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Everything posted by lare2

  1. Cooler - always cooler! Spears would still be awesome as well mate.
  2. Forgot about this. I got trounced... generally by Fyreslayers who I played twice! Managed to pick up 1 win out of 5 - good weekend though. Need more practise again!
  3. If you're going 30 I'd probably say swords. With spears you can get 3 rows in but you'll be getting an extra attack from Sons and hitting on 3s with swords is a big difference.
  4. Forgive me if I've read your post wrong but I think you think we get extra units via summoning? That is to say, you'd play the list you've quoted and then summon more in. Am I right in thinking that? If so, our summoning doesn't work like that. To summon we need to have a summonable unit dead, e.g. skellies. We can then bring that unit back from the dead. This works as follows: a unit of your skellies dies, you move your general to within 9" of a graveside, and at the end of the movement face you spend a CP to bring it back wholly worrying 9" of the grave and more than 9" away from the enemy. If the unit can't fit, the summoning fails. You should definitely buy a CP. This would put your army to 1900. Spend the list 100 on adding more to one of your current units? Hope that helps.
  5. Yep, it's not there. Just use grand alliance death but remember you can't include vamps and the limitations on the mortarchs.
  6. Their rules are crazy good. I was determined to not get suckered into a new army but damn... GW... you rotters!
  7. Thanks for getting back to me. Had to submit a list for a tourney and decided to change it (see the LoS chat). Thought, when in doubt... leave it out.
  8. At a tourney this weekend. Will be the 1st in a while. Gonna run the following. Wish me luck and I'll let you know how I get on! Allegiance: Legion of Sacrament Mortal Realm: Shyish Leaders Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (440) - General - Command Trait : Mastery of Death - Vampiric Sword & Shield & Chalice - Artefact: Ethereal Amulet - Lore of the Vampires: Vile Transference Vampire Lord (140) - Mount: Nightmare - Lore of the Vampires: Soulpike Necromancer (130) - Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread Necromancer (130) - Lore of the Deathmages: Fading Vigour Wight King with Baleful Tomb Blade (120) - Mount: Steed Battleline 40 x Skeleton Warriors (280) - Ancient Spears 40 x Skeleton Warriors (280) - Ancient Spears 20 x Chainrasp Horde (160) Units 10 x Black Knights (240) Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs Extra Command Point (50) Malevolent Maelstrom (10) Total: 1980 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 154
  9. Was thinking about bringing Reikenor as an ally. Allies don't benefit from allegiance abilities... does this mean Reikenor wouldn't be able to perform Deathless Minions?
  10. Please do let us know mate. Be good to hear how it goes. Don't own Lady O but would probably avoid her anywho. Flogged off my other mortarchs as well... they're just not for me. Would run the standard dreadblade I reckon. In regards to the latter, you'd want your general to have the bravery debuff characteristic but then you'd want to keep him safe so that he can teleport for grave resurrection. It all sounds a bit counterintuitive though. On one hand you want him in the thick of it to debuff but then you run the risk of him popping his clogs. Think I need to watch some batreps.
  11. Thanks for the reply. I'm really trying to diversify my play style and reckon I should try out a bit of LoG. Completely forgot you can run a Mortis Engine in it. The way I see it, I was thinking just NH but with a necro or 2. Pointless saying it but... wish LoG could take vamps!
  12. Looking at lists, do people generally just play LoG as NH? No one include much LoN?
  13. It'll be here somewhere... https://www.reddit.com/r/WarhammerInstructions/ You'll have to search for it though.
  14. Is anyone having any success whatsoever with death? If so, what's the secret of your success? Been a while since I've done a tourney but in my casual games I've been getting smashed. Got a 2 dayer tourney coming up and I'm not optimistic.
  15. A vamp force would lean towards an elite force as well, a slot now taken up by OBR. This kit does feel like the only problematic one... the Mortis Engine should be kept though as it would work so well in NH. Who knows what GW has in mind.
  16. Mortis Engine to NH (where it belongs), Coven Throne/Bloodseeker Palanquin and VLoZD to updated Soulblight? Morghasts to OBR. Mortarchs and Nagash free to join the others (NH, GK, OBR, and any others incoming) as and when they feel, having an overarching role? Looking at what GW lists as LoN, anything ghosty (spirit hosts, etc.) to NH, anything fleshy (vargheists, etc.) to GK. That only leaves deathrattle, deadwalkers and a lot of old vamps. Could easily see them being squatted. This is all theory based though mind... I really don't want it either. Suppose I'm just feeling pessimistic.
  17. Agreed. OBR spells the end of LoN. May take some time but I think it's coming. I'm thinking the LoN tome was just a soup stopgap to sort out the Death alliance. The sword of Damocles is hanging over my skelly horde army and if I wanna run horde death in the future, need to look to NH.
  18. Anyone else play with Supernaturals in the 80s?
  19. I'm on the fence... Love the mage and catapult mind.
  20. You're not wrong. Deathmarch isn't too bad though mind... but I've watched the price increase year on year. A note on the stormcast ones, now they suck. Not one of them is worth it.
  21. I'm in. Gonna aim to do the following. 15 chainrasps (bringing me to 30 out of 40 done) Guardian of souls Executioner Nothing scheduled for next month so feeling hopeful.
  22. Anyone else checking warhammer-community.com every 5 mins?
  23. Been on my jollies so only just managed to finish off another 5 rasps. Next 5 prepped for undercutting once the pva dries. Doubt I'll get them done by the end of the month though.
  24. Walking the dog this morning and was thinking... could this be the beginning of the end of LoN? With these new boys there'll be 3 distinct Death factions. Will there be any reason for a soup book? Then it got me thinking, perhaps they'll start retiring old models, e.g. skellies, zombies, etc. Started scaring myself...
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