total Commitment

    Their List (from memory-don't know all traits\artifacts):
    He goes first, moves everything up in 1 giant blob and not much else goes on.

    I had my eye on his SoJ Corruptor since I know what I use it frequently myself.. so I charge it with the GKoTG and... only do 4 wounds with FF. I don't like to blame dice rolls, but man, my luck with dice had ran out on this game. Luckily, I controlled both of his objectives with summoned Flayers, with the back ones making an 11" charge to secure it. Back to combat; What was even more soulcrushing was the combined 239 attacks (+3 from FH going off) across 2x5 Blightking models to.... only kill 3 of them. Best part of that is the remaining Blightkings wiped out 34 Ghouls with BS taking the last 6. 8-2 FeC

    He gets priority. Kills the all the Flayers and the GKoTG with the Glottkin who made a great charge in. 8 Blightkings charge into the AAR, 10 Ghouls and Ghast, but I keep the objective for now. GKoZD is still stuck fighting an other 7 or so Blightkings and gets taken out with 4 Blightkings still standing.

    My turn is largely irrelevant and I should've called it there but wanted to see if I could at least kill something which I didn't. 10-4 FeC

    I win priority, but it doesn't matter as everything is dead. We decide to call it there obviously as he'll have ~2 turns worth of getting that last objective from the 10 Ghouls on the right side. FeC Loss

    No pictures of last 2 turns as I really wasn't thinking about it and we were all having too much fun talking about the rave that seemed to be going on next door.

    Overall Thoughts
    Welp, that will do it for FeC. I actually sold the entire army to that last Nurgle player. All in all, I definitely had fun with them over these last 4-6 months, but they really just don't fit my playstyle in the end. I took 1st place in the League and 2nd for the Tournament, which I'm happy with. I made a lot of mistakes throughout these 3 games since I haven't played this army since the beginning of July out of pure burn-out and distaste, but I'm still happy with what I managed to pull off as those 1st 2 games could easily have swung the other way, but I think that had a lot to do with winning priority when I needed it... but that's a conversation going on elsewhere.

    I think the most incredible thing was that I've never played Nurgle in my 2+ years of playing until now, and I got 2 of them. Re-rolling 6's is obnoxious when most of your damage comes from 6's, just so you know. Anyway, now that I've moved on from this project, I will be using that money towards the Ossiarchs with my next choice between CoS and BoC; time will tell.
  6. Gwendar
    My List

    Game 1: CoS (Anvilguard) - Border War
    Their List
    I outdrop him so I decide to go first. I could see he was lining up for some endless spell shenanigans so I wanted to shut that down asap. The Crawler got an extra attack, aimed 3 at 1 Sorceress and 1 shot at another and managed to kill both of them right away. I grab the 2 middle objectives and prepare for his potential double turn. 
    I largely killed his plans (Vitriolic Spray + Spell Portal + Shooting) after those 2 Sorceress snipes, so all he can really do is move up and hope for a double while shooting off 1 Deathrider with the Ballistas. 

    5-1 OBR

    He gets the double and immediately the Ballistas kill another 1 1/2 Deathriders. Combat has middle and right Mortek get charged by the Drakespawn and Dreadlord gets into the middle as well... but all of his attacks largely bounce off, only kill 2 of the Mortek. The right side Mortek kill all 5 Drakespawn and the middle take out 3 Drakespawn and put 3 on the Dreadlord.

    Not being afraid of his 1 remaining Sorceress, I decide to throw 4 shots at the Darkshards, killing 15 of them. The 20 Mortek on the right side charge into and kill the Dreadlord, but the Acidic Blood killed 8 of them in return while the middle unit finishes off the 2 Drakespawn. The Liege Kavalos + 3 Deathriders charged into his left Ballista and killed it.
    10-2 OBR

    He wins the roll off and uses Shadow Daggers to take 2 off the Liege Kavalos and then charges with the Black Guard. Combat has the Assassin pop up but.. he unfortunately doesn't roll any 6's to hit and everything bounces off the Liege Kavalos. Liege then swipes at the Black Guard, killing 4 but they do nothing in return thanks to his 2+ save and the cover bonus negating their rend.

    This time I decide to shoot at the Black Guard and kill 10 with the Crawler while the middle and right Mortek units converge and charge onto his objective with the Bleakswords and remaining Darkshards. I swing into the Bleakswords, killing all of them and take the objective where he calls it.

    19-3 OBR

    Overall Thoughts
    A great first game with OBR. The only thing I was forgetting was the exploding 6's for the Guard\Deathriders in the first turn and the CP stealing of Katakros.. but it didn't really matter. I knew I needed to go first here before he could Vitriolic Spray something through the portal and shoot it to death and targeting two 6+ save Sorceress' was a given.. and the +1 to hit completely negating Look out, Sir is simply great. I'm still not sold on taking 2 of them.. I think 1 does it's job well enough honestly. Not much else to say about this game in particular though.. it went about as well as I could have hoped and don't think there was anything different I would've done.

    Game 2: Mawtribes - Shifting Objectives
    Their List
    He outdrops me and elects me to go first. Main objective is middle. After the last game, I decided I was probably safe to take T1 and decided to aggressively move up on all 3 objectives. The only thing of note was that the Crawler managed to do 5 damage to a Glutton unit. I was going to put shots into his Butcher, but my opponent wasn't aware of how true LoS worked in AoS (and thus his Butcher he was trying to hide was still visible) so I just gave him a pass and shot at the Gluttons instead.

    He gets a crippling -1 save off on my right Mortek unit but nothing manages to get in. On the left however, his 12 Gluttons get in and he kills 13 Mortek in total and they manage to swing back to kill 5 Gluttons (I couldn't roll my saves, but fully buffed attacks managed to get through pretty well) but none run from BS.

    5-1 OBR

    He gets the double turn, objective goes left side. Things start real south at this point.. -1 save on the right Mortek again and he gets everything into.. well, everything. The right Mortek units get's obliterated by the -1 to hit Frostlord and the Ironguts as they effectively are at 5+ saves with the spell and rend.. even rerolls couldn't save me. By the end of it, I have only a handful of Mortek left on the right. The middle and left side Gluttons take a bit of a beating however, but he still outnumbers me on both objectives and I roll decently on saves for both units.

    I didn't really feel like I had any decent targets for the Crawler, and assumed the remaining Mortek and Katakros could finish off the left Gluttons, so I chose to shoot at the Leadbelchers, removing 2. Combat was largely ineffective.. the Deathriders kept fighting the Leadbelchers on the right and killed them while the Liege-Kavalos charged and did 2 wounds to the Frostlord and got whacked down to 2 in return. I managed to kill enough of the middle Gluttons to get that objective back with my 10-unit of Mortek. Oh, and yeah Katakros didn't do much but it would've been enough for me to take back that objective had he failed 1-2 saves. Nothing runs from BS yet again.

    6-6 Tie

    Unfortunately, he wins priority here which pretty much sealed the deal, especially with the main objective going to the right side that he clearly had won. He kills the Liege, 3 Deathriders and I call it there. I likely would've wiped the left and middle Gluttons, but I didn't believe I could stand up to what he had left in order to catch up. We were short on time and Idon't think I would've have been able to take it back in 1 turn with what little I had remaining.

    9-8 Mawtribes

    Overall Thoughts
    So, I think if we had a bit more time I actually could've brought it back.. if I won a priority roll at least. I really think that's what was a deciding factor here is that he won both priorities. Hitting that right and left side Mortek as hard as he did pretty much sealed their fate when the only source of healing I have is Katakros and he was out of range of the right side Mortek anyway. He had enough to offensively deploy on 2 sides while I largely stacked everything to the left, though I don't think it really mattered what I did in that regard. I didn't expect those 12 Gluttons to stick around for so long and them counting as 2 bodies per model greatly helped him as I was only barely in range of the objectives. Overall I think I played it well enough.. I don't even think being less aggressive on that first turn and jumping on the objectives really would've made a difference as his double turn would've had everything in range anyway and there would've been no contesting those objectives if he locked me in deployment.

    So yeah, I love the army. It's not too strong, not weak by any means but it does have it's weaknesses. I think they will do well competitively, but I'm not convinced in the slightest we're looking at another 70% win ratio Slaanesh here. I still have some learning with them but... man, they really make me just want to sell my CoS that I recently got into because the play-style is just so perfect for me and I really enjoy them just as much as my Skaven. More specifically I think part of this is due to the fact that they don't require any heroes nearby to give them buffs and they largely get everything they need on their own.. anything extra such as +1 to hit or RR 1's have a large enough range on them for them to not need to be babysat.
    As far as this list goes, I don't know what I will change. I really want to give Arkhan a try, but after having so much RDP I really don't know how to feel. I was getting 9-10 RDP every turn throughout the day and I used almost every single one of them. It really allows you to just stack 2-3 units with everything in multiple phases... having only 4-6 available would feel like a whole other play-style in itself as you would need to be far more selective. I don't know what I would change in this list in particular as I don't have enough to throw in another 200 point unit like a Harvester but I also wasn't entirely impressed with the Deathriders. I would somewhat like to drop them for 10 more Mortek or a Boneshaper + Endless Spells. Anyway, I'm loving them and plan to playing them a lot in the foreseeable future, that's for sure. 
  7. Gwendar
    My List

    Game 1: Nurgle - Shifting Objectives

    Nurgle List
    Main Objective is right side. I go first and get MMMWP off on the Fiends and teleport the Jezzails over to the right.. and they manage to get the GUO down to 1 wound left. The Windlaunchers where out of range due to the Jezzails blocking their path, but they did manage to kill 1 1\2 Drones.

    His turn has the GUO heal back to 10 wounds which definitely pretty frustrating that I failed by 1 wound but.. nothing else really happened aside from him slowly moving forward.

    5-0 Skaven

    Objective stays right side. I get priority, and yet again fail to shoot off the GUO. I rearrange Clanrats on objectives to force him to have a longer charge and get the HPA up the center to engage the Plaguebearers.

    His  turn has me unbind or him fail any useful spells but he manages to kill a Jezzail with Arcane Bolt. He charges the Plaguebearers into the HPA and do 2 wounds.. meanwhile it hits back and takes off 12.

    10-0 Skaven

    Objective stays right side. He wins priority and takes me off the left objective with his Harbinger and 5 Blightkings. HPA takes Plaguebearers down to 4 remaining but dies in the middle from the Blightkings that charged in, but I roll a 5 and it comes back with 4 wounds. 

    On my turn I finally take off the GUO and drones. I get my middle Clanrats out of the middle to take care of the Nurglings in my backline as my hidden agenda was to not have any enemy units in my territory at the end of the game.

    13-2 Skaven

    Objective moves to the left side. I win priority and he calls the game as I'll easily take mid and he won't be able to recover from the points deficit.

    Skaven Major Victory

    Game 2: Stormcast - Scorched Earth (2018)

    Stormcast List (player didn't have list, so this is from memory.. not sure on artifacts\trait\etc)
    He  goes first, fails to get off the Comet and I unbind the Dias cast. A handful of Clanrats get shot off.. but the 10 Evocators came down on the right side, made a 12" charge and killed all but 9 Clanrats and the HPA.. which yet again came back but only on 1-wound. It swings back and kills 2 but he still takes the objective after BS with only 1 Clanrat remaining with the HPA.

