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Everything posted by Eldarain

  1. The ability to force through our amazing spells (which outside of cabal is not the easiest) is worth it alone I'd say.
  2. The core rule mechanics make it immune to rend. Bastilidon has a 1+ save. I roll a 1, I fail, because it's an unmodified 1. Otherwise, I roll a 2-6. Since it's passed the unmodified check we look at the modified version of the save. Apply infinite rend, regardless of the result, the modifiers core rule kicks in. And makes that a modified 1. Since it's modified, we check against the save characteristic, of 1+, so we pass.
  3. How are people finding the 1+ save immune to rend on it's first bracket Bastiladon? I'm guessing entirely match up dependant based on mortal wound output?
  4. Neither of those things work with a Daemon Prince unfortunately.
  5. If it doesn't matter for synergy I like to throw Tzeentch on for free Mystic Shield.
  6. Is the STD start collecting arranged on sprues where they could split each part out?
  7. I'm waiting for the FAQ before going crazy with keyword summoning back expensive models. It has been fittingly Chaotic what powerful things we get to keep and what gets taken away.
  8. I got Clansmen as all my armies/table are Ice themed. Will get you some pics in the next day or two.
  9. Love this recent discussion. Between this thread and a recent Podcast focusing on Narrative Play I'm more engaged by the hobby than I have been in some time. Cheers everyone Karak Cythral continues to expand:
  10. The Hobby Progress Challenge we started locally has kept me moving more steadily than I have in years. Karak Cythral thus far:
  11. It is a possibility as the game moves on. I'm starting to wonder if the two ranks with 1" weapons is unintended. Especially with them introducing the just large enough to eliminate it bases with the Warcry gangs.
  12. Coming from the other side of the table the Crawler has a huge impact on your opponents behaviour/what choices are viable. IME: 5 wound casters without good saves that can't do their job cowering behind terrain are right out. Even characters with moderate armor need to be hugging cover to avoid dropping dead to the super accurate sniper catapult fire. The way you place your models is affected as long as the targeted model removal shot is available. Not being able to screen as efficiently because half your unit can be dusted from 3+ feet away is a big deal as is losing 200 points of Varanguard because you had 3 of them in a line.
  13. A conversion idea question friends. I know the Terrorgeist comes on a large round but would it look ok on a normal monster Oval base? Or would it overhang excessively?
  14. Ravagers built around Ruinbringer with 5man Knights and Chariots with a 32 strong Iron Golems Screen and additional Cultists/Maurauders being summoned in is my plan. There is a really good Command Trait for getting extra mileage out of the Cultists.
  15. At the very least they should have undivided. Completely not interacting with the core allegiance ability is terrible.
  16. Beginner question. Can we use all the god specific Battalions in Chaos Ascendant? I am kinda confused when it comes to the faction of battalions. There was a similar issue before the Everchosen book was rolled into Slaves with using Plaguetouched in Nurgle allegiance. In the new Slaves book it specifies the godmarked battalions are both Slaves faction and *god* faction. Any clarity would be much appreciated as I might just not be reading a specific entry somewhere that clears it up.
  17. Given the context around that mention I believe they meant Aura of Khorne from the Slaves Allegiance.
  18. They are absurd. Shooting, mortal wounds and speed bumps work well against them. Skaven seem well suited to exploit those weaknesses Be very conscious of those bloody catapults. Murder low bravery hordes and can absolutely gut the "onion" style bubble wrapping shown above with their kill a specific model ability at 36+" range.
  19. Same one that neutered the Nurgle CA (It was too powerful, now terrible) and made the warshrine not stack.
  20. This is a great thread to highlight how 2.0 has done a great job of giving most races a nice internal balance between little and big dudes
  21. Given the Malign Sorcery expansion came afterward and doesn't repeat the requirement that your allegiance have artifacts I'm going with it being perfectly fine to select realm artifacts for HoE. MS says after picking allegiance pick your realm. If you do so you can select artifacts from the two lists per realm.
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