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Everything posted by MarkK

  1. Thanks, I hadn't seen any unboxing videos yet, or the sprue layouts, I have Indomitus and thought they would go the same route with 2 large sprues unique to Dominion (at least initially). This is the one I'd go for personally, a nice mix of units that could have multiple uses. Love the shaman and pot stirrer!
  2. Any speculation on what will be in the starter boxes? Not sure I'll be trying to get a dominion box.
  3. Painting up warbands for skirmish games with a couple of projects in progress: • Stargrave Pirate crew (Blackstone Fortress cultists) • Big demon for Reign in Hell (Mierce miniature) • Untamed Beasts for Warcry
  4. Oh I'd definitely agree about GW and money! 😁 I imagine we'll never find out the truth about Cursed City, but if it was a suit against GW it's strange that the website for cursed city is still up. Hadn't seen any reports about claims either, like was the case with Chapterhouse, or that the claim couldn't be settled out of court. I'd imagine a publicly traded company going to court would be reported more openly. It could be something as mundane as production backlog, the Thousand Sons and Grey Knights been the latest releases pushed back several months according to the community page, although admittedly unlikely. You may be correct, the lack of any communication is baffling if not a gag order, but either way it's a disappointing end to Cursed City for me, missing out on the boxed set and expansions, I thought it was GWs best new product in years.
  5. If the expansions for Cursed City are released then my assessment would be incorrect. I don't work for GW, I have no way to know the reasons behind not reprinting Cursed City, just my own conjecture. GW have shown no fear in discontinuing ranges or products in the past with little or no communication. If Cursed City or it's expansions are never to be seen again, I can't come up with an explanation that isn't a business decision, which, to be fair, is entirely up to GWs responsibilities to their shareholders as a publicly traded company.
  6. Yes, Covid probably was the reason why it was delayed, but I do think it was a business decision not to do a second print run or expansions after Gravelords released. The Battletome has pictures and profiles of the miniatures for the expansions, and it wouldn't do to not release them months after the Battletome released. 3rd party manufacturers would have a head start cranking out their versions of rat princes or wolf vampires. The communications were shocking though, I missed out on a box because of the lies told in the run up to release. I wonder how many missed out because they thought this was going to be regular stock like Blackstone Fortress?
  7. My guess is that Cursed City was months late on release, and closer to the release of Soulblight Gravelords than intended. The Vyrkos vampires may have been the planned expansions to Cursed City and already written into the Battletome months ago. The Battletome would have then spoiled the contents of the expansions, coming only weeks after the release of Cursed City. GW then decided to just release everything in one big lot. Radukar the beast was probably the final boss expansion, released just ahead of the Battletome. When it sold out, GW had made their money back, the lack of communication may have been dithering on their part deciding whether or not to print another run. Again, with Gravelords needing to be released before 3rd edition landed, and spoiling the expansions, and expecting Gravelords to pull some of the interest away from Cursed City, they decided it wasn't worth the investment. The communication from GW has been contradictory and confusing that would indicate that the decision to reprint was up in the air until very recently. P.S. The fact that Blackstone Fortress is still in regular stock would suggest that there is no problem with vendors, tariffs or Brexit as previously mentioned, but a management decision to not detract from the Gravelords release. The wrong decision in my opinion.
  8. Are they North America only? I've only seen those online
  9. I looked through the Boxes games section of the website, and only Underworlds had 2 starters under 100 euro (50 and 65 for Direchasm), still with only 8 models each. Bloodbowl probably was the best value with 30 miniatures for 105. I'd place 2nd Necromunda at 120 with two gangs and terrain. Latest Underworlds warbands are 32.50. GW already have the best template for starters with the 40k 9th edition boxes, the Recruit box having a leader and unit for 2 armies for 40 euro. The Elite box is 80 and adds 2 units and different leaders, giving more options for the purchaser. I'd like to see a sub 50 starter for most games, even if it isn't the full game experience, e.g. • Warcry: Pitfight - 2 gangs of 5-7 battle in the Carngrad coliseum • Cursed City: Ayzr Hunters - 3-5 adventurer's vs. a necromancer/vampire and 10 skeletons/zombies. I have a feeling AoS will have multiple starters, which will be good for the game, along with the new crusade system normalising smaller games. But the skirmish level games really need to be competitive price wise to draw in new blood to GW. And to me, that means a way to try out the game or buy as a gift for a reasonable amount. They shouldn't be competing with the main games for cost of starting. You're right about the popularity of cursed city outside of GWs regular fans, I'd seen more RPGer's and Board gamer's interested in it than anything else GW put out before. Hopefully, more will be done with the setting, like smaller quest games, or Ulfenkarn themed Warcry warbands, but I suspect that ship has sailed.
