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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. Sorry if this has been asked before but: If a Bloodthirster in a Tyrants of Blood battalion has the Halo of Blood, do all the other Bloodthirsters in the battalion get to strike immediately after the Halo of Blood model? Or does just one of them get to strike immediately after the Halo of Blood model? As it's written, I feel like it's the first option, but that does seem super duper powerful; so I thought I'd see what others think.
  2. Skavenbrew could be super duper nasty when used with 40 Plague Monks using double blades.
  3. Even with 2 units of 30 Fireglaives in a Blackshard Warhost you can still split your shots if/as needed, to perform like smaller units. I still want to try out the massed Spiteshield trick with allied Sorcerer Lord (for Oracular Visions) to see how many mortal wounds they can deal by making saves of 6s. I only have the Renders for that, maybe someday I'll have 60 Ironsworn though.
  4. I want to put the Sword of Judgement on my DeathMaster (with fighting claws), then he can be hidden until I get any of my Gutter Runners or Night Runners into combat with something juicy, then WHAM!
  5. Wow, this just made me realize Clan Rats must be Verminus. I have a full Eshin/Gutter Runner army currently but want the Clanrats to let me use the Screaming Bell and Lightning Cannon for variety's sake. Can a unit be double Death Frenzied?
  6. Correct, the Fireborn ignore rend values, or anything that could possibly make their save worse (like the herdstone effect) or anything that could make their save better (not sure if there is such a thing). And I'm pretty positive they do have the Legion of Azgorh keywords so get the Blackshard Armor wound ignoring effect.
  7. I might run Shartor in that case as another Tauruk and save the points. I feel he's better in larger games with Renders. More Fireborn! Or Fireglaives! Seems like the Ironsworn should be able to dish out some pain in return for suffering pain with the spiteshields. The Cruel Armor is indeed a second save vs wounds and mortal wounds after your armor save (if needed). And it's per damage suffered, so if your armor fails vs a 3 damage attack, you take 3 separate additional 5+ saves. Or if you suffer 6 mortal wounds from an enemy lightning cannon for example, you take 6 separate 5+ saves. Blackshard Armor is only ignoring regular wounds, not mortal wounds. Some might argue otherwise but in AoS, GW is pretty consistent about spelling out things that affect wounds vs mortal wounds, or things that affect both. Of course it would be nice if it was both for the Blackshard Armor; seems like Drazhoath used to have a 5+ vs wounds and mortal wounds before......
  8. I really liked the new Dorghar. I sold my Archaon but maybe I'll rebuy him, such a centerpiece! I think with the new Slaanesh tome he might be super good again, as he was playable with Tzeentch and Slaanesh before. With any luck he'll be in the new Slaves to Darkness somehow. He needs a permanent home and to get out of foster rules.
  9. The fly, plus their run and charge, is so very good, since we lack good speed in general. If I can find a bunch of exalted flamer bits maybe I'll convert some old school big hats into K'daai. The FW ones just didn't fit the look of my old army.
  10. I haven't used them but I saw a guy with 4 Arachnaroks at Adepticon, and he seemed to be having loads of fun with them. I think if I did another Gitz army after my Troggs I'd do the Spiderfang. Probably include a Skitterstrand one for the deepstriking monster, and then you could Hand of Gork another one too. Speaking of that, I was checking out the Bonegrinder Giant and it has the Gloomspite Gitz keyword, which is pretty awesome! I'm thinking that could be a good monster to have in the army and teleport across the table to scare the crud out of the enemy. Though I am also looking at the Colossal Squig too. If ye fellow Gitz players had to choose which monster to buy next from Forgeworld would it be the Bonegrinder or Colossal Squig? (I have the Troggoth Hag already, she's wonderful )
  11. Whoa, that's a big deal! Thanks for pointing that out clearly; it's now etched in me brains.
  12. I saw many players giving allied heroes a relic at Adepticon. That would be an important detail. An allied Verminlord Corruptor with a Sword of Judgement...…..or not?
  13. I'd have to agree; just saying that if one were to run Draz he's best with bigger units, like an Azgorh horde. 2 Tauruks=30 Fireglaives, whom I'd wager would do at least as much damage as 2 Tauruks over the course of a game.....assuming they didn't run away! Oh how I don't want to paint more models anytime soon; I'm still not done with my Clan Eshin 😛
  14. I was disappointed I didn't get to fight a Tzeentch army at Adepticon. (I used Legion of Azgorh in the Championships, and Skaven in the Vanguard). Definitely noticed a distinct lack of Tzeentch there, and what I saw was either loads of the Horrors or loads of Enlightened on Discs. Hope they still let the Changleling and Blue Scribes do cool stuff in the updated tome when it drops!