    I get off MMMWP and reshuffle Clanrats to project a screen closer to the 20 Sequitors. Shooting phase has the Jezzails shoot off all but 2 Evocators on the right side and the Fiends kill around half the Sequitors. The rest of the Evocators run from BS.

    4-2 Stormcast

    I get the double turn, MMMWP goes off again and I prep 20 Clanrats to make a run towards his back left objective that's only being held by the 5 Judicators. The Fiends shoot off the rest of the Sequitors and he calls the game. We quick play a few things and I would shoot off the Knight-Incantor to shut off the comet and there isn't much he can do at this point to pull it back after I killed ~1k points worth.

    Overall Thoughts
    I'm liking the list so far. I don't put a batrep up of every game I play, but this was the 1st time I played with the HPA and definitely loved it more than the Monks. More testing will need to be done.. I mean it didn't get to do anything against the Stormcast and I got lucky with rolling a 5 both times for it to not die. I hate GUO's and their inability to die, but my opponent rolled some monster FNP saves.

    Not much to say overall.. I have a variant where I swap Fiends for Acolytes, but I dunno. I really want to keep the 9 Jezzails as they're so incredibly useful\threatening against any army so I don't want to swap them for 30 Acolytes + Fiends (which, as I mathed out before works well enough with Deranged Inventor). The thing with this setup is that the HPA and Jezzails can both act alone and that's great to have. Also, I wasn't sold on Skitterleap but I don't know that I replace it... the only thing I would replace it with is Warpgale and I'm not sure it's a valid tradeoff for the utility of Skitterleap.

    Anyway, good games, but more practice required. I'm hopefully going to be able to bring my Hallowheart list to the next tournament, so if anyone is interested in seeing that be sure to check the blog every week or so.. I generally only post about a game in the relevant faction thread. Thanks as reading, as always.
  8. Gwendar
    My List for the Tournament (Note, I left my Jezzails at home for Saturday so we used proxies.. disregard the giant Rooster 😅)

    Game 1: StD - Blood and Glory

    StD List
    He wins priority and goes first. Daemon Prince + Be'lakor run up onto terrain and blacken them, blocking LoS. Otherwise, Knights and Karkadrak move up on the left side.

    Bells rolls +1 to casts, Vermintide goes off and does 1 MW to Be'lakor. Due to the now LoS blocking terrain, I decided to shoot at his Chaos Lord on foot in the middle of the board and they take it off.

    I win priority.. however I determine I have no good targets for shooting and pass it to him. I move Vermintide into the Karkadrak doing 2 and Be'lakor heals 1. I unbind both his Realmscourge Rupture and Enfeeble spells. Combat has the Knights + Karkadrak charge in, killing all 20 Clanrats.

    Bell rolls an 8 and does a couple MW to the Daemon Prince and the Monks do 3 from the Book. I get MMMWP + Vigordust + Spark out on the Acolytes which is all that really matters. Jezzails leave the Karkadrak on 2 wounds and the Acolytes dump 6 shots into him finishing him and the other 21 in range of the Knights proceed to do ~46 damage after saves if I recall.

    He wins priority. Vermintide puts 2 MW's on Be'lakor while mid and he proceeds to run him middle. Middle and right Chaos Warriors start heading to my bottom right. Daemon Prince charges into the Clanrats, killing a good amount, however they somehow manage to finish it off.

    Bell rolls a 3 and Death Frenzy goes off. I run everything up to start working towards capping the objectives and the Jezzails finish off Be'lakor. He concedes as I end up winning the roll-off.

    Skaven Major Victory


    Game 2: IJ - Better Part of Valour

    IJ List (He was 50 under as he didn't know you could only buy 1 extra CP)
    He wins priority and makes me go first. I deployed to deny any chance at a T1 Hand of Gork.. unfortunately, I couldn't really do much other than take 4 off the Maw-Krusha with what few Jezzails were in range of it.

    His turn, he Mighty Destroyers the bottom Pigs and then proceeds to run everything else up as far as possible. Bottom combat has the Pigs kill 12 Clanrats but do nothing in return.

    He gets the double. Everything charges and he kills the bottom and top Clanrats as well as 1 Jezzail.

    Bell rolls an 8 and throws out 1 MW onto bottom pigs (but literally rolls 1-3 for every other unit) while throwing out Vermintide and doing 2 to the Maw-Krusha. MMMWP + Vigordust onto Acolytes. I teleport the Jezzails to the top of the board who do largely nothing to his top Pigs unit.. but the Acolytes kill the Maw-Krusha and remaining 2 Pigs in front of them. Monks charge in and only 4 manage to not get in combat.. but without Death Frenzy (failed on a 3) their overall damage was absolutely abysmal and my opponent made some of craziest saves I've ever seen. What he does kill manages to toss out a couple MW's here and there however.

    He wins priority again. Teleports 10 Brutes behind Jezzails who proceed to make their charge and kill them all, giving him the objective which he burns.

    I concede as I cannot mathematically do much else considering the position he's left me in.

    Skaven Major Loss

    Game 3: Sylvaneth - Scorched Earth

    Sylvaneth List
    He wins priority and goes first as I counter-deployed against his Drycha with the Jezzails. I unbind his spell to summon woods but the TLA summons one middle-right. Drycha teleports behind middle woods to block LoS from Jezzails and then she proceeds to shoot off 5 Clanrats from top side.

    Bell rolls a 5 but only does 1 MW to Drycha. Vermintide goes out and does 2 to Arch-Rev in middle woods, but Death Frenzy\MMMWP aren't worth casting this turn. I teleport the Jezzails to the top side (note, 1st picture shows them a bit out of range; they were nudged during deployment on accident and he allowed me to move back wholly within 6") and bring Drycha down to 1 wound after shooting; I would've killed her but I forgot to use a Spark for the +1 damage.


    He wins priority. I move Vermintide and decide to make it hit the Drycha with 1 wound, and it manages to do 6 MW's. He summons 10 Dryads into middle-right woods. 20 Spites teleport to middle woods and charges them into the bottom Clanrats, killing 10. The Clanrats + Bell manage to kill 9 Spites, but 9 more run to BS.

    Bell rolls an 8, but only does d3 MW's to the remaining bottom Spite unit finishing them off. I auto 6"-run the bottom and top Clanrats (14" movement) and take control of both his front objectives. Fully buffed Acolytes manage to get fully in range of the 20 Spites up top and do 75 damage... damage dice pool below for 'proof'. Note that is of course with the +1 damage from the Spark.

    I burn both objectives, scoring 5. 13-8

    We roll off, but I win priority and he concedes.

    Skaven Major Victory

    Overall Thoughts
    So yeah, I like this list a lot. Plenty of bodies, 3 threats.. well, 2 threats. I'll be honest I didn't like the performance of the Monks at all but I know I also could've potentially deployed\used them a bit more aggressively. Across all 3 games they just felt like a waste of points and they did nothing for me except make movement take longer. Of course.. The Jezzails and Acolytes are a different story, doing their job every time they needed to. The Jezzails would've had a couple more 1-shot kills, but for some reason I keep forgetting that they get a Spark as well. Anyway, game specifics:

    StD game: The Jezzails forced my opponent to go first as he knew I would just shoot off Be'lakor. Assuming this and knowing he had no deepstriking, I screened up and waited for that first wave to hit. He did make sure that his Knights were out of range LoS and not being able to hit Be'lakor\the Daemon Prince had me worried at first. I knew since the Knights couldn't hit me T1, I was safe to keep everything where it was since he would at most just be able to kill the 20 Clanrats and the Acolytes would take the Knights + Karkadrak off the board, which they did. I would say I played this about as perfectly as I could have.

    IJ game: I gotta say.. I was slightly salty at this one for a bit. I can say with 99% confidence the double-turn is what caused the loss here. I felt I deployed to the best of my ability to counter against a double turn (maybe I could've thrown the Jezzails middle instead of bottom) but.. it just wasn't enough. I had to counter the threat of Hand of Gork which meant my frontline would be a bit thin since I needed to conga my Clanrats thanks to the massive board space this battleplan has. While I wiped the Maw-Krusha and Pigs on the bottom side, the top side just couldn't deal with the entire rest of his army. Again, if I had perhaps placed the Jezzails mid and shot off the Shaman to prevent a teleport I could've done a bit better, but then I wouldn't have pushed enough damage through on the Maw-Krusha to kill it (it reduced the Acolytes -2 rend to -1 and I just barely killed it) so.. who knows. New opponent, but a great guy and hope to play him more in the future.

    Sylvaneth game: I felt I played this about as perfectly as I could have as well. I enjoy having so many drops as it allows me to bait out most opponents and I can counter-deploy easily. The Clanrats are my first 3 drops 99% of the time so I can place the power-units and their buffing Wizards accordingly. With the shorter board space of this battleplan, I had a much easier time on deployment as I knew he had no teleports without woods behind me. I bided my time waiting for the Kurnoths to come down, but the moment I saw I could burn 2 of his objectives I went for it even if it meant leaving the Acolytes\Jezzails open without a screen. 

    So yeah, it was a good weekend, going 2-1 and taking 2nd by only 5 points. I have my Tzeentch order coming in so.. you may be seeing that in the future for a bit. Next weekend may have the return of OBR for a short time, although I've considered running a 6 Fiend list again to try it one more time. Thanks for reading, as always.
  9. Gwendar
    We played with all realm spells, time limit of 2 1/2 hours. Both players didn't have a list so... mostly I just have their units but not sure on spells\prayers\artifacts.

    My list for this Tournament:
    Game 1: DoK - Border War in Ulgu:

    Their List:
    He opts for me to go first and I start off right away sneaking the Corrupter behind the Cauldron with Dreaded Skitterleap but fail a Plague and Pendulum from the Corrupter. Next up, Grey Seer casts the Spell-portal and gets Wither off on the right side Witches.. Thanquol and the Warpseer get off both Warpgales into the right Witch unit, quartering their move/charges and Thanquol gets out WLV on the right and the damage begins; killing all 5 Warlocks, some Sisters and Witches and almost taking out the Medusa throughout the initial damage and movement phase damage. Charge Phase; Corrupter gets into the Cauldron and only manages to take it down to 1 and it retaliates to take 2 off him. Unfortunately the MW's don't go off so it's stuck in combat.

