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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. Those new Order Draconith dragons are HUGE. I'm hoping they come with keywords that let Kragnos reroll hits and wounds against them, since they're his original enemies. But they'll probably do the same vs him, or all Destruction units or something. They'll have a big advantage of flight though, and somehow Kraggy killed almost all of them in his youth? Makes little sense to me. At least Kragnos looks cooler.
  2. Who thinks those new dragons will be a problem for we who stomp? I'm hoping they don't bring along a bunch of little ones with them.
  3. Ah ha, Murderlust! I just plain missed the part about a normal move too (and Skarbrand's native reroll charges!). Screens are so annoying. I should probably have some.
  4. Is there a good way to ensure Skarbrand makes it into combat at the right time? All I can see is a reroll charge ability from a bannered Bloodsecrator or whichever other Thirster does it, and then an Unfettered Thirster for 6" pilein. Bloodstoker doesn't intimidate Skarbrand enough anymore. Maybe the Slaughterpriest with Bloodbind? I've never tried that one.
  5. I almost painted a Clan Skryre army a few months back, but too many bills and too little time to play MORE armies, so I sold 'em and stuck with the meaty boyz. Glad I did. I have Iron Warriors if I wanna play 30k/40k :0 With Skaven in general it does seem they kinda fall apart if we can get rid of the heroes (especially because of the crappy bravery). Though they're not super great without Underguts, I do think a unit of Leadbelchers comes in real handy for hero sniping, and some vultures if going the heavy BCR route. Haven't ever tried an Ironblaster, but those are pretty cheap actually. Maybe Maneaters can make good assassins too....if only they could hide in units of Gnoblars and surprise people!
  6. I agree, it's good to try out the smorgasboard to see who can do what successfully. You have a good variety pack of units. I'm curious to see how Wrathmongers and Skullreapers fare; the Wrathmongers are looking good at units of 10 I think these days with their 2" reach but those models always get all tangled up on me with the chains. Never tried swinging around a sledgehammer head welded to a chain before. That might be cool to try!
  7. Always good to have 10 Bloodletters handy for that late game objective grabber! By that time our units often don't have the power to strike with the tithe bonuses otherwise.
  8. I would go 2 biggies, and have your teammate hire a mercenary: OneEyed Grunnock!
  9. Wow, I didn't realize a HoSH was so cheap compared to the FLoSH! But with a big unit of Mournfangs I think he'll do very well if you can get the charge off on them. That's 36 potential damage just from the their tusks. Levitate is pretty awesome and probably more useful, but I might consider Flaming Weapons on them for extra ridiculous amounts of damage. Thank you! I've gotta find some more bits to cobble together 2 more Slaughtermasters. I like them over Butchers generally for their random cauldron pluckings.
  10. Gotta cast Levitate and Flaming Weapons on him too
  11. How about this? Throwing out 10 spells per turn. Few armies can unbind that many! I'm only 2 Slaughtermasters shy of this one....
  12. Ooh Kragnos! Better give him a scarf or he might freeze up from the Everwinter. I wanna try him with my Bloodgullets. In case any magic spills over he'll be immune.
  13. My 2 Stonehorn heroes killed Nagash with their charge rolls and then one of their Frostspears. That was a fast game. Since we can't change rules....I think some competitive list can indeed just ignore bringing magic for the most part or at all IF they have either the range or/and the durability to overcome the damage that super duper magic can put out. Range would include of course shooting/missile attacks, but also just speed and ability to bring the melee pain to the enemy quickly (flight is also good for getting over obstacles). Durability of course is many wounds, many targets to limit the efficiency of the magical attacks, and armor/ward saves. Examples of armies that could ignore bringing any magic, or at least little magic might be the aforementioned Beastclaw Raiders monster mash (1 or 2 FLoSHs, 3 SHBRs, a Slaughtermaster or Huskard on Thundertusk for a priest)....Sons of Behemat.....IDK w all the floaty seamonsters. Also anything that makes enemies fight last is a big advantage too against magic heavy lists, or anyone really. Another idea is to bring a magical maxiumum threat overload, so a Tzeentch army with 6 tiny casters for example, or a Bloodgullet Ogors list with at least 3 Butchers/Slaughtermasters. Then pepper with MSU fast tough units. So they won't be able to unbind everything, and tempt them to unbind some before casting others. Here a psychological bluffing game is played and sometimes works, sometimes doesn't, but if your strategy doesn't hinge on magic, but benefits from it, then you've got good utility with middling magic. Especially with Locus type effects or other plain buffs that aren't spells (Slaughtermaster Cauldron for example).
  14. How do Sylvaneth get all that + to their saves? They're made of wood!
  15. I'm quite partial to #2 and 3 as they look quite natural. If you have multiple units of Mournfangs I'd do both to differentiate units. The pretty colors can be for their pants.
