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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. Yes YES spam the tentacles! Definitely the most Chaotic monster there is. I am sorely tempted to spam Soul Grinders (which if I ever want to play 40k again might come in hand?). Here's what I'm thinking coming from a not-yet-StD-player standpoint (don't think this is what folks would call 'good' but perhaps a fun spoiler, or DEspoiler list ) Khorne Daemon Prince (general/Amulet of Destiny) 4 Chaos Chariots (battleline) 2 Mindstealer Sphiranxes 3 Soul Grinders One-Eyed Grunnock 2 Alpha Beasts Battalions, 1 Battle Regiment. All the monsters besides Grunnock can get pregame moves, HUZZAH!
  2. Good points, gotta love that 25mm base! Bigger units with double-ranks is something I haven't gotten to use much with previous armies and only recently with my Bonesplitterz Stikkaboys (32mm bases but 2" range). Still I think Longbeards might be best in units of 10 to better sprinkle around their grumblings? Or maybe Ironbreakers are better in smaller units as screens? Almost nice enough weather to spray-prime things again. Maybe by July I'll have the Dwarves ready for a big 5-game event.
  3. Anyone been using Hammerers lately? It's the last unit I don't have for the Dispossessed. They look pretty awesome, that's for sure. Just wondering if a unit of 10 is viable, or if I need 20. On the fence mainly because they're so old of a unit and have not been reboxed yet....seems like they could be destined for Legends someday? GW doesn't like Duardin very much I don't think.
  4. I predict the Priests will be tuned up and pray better with longer ranges for things, possibly being able to pray twice per turn somehow. I think the prayers will be how the Auric HGs can do more damage, beyond the standard Curse. Place your bets!
  5. I don't think LC deserves a nerf. The moving after shooting is a CA which requires a CP and of course can only be done to a single unit per turn anyways. It's not like every unit can do that all the time. Chaff screen units are key against any unit that needs to charge to do its thing like Fulminators. That's just true in any army, any mission, any matchup. The truly needed nerf to Stormdrakes would be to get rid of the once per game free move, which is needlessly excessive; or barring that raiser their points to like 400-440 per pair, or have a 4+ armor save instead of the 3+. Another possible idea for reigning in coalition units, and even allies, is that perhaps they should not be able to use reinforcement points? So no units of 4 Fulminators or Stormdrakes, or no units of 10 allied Grundstok Thundrers for example.
  6. I already have the FS dice, and they are super cool! I will be using them with my other Duardin for sure....not sure if I'll be keeping any of my FS (they could pay for many other thingies I have recently bought on impulse). But gotta wait and see though; if they give a unique playstyle amidst my other armies then I'd be okay keeping them for variety. Also I'm wanting them to have coalition allies. If they don't have that, they may not be satisfactory for the rest of my short folks.
  7. Victory over the Soulblight Vyrkos Dynasty! Mission: Feral Foray. He had VLoZD, Radukar the Beast, Necromancer, Grave Digger guy, 2 units of zombies, 1 of 20 Graveguard, 10 Dire Wolves, and 2x5 Blood Knights. I had Icebone, Savage Boss, 2 Wurgoggs, 2x5 and 1x10 Boars, 10 Maniaks, 2x4 Stabbas and the Rogue Idol. I dropped and went first, after moving 8" up of course. Rogue Idol and big boar units were in his face turn 1. But as you can see I mistakenly placed the boarboys too close to the Graveguard and they piled in a nearly wiped them, and then finishing them off bottom of 1. Rogue Idol nearly killed the VLoZD after making the charge to zombies and piling into the VampLord, who retreated with 2 wounds bottom of 1. Maniaks killed some zombies. He finished off the big boarboys unit but I called the WAAAGH bottom of 1 and it saved my Rogue Idol who survived with 9 wounds on him. Maniaks got charged by Wolves but they did very little. Turn 2 Wurgogg killed the Blood Knights on the Idol and that freed him to go kill the VLoZD, who was then killed bottom of 2 by the GraveGuard. Maniaks killed Wolves and Zombies as some Boars and Stabbas repositioned in the center. Stabbas had to go deal with some gravesite summoned zombies but they weren't very hard to deal with. Blood Knights had to deal with Savage Boss and Stabbas and fell hard by end of turn 3. Radukar never went down despite my 1 Wurgogg trying for 5 minutes to mask him to death, blew himself up instead Boarboys ended up charging the Necromancer to COnquer and objective, all the Graveguard got Maniaked (depsite hitting real hard, the GGs go down easily without their fancy spells and defense buffs, though they can be summoned back half-strength: BEWARE THE GRAVEGUARD). Failed my Grand Strategy but ended turn 3 cuz of store closing 17-12. But I think had we a turn 4 I could have killed Radukar, gotten Savage Spearhead plus more objectives for even bigger lead. So many bones to savor! Gotta do some painting.