    His turn he.. well, the Cauldron prays for Avatar Activation and Catechism on itself which I believe was incorrect (they know extra prayers but can only use 1 unlike Khorne) but I let him have it anyway. Rune of Khaine is also activated and he Orgies the Cauldron and it somehow only takes 2 more off the Corrupter. He fails to dispell the WLV and the Medusa fails her spell.. so he moves straight to movement and tries to get everything the hell away, unfortunately for him his Witches can only move 2" (EDIT: forgot to mention I'm aware it doesn't do this, we corrected it the next turn but it wouldn't have mattered as he still managed to charge the Corruptor) and are still in range of 2 nodes. He tries to get the Medusa out, but it's still barely within range of 2 nodes and the WLV finishes it off after the movement phase damage. Left side WItches and Sisters run strait at the objective to claim it while 1 of the Hag Queens charges the Corrupter.. and luckily it survives with 3 left and finishes off the Cauldron and Hag Queen. 1-3 DoK

    I manage to get the double (although I played it safe in-case I didn't... this list is forgiving in that regard) and dispell the WLV in order to shift it to the left side Witches while the Grey Seer Skitterleaps the Deceiver in range of the left Gnawhole so it can throw out Vermintide and almost completely block off the Witches.. unfortunately it doesn't do much damage. Corrupter fails Dreaded Plague again but gets Pendulum off and kills 4 Witches and Thanquol hits them with Warpgale to keep them in the back as long as possible. I get off another Wither on the right Witches, but it hardly matters as we'll find out later. At this point I notice the right side objective is uncontested, so I use my movement to teleport the Deceiver to the right side and claim it.

    This is when he decides to bring down the Khinerai who luckily whiff against the Deceiver thanks to -2 in shooting against the 1 unit of Heartrenders... but he manages to charge in the remaining Sisters and take the Deceiver down to 7 and he finishes them off in return, ensuring I still hold the objective. The right Witches (as you could imagine) charge and finish off the Corrupter. 4-6 DoK

    I get priority again somehow and re-cast the WLV again to move it to the center (although thinking back, I'm unsure why as I really needed it to keep hitting the left Witches\Sisters\Hag Queen). Skitterleape the Deceiver and Warpseer to contest his home objective but.. I fail the charges when it's time. In the meantime, the WLV + Warpgales continue to whittle down what remains of that Witch unit. I make the decision to move and charge in the left Clanrats into the still ~15 remaining Witches while the right side unit runs into range of the objective to hopefully outnumber any Khinerai charges into them. Now, somehow, the left Clanrats survive with 6 remaining after BS and they somehow kill 9 of them. They deserve a medal.

    As expected, he charges the right Clanrats and kills 8 and they retaliate to juuuust kill enough of them so outnumber them on the objective 10 models to 8 since the Warpseer was now in range to give BS immunity. 7-6 Skaven

    At this point we're out of time so we roll for priority and I win it again. We quickly calculate what the likely outcomes would be and determine I would keep the right, home and take his home objective. 13-8 Skaven Major Victory.

    Overall Thoughts
    Holy hell this is a fun list.. it's very rewarding to play but if we didn't get our Gnawholes (or have Thanquols inherent +2 to make sure WLV almost always goes off) it wouldn't work as well I don't think. Teleporting that Deceiver in range to cast a spell and using a Gnawhole to grab an objective felt pretty awesome. Now, I initially wanted to run 40-40-20 Clanrats and drop the Grey Seer, but decided to change it last minute. To be honest, I think next time I will try it the other way (depending of course how our points change) because I would have easily been able to contest left and right objectives more without so much worry if I had those additional 40.

    Game 2: Fyreslayers - Better Part of Valour in Hysh:

    Their List:
    *disclaimer*: So, first off, I really did not enjoy this match as this was an older guy that was newer to the game (although he didn't want me to hold back and I gladly walked him through rules he wasn't sure on including the WLV and how it works, but he did his research well on core rules) but was... well, kind of "that guy" in his attitude. I was getting a lot of passive-aggressive remarks about "well no-ones gonna want to play you and your Skaven" and "bull****" multiple times my spells would damage him... not to mention subtly being accused of cheating when he questioned how I got off Skitterleap every time throughout this game (I mean... it casts on a 6, hardly difficult). Anyway, enjoy the read but I felt the need to put this disclaimer to vent a bit as I've never played someone like this in the 3ish years in the hobby and wouldn't wish it on anyone.

    I go first and get off every spell, hitting the back Vulkites\Magmadroths, Grimwrath, Runesmiter and Auric Hearthguard with WLV. The Corrupter Skitterleaps and throws out Shackles + gets a Plague off on the right Vulkites, killing 3 1/2. Warpgales go into the Runefather and Runeson while Wither hits the Auric Hearthguard giving them -1 to hit which I knew would be needed as they get bonuses to hit Monsters. The Corrupter charges the Runefather, murders it but takes 4 MW's from the volcanic blood.

    He puts all his shooting and combat into the Corrupter and kills it... but I was satisfied at what he accomplished, although it would've been nice to have it to finish off the Runeson. Hearthguard show up on the right, charge the 20 Clanrats and (surprise) kill all of them, giving him control of the objective and he decides to burn it making it 0-1.

    Thankfully, I get the double and re-cast the WLV to the right to put as much into those Hearthguard as I could and close them down. Geminids, Wither and Pendulum all get off culminating in them having -2 to Hit and somehow only putting 3 wounds on them... Anyway, I shift my middle Clanrats to screen against the potential charge (I didn't get off any Warpgales into them, so they had full charge potential) of the Hearthguard and shifted Thanquol right outside of his 2" range so he could retaliate against them.

    He puts +1 to saves on his Hearthguard and brings out the Flame-Spitter which ends up killing some of the left Clanrats in shooting. For charges however, he gets the Hearthguard in but that -2 to hit saves me.. although he still killed 9 Clanrats. 0-1 Fyreslayers

    I get priority and finish off the Runesmiter with spells and get off Skitterleap to throw the Warpseer to the back right Gnawhole and the Deceiver Skitterleaps himself to charge and contest his back middle. Thanquol promptly torches all the remaining Hearthguard and brings them down to 2 and the rest run away in BS.. all the while 1 Warpgale goes off on the Runeson, halving it's charges while shackles halves its movement. The Deceiver charges the Vulkites bringing them down to 3, so he still holds this objective. Now, I was going to burn my left and right for 6 VP, but I decided to only go with my middle and took the risk that his left Vulkties would fail the charge (spoiler; they didn't).

    He shoots everything into the Deceiver and misses thanks to -2 to hit.. but the Flame-Spitter takes off more from the left Clanrats and I pull casualties to give him ~10" charge.. and he gets it on a 13 total with their +1. Wonderful. I positioned my Deceiver in such a way that his charged Vulkites and the Shackles prevented his Runeson from ending his (now 6") charge within a 1/2" of the Deceiver. Right Vulkites charge the Warpseer and the left Vulkites wipe out the Clanrats and he takes control. 3-1 Skaven

    I get priority (I've never won the roll off so many times in 1 day.. this will probably change next week thanks to the dice gods) and Skitterleap the Grey Seer to contest the back right to help out the Warpseer.. but my spells either fail or do 1-2 MW's a piece. Combat has the Warpseer bring the Vulkties down to 3 so he still has control.. but the Deceiver manages to kill off the remaining Vulkites and Auric Hearthguard, giving me control of his middle objective which I burn.

    His turn is pretty uneventful other than the Runeson charging and killing the Grey Seer. 4-1 Skaven

    AGAIN I win priority and Skitterleap + Charge the left Runesmiter, killing it and taking control of that objective. The Warpseer earns his medal by rolling 6 MW's on the Runeson, finishing it off and getting it off the objective. Unfortunately I manage to kill all but 1 Vulkite, keeping the Warpseer in combat.. but thanks to the pile-in, I get well within range and his remaining Vulkite is just a 1/2" out of range of the center (which, by the way, we had to get the organizer to review as he didn't believe objectives were measured from the center all of a sudden) giving me control of it. I burn both his left and right.

    We move onto his turn and he burns his objective, which of course isn't enough (he only controlled it 3 turns) so we end with a 5-4 Skaven Major Victory.

    Overall Thoughts
    So, despite not liking the attitude of my opponent, it was a solid victory and I really had to work for it. My biggest mistake was not burning left objective when I knew I shouldn't have taken the risk.. but other than that I played it about as well as I could have. I'm not entirely sure why his attitude was the way it was when, quite frankly, he was doing well throughout and had I not been able to get off WLV or Skitterp + charge in the Corrupter and hold down his center, he would've easily won. Either way, it was still a fun list but I really think I need those 40 more Clanrats at the cost of the Grey Seer (I'll really miss Wither however). 

    Despite the 2nd game, I had a lot of fun and it was incredibly rewarding to eek out a win against him. I'll never understand why people get so absolutely flustered at a loss (not to say I don't get down when I lose sometimes, but man, this was crazy) in such a friendly environment.. but ah well. I apologize for all the venting about this and I hope it didn't ruin the battle report. Overall I think I will easily be playing this list some more but I'm a bit concerned what our points changes (or warscroll changes) will do to it's composition. Worse case scenario I use it as an un-optomized fun build and go back to my standard... unless, of course, that get's made impossible as well.
  10. Gwendar
    My List
    Their List

    I outdrop him, but decide to let him go first, banking on a double in order to get enough distance and remove his heroes from whatever objectives he places them on before he gets too far ahead on points since only Nagash can cap them. He has a largely uneventful turn, kills 2 Mortek with a Spellportaled spell and gets some buffs up, otherwise he only moves Drycha onto the top right objective while the Treelord teleports to the bottom left woods he set out.

    Nagash heals everything back to full and I get off all spells, namely Empowered Nadarite Weapons which goes off on the left unit of 20 Mortek and Nagash Protections himself.. Other than the Shrieker going off I'm not in range of anything else. I can't rreally gauge where he's moving anything so I just move up a bit going heavily towards the left and middle while I send the Stalkers to deal with the Drycha top right as they're the fastest thing I have. Left Mortek fail to charge the Treelord on the left with snake eyes.


    He wins the roll off, killing 2 Mortek with 1 spell again, but nearly everything else is unbound by Nagash. He teleports his TLA to the left objective while 2 of the Tree-Rev units appear 9" away from Nagash. Shooting puts 1 wound on Nagash with his bow Kurnoths but Drycha manages to kill a Stalker. For charges, only the standard Treelord makes it into the Mortek, who promptly 1-shot it (Empowered Nadarite helped a ton here, getting around 5-8 additional hits out of 17 rolls) before rolling their second batch of attacks.

    My turn has Empowered Nadarite go off again on the same left Mortek unit while Nagash Protections himself again... once again everything is out of range for AB spam. Also, Stalkers gave themself re-roll charges. Stalkers just barely get into the Drycha with their re-rolls and the left Mortek get into the TLA and Tree-Revs while the middle gets into the other 5 Tree-Revs. Stalkers go first, completely whiff with the 2 wound rolls for the Falchions, but the Blades go next (buffed with Bludgeon) and 1-shot Drycha. The left Mortek fight last thanks to the TLA, so I wipe out both Tree-Rev units.. and the TLA kills 4 Mortek, but they respond (again buffed with Bludgeon) to 1-shot the TLA.

    We roll off and he wins priority, but with him only having 3 squishy Heroes left, he calls it there. OBR Major Victory.

    Overall Thoughts
    So, I was going to run my Katakros\Arkhan list but I forgot Arkhan at home and didn't have\want to use a suitable proxy. My opponent has been trying new lists and trying to find something that works well as an all-comers list, but I think we both agreed this wasn't quite there. I was pretty worried going into this as this battleplan puts this list at a huge disadvantage as only Nagash can cap objectives and he can't move off of them.. so I knew right away I was going to have to let him go first, move up and hope to just remove his bigger heroes before they got onto objectives for longer than a turn. Nagash would have no issues staying in the middle on his 2+, 4++, 5+++, 6++++, 5++++ (Mystical terrain) so I knew he was going to stay on that the entire game. The only casualty ended up being the Stalker after healing was said and done.

