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Everything posted by amysrevenge

  1. I'll entertain the discussion of "forced diversity" when female figures get to 51% of the line, but not until then. Until my own collection reached 50-ish%, I would preferentially buy female models if given the choice (not exclusively, just more).
  2. Speculation time. Let's imagine there was a Gutbusters Battletome in the pipeline. (The exact same thought experiment could be done for Slaves to Darkness, Dispossessed, Free People, various Aelves - substitute the tome-less legacy army of your choice). How much of a release would it have to be, in order to be considered "successful" by the community (level one speculation), and how much would it have to be to be considered "successful" by GW (level two speculation)? The bare minimum Battletome I could imagine would be a Bonesplitters repeat: something that did NOT tie together Beastclaw and Gutbusters and Maneaters and the poor ol' Firebelly - just straight up Gutbusters. It would include a terrain piece and endless spells and zero new units (perhaps some of the lingering Hero kits would be re-packed with round bases, and they might do some hijinks around giving different weapon loadouts different warscrolls as per Bonsepltters with 4 different warscrolls out of the one box of Boys). Outcome: People who already have Gutbuster armies would buy book + terrain + spells. It would barely nudge the needle on popularity outside folks who already have them (unless they were accidentally to become a powerhouse). I think the chatter around it would be largely negative. The Battletome I actually expect would be a Beasts of Chaos repeat - tie together the Ogor factions, plus terrain and spells. Still no new units (other than re-packs). Outcome: I reckon, again unless it's an accidental powerhouse, few people other than existing collectors would buy tome + terrain + spells, but at least you're casting a wider net by including the Beastclaw collectors. But then again, there does seem to be this undertone in the community that if only they weren't so terrible, the Beastclaw SC box looks so fun as a hobby project, and pushing those monsters around is a right good time, so maybe the appeal of a decent tome would be higher than I'm imagining. I believe the chatter around this would be neutral, tipping toward positive if the rules were well received. The pie-in-the-sky Battletome I wouldn't dare to hope for would be a Gloomspite Gits repeat - tie the factions together, plus replace some older sculpts with brand new ones, and maybe expand the line a little. Plus terrain and spells. This would have the potential to be very popular, whether it was a "meta leader" or not. Existing players would upgrade with book and spells and terrain, as well as topping up their collection. New players would be attracted to the faction. I reckon the chatter in the community would be pretty positive about this one, especially if they hit the power level just right. The good thing about 1 and 2 is that they would be very low cost for GW to do. The only new models would be China-plastic, so it wouldn't add to the production bottleneck in Notts. Assuming that the outcomes I predicted were to occur, how many of those would be considered "successful"? I don't think there's any real way for option 1 to be a success in the community, although with the super-low cost for GW, it wouldn't take much sales for it to turn a profit. Option 3 would be a community success almost no matter what the rules were, but adding in those new units would make measuring GW's success a lot harder. They would have to push a lot of actual product, in addition to the books and China-plastic kits. The expected (by me) option 2 would have, I think, the best chance at success on both levels. It's the same low capital costs for GW, but with a wider net for an audience. A lot of the community success would depend on how well received the actual rules were I think, but if the tome was solid, it would be at least a minor hit even without any new models.
  3. Search for other events, steal the event pack that most appeals to your community. After you've done one or two, you can think about making your own.
  4. I've got 25 Judicators, but I'd go back for more if they had a full box of female Judicators.
  5. I mostly play against less experienced players and games take longer, like 3h (unless I'm using my FEC - never had a game with them last more than about an hour).
  6. I don't get to play as often as I'd like (or against as many different opponents as I'd like) but I've still never actually made it to "late game" without wiping everything out. 2 GK/TGs and a ghoul patrol basically do the trick every time (so far).
  7. I'm in a bit of a hobby lull right now (moving house so limited budget), but I'm pretty excited to be able to put together something new out of stuff I already own that is at least technically useful, even if I end up not actually using it much. I've got Ogors and Bonesplitters and Spiderfang/Gloomspite that could only benefit from some fresh new units, even if my competitive Stormcast and FEC would only be made worse. Might start with the Giants (I've got some old metal Albion giants that could be a nice start), might start with the Freeguild (I've got a whole Empire army in gray that I've never gotten around to), might start with cannons and organ guns (I've got a dispossessed/duardin project on the backburner).
  8. I demand of myself 100% painted at all times. I demand of my opponent nothing at all. Golden Daemon-painted, sea of gray, all of it is fine.