  15. I faced a player in the Vanguard 1K event at Adepticon with 2x40 plague monks and a corruptor and some other little units (plague flails?, and allied plague drones). I couldn't believe how nasty they hit! Even spread out between 2 Verminlords they killed the Deceiver in 2 rounds and the Warpseer held out for another round. Luckily I managed to get to the objectives with my big heroes first and he couldn't catch me on points. Only 40 more Gutter Runners and 20 Night Runners and my Deathmaster, then I'll have my super Slink Talon army ready!
  16. I am saddened I never got to try out my Council of Blood launched forth by 3 Bloodstokers. It would have been like 3 huge cannons, but alas, no more Bloodstokers for daemons, and apparently the Wrath-Thirster's ability has changed, so no more run and charging for any Khorne guys that I can find. Skaarac used to have that for monsters I think too. The new focus for me will be Beasts of Khorne, basically getting more attacks for my Bullgors with great axes in a Brass Despoilers battalion. Using Gors for cheap battleline/tithe points. I can ally in a Bray or Tzaangor Shaman and maybe a Shaggoth to help out the Khornate Dragon Ogors. I like those Beasty Endless Spells. My friend is focusing on bloodletters and the daemon slaughterhost to let bunches of them strike first in combat, and then attack again I think. Coupled with the Tyrants of Blood, I think some Khorne units (when they reach combat) could be able to strike perhaps 3 to maybe 4 times in a turn if things work out properly. The one Bloodthirster that lets daemon units attack and pile in within 6" is a good aura ability. Mortals as usual will need many many heroes and their abilities. Frankly I'd just use a Skulltake and the Wrathmonger battalion for them. Solid combos there, and probably with the Skullfiend Tribe. I am definitely happier with the new Skaven tome though.
  17. Oh yes, I would play him for the same reason I like the Verminlord Warpseer with my Skaven. His command ability provides a huge anti-battleshock bubble, and he's a 2 casting wizard, and can be decent in combat if needed (best with the Castellan helping the wound rolls). So for Draz I like him with a Blackshard Warhost or just bunches of infantry, or huge units of the Bull Centaurs or K'daai. That way you don't have to use multiple CPs for multiple Inspiring Presences.
  18. I've wanted to try a maxed out 12 Centaur unit. It's a nice point discount and an even bigger speedbump, though I suppose 2 6-model units is better for mitigating debuffs (or the rare Jabberslythe effect). I think Shartor is good for the extra mortals he can do and the rerolling charge roll ability.
  19. Oh yeah, I definitely want to try the 4 skullcracker/magma list! Hmmm, let's see, that's 800/560/300 (3x10 fireglaives)/100 daemonsmith=1760. That leaves enough for 40 Marauders @200 pts who can ally with us because they're Slaves to Darkness, leaving enough points for like Geminids maybe?,.....OR 40 Plague Monks who even without support are pretty darn good, who can ally with us because they're Nurgle. Hmmmmmm…. I've attached a picture of my engine army in battle vs the Idoneth. I neglected to take one of it all set up on the little display board though. I'll do that tomorrow morning.
  20. I'm back and (for the most part) victorious! 3 major victories vs Ironjawz (goregruntas and mawcrushas), Gloomspite Gitz (variety pack), and Idoneth (variety pack), 1 minor victory vs Gloomspite (many many gobbos), and 1 major loss to a Beasts of Khorne army using the old tome (woulda had him with that new nerfed tome). Magma cannons rolled super hot so I got very fortunate there, except for that loss game when the 30 Bestigors made like a 34" move/run/charge and overran me turns 1 and 2. I had to keep my fireglaives on my 2 focal point objectives so he couldn't start with too many VPs making me not catch up so the bubblewrap was lacking. But the Skullcrackers did most of the work anyways, however they didn't roll as hot that game and he had double bronzed flesh going plus Mystic Shield. I beat that guy before at Polar Vortex in January but that was a different mission where I could reach the objectives earlier on. Skullcrackers and careful shooting priority won the games. Azgorh's ignoring first wounds trait is super good, and they're saves are decent making them able to take those nasty charges quite often aside from the mortal wounds on the charge thing. Iron Daemon was pretty meh with shooting as usual but it makes a great distraction carnifex, is durable, and fast and grants the Artillery Train, which was super key to the magma cannon performance. I think it's probably worth taking with 3 magma cannons. However taking 3 or 4 skullcrackers would be amazing too and I really want 2 more to try that out! My Standard Bearer really saved my fireglaives every game with the +1 bravery and his melee wounds of 1 reroll paid off a few times too. I like him. Castellan also did help out with his command ability and the thermalrider cloak to get in range, helped kill a Leviathandon and Mangler Boss and Bestigors nicely. The Tauruk didn't ever do much, but he did manage to charge things, kill a few, retreat and move across the table when needed. Overall I'm very pleased with how my Azgorh Pain Train performed! I also met Rob Simms? who was another Azgorh player there, he had 80 Fireglaives, 12 Kdaai unit, Daemonsmith, and Verminlord Corruptor with Lighning Vortex and Shackles. I hoped to face off against another Azgorh list but alas it didn't happen. He wound up with I think 3 major wins and 2 losses. As far as the Deathmask, I don't know if they would have allowed no Deathmask in the unit, but I see in the unit warscroll it doesn't mention that he exists at the top. I wouldn't have a problem if someone didn't have one. But I like his rend 1 single attack. The old Chaos Dwarf champs are cool looking.