    Overall... yeah I like Nagash, but definitely don't think he has a place in the tournament scene, especially with an objective like this as he's the only hero I could feasibly take. He's easy to shut down\kill for a lot of armies with 1-2 good CC\Shooty hammer units to kill him in a single turn and only generating 1 RDP wasn't helpful. Arcane Command helped with this a bit, but the most RDP I had was 5 (4 if you count always using Nagash's CA) but with me always going second and him not having enough CC potential to warrant using Shieldwall I didn't need to worry about spending them too much. Nagash definitely would've done a lot more if it was any other battleplan, but it forced him to stay put and never get into combat. Anyway, thanks for reading.
  11. Gwendar
    My List
    Their List (from memory, General and Spells may be incorrect)
    He outdrops me and chooses to go first, immediately setting up 2 more woods for 3 total. Otherwise, he just runs everything forward (with his battalion letting the Hunters\Durthu auto-run 6 for free) and waits outside ~6" of my Stalkers.

    I fail almost all of my spells aside from a single Soul-Guide and the Carrion. I UA the left Mortek Guard to make a 5" charge while the left Boneshaper stays on the home objective. He had no Tree-Revs and I didn't see anyway of him getting Woods setup behind me so I knew this side of the board was won from the get-go. For charges\combat, the Stalkers get into Durthu and 1 unit of Hunters while the left and middle Mortek make their charges into their respective Dryad units. I throw out +1 attack on the Stalkers and Durthu fails to make them fight last, so I put 2 Dread Falchions and 2 Blades into Durthu for him to take 10 damage total; out of the 8 Dread Falchion hits, only 2 managed to get through and I will 100% blame this on the fact I didn't get out the Shrieker. The last 2 Blades kill 2 Hunters and the left Mortek Guard wipe out the Dryads and the middle Mortek bring their Dryads down to 7 (units of 2 and 5). In return, Durthu and the remaining Hunter kill 2 Stalkers. The Carrion goes off for it's 1 MW within 6" ability.

    6-5 OBR

    He wins priority, fails his spells but manages to make the Stalkers fight last which allows him to finish off all but 1 of them.. and that Stalker (Dread Falchions) manages to completely wiff all 3 attacks. In the end, the middle Dryads have 1 left but it runs from Battleshock, prompting the Carrion to roll again for another 3 to do another 1 MW to everything in range, which is enough to kill Durthu.

    At this point my opponent concedes for an OBR Major Victory.

    Overall Thoughts
    I wanted to try something other than Katakros + Crawler this time and I gotta say I think I prefer it.. kinda. Having Katakros' 36" +1 to hit bubble and -1 to hit on any unit is great and I really felt it when I didn't get that +1 to hit from the Shrieker out.. especially on those 4+ to hit Falchions, of which I'm not 100% if I regret modeling them that way or not. I'll chalk it up to new model syndrome and see how they do next time. Anyway, I still had ~6 RDP but I can't say if this felt alright since I never really got to use much of them and only the Stalkers took any wounds this entire game. Speaking of them, despite the Falchion-fiasco I really like them a lot and they obviously still did a great job; fighting last in the end is what really did them in.

    As for my opponent, I think he played way too aggressive by running everything right up to and allowing me to charge his Durthu, although he said he was banking on getting that 4+ to make the Stalkers fight last and that could have definitely changed the course of the game. That said... I did have my 20 Mortek + Liege sitting there as backup and I had 40 Mortek Guard that would've swept to the right to help clean up.

    I also have a Harvester built, so next time I may try out Harvester + Crawler with Katakros, but we'll see since I've really got a good impression with this list.. even though my spells didn't work 😉

    Anyway, back to painting. Thanks for reading.
  12. Gwendar
    My List
    OBR List

    He outdrops me and goes first. Objective is middle.

    He makes a unit of Fiends -1 to hit with Katakros and puts up Nagash's Protection on Arkhan and starts advancing the majority of his stuff towards the center while keeping 1 unit of 20 toward each side.

    On my turn I fail Bridge and he unbinds MMMWP after I RR it to a 7. This really hurts me as it means I won't be able to claim middle on this turn as I won't be in range to clear off the Mortek.. even if I was, without MMMWP it would've been near impossible. I manage to do 7 MW's to the middle Mortek with Cracks Call. Other than that, I Gnawhole 6 Fiends to the right side where they get Deranged Inventor + a Spark from the Skitterleaped General and take 20 Mortek down to 2 remaining while the middle Mortek get taken down to 8 remaining from the middle Windlaunchers.

    end of T1

    I get the double. Objective moves right.

    I fail MMMWP on a RR of 5.. so things aren't looking too hot. Without MMMWP, there was no point in the Bridge so I inch everything up a bit more. Both units of Fiends manage to finish off the right and middle Mortek unit.

    He gets Arkhan and some Immortis into the right Fiends and middle Clanrats respectively. Fiends lose 1 1/2 models to Arkhan and the Clanrats get blasted down to ~10 remaining, but I manage to keep him from claiming either objective.

    end of T2

    He gets a double. Objective moves middle

    Katakros and the middle Immortis pack finish off a Clanrat unit while Arkhan and the other Immortis kill off all but 1 Fiend on the right.

    I get MMMWP on the Fiends and get my general back to the middle. Fiends remove 3 Immortis just barely and both Clanrat units charge to keep everything in place for a potential double turn while allowing me to claim both.

    end of T3

    He gets priority. Objective stays middle.

    Arkhan and Katakros debuff the hell out of the Fiends to make them RR 6's to hit and be at -1 to hit. He kills off all but 3 Clanrats which secures him 2 objectives.

    I get off MMMWP and take Katakros down to ~16 wounds with Cracks Call + Warp-lightning. Shooting takes him down to 9, but man those RR 6's hurt. I rolled 4 of them on the Windlauncher shots which rolled back into 2 misses.. I ran out of Sparks at this point so they weren't getting any additional damage. At this point I knew I likely had lost the game so I charged in the Fiends... and they actually killed Katakros by 1 wound, surprisingly.

    end of T4

    We roll off again and he wins it, so I concede as I have no-way to catch up on points since the primary moved to the left side. So long as his left unit or Mortek remained over there he would've taken a big lead and I wouldn't have been able to reach them with the Fiends.

    Skaven Major Loss

    Overall Thoughts
    I love this list, but yeah you definitely feel it when things don't go your way... but I mean, that's the case with any list built around Skryre shooting (unless it's 24 Jezzails 😉). This wasn't so much as case as Arkhan unbinding anything as it was the fact that I just couldn't roll 7+ on 2d6 to save my life. I think had I been able to get out that Bridge and MMMWP then it would have been a different story. I could've spent that turn killing the middle Mortek and the double turn with taking out the Immortis while Clanrats held up Arkhan and Katakros or zoned out objectives. Had I got the priority going into T3 I could've made a comeback, but unfortunately that didn't happen and I lost the rest of the priorities. Ah well.

    Will be testing this out a bit more as well as the Grinder list some more throughout the rest of the week.. maybe a Tzeentch game as well for those interested. Thanks for reading.
  13. Gwendar
    My List
    Their List (he was slightly under due to their points changes and not having the models built, said he would've included more 10 Tree Revs)
    He outdrops me and chooses to go first. He immediately puts a woods in front of my right side Clanrats but fails all of his spells except the +2 to casts throne of vines on his left side Wych. Durthu and the 3 Hunter units all come down from the woods (1 on left side with Wych, the other 2 with Durthu on right), but only 1 unit of them manages to get a charge into the Clanrats, and combined with TLA\Durthu shooting kill a total of 19.

    My turn sees pretty much everything go off except for Dreaded Skitterleap, so that put a stop to the Corruptor doing anything this turn. Dreaded Warpgale went off to do 6 MW's to Durthu, and the AW is well within range without Skitterleap to get the WLV into the Kurnoths, TLA and Durthu. The Warpseer launches out Pendulum while the Grey Seer throws out Geminids (proxying with Spellportal as I forgot mine) to give the Kurnoths in combat with the Clanrats -1 to hit and -1 attack on Durthu... but altogether this was enough to finish him off. On the left side, the Deceiver throws out Vermintide which is just in range to hit the Tree-Revs doing 5 MW's. Altogether he's lost 1 1/2 Kurnoths on the right side and killing Durthu put an abrupt stop to his momentum, especially with the spells blocking some movement. I retreat the right Clanrats out of combat with the Kurnoths, but otherwise just slowly advance the left up.


    He wins priority, but I move the Pendulum into his TLA for 6 MW's and Vermintide into his left Wych for 4 MW's. He moves the Geminids into the Clanrats, killing 2 and making them -1 to hit. He immediately heals up the TLA for the 6 I just caused and teleports the left Hunters over to help out the now obliterated right side. WLV goes off and does 5 MW's across 2 Kurnoth units. 4 of them manage to get in and kill 14 Clanrats, but the Tree-Rev charge pulled in the Deceiver who promptly killed what was remaining with the Clanrats.

    In my turn, I dispell Vermintide but fail to recast it.. and I yet again fail Dreaded Skitterleap by 1. However, everything else largely goes off, including an overcharged Warp-Lightning Storm and 5 MW's onto the TLA and some Kurnoths, leaving ~3 left from 2 units. Warpseer jumps up top of the middle terrain piece to kill his Arch-Revenant while the left side moves up in range of the objective. The Deceiver makes a charge into his 10 summoned Dryads, killing enough with BS for me to take his objective.

    We work through the next round and call the game there, ending 5-4 Skaven Major Victory.

    (sorry, forgot to take a proper final picture of the table before we started pulling off stuff to pack up)

    Overall Thoughts
    I mean, it went about as well as it could have. I like to say this is my more casual list simple because it isn't consistent enough for me to consider it good for a tournament. I've had games were neither Skitterleap goes off, WLV fails, etc and it just all falls apart. As you saw, the Corruptor couldn't do anything due to not getting Skitterleaped. I know the power of Durthu, so I tried to game where he would deploy and sure enoug he did on that right side where I put most of my Wizards. I threw everything I could at the cluster of stuff he had brought in and rolled nicely for any d3\6 MW's I threw out (mostly 5's and 6's) and once Durthu was gone that largely sealed the deal for me.

    I've been using a variant of this for awhile now, so not sure there's anything major I would change. Thanks for reading, and as always I love any questions or discussion 😉
  14. Gwendar
    My list:
    Their List
    I'm given first turn, and what a turn it was; only Vermintide goes off, everything just 1 short or is unbound thanks to the board-wide unbinds. I can't really do anything but zone out and move all the Clanrats onto the objectives, claiming all of them.

