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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. So the White Dwarf rules are still useable then?! I mean, besides the battalions..... That's excellent. For Troggoths too. I like that we will be able to take Kruleboyz too as allies. Seems like they might be able to help us out in some aspect. I wonder if their Troggoth will be able to benefit from the Troggboss at all?
  2. If the Kruelboyz are part of Orruk Warclans, they'll be able to be allies with my Spiderfang (hopefully vice versa). That's pretty fun! Love all the new swamp monsters. Really hoping that Swamp Troggoth has just the Troggoth keyword, so those can be allies for my Ogors too.
  3. Wondering if we need the Core Rule Book for 3.0? Looks like the GHB has the Core Rules. But I've just taken a quick flip through. Has anyone looked at the new Core Rulebook to compare yet?
  4. Good catch! There is definitely a specific Normal Move now. Me thinks that could be a right proper interpretation. Warrants some study.
  5. I never looked at those Ravagers, Reavers, and Fiends from Underworlds. Sounds like some good tricks perhaps. I just picked up the GHB today; looks like I won't be able to ally in my Plague Priest now as he's not Maggotkin of Nurgle, just Nurgle. My army right now has: Korgos Khul 2x Bloodsecrators 2x Slaughterpriests (or they can be spawn, as they're converted spawn with a big axe and armor) Bloodstoker Skar Bloodwrath 2 Daemon Princes 2 Khorgoraths 2x10 Bloodwarriors w Gorefists 1x5 Flesh Hounds 2x5 Skullreapers Then I have my 3x3 Bullgors w greataxes and 3x3 w axes and shields to sprinkle as desired, but I don't think it's ever worth reinforcing such a big based unit with 1" reach. I'm working on a kitbashed Skarbrand, but certainly looks like I might need another monster. Soul Grinder seems like a winner there!
  6. I've needed an extra good reason to make Centigors. Thanks for the suggestion! Sad that I can't use one of my Daemon Princes as a general, that just seems wrong. They are ascended mortals! Oh well, a Bloodsecrator can be general. At least he has a good armor save. I saw the Wrath-Axe summons on a 4+ now, that's an improvement. Is it worth taking?
  7. No biggie, that means I'll have points to run 4 megas in a SoB army for 2K, and if I make it off the waitlist for a 3K even in September, I'll use 5 megas and a unit of 3 Mancrushers. Probably in a Taker Tribe but maybe Gatebreaker. I noticed that Longshanks is Errata'd in the FAQ, now we ignore models less than 4" tall rather than based on wound count. Can't decide if that's better or worse than it was?
  8. Hmmm, I saw an article I think on PlasticCraic maybe? about how Kragnos might benefit from some Destruction armies; in Bloodgullet Ogors at least the Nice Drop of the Red Stuff can make him pile in extra. For SoBs, perhaps he could make Mancrushers chuck boulders now? I wish Kragnos had Longshanks!
  9. Thinking about throw away chaff units to intercept any Unleash ******. Chaos Spawn come to mind, but what about Furies? They can fly, and if any survive the shooting, they can Cower and just fly away to do it again. Such utter ****** units but maybe they have a use now?
  10. Maybe in AoS 4.0 they'll give save bonuses for having every model within 1" of 3 other models from the unit, like a phalanx.
  11. Can you put a wig and a net on a Troggboss to make it into a Hag? That would be really good to have a Hag in there.
  12. Does AoS have the 'specific overrides the general' principal like 40k does (or did in the past?). If so my Boulderhead army is relieved. Guess we'll probably see some more Hunters in the field to fill out the Hero requirements for the Core Battalions. Shame Frost Sabres are minimum 2 instead of 4 though. A Butcher and 2 Slaughtermasters for a Command Entourage and then a FLoSH plus whichever Troops for a Battle Regiment works out nicely.
  13. Hmmm, that stinks! More of concern is will Boulderhead armies still be able to take multiple mount traits if mount traits are enhancements and we can’t fill out enough battalions for extra enhancements ?
  14. Are Blood Warriors with double axes worth taking over the Gorefists? I'm really not seeing the benefit over the potential MW returns of the fists; though they certainly look pretty neat with 2 axes.
  15. Very interesting. I think we'll all have fun making and seeing new army builds now. The battle tactics and grand strategies mean we don't have to always focus on objectives. While still important there are plenty of other ways to keep up in points.
  16. Anything riding a scorpion-tailed bat will find a home in my collection. But yes, that should be a swamp-magus-supreme!
  17. I converted an old Scylla into my first Khorne Daemon Prince. But kinda forgot he had that big pilein. I like it! The big gorilla version is kinda neat. Not too many ape style units besides the Jokaero in GW's lineup.
  18. Ah ha, then no go on Vanguard. However I wouldn't call anything clear until I have a book I can actually read.
  19. Ooh interesting... That bodes well for their own battletome then with 3 subfactions. Deffspikerz sound like Clan Skryre; I really really hope they are!
  20. While the coherency rules make it undesirable to take 10 spiderriders, the drummer plus a Vanguard detachment and the Speed of Da Spidergod does make for a tempting alpha charge! I guess if one wanted to pile in to get max attacks and then just remove models for coherency, that might be a strategy...strategery? Max out MW if da Moon is right, coupled with spell and/or totem buffs...hmmmmm. Need my mushroom finkin' kap.
  21. I've got Spiderfang and 2 Fungoid Shaman....Looking to use the Gitz as my endless spell and magical mayhem army. If I limit myself to 3x5 Spiderriders I could fit Kragnos in there, because: reasons. When not using Kragnos, I'd double my Spider Riders and add Troggoths....looking like Rockguts might be the best choice. I love the Fellwater models, but the Rockguts are cool and I've experienced the crystal ends of their weapons many times. They ROCK! Not sure about spells, but I'm thinking Lifeswarm, Scuttletide, and the Malevolent Moon are a good set. Guess Geminids and Shackles are promising too.
  22. The Kruelboyz are growing on me, I think the models in real life will impress much more than the preview pics (like Kragnos, MUCH cooler in real life, even his eyebrow-horns). I also think their shooty poison weapons will be a terror on the table top, and I really hope they can ally with the Gitz, and that the Troggoth has the Troggoth keyword to be allies with my Ogors. If they don't get their own tome, they'll probably be a whole Greenskinz tome with the Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz and Kruelboyz. Seems like that could be a bit bloated of a tome, but I guess there really aren't that many Warclans units as is are there? Seems like 10-15 total. Add in 10 Kruelboyz and another subfaction, and maybe Kragnos for some reason? That's a good full versatile tome!
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