  21. I used Skaventide for the first time yesterday at Adepticon here in Chicagoland, USA in the Vanguard event (1000 points). I used Clan Eshin (Warpseer general, Deceiver with Ignax's Scales, 2x20 Gutter Runners, Vermintide). It was super fun to use them, as I think Skaventide is a thinking man's army; kinda the opposite of Legion of Azgorh which I've been playing for 6 or 8 months now. Their movement options throughout the game are very useful and the verminlords are really great support monsters. They can't actually kill that much in combat but I'd call them 'anvils'. Gutter Runners are pretty killy, and can hang in there when needed vs non rend attacks. I found the Warpseer's extra CPs essential! Looking forward to painting 40 more Gutter Runners, 20 Night Runners, and a Deathmaster to make the Slinktalon for 2000 points!
  22. That's a crapload of Fireglaives! Probably and excellent way to use them as you'll be keeping objectives longer and they will be very Brave in that large of numbers. Of course they're super slow but run them for turn 1 and maybe 2 and they'll be in position to shoot. I'm wary of putting that much faith in the big groups of Fireborn. I guess they can be the fast intercept everybody anvil and let the little ones move up to shoot into the combat? That sounds like a solid tactic. If only I had enough time to paint my Clan Eshin force and another 50 Fireglaives Agree with Drazhoath in this army, his ability is key to making that tick and stick. Different than my taste but seems super solid, and looks much like that Azgorh video Rob guy's army I saw yesterday at Adepticon here in Chicagoland, USA (he is running 80 Fireglaives, and an allied Verminlord Corruptor, an interesting choice). I hope I get to face him with my Azgorh army tomorrow, as I'm bringing 6 war engines instead (the Artillery Train/3 Magmas, 2 Skullcrackers, 4x10 Fireglaives, Tauruk, Daemonsmith, Castellan with Thermalrider Cloak, and Infernal Standard Bearer).
  23. I have used Gutrot Spume and 5 Blightkings as allies several times and they almost always come in very handy, helping to contest or claim far objectives that the slowpoke Azgorh usually can't get. I have also tried Skar Bloodwrath for similar reasons but to less avail. The Sorcerer Lord on Steed is good too though for his better Mystic Shield equivalent ability and his Daemonic Power spell. Tzeentch allies could be very very good, like a Tzaangor Shaman and Wildfire Taurus, though that's expensive. I think the Blue Scribes could also be very good for assistance in the wizardry department. Or just bite down and take a Lord of Change, great for casting a some combat smackdown if needed. For running Bull Centaurs, I think Wrathmongers would be a good choice, though I am not sure if they only buff Khorne units now in the new rules. Since Azgorh can ally with Nurgle, 40 Plague Monks and a buffing character would also be very good to make up for bodies, and they can really pack a whallop in melee from what I hear. The Monks with a Harbinger of Decay would be super tough to move off objectives, and then Azgorh could focus on crushing and blasting things like they should.
  24. It's crunch time, and I'm on the fence about which to bring to the Adepticon Championships. The first one is more shooty, and it seems good to have the battalion but then the Iron Daemon is kinda meh in my tournament experiences with it. Sure looks cool though and scares people way more than the Skullcrackers, which is a good distraction! The second one is much more choppy, and I think the Renders and Shartor provide some good hammer 'n' anvil action. Which one do you fellow wicked Dwarves favor? Adepticon2019Championships Azgorh.pdf Adepticon2019Champs Azgorh V2.pdf
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