    He gets cogs out as well as the Purple Sun into the left Clanrats (my unit of 20) but only kills a couple and he teleports his Slann to the top right side of the table. Half his army was in the heavens, but everything was brought down now and the Sunblood and Scar-Vet charge the Warpseer. Now, I intentionally left a small gap here with the Clanrat screen to hopefully bait him into attacking the Warpseer, which worked out. In this particular list, the Warpseer is great for the extra CP and BS bubble, but hardly necessary for this list to work well, as great as Warpgale is I would rather the Warpseer die than any of the other heroes. Anyway, the Sunblood and Scar-Vet only manage to get 1 wound through on the Warpseer and he capped no objectives as the Knight units didn't have the damage output to remove enough Clanrats off the objectives.

    5-0 Skaven

    He gets a double-turn, so I decide to move the Purple Sun back into his Knights and Starpriest on the left, killing a Knight. He teleports the Starpriest to attempt Stellar Tempest but fails and teleports back. The Slann summons in Skinks to screen from the Corruptor while the Old-Blood on Carno manages to get into the Warpseer and with the combined effort of both Carnos + Sunblood manages to kill the Warpseer. He again fails to take any objectives.

    Here is where the list shines, and everything worked out exactly as it needed to. Every spell goes off and absolutely decimates his army. I Skitterleap and cast WLV right on top of the EotG, Starpriest and Knights to kill the Starpriest and (with it going off in movement phase again) take around half off the EotG. I can't find a decent spot for the Corruptor since WLV pretty much decided the left side on it's own, so I just decide to Dreaded Skitterleap it closer to the Carnos and Sunblood for a 6" charge over the 8" if I moved normally. Pendulum, Geminids and Arcane Bolt all go off and right into his 3 Heroes, finishing the Scar-Vet off and Sunblood. The Corruptor charges the Old-Blood, pops his CA and rolls two 6's for the SoJ, which both roll a 6 to kill it. I send the Deceiver to deal with the right side and it charges into the Knights to kill 2 while the Clanrats retreat + charged to barely pull in the Razordons and reform tighter around the objective.

    I win priority for T3 and we call it there as he has nothing left but a half dead EotG, Slann and some Skinks + Razordons.

    10-0 Skaven Major Victory

    Overall Thoughts
    As I've said time and time again, this is one of my favorite lists to run, but you can see from my first turn it can be risky. Unlike Tzeentch or LoN, you only have re-rolls coming from the AW and everything else is only getting a +1 from a Gnawhole; after T1 and you move away from them you have a more difficult time, not counting the Grey Seers 3d6 roll. On the flipside of this, with 100 Clanrats you can make this work to your advantage depending on what army you play. I knew I would need to play it back until I got my next turn and with no clue where he would drop anything, I had to move everything accordingly to shut off as much teleporting\summoning into my backline, barring the Warpseer which I had hoped he would go for... not that I gave him many other options other than hitting the Clanrats to clear them off the objective, which we discussed afterwards.

    I like to call this my less competitive list since it relies heavily on both Skitterleaps, WLV and Gemininds\Pendulum going off to cause any harm to be done. If those don't work out like my T1, you generally have to sit back and wait until your next turn. Anyway, still fun but I doubt I would ever bring it to any serious tournament, though it does tend to throw players for a loop as they don't expect it to do what it does.
  15. Gwendar
    My list:
    Their List (from memory-don't know all traits\artifacts):

    Being a 2-drop, he chooses to go first. Right off the bat I realize I have my Fiends too close behind the Clanrats and he will be able to hit them upon charging the Clanrats. Anyway, it's largely offensive spells he has that are out of range and only 1 buff spell got off which was no threat against me. In typical Slaanesh fashion, he gets everything right in my face, but only managing to charge in the KoS and 5 Hellstriders on the right. Combat has the KoS do what I anticipated and kills 3 1/2 Fiends after piling in\attacking twice. Clanrats actually roll decently and kill a Hellstrider on the right while the KoS gets taken down to 1 wound remaining with the Fiends + Clanrats which I was dreading; really needed to clear it so I could shoot his other heroes. He claims all 3.
    Right out of the gate I (for the first time) roll a 2 on the Bell, luckily it didn't do much. I get off MMMWP with the re-roll for a 10 and he fails an unbind, but I fail WLV and Vermintide. With only 1 spell left, I decided that I needed to get off an Arcane Bolt to get my Fiends out of combat over Death Frenzy, despite knowing that the Monks would likely get in. And luckily enough, Arcane Bolt goes off finishing the KoS. I retreat my right Clanrats so I can get a charge onto the Masque on right objective, which I later realized was a mistake. Shooting phase has the juiced up Fiends (Spark + Vigordust) Wipe out Shalaxi and the Epitome. For combat, 17 monks die thanks to fighting last but they swing back in the end to kill the Chariot and some Hellstriders that piled into them from the left. I claim all 3 for 5-5 tie.

    I win the roll off, and my opponent concedes. The Fiends, even without MMMWP will likely kill off the 2 remaining Heroes to shut down his summoning. Skaventide Major Victory

    Overall Thoughts
    Yes, it's the same list Jack ran at LGT and I love it. I think I played it about as well as I could barring a couple mistakes and even if he gave me T1 I could've shot off at least 1 hero. I made the mistake of putting my Fiends 1" behind my center Clanrats, but I got pretty lucky in his 2nd pile-in with the KoS not doing much; those 5 damage attacks are what messed me up with the 1st pile-in. Other than that, the right side Clanrats should've simply ran while retreating to get within 6" of the objective so as to not expose them to combat. I got lucky that the Masque didn't kill more as I was vulnerable to BS. All in all, wouldn't change much but I may consider dropping the WLV in favor of the Bridge, though WLV works in this army to mitigate close-range threats\area denial rather than a damage piece like in other lists.

    I think my biggest weakness is deployment, which is a big part of competitive games. I did okay here as he centralized his power with all his heroes, so it was a no-brainer to have the Fiends up front with the Monks right beside them; no ranged or teleport threat made this an easier decision. Anyway, I'm going to make more of an effort to get 1-2 games per week in in prep for tournament season next year.
  16. Gwendar
    We played with 1 realm rule, all spells and CA's in effect. 2 1\2 hour time limit.

    My list for this Tournament:

    Game 1: BoC - Blood and Glory in Ulgu:

    Their List:

    He finishes deployment and goes first, casting cogs and deepstriking 30 Gors and 30 Bestigors into my right and left respectively. Casualties on the Clanrats are actually not too terrible considering how hard these things hit on the charge. Not much happened as everything was within range of the Bell\had 8-10 Bravery for tests.

    My turn has the bell get off a MUCH needed -1 to hit bubble which greatly hurts him. WLV gets off and is thrown in the back to try to get rid of his summoning via the Shaman or the sacrificial ungors, which it does the latter while putting some wounds on the Gors, Beastlord and a Chaos Spawn. I placed poorly and couldn't give my Acolytes any buffs, so I opted to MMMWP and Vigordust the Jezzails. That paid off pretty well in the end after sparking them to do 12 damage to the Bestigors and 15 to the Bullgors in the back, battleshocking them off the board later on once he remembered to take the BS test for them. Unbuffed Acolytes do 17 damage to 30 unit of Gors.

    He wins the roll off and dispells the WLV. He manages to summon a chariot with what summoning points he had before I murdered all his sacrificial lambs and charges a chariot into my Warpseer while getting a 30 unit of Gors into my left side Clanrat unit and tagging some Jezzails, killing 2 1/2 of them...

    ..and then over to my turn where 3 die from 6 MW's due to expiring buffs. I get lucky on the Bell and get another -1 to hit aura. I recast the WLV and it finishes off the Beastlord and Chaos Spawn. Again the unbuffed Acolytes manage to do 22 damage to the right side Gors, battleshocking the rest off the board while the remaning 4 Jezzails finish off the Gors along with some good combat phase from the Clanrats while the Warpseer finished the Bestigors.

    He calls the game there with nearly nothing left and me having only lost 5 Jezzails and maybe ~20-30 Clanrats I think. Major Victory + Secondary Objective.

    Overall Thoughts
    I think I played it pretty well to be honest. Against an army like this, I believe I was in the right to turtle and use shooting to my advantage and do as much damage as possible so I could run and cap the 4 objectives late game, which is exactly what happened. I won't lie though, getting the -1 to hit aura twice from the Bell really helped dull his combat ability which is why so many Clanrats managed to survive. I wasn't too upset with my choice of buffing the Jezzails in the end as it brutalized the left side which is where most of the action was happening.

    Game 2: DoT - Three Places of Power in Shyish:

    Their List
    (I can't recall their spells\traits\artifacts, only his units)

    I let him go first, keeping everything out of spell range so he mostly just generates Fate Points. He gets his Herald On Disk onto the left objective for 1 VP...

    ...and then get's promptly blasted off it from a 6 MW cast of Dreaded Warpgale. This was actually his secondary objective, which is why he threw him so close. I manage to get off WLV and I throw it into his back 2 units of pinks, a unit of Acolytes, Scribes and LoC taking wounds off each in the hero + movement phase. I deployed a Gnawhole up the right side to get Jezzails in range and he didn't manage to deny the teleporting, so I fully buffed the Jezzails and sent them on their way where 5 were in range of the LoC and did ~10 wounds to it to finish it off while the remaining 4 picked off the Scribes. Oh, also I was an idiot and left my Bell on it's own so it didn't get to move up and cap the middle objective.. but at least the Warpseer got left side.

    I get the double and it's all pretty uneventful.. I go back for the Bell and get it within range of the objective and the Arch-Warlock starts moving right to get the final objective. Shooting whittles down some Pinks, but I couldn't see the Vortex Beast thanks to the trees and the Acolytes weren't in range to do anything. I really messed up here and should've walked the Jezzails backwards and let the Acolytes take the incoming Vortex charge.. but ah well.

    His turn sees Tzeentchs Treachery kill 8 Clanrats on the right and he manages 2 wounds on the Warpseer who was going to be an immovable objective on that objective the rest of the game. Vortex Beast does exactly what I was afraid off, kills 4 Jezzails and I roll my trademark 6's for Battleshock. Still, I'm in the lead 4-1.

    He gets the double dispells the WLV and kills off the right side Clanrats since my unbinds were absolute trash today. Vortex Beasts kills off half the Acolytes but they're just in range for IP from the AW.

    I recast the WLV and throw it down on the right, bringing the Vortex Beast down to 1 combined with the Acolytes shooting. The AW runs onto the right objective, ending my turn in the lead 10-1.

    He wins the roll off and kills off the AW and left side Clanrats, but he decides to call it there as the score would be 17-1 at the end of my turn.

    Overall Thoughts
    I wasn't sure how I was going to play this at first, but I just kept everything back and hoped to get the double. I kept back the Jezzails so they could teleport to either Gnawhole and be in range of wizards, preferably the LoC.. I'm telling you, that 30" range pays off compared to a WLC's 24".. and also tends to do far more damage, even unbuffed. He played pretty defensively and couldn't really recover from all of the long range shooting taking out his heroes. Speaking of which, I really took a risk knowing the Vortex Beast would charge the Jezzails, but I think it was worth it killing the LoC and Scribes right out of the gate.

    I had a lot of fun today and I hope my opponents did to. I definitely still have a good amount to learn when it comes to movement, deployment, pre-measuring, etc. but I think I'm well on my way towards feeling comfortable playing at some bigger tournaments.
  17. Gwendar
    Legion of Night - The Blades Edge - Aqshy

    My List
    LoN List

    As usual, going off memory so I don't take up time by note-taking, IE things may be a bit wrong but the ending score is correct. Also, yeah.. I need to take a picture at the end of each round instead of just "whenever I remember to take one". I win on drops and allow him to take T1.

