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Everything posted by Painbringer

  1. Didn’t manage to finish everything I wanted last month. So this month, I want to finish Angron, 5 Saurus Warriors and maybe 5 Reivers. I got a small Space Marines force and it’s very interesting to paint something like that after all of the AoS models. Here’s my first Space Marine:
  2. I did a quick repaint on one of my Annihilator units. I am much happier with this colour scheme:
  3. I don’t know if someone else has seen this, but Stu Black announced on LinkedIn that he is now Lead Product Development Manager for WH40K and Age of Sigmar. Does this mean that he is responsible for both games? I think that Ben Johnson was in that role for AoS - is Ben still part of the team?
  4. I started working on Angron and plan to finish it during February:
  5. I have finished painting Kairos Fateweaver. I have been working on this model for a long time - usually when I was taking a break from painting my Khorne models. I am very happy with how it turned out. I also tried to go an extra mile and added the word "Knowledge" written in the runes of the Dark tongue to the book on top of Kairos' staff (runes of the Dark Tongue of Chaos can be found in old WHFB army books, but you can also see them here).
  6. My Kairos Fateweaver is fully painted - I've been working on this model for while and managed to finish it yesterday.
  7. My plan is to finish Slann Starmaster - I've already done a lot of work:
  8. These are the prices in GBP, that were shared in one of the groups that I am a member of:
  9. My Blades of Khorne/Daemons of Khorne army is finally done! This was my main painting goal for 2023 - to fully paint an army I own and I managed to achieve it. Now I'm thinking about what will be my main project for 2024.
  10. AND HERE IT IS! I have managed to paint my Khorne army this year - I'm so happy because of this! The best thing is that the models shown below are not the only ones I've painted - there's actually quite a bit more. I will now decide what will be my main painting goal for next year.
  11. I continued rebasing my Stormcast: And my last unit of Bloodletters (and the whole Khorne army!) is nearly done:
  12. Just a little bit more, and my Kairos Fateweaver will be finally finished:
  13. I decided to rebase my Stormcast. Here's the first unit I rebased - I am using "Temple bases" from Gamers Grass.
  14. Besides working on Bloodletters, I also started painting this gentleman:
  15. Fantastic work! The baes are perfect and they really make the miniature stand out!
  16. Well, I started off my October painting contract with painting my Bloodmaster in a single day: Next up - to paint one more unit of Bloodletters!
  17. Thanks! This year I painted a lot of stuff (actually, it's a lot for me - for someone else it might not be that much) and I'm constantly trying to improve my skills, so reading comments like yours really means a lot Yesterady, I managed to fully paint Herald of Khorne/Bloodmaster, so here's another photo for the thread:
  18. Flesh Hounds are done! However, I took a short break from painting Khorne and managed to almost fully paint a full unit of Plaguebearers! The pictures do not show the most recent state - I have finished swords and the banner, so now, there's only horns and faces left to paint. I expect to finish that during next week. I've used Tyler Mengel's painting tutorial for Plaguebearers and was able to paint them really quickly. However, I have to note that I decided to spend a bit less time working on transitions and some details, because my primary goal was to paint these models fairly quickly (I want to play them in WHFB 6th edition campaign in my Daemonic Legions army, so that was my primary motivation). Here are some pictures:
  19. I've painted 4 Flesh Hounds (I just need to finish the base on the last one). One more to go - and the unit is ready!
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