  16. I imagine it to be like a special type of exotic Stonehorns, like Wagyu beef, but bred to eat metal instead of being all well-marbled for being eaten (now I'm hungry). Probably from Chamon. Then they can all be painted like they have grillz on their teeth 😁 For my next Ogors match, I'm using Bloodgullet (Butcher/2 Slaughtermasters/2x8 Ironguts/4 Leadbelchers). For the remainder I'm on the fence about another 4 Ironguts and more Leadbelchers....or should I take a Tyrant, 2 Mourfangs, Emerald Lifeswarm and maybe some other endless spell? I could do a Warlord and Battle Regiment battalions with the latter build. The Tyrant could do his anti-battleshock on the big Ironguts units and wield a mighty Splatter-Cleaver. Really not sure about the Leadbelchers vs Mournfangs. Haven't used either very much. I'll be playing against either Slaves to Darkness, possibly Gloomspite Gitz, or more unlikely Soulblight Gravelords. Also for the Wizards in an army, does their first spell come from either the Universal Lore OR the Tome Lore? Or do they know a Tome spell in addition to a Universal Lore spell? Then for Bloodgullet, looks like the 2nd spell they know must be from the Gutmagic Lore?
  17. Thank you for this excellent analysis with Tactic by Tactic and Scenario lessons! I'm printing this out to study...got a 2K event in October. Was thinking of going 2 Gatebreakers/2Warstompers but gonna try out your list build for practice this weekend.
  18. Yeah, I had the Gorefists, thinking that when they take saves they can toss some MW back on enemies. Frankly I'd rather them just have an extra attack for an extra axe; that makes more sense to me. For about the same points as the 20 Blood Warriors I could get 2x2 Khorgoraths. And I just like strange blood golems with skulls peeking out here and there. Of course they're not battleline, and won't have the model count.
  19. I tried a little experiment with Cursing, using my 20 Bloodwarriors as a big unit, seeing how tanky they'd be vs a Gatebreaker Megagargant. Didn't turn out so well for the Bloodwarriors, as they only got 10 guys base to base for 30 attacks, and then not even with with their 24 attacks for getting slain (only 5 MW on the MegaG). Guess my old dice don't roll 6s very well 😛 The Gorefists don't do well vs high damage attack enemies of course, but vs something like Plague Monks they'd get way more MW in return. Perhaps a Gatebreaker isn't the most fair test of this. I think a unit of 10 Wrathmongers though might have more legs. They get what, 4 attacks each? At 2" range though so all could be hitting theoretically if positioned ideally.
  20. The chopping of skulls makes SOOOO much sense for a Khorne army
  21. Yeah I was wondering about the mount trait issue. Though I don't think having to take different ones is that detrimental, as in Boulderhead the general gets Brand of the Svard for +1 to hit in general anyways, so he really can't benefit as much from the Clatterhorn as another one can. And metalcruncher vs something like Beasts of Chaos or Daemons of whatever god wouldn't pay off as much on multiple FLoSHs. Plus I can't imagine someone running more than 2 FLoSHs most of the time....
  22. Nice! This will be a formidable impressive looking force when completed. I really gotta start adding stuff to my bases like you're doing; makes for a much more immersive feel. Is the one with the Bloodthirster head on a stick the Bloodsecrator? Seems like that would inspire folks to attack more
  23. Thanks for the reference! Guess it's both beneficial and detrimental. I will try out that list you wrote there vs my Sons of Behemat (just have to proxy the FIrebelly). Gotta get fired up for some events in the next few months!
  24. That's an excellent list; I'd go Stomper with that one. Seems like Stomper CAs are really versatile and can launch the Mancrushers forth to do massive amounts of damage where needed. The Gatey can always issue other CAs; and that one should have the Amulet. Keeps the damage lasting longer. I'm in the midst of magnetizing my 4th mega, this one is the actual model instead of a kitbashed one. Hoping the 1/4"x1/8" cylinders I have are strong enough for the Warstomper's club arm. Gotta magnetize my Cygor-in-exosuit one to be a Gatebreaker/Warstomper too. My fifth one will be a clockwork mega constructed and piloted by Chaos Duardin. Waiting for another Soul Grinder kit, gears from the Hellcannon and Chronomantic Cogs. If I have all 5 megas ready I'll run some combo of those and 2-3 Mancrushers in September's big Milwaukee event (if I get off the waitlist). If not I'll have Kragnos on standby. But by October's 2K event I'll be ready with 2 Gateys and 2 Stompers.
  25. This may have been discussed already, but do the Beastriders still keep their Behemoth role AND have their Battleline role if the general is BCR? I couldn't find anywhere that says they lose the Behemoth role. Seems like they'd specify it lost Behemoth if that was the case. If the Beastriders maintain both Battlefield Roles then they could be in a Linebreaker right?
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