    Boring T1 as expected; he moves everything forward and buffs up the right unit of Skeletons.

    On my turn, I largely do the same but don't bother with MMMWP and Death Frenzy fails to go off on a 3. I do as much as I can to negate the 2x10 Hexwraiths he has waiting in deepstrike. The Jezzails shoot off the right-side Necromancer.


    beggining of T1

    I win the roll off, but allow him to go first. For this new battleplan, whoever is going second get's to remove an objective, so I removed his central objective to coax that unit of Skeletons forward into my Stormvermin.

    He wades forward a bit, but fails to get off any spells aside from Mystic Shield on the Vampire Lord. He brings the Hexwraiths in on both sides (would've been nice if I took a picture to show that, eh?) but only the left side manages to charge into the 40 Clanrats. Combat has ~8-10 Clanrats die and they swing back to kill 2.

    My turn, Acolytes get MMMWP but I fail Death Frenzy again on a 5. I retreat the left Clanrats out  and charge back in to make sure only 2 of the Hexwraiths can actually get in combat. The Jezzails shuffle to the left while the SV shuffle up a bit more but try to stay out of charge range of the middle skeletons in case he get's priority. The Acolytes shoot into the 40 Skeletons to the left and do around ~41 wounds, killing all of them while the Jezzails shoot off ~2 more Hexwraiths.


    beginning of T2

    I win the roll off again via tie and decide to take it. He removes my central objective.

    I don't bother with MMMWP but I fail Death Frenzy again.. however I can't wait another turn to get the SV into combat and the Skeletons may charge them anyway. Left Clanrats retreat and I get 1 onto his left objective. I don't buff the Acolytes with Deranged Inventor so they only manage to shoot off 2 more Hexwraiths while I instead give it to the Jezzails who take out the left side Necromancer and 2 more Hexwraiths after shuffling to the left some more.  I get the SV within 6" of the middle Skeletons and make a 10" charge to get ~24 into combat with them while the left Clanrats charge back into the remaining 2 Hexwraiths to keep them getting to my Acolytes. Combat has the SV kill all 40 of the Skeletons but they just barely miss killing the Vampire Lord who has 1 remaining wound.

    For his turn, he fails his spells again but he brings back the left unit of Skeletons on the same side. The right Skeletons and Hexwraiths charge the 40 Clanrats while the Knight of Shrouds charges into the left Clanrats. Only ~4 Clanrats die on the left and I lose 14 from the right but use my 1 CP to negate BS.


    Middle of my T3

    I win the roll off via tie again and take it. He removes my left objective.

    Death Frenzy finally decides to go off but I don't bother with MMMWP again. Shuffle the Acolytes and Jezzails up a bit and get the SV within a 7" charge of the right Skeletons, meanwhile both Clanrats units retreat and reform (with the left unit running to get 5 on his objective to take it back from him). Acolytes finish off the remaining 2 Hexwraiths while the Jezzails do 10 MW's to the Knights of Shrouds, killing him. The SV roll a 12" charge and I get all but ~10 into combat while the right Clanrats charge the Hexwraights again to put more bodies on my right objective and ensure only 1 Hexwraith can swing into combat. I'm out of range for the +1 attack, but the SV still manage to kill all ~27 Skeletons as well as the Vampire Lord, so he removes the unit as the rest will BS off.

    He has no spells left, so he moves the left Skeletons to cover his objective and charges them into the remaining Clanrats while resurrecting another Skeleton unit on the right side, however he fails the charge with them into the SV. Skeletons kill all but 2 Clanrats but the Bell is in range to keep them alive and in combat in case he gets a double turn.


    end of my T4

    I get the roll off again and take it. He removes my right objective.

    MMMWP goes off and I don't bother trying to get DF off on the Acolytes. The Acolytes run up and kill ~half the Skeletons (lots of damage 1 rolls this time) while 5 of the Jezzails (buffed with Deranged Inventor) take the Wight King down to 1 wound remaining; he just barely made the two 6+'s that he needed. I decide to try and charge in the Bell as I have nothing on the left objective and with the remaining Skeletons BSing off the board after combat would end, he calls the game there as I will control it for another 2 points.

    14-10 Skaven Major Victory

    end of game

    Overall Thoughts
    I definitely love this list after my first game with it, but I definitely made deployment errors. The Jezzails had slim pickings for heroes as he made sure he didn't put down his Wight King until after I put the Jezzails down. They were still able to do their job with the 2 Necromancers, but not putting them by the Gnawhole to potentially teleport them or at least have them in range of more heroes hurt me. That said, he told me if I had deployed them there he would've brought down the Hexwraiths T1 anyway to negate that.

    The only thing I'm currently iffy about is the Bell.. I haven't used it in probably 8+ months and I can't say I miss it. All it managed to do was roll for the MW's which never did anything at all due to my inability to roll 4+'s; even if I did it wouldn't have mattered against anything but his heroes who were either dead from Jezzails or out of range of it. I know it's meant to be utility and really is just there for the BS, but it seems to have a very difficult time keeping up with the SV who it's mostly for.

    Of course, I don't know that I would replace it with anything until I've had my other 2 games, but there isn't anything I would consider replacing it with except for Thanquol. If I dropped at least 1 Bombardier down to an Engineer then I would have enough after taking the Jezzails to 6. That's a tough call for me as 9 ups the consistency factor, but I would have a more reliable Death Frenzy cast as well as more anti-horde, which isn't super needed with Acolytes and SV already in.

    Anyway, thanks for reading, I may have another today and tomorrow so check back.
  18. Gwendar
    OBR - Forcing the Hand - Ghyran

    My List
    OBR List

    As usual, going off memory so I don't take up time by note-taking, IE things may be a bit wrong but the ending score is correct. He wins on drops and takes T1

    Typical T1 for us both of moving up and onto the objectives. Jezzails have nothing to shoot at and no spells are really worth casting.



    He wins the roll off and makes me go first. He makes the primary objective the bottom left.

    I string out the Clanrats a bit more to get ready for the inevitable Stalker charge while shifting everything else up a bit more, being wary of him getting a double turn. The Jezzails still have no targets aside from some Mortek guard, which just heal back to full on his turn.

    He moves the Stalkers and Zantdos up and charges them into the bottom Clanrats, killing all of them with 48 damage.


    beginning of T2

    I win priority. He makes the bottom left objective primary.

    I get MMMWP off on the Acolytes but fail Death Frenzy (which has been a very common theme) on the SV who move up a bit but stay out of charge range from the Mortek. The Jezzails shoot off Zantdos while the Acolytes kill all but 2 Stalkers (only 19 damage went through). The Bombardier then overcharges and does another 9 damage to the Stalkers to finish them off.

    His turn has the middle Mortek move up towards the Acolytes while his top ones move back to negate any Clanrat charges. 


    end of my T3

    He wins priority.

    He charges the Acolytes with the Mortek and kills them all

    I fail Death Frenzy, but I decide I need to act and charge them into the Mortek that killed the Acolytes anyway.. out of 30 wounds done, they took only 3 damage. They then swung back and killed ~15 SV.

    We roll off for T5 and he wins, and at this point I call the game; the Mortek will easily finish off the SV and I will have no hammers left (aside from Jezzails) to contest anything.

    13-11 OBR Major Victory

    Overall Thoughts
    Things obviously didn't go too well here. I really feel that this hinged on that last priority roll; had I gotten it and been able to kill off those Mortek (which they probably would have since they don't get RR's in shooting) then I could have threatened the top objective with the SV and 40 Clanrats. I probably could've been a bit more aggressive, but overall I can't say it wouldn't changed the outcome too much.

    Honestly it just made me wish I still had my OBR as these were the kinds of lists I took anyway and thoroughly enjoyed them.

    Seraphon - Better Part of Valour - Ulgu

    Seraphon List - *Note that the Dread Saurians have inconsistent points changes listed and show as 420 in the latest FAQs which is the old value (pre-tome). The TO ruled that for this tournament he would allow them to be used at 420 points instead of 510 until it is clarified as it appears to be a typo in the FAQ.

    He wins on drops and has me go first.

    I get off Death Frenzy and Mystic Shield and shoot 6 wounds off the right Dread Saurian with the Jezzails. I decide to stay put.

    He manages to get both Dread Saurians in (with the right one getting enough via the 3d6 charge) and the left kills 10 Clanrats while the right kills around 10 SV. Due to how he charged the SV, I could only get ~5 in combat and they only did a small amount damage.

    middle of his T1

    He wins the roll off and takes the turn.

    He moves up his Bastiladon on the right and his general Stegadon towards the left Clanrats. Combat has ~10 more SV die who do only ~2 wounds back while he also kills another 10 Clanrats. I burn the middle objective so I can start trying to contest his middle.

    I roll a 12 for the Bell and bring in a Warpgnaw. I do however fail to get off Death Frenzy but MMMWP goes off. The Warpgnaw moves into charge range of the right Dread Saurian while I make sure all the Acolytes can shoot into the left Dread Saurian. 6 Jezzails take the Bastiladon down to 3 wounds after doing 8 MW's and the other 3 take a couple off the Dread Saurian.. unfortunately the Acolytes fail to kill the left Dread Saurian by just 2 wounds (he basically negated an extra 17 damage from the Warpspark due to reducing all damage taken by 1). Warpgnaw charges in and takes the right Dread Saurian down to 5.. SV continue to do next to nothing due to limited pile in.


    He wins priority.

    He shoots 6 Clanrats off with the Sunfire Thrower Stegadon and then charges in to kill the rest. Meanwhile the Warpgnaw does just enough damage to finish the right Dread Saurian. I go in with the remaining 10 Acolytes in range but only 1 gets through, leaving the last Dread Saurian on 1 wound. He then burns his left objective.

    We call the game there as I mathematically can't win with only 1 1/4 Battleline left. 

    4-2 Seraphon Major Victory

    end of T3

    Overall Thoughts
    Obviously things didn't go too great. This battleplan combined with Ulgu (all terrain is overgrown) was atrocious. The Jezzails couldn't shoot at much of anything worthwhile due to having no sightlines, meanwhile the only thing that could cap objectives was the Clanrats and SV.. and they had to stay on the objectives to keep them. I'd try playing it again but.. I really was not a fan of it at all.

    Other than that I probably could've yet again played a bit more aggressively, but my biggest issue obviously was having the SV bunched up and allowing the Dread Saurian to charge in a way that they couldn't hit back. I couldn't retreat and charge them back in or else I would've reset the counter for VP's on that objective... so they were just stuck there. Had I ended combat with both of them sooner this would've been a bit different as they kept in place and unable to move really.
  19. Gwendar
    Seraphon - Scorched Earth

    My List
    Seraphon List

    Took no notes, so I'll be going off memory here and I expect the scores in-between rounds to be wrong except for the final score. I win on drops and let him go first and he generates CCP and absolutely stacks the buffs on Kroak, making him nigh-unkillable with multiple FNP\pass-off saves and sitting on 2+ RR 1's. He put all 4 of his Salamander unit in the sky and brought 1 down to remove the Jezzails Clanrat screen but that was largely it. He did manage to get 1 of the Salamanders in range of the objective and take it from me.