  8. Definitely one of the most extreme epic battle reports I've ever read! Next time the Doomwheels will probably wreck face and send the shinybois back to Azyr, wishing they had tails to put between their legs. THE HORNED RAT COMETH!
  9. Wait, Bonesplitterz are only 27%, less than Beasts of Chaos AND Khorne? Did I get ripped off?!
  10. I'm thinking a Steam Tank will be the starting point for my Duardin Hurricanum. Seems right and proper to do so.
  11. Ooh I like the Demigryph Knight idea. Those are just neat models anyways and you could also totally use that with Hammerhal for flavor of the day.
  12. Perhaps because I've been solely in the Mortal Realms for like 4 years now it doesn't seem like it to me, but is 40k even that popular anymore? The AoS crowds I've seen are always large in my parts with very few 40k games going on and they are almost always mostly unpainted, suggesting new players. Guess just my locality, and I'm good with that. 40k seems terribad these days, and much much worse with the new Eldar book.
  13. Hmmm, guess I'll prioritize painting the Maniaks then and 5 Boarboys (have 2x10 foot Stikkas for other battlelines in Icebone). Got a game this week and trying to get at least a few colors on them all for a not-boring looking match. I might try out a few Wardokks too. +1 save not-prayers frees up CPs for All Out Attack instead. It will be vs SoulBlight w Carstein, a Zombie Dragon probably giving me -1 to wound all day, and 2x5 BloodKnights plus some zombies and grave guard, and possibly a Black Coach or Mortis Engine or Corpse Cart. On the fence about the Rogue Idol and/or allied Spiderfang. The deepstriking Arok was hard to fit and didn't do much at all....though the Spider Riders made a great screen. Big Stabbas all over the place though, they ROCK!
  14. If it's Valkia, I hope she comes with a bunch of Khorne jump infantry! That would be pretty dang awesome. With BoC getting the White Dwarf update, not sure if they'll be getting a new tome anytime soon. Not sure it would be a Jabberslythe either. Maybe it'll be a winged Bullgor upgrade for next month's White Dwarf?!?!
  15. Seems like sharks should reroll charges or something vs units that are already wounded, like a feeding frenzy or something. Love those models, might need some for my Living City zoo collection.
  16. I'm on the fence about Endless Spells in general unless they're taken with some dedicated wizardry augmentation. For Bonesplitterz I think a Wardokk or two would help out a bunch, a Rogue Idol even more, though that's a bunch of points. But Emerald Lifeswarm is pretty darn good in general. Soulscream Bridge would make great terrain even if not used as a spell. Looks like taking Kragnos does not negate the Bonesplitterz subfaction abilities? Hmmm, something to consider for sure. Wouldn't more Boarboyz w Stikkas be better than more Maniaks, maybe take the Maniaks in 5s? I think overall with the 2" range the regular Boars would get more attacks. If Glowy Green Tusks fails don't the Maniaks tend to suffer from 1" range? Guess if it's winning can't argue with that ☠️
  17. Yes, indeed! All the megagargants have all the battlefield roles.
  18. I can't remember how potent the Eidolons are in combat, but they should be super potent water wizards and buff/debuffers. Just looked up the Eidolons, actually I think they're pretty solid as is, perhaps a bit high in points. However they're on par with the Verminlord Warpseer and not much more than any of the Magmadroths, and yet vastly superior in buffs and debuff auras already. That Tsunami of Terror spell is super good!
  19. No matter how awful the warscrolls for Fyreslayers are, if they can take KO and Dispossessed coalition units, I'm playing them. At the very least they'll have an armywide trait rerolling all hits and wounds vs Clan Fuethan.
  20. I saw the LVO AoS champ used Living City. He had 4 Stormdrakes and 4 Fulminators but I've only got 2 of each, and no feeble humies for battleline, so I aim to try this when my Gyro-drakes are ready (the Frostheart makes a great general here despite being an Aelf, very hard to kill and can do some work in combat oftentimes).
  21. I got mine off of various eBay bitz sellers but really should have checked a couple other websites. Though usually they sell on both venues. Getting my 20 Ironbreakers assembled this weekend, using 3D printed bodies I designed on the computer. The Irondrakes kit is so loaded with bits, shame to not use them! If anyone needs Duardin bodies and has access to a decent 3D printer (sometimes libraries have them), here's a link to the Thingiverse page where I put them. Warhammer Age of Sigmar Dwarf Ironbreaker bodies x20 by CarvedMetal - Thingiverse Takes a slight hobby-knife trimming in the collar area but the beards have plenty of surface area for superglue to hold them securely, and you can take some green stuff to fill the back of the head gap if any, or a blob of glue/epoxy to fill. Arms go in pretty well.
  22. The minimum range for artillery makes great sense and would be very balanced. That would increase the need to screen them off with chaff. Agree that archers shouldn't get more than 24" range (or 22" perhaps now that the table size is smaller). Some sort of pinning check like 40k (or just old 40k?) for artillery in AoS would also be good and amazingly would make Bravery more important.
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