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Everything posted by Arkiham

  1. tzeentch is winning again? better get that unruly mob with pitchforks an torches going again to nerf it back into non existence
  2. looking to get this sold, open to offers outside of ebay
  3. price reduction. looking to shift this
  4. selling this lot, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/153675488429?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 will sell via paypal not through ebay if anyone is interested. using the link to save time, postage will be pricey due to size of box
  5. delete it and start over. imo chaos warriors need to be basically liberators but not as tyrannical and murderous of innocents 😋 All the heavy armoured units, such as chaos warriors, gorebeast chariot etc need to be under archaon - everchosen the marauders and lightly armoured things, should be under darkoath, like daemons/mortals/bloodbound etc this would just been everchosen/darkoath but all still mortal, allow all the warbands as darkoath units. add some new possessed units in, rework chosen to be like the retributors etc, some varanguard on foot,
  6. it will be nice to finally be free of the shackles of the old world. get them while you can before you are scalped on ebay
  7. New colours and paints added. It appears that the bar on contrast shows what it looks like when lightly applied to heavily applied.
  8. Everything sold. Ta for looking
  9. bump before i pack away into storage
  10. better proofreading, books/scroll cards which arent redundant 2 weeks after release, forgeworld and gw cohesion ( they're the same company after all ) dice you can read properly better rules for terrain better examples from warhammer world on what is good ( terrain ) forgeworld range in warhammer stores a bits service, or individual model purchase more collectors edition stuff better paint pots, update older models faster
  11. dice are sold, dropping the price down to £250
  12. why the stormcast heads then? just had it pointed out to me, an its a solid point
  13. forgeworld range is meant to be entirely revamped rules wise it was mentioned eariler on in the year, under the new leader of it or something. shouldn't be massively long
  14. books and 12 skull crushers are sold
  15. NOT SHIPPING ABROAD. UK based looking to sell my khorne collection, great for someone entering the hobby/army some models are kitbashed to add variety to the army, these are done to a high standard and once fully painted will look almost natural, Kitbashed models are, 5 wrathmongers, 5 skullreapers skullcrushers are all done so each 3 man unit looks different again for variety, its done so it should still be obvious which weapon load out they have. Warshrine was intended to be the display piece, models are only tac'd on. Over £800 worth of models here, looking for £550 for the army. i will throw in the dice box and collectors khorne book if you buy the whole lot. postage will be around £50 due to insurance, if less ill refund the difference, and provide proof of postage cost will consider splitting if the amount is a decent size
  16. Cause and effect. We only get these additional official pics or surprise articles as people share leaks. Let's not pretend otherwise,
  17. and when asked to back these fanciful claims up ? so you dont just get ignored as a wishlister you end up being dismissed so why even bother. i mentioned most if not all of this xmas' releases mid/end of summer, cant back it up as it gets deleted
  18. Some of those things mentioned in first comment already have solid grounding, from proven sources, but i get the feeling we aren't allowed to talk about actual rumours/leak stuff anymore on here,
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