    I ensured during deployment there was no way for him to teleport behind me and proceed to get Cogs out with a RR and Kroak fails to unbind, but it's close. The Warpgnaw and Monks are all in reserve and I pop 1 unit out to the top of the board and the Warpgnaw comes out bottom left. Both make their charges and remove all the Skinks in the way and I take both objectives. 5-5 Draw

    I get the double turn, manipulate the Cogs again to keep up the +2 move\charge and then bring up the other 40 Monks with a dutiful sacrifice from the Grinder team. Jezzails finish off the 1st Salamander wave thanks to a Warpspark giving me just enough damage. Warpgnaw and the bottom Monks charge into Kroak, Astrolith, Starseer and 5 Guard while the top Monks just barely make it into the Skinks (rolled a double 1, but the +3 still got me within .5"). Now, here was my biggest mistake of the game. For some reason, I decided to go with the Warpgnaw into Kroak first knowing full well I needed to go with the Monks first to try to remove the Astrolith and 5 Guard.. so the game would've ended right away had I done that. All in all the Warpgnaw did 3-4 damage to Kroak out of 10.. again, had I killed off his Guard first I would've taken off Kroak and that would be game, but oh well... live and learn. Top Monks clear the 10 Skinks and I decide to risk it and burn all 4 objectives to ensure he can't teleport and take them back once I move off.

    Kroaks spellcasting absolutely shreds both Monk units by around 10-15 models each and kills the Warpgnaw (with whom I've rolled ~4 5+ FNP saves across 3 games so far). He then teleports Kroak bottom middle and brings down 2 more Salamander units, which wipe off the Jezzails. 17-5 Skaven

    I somehow win priority again but don't have a lot I can do with it so I just manipulate the Cogs again and Warp-Lightning is unbound by Kroak. Top Monk unit charges the Astrolith, Starpriest, Starseer and 1 remaining Guard and take out the Astrolith and put a couple wounds on the Starseer while bottom Monks run towards Kroak.

    Kroak yet again goes to town thrashing everything with spells and he brings down the last Salamander unit. By the end of his turn, I'm completely tabled. He didn't manage to get the top right objective, so I still scored it making it 22-8.

    From there, he won T4 priority and teleported Kroak to the top right objective to bring the score to 22-12. For T5, he burns all objectives but doesn't roll enough, making the final score 22-22 with a Skaven victory.

    Overall Thoughts
    Yeah this list is rough.. I think I played this about as perfectly as I could with the exception being my idiotic mistake of not choosing the Monks to take the Guard/Astrolith off the board before going into Kroak. I probably could've used the Jezzails a bit better as well.. I definitely think I would've been better off keeping them closer to the Gnawhole and teleporting them out of that little killzone (or you know, just put them further back) and they may have even been alive to take out Kroak.

    This game was way too close and a lot of things went right for me. Winning all priority rolls I think is what got me the win, especially since I didn't make best use of my double turn with the whole not-picking-the-right-unit-to-fight-first thing.

    Thanks for reading.. I'll try to do more of these; I missed doing batreps for nearly 5 months 😅
  20. Gwendar
    My List
    Fyreslayers List


    He outdrops me and goes first.
    He runs almost everything up to the center of the table, except for the 2 Runesons who are actually able to reach my Kairic Acolyte units on the right side, killing them and 3 Pink's.

    On my turn, I use a combined 6 with DD to cast Balewind and the Scribes rolls a 2 to cast Spellportal. I then use another combined 6 to get off Daemonrift which crashes into both Runesons doing 10 MW's to one (after being blasted with Bolt + Pink Fire), killing it and 9 to the other Runeson bringing it down to 5. The Nulsidian Icon gave me some trouble however, and Gift of Change was negated on a 5+ so it stuck around a little longer. Scribes runs right and summons 10 Blues, shooting kills a few Vulkites and the Sorc Lord charges into the Runeson to finish it off.

    bottom of T1

    Objective drops dead center, he wins roll off but allows me to take the turn

    This time I manage to kill the Battlesmith with Gift to take away the 4+ spell ignore aura. Daemonrift takes a wound off the Runemaster and the Changecaster is just within range to fire off Bolt + Pink Fire + Arcane Bolt to finish him off and then Winds of Chaos kills 3 Hearthguard. I got 11 FP this turn, so I ran the Magister left and summoned 10 Blues to ensure I had most of the board covered for when objectives dropped. Be'lakor kills 4 Vulkites with 1 remaining after BS.

    On his T2, I Be'lakor the Hearthguard, however they still make the 5+ roll and make the 10" charge into the Pinks and I completely forgot about Kairos just stopping the charge (although in the end it took more things off his objective which was better). He also rolled the 5+ to allow them to attack, killing 8 of them. Runefather charges Be'lakor on the left and takes him down to 4 while Be'lakor shaves off 4 wounds in retaliation.

    0-2 Fyreslayers

    end of my T2

    Objectives drop top left and bottom right, he wins roll off and gives it to me again.

    I auto-dispel and re-cast Spellportal and do 4 MW's to the Runefather (6+ DPR from the terrain saved 2) while the Magister kills the last Vulkite to summon a Chaos Spawn within 3" of the Runefather. Kairos Winds of Chaos' the Hearthguard killing 3-4 more and then he calls the game. All I would need to do is move a few things on the center objective to take the lead while he's stuck fighting through 42 more wounds of Horrors without the double-pile in.

    9-2 Tzeentch Major Victory

    end of game

    Overall Thoughts
    I don't like to pat myself on the back, but barring forgetting a couple minor things... I would say this was about the most perfect this list has gone. I was sweating for a minute there when both Runesons made a charge, but luckily the shotgun that is Daemonrift was able to take care of that almost on it's own. I'm still somewhat up in the air over it though; it's good in these situations, but later on it's usually too far from any of my wizards\endless spells to get the bonus damage. Against other wizard heavy armies however and it gets to be pretty amazing again. Sometimes though I think I may want Geminids for really stack the debuffs around (not bad damage from them either).

    So yeah, I think I'll stick to this as my main Tzeentch list for the foreseeable future. The combination of control, raw MW output (when you actually roll average with RR's 😉) and board coverage from the summons and it works relatively well. That all said, vs any shooting army and it can have problems, but most armies do nowadays. Hope you all enjoyed and as always appreciate feedback\comments.
  21. Gwendar
    My List

    Seraphon List

    He outdrops me and elects me to go first

    I manage to get 9 FP and kill the Starpriest via a Blue Scribes 2+ roll on the portal and the Slann failing to unbind Gift of Change. I put the Chaos Spawn within range of the Carnosaur and both Knights units, but it ended up dying from the Carno.

    On his turn, the Slann does 3 MW's to the Changecaster and 1 to the Scribes with Comets call, otherwise everything just moves up a bit.

    3-3 Tie

    end of t1

    I win priority and he removes the bottom right objective.

    A combination of Winds of Chaos, Gift of Change and Tzeentch's Firestorm manages to kill about half the skinks and Be'Lakor puts -1 to wound on the small unit of Knights. Scribes goes right to summon 10 Blues. Shooting is mostly insignificant and the Kairics charge the small Knights unit. Combat has 5 Kairics die with the rest running from BS while I kill 1 Knight with the Spawn.

    On his turn, I Be'lakor the left (blue) Knights unit and Kairos stops Comets Call and Stellar Tempest with 12's. Carnosaur, Slann, Terradons and middle Knight unit get a bit closer and the Skinks charge middle Pinks while Terradons charge left Pinks (he almost had enough room to get them into the Changecaster and Magister but coherency issues stopped that). Terradons kill 7 Pinks with the MW's and combat and I do mostly nothing back.

    5-8 Seraphon

    end of my t1

    I win priority again, he removes bottom left objective.

    I finally get the Changecaster on the BW and put ~5 MW's into the Carnosaur. I throw out the Daemonrift to tag the Carno, middle (red) Knights and Skinks doing ~29 MW's in total, killing the Carnosaur and leaving 1 Skink and 1 Knight left, but I Arcane Bolt the last Skink off to free up the Pink unit. Gift the blue Knights to get a Chaos Spawn in range and Winds of Chaos kill 3 Terradons. At the end, I have 21 FP's. I summon 10 more Blues on the right and Magister runs left to get 10 more Blues onto the back left objective. Freshly summoned Blue's make the 9" charge top right, Pinks kill the last red Knight and BS finishes the Terradons. We call the game at this point.

    Tzeentch Major Victory

    end of game

    Overall Thoughts
    I think this went about as well as the last game.. my biggest issues are spell priority and where to put the Chaos Spawns. It would've been better if I kept that first spawn on just getting the red Knights tied up and let the Carnosaur be.. spell priority is something I need to just right down as a guideline to speed up hero phase and make my decisions easier.

    Winning every priority helped a lot here, but I think the screens would've held up okay.. the spookiest part is Comets Call + Stellar Tempest so I was lucky to unbind both and the Slann's +2 to unbinds helped him out a lot in keeping the Changecaster off the BW. I still don't think I'm too keen on changing anything, but part of me wants to remove the Kairics and a Wizard to grab 10 more Pinks. Anyone can see that the Kairics are the weak spot in my screens but having all 6 Wizards is what makes this list function altogether; I can always summon more Blue's.

    As always thanks for reading and any comments or questions are appreciated. I may try to get a fun Troggoth game up tonight\tomorrow for anyone interested in that 😉
  22. Gwendar
    My List

    Seraphon List

    I outdrop and let him go first

    Nothing much going on here aside from him giving me about 5 FP and sending out Geminids. I made sure all my Wizards would be out of range, but the Kairics on the right were wiped out in shooting from the 3 Salamanders that teleported.

    My turn has the Terradons brought down to 4 remaining while the Salamanders get taken down to 1 (well, 4 models with Skinks). Miscellaneous Skink deaths in the middle and right via shooting. 10 Blues go down on the right to replace the Kairics and continue to try and zone out any teleporting\deepstriking with his 1 unit in reserve.

    Seraphon 6-2

    Rd1 End (picture after he won priority and moved Geminids and I moved Daemonrift)

    He wins priority, I take top right objective off the table

    I Dark Master his 40 block of Skinks who get no buffs and sit still. Geminids only manage to kill 1 Pink while I kill 3 Saurus Guard and 1 Terradon with Daemonrift.. which he then Dispells. Luckily I unbound pretty much everything but Comets Calls from Kroak which only did 2 to Kairos. He summons 10 Skinks middle but combat is mostly a slap-fast and his Salamander couldn't finish off the Chaos Spawn, which hit him for 2 more wounds.

    I kill all but 1 Terradon and 1 of his original 10 Skink unit in the middle and get Daemonrift out to finish off the Saurus Guard.. Kroak only takes 1 out of 5 MW's from it and manages to unbind Gift. I get enough FP to run the Magister middle-right and summon 10 more Blues, but they fail the charge into the Starpriest\Priest. Middle Pinks complete their agenda to count as double models on the back-middle objective.