  10. The miniature gaming hobby can be relatively inexpensive to get into, the GW version of the hobby has gotten ridiculous. I was keen to start my nephew in the hobby, but really couldn't put that on my brother. A squad of Marines or a tank costs about the same as a video game, an army costs more than a games console. And that's not counting glues, paints, brushes and other accessories required. Even the GW skirmish games are not inexpensive to buy into, Warcry now needs you to buy at least 2 books (core and faction), not counting the annual and enough miniatures for a game. This could easily run to well over 100 euro. The "starter" is 160 euro. Compare that to something similar like Frostgrave, where 50-60 euro (book, box of soldiers and Wizard) will get you playing. There's never been greater choice for miniatures games than now, sooner or later that will impact GWs turnover. Edit: Apologies, just seen Mod post after hitting submit.
  11. That's fair enough, I suspect you're not the only one. I recognise that value is a personal thing, and everyone on this forum would have different opinions on what constitutes good or bad value. Building, painting and gaming with these miniatures will likely eat up to ten's to hundreds of hours of your time for the price of a night or two in the pub (whenever we can go back!) or a couple of trips to the cinema, so the answer really is down to the individual.
  12. I think you've probably hit the nail on the head, maybe the price is defined by how much an army is to build, usually 300-400+ euros, as this is a third of an army, it's "worth" 100 euros by GWs standards. Their still want to knock that much out of your pocket. Personally disappointed, I would have liked to get the set just for painting or skirmish games, as I love the models, but can't justify the expense. I could get 3 warbands for Warcry or the Adeptus Titanicus Warmaster, and that's just staying with GW games. Out of curiosity, is anyone still planning to purchase this set or know someone that intends to purchase? Maybe GW know better than me, and will make more profit at this price point than a lower one.
  13. Sweet Jesus or Diety of choice, 100 Euro for one sprue and 9 miniatures. Just the villain characters from Cursed City are as much as the boxed set. I bought the Cultists of the Abyss recently for 12 pounds for 8 models, and really happy with it, can't see this been worth 90 euro more.
  14. Still waiting for the book (thanks Brexit 🙂), just went for the mercenaries box and book so far. Have plenty of minis that will work anyway, but looking forward to seeing the female boxes too.
  15. Yes, I was intending to buy cursed city in a couple of months for my birthday, but when it sold out unexpectedly permanently, I spent some of the money on the Stargrave nickstarter. Will be ordering 5 Parsecs from Home also. That will probably be the majority of my hobby spending for most of the year after I got the Indomitus box and a couple of Warcry warbands this year. It'll take me a while to finish painting what I already have, so GW won't be getting the 120 odd euro they otherwise would have (+ the expansions I was all on for purchasing). I may purchase the cursed city villains if the price is right, but there are other games out there, like the ones mentioned above and larger scale models/busts that I'm now interested in since I won't be spending my budget on cursed city.
  16. I'm cautious after seeing the prices of the Indomitus character sprues, I won't be spending 80-100 euro on one or two sprues no matter how nice the minis are. Hoping the prices are more reasonable though, to make up for missing out on cursed city. It was the first quest game I was interested to get into, and planned to get all the expansions, not sure how likely a reprint is now, but it would be a shame to drop it when there was such interest in it.
  17. Ouch, the characters are pricy if this is correct Start Collecting looks like good value if you don't mind Grave Guard though
  18. Plan is to finish these this month, started them last year, time to pull the finger out and get them done!
  19. Iron Golems complete, happy with how they turned out for the time spent on them. Onto the Untamed Beasts next, hope to finish them this month
  20. I reckon the liberators and paladins boxes will be discontinued when AoS 3 drops, probably the judicators too, if that image is of new bow armed stormcast.
  21. Is Kragnos head a little small? I'd have preferred it a bit bigger. Love the vampires though, hope Cursed City comes back in stock soon for the full range to be available
  22. Hi @Akylas, yes the store will get stock from their supplier and add their mark-up before selling on to you. It will indeed help out your local store! 😁
  23. More work on the Iron Golems, 6 of the 8 finished, haven't had much time for painting lately, so I'm happy to be nearly finished!
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