    Seraphon 7-10

    Rd2 End

    He wins priority, I take bottom-right off the board to force the 40 Skinks middle.

    As expected, he buffs up the 40 Skinks but I manage to unbind pretty much every else except Comets Call again, which brings Kairos down to 5 wounds taken. He teleports the Starmaster to the bottom left corner and summons 10 Skinks (who fail their charge) while 10 from reserves drop top-left. The 40 block makes it charge and I severely screwed up by forgetting to change a charge roll dice via Kairos.. they manage to kill 39 Horrors out of the middle unit and reduce the Blues to the right down to 4 Brims after BS. Luckily, I had a CP to save the middle unit.

    This was an absolutely horrific turn for spells and I didn't even manage to get more than a 3-4 off thanks to Kroaks unbinds and I only do 1 to him via Gifts now d6 damage. No Blues, but I do get 3 Pinks via Fold Reality which was crucial. The Changecaster has done nothing so far, which is my own fault for leaving him out in no-man's land devoid of RR's. Right Blues move left and make an 11" charge into the 1 Skink bottom-middle while the left unit of Horrors (now back to full from 1's on BS) spread out and charge the top Skinks. This was another error where I should have just ignored the top unit as I could've kept the objective no matter what.. this would've allowed me to properly zone out bottom-left from being scored. Combat has middle Horrors get taken down to 11 again after the Sorcerer Lord kills ~11-12 Super-Skinks.

    Seraphon 10-11

    Rd3 End

    I win priority, he removes top-left objective.

    This was a turning point for me finally. Winds of Chaos kills 12 Super-Skinks and I manage to kill Kroak with Gift. Magister runs into his backline and summons 10 Blues who shoot off the Priest. Be'lakor charges the Starmaster, roll 4 hits and... then 4 rolls of 1 to wound while it had only 1 wound remaining. That ended up being a slight turning point for my opponent.

    With the Starmaster still alive, he summons 10 more Skinks to the right behind Be'lakor and 10 more above him. The 7 from top-left teleport to bottom middle and make the charge into the Blue Scribes while 1 of the summoned Skink units gets into the Horrors. I was just able to pile in 2 brims into range of bottom-middle objective and that combined with the Scribes killing 3 and ensuring I keep control of it. With him failing the charge with the other summoned unit, it was also impossible for him to gain control of bottom-left as well.

    Be'lakor kills the Starmaster who fails to resurrect, and my opponent concedes as there is no way for him to beat me on points even with a double-turn.

    Tzeentch Major Victory (13-11)

    End Of  Game

    Overall Thoughts
    This was the closest, most intensely focused game of AoS I've had in my almost 4 years of playing... and it was long. Both of us made some mistake, me in particular with forgetting to charge the charge roll of the 40 Skinks which would've potentially ended the game quicker had I not let them get into those Horrors. All in all though I couldn't have asked for a better opponent.. but I know both of our brains were fried after that one 😅

    Now that I've played ~7+ games with this list, I'm starting to think about some changes. I think having the 2 units of Pinks is crucial, as the lists I've done with only 30 Kairics made me feel barebones. I have to stick with Hosts Duplicitous for those RR's and I dropping to 5 Wizards is probably out of the question, although taking Cogs could make up for it. To be honest, I think the Magister and the Changecaster are both on the chopping block but I haven't decided if I want to drop 1 or both for something else. While I love the Changecaster, I have a feeling the Balewind will be disappearing soon so I'm considering losing him now in favor of the Changeling. This will give me a double-caster who can hand out -1 to hit on something and has the ability to make some horrors -2 to hit. I've also really considered the Ogroid so Kairos can throw out his easier-to-cast-than-Pink-Fire d6 MW spell and heal if needed.

    Anyway, lots to think about but for now I'll take a break for a couple days after that game. As always I appreciate any comments and all the follows\likes\views you all give.
  23. Gwendar
    My List
    Skaven List

    I outdrop him and let him go first.

    Not much happens other than him getting right outside of my spell-range and getting off Vermintide for a free FP. He kept his Acolytes back a bit, which will come to hurt him later.

    Skaven end of T1

    On my turn I get off Spellportal and kill enough Clanrats on the left to BS the rest off the board while ensuring that nothing is range of his 9 Jezzails other than Kairics if he ends up going next. Skyfires knock a few wounds off the Bell but not much else.


    End of T1

    He wins priority and goes first.

    He clears off 10 Kairics with the Jezzails and charges in 40 Clanrats. Luckily, none of his Acolytes are in range to do anything on the right, but the left side ones take 4 off of Be'lakor. After combat he has a little over half the Clanrat unit left and saves them with a CP as they were outside the range of the Bell. He ends up having 1 more model on my objective to claim it.

    Skaven end of T2

    I put pretty much everything into those remaining Clanrats to take them down to ~10 remaining.. but the Changecaster whiffs horribly rolling 3 MW's total across Pink Fire and Bolt against the Bell, bringing it down to only a couple remaining wounds. Be'lakor runs straight past the Acolytes on the left to take his unoccupied objective. Skyfires shoot off 4 Jezzails and charge into the 20 Acolytes and wipe them while both remaining Clanrat units get counter-charged by Kairics to keep him off objectives.


    End of T2

    I win the next roll off and he concedes. At this point I would easily be able to table him (except for maybe 2 heroes hiding around the building in the back) and he would have no way to catch up.

    Tzeentch Major Victory

    Overall Thoughts
    So yeah, playing not Changehost is pretty fun. It definitely feels light not having any Pinks on the board and just 30 Kairics, however it should be able to somewhat reliably get 10 FP on T1 to at least get some Blues out if needed. Definitely need more practice with it as it's the first time I'm running it, but I see a lot of potential. While Be'lakor didn't get to use his ability (I wasn't going to use it until T3 if his Jezzails or Acolytes had potential to get closer) I think his usefulness is perfect, even though Enfeeble was obviously useless against an all shooting Skaven setup. His biggest downfall was not having his Acolytes trailing the asses of those Clanrats really; he needed to be very aggressive against this list but he only managed to be aggressive with Clanrats, which were no threat to anything.. especially with the anti-horde spells I was able to throw out.

    Planning to run this list along with some other ideas for awhile (with a scattering of Fyreslayers 😉) to take a bit of a break from Skaven. Thanks for reading, as always.
  24. Gwendar
    No realm rules\spells for this one.

    My list
    Their List:

    Skaven vs. Seraphon - Places of Arcane Power

    I finished dropping first (for once as Skaven) and decide to take the first turn. First off, I didn't place my Gnawholes very well; the deployment for this battleplan is... odd for them and no spot seemed like a good spot. I start off with MMMWP on the Fiends and Skitterleap the AW to the left who gets off WLV which kills a grand total of 3 Skinks.. again, bad Gnawhole positioning, but at least I have the objective which, in the end, was likely better anyway. I run the Warpseer and Clanrats up to take middle while the right side Clanrats shimmy up towards the top right while Gnawhole teleporting the Fiends to the left to join the AW. The Windlaunchers only worthwhile target is the 3+ un-rendable Bastiladon which only ends up taking 4 damage after he saves all but 1 out of 6 hits. 2-0 Skaven

    His turn he teleports his Engine and 10 Skinks to the top right objective, but I expected this and never intended to take that objective throughout the game anyway. Everything else shuffles away from the WLV he brings down the Rippers into my AW (who I forgot to screen from behind with 2-3 of the Fiends) and Fiends. He ends up taking 3 wounds off the Warpseer with the Laser Turtle with shooting but not much else... combat is a bit different though. He takes 3 off the AW thanks to his ridiculous 3+ save and -1 to hit while the rest of the Rippers kill 1 1/2 Stormfiends and they do 14 damage to kill all but 1, which he pulls as the Shock Gauntlets or AW would've likely finished it off.

    He wins priority, fails cogs and moves the Slann and Astrolith to the top right with the Engine and Skinks. In shooting, he takes the Warpseer down to 4 wounds left and I get pissed off at myself as I forgot to re-roll my failed saves for both turns, ah well. He ends up charging the left side Skinks into the Fiends and wary fighters them away as a roadblock.

    I decide to dispel WLV and try to Skitterleap and re-cast on the top right group with the Grey Seer's 3d6, but unfortunately the only thing that manages to go off this turn is MMMWP. I move everything up a bit while moving the Clanrats on the left away to make room for the Fiends to get through. They then proceed to (surprise) murder the 10 Skinks doing 26 damage on my first batch of 13 rolls; warpsparked fiends are absolutely nuts. The Windlaunchers shoot at the Fortressadon again and do another 7 damage to finish it off. 6-1 Skaven

    He wins priority again and kills 14 Clanrats out of the 40 unit with Stellar Tempest. For summoning, he brings the Murder Turtle back and the Engine manages to get 3 Rippers in as well. The Razordons kill the Grey Seer who fails just enough saves and the Laserdon fails to get anything through on the Warpseer.. but hey, the Skinks somehow manage to get 1 through. He also managed to get some Skinks in range as another roadblock to my Fiends.

    I (again) only manage to get off MMMWP and.. well, instead of just pulling the models, we wanted to see the damage potential, so I roll the full amount of Ratling Cannon rolls and end up doing a total of 46 damage to the 10 Skinks after saves. Knowing I wouldn't be able to kill the Shiney-Turtle again, the Windlaunchers go into the Razordons, roll horrifically and just do 7 wounds.

    We end up calling it there as he cannot mathematically win at this point. 12-3 Skaven Major Victory

    Overall Thoughts
    So yeah, I love the Stormfiends, but I really don't think was a great showcase of them. They spent the entire time in the bottom-left side of the board with nothing to really shoot at. However, I knew that putting my AW on that left objective to capture it (which I absolutely needed to do T1) would mean he would put his Rippers on him, and I decided to have the Fiends tank them instead of 20 Clanrats. Now, I just assumed the Fiends wouldn't kill the Rippers in retaliation so I wanted them there to guard the AW against a double-turn, which he ended up getting. Had I put the Fiends more central, they likely would have easily murdered the heroes in the top-right with the Launchers and the Ratlings could've potentially taken on the Bastiladon.

    So, yeah, I like them. Is 9 too many? Probably, but I'll tell you what.. that's a lot of wounds to chew through and the damage output is nuts and makes my Jezzails and Acolytes combo look silly when you compare it to the amount of resilience vs. firepower you get from these guys. Even after Vigordust + MMMWP damage, I still had 7 models left with 1 on 1-3 wounds remaining (can't recall off the top of my head now). One thing I wasn't impressed with was the WLV; I've never had it do so little, but at the same time that was all on me and my Grey Seer failing to Skitterleap to the top-right to potentially get it off again. Looking back, I honestly think I should've just thrown it down top right T1 to discourage him from even trying to take that objective as it would've likely forced him to go more central and into range of my Fiends (also at the risk of taking that middle objective). Anyway, I think I may run with this for awhile, but I'm also keen to try 6 Fiends + 6 Jezzails as a combination and of course 6 Fiends + 40 Monks once I get them built and painted.

    As always, thanks for reading and appreciate any feedback in the main Skaventide thread so we can keep the conversation more out there.
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