  9. If a direct confrontation is too much (in many cases it would be too much for me to handle) you need to go over the person's head. At an event, have a talk with the TO. It's easy enough to speak frankly to a 3rd party. Maybe there can be a full time referee/judge on-hand for the person's games for a while. At the local club - is there any hierarchy of club organizers? Anyone who organizes club game nights or anything? That person can play a similar role, if maybe with a little less authority. And often (not always) the sorts of people who take on these leadership roles have at least some of the skillset required to handle a confrontation like this.
  10. I think New vs. Old is a bit of a false dichotomy. There is plenty of scope for BOTH New and Old. It's a balance, and you can maybe be critical of the balance, but I think there's room for all of: new (Stormcasts, Nighthaunt, Idoneth, etc.), a mix of new and old (Daughters of Khaine, various Daemons), re-skinned old (Bonesplitters, FEC), and straight-up old (Skaven). If Tomb Kings is real, that's fine by me. If the next ten armies are all old stuff re-skinned, not happy. But if 3 of the next ten are re-skins, 4 are brand new, and 3 are mixed old/new, hooray for us!
  11. Nice. Things that can mean something, or can mean nothing, and aren't really sources or rumours, but are often treated as if they were evidence of something: Black Library stories, various webstore status changes.
  12. Not joking, this is the GW business model. FOMO*, impulse purchases, ooh this is cool gonna grab it. Their business model is not based on the sober deliberation of serious customers. *fear of missing out
  13. Yeah, I'm not claiming a shift in my opinions on a Like-Dislike axis. I'm still firmly on the Like side of that one. It's the Excitement-Apathy axis that I'm concerned about, and too much too soon, too long before the release date, has got me trending toward the Apathy side.
  14. So. On the meta topic of releases and rumours… I'm wondering if the contentious idea of "too much info too soon" is in play here for Warcry. Everyone wants more info, more teasers, more photos, more hints, all the time "tell me what's coming" more more more. My peak interest in Warcry was about a month ago. My excitement level has been steadily decreasing since then. Not because I think less of the potential of the game or the contents of the box, but just due to the normal ebbs and flows of my interest over time. I looked at all the models, and already had my excited conversations with my friends about how cool they look. A month ago. It's not like I'm going to have that same conversation again with the same people. It's possible that more new releases will restoke the fires of my passion, but I suspect that by this point I'll watch Warcry come and go without making any effort to collect the funds to buy it - which would NOT have been true a month or so ago.
  15. I've got the last 10% of a list I'm trying to narrow down, thought I'd put some feelers out for ideas. The "fixed" part of the list is this 1800 points (using Feast Day): Archregent (+2 to cast) AGK on TG (D6 heal chalice) AGK on TG Ghast Courtier 40 Ghouls 10 Ghouls 10 Ghouls Ghoul Patrol For the last 200 points, I've tried a couple things, all of them just OK so far, and I'm just looking for any ideas. I've tried a second Archregent (wasn't super happy with it, but that might be just because I only have one Varghulf - if I had 2, I'd love summoning 2 for free), and I've tried an AGK on foot plus 1 CP, which was OK but I almost don't need the CP with Feast Day. Maybe a spell for the 60 points after the AGK?
  16. I flipped through a Khazalid reference I have, and it does not look like Dwarf runes.
  17. Looks like the order doesn't work for that. The bridge movement happens in the Movement phase, not the hero phase.
  18. I would wager instead that the restriction would be "you can add the following exact lineup of models/units for exactly XX points" and they could then control what you can bring very closely. But that's just a guess.
  19. The main problem with the trees is that there's no way to do it and have the non-Sylvaneth guy be happy. If I let the Sylvaneth guy take the trees off the bases (even if we "respect the holes") then I feel like I'm being taken advantage of, because the models don't actually fit where they are going (maybe their bases fit, but the models sure don't, that's why the trees are coming off in the first place!). If I don't, I feel like I'm cheating the guy and being a d-bag about it. Can't-win situation. Even earlier that that though is terrain set-up. Normally we just let the guy who shows up first set up the terrain in a way that looks nice to play on, knowing that you could end up on either side (or might end up playing length-wise or diagonally or whatever). But now if I'm the first guy, I have to decide how much open space to leave for my incoming Sylvaneth opponent. Do I clutter up the table so there's no space at all for new forests and be a d-bag? Do I leave wide open spaces and basically gift the board to my opponent?
  20. Well, I'm 2 games in now and I've rolled up Sylvaneth and Nighthaunt without ever really having any trouble. Starting to get worried about finding opponents in my small-ish local group willing to test my event list...
  21. It is normal for boxed games to have incorrect and/or incomplete warscroll cards (for example: the Soul Wars warscroll cards were insta-recycling). Having warscrolls with only one loadout option on them for a unit with three different loadout options available would be par for the course.
  22. "Compendium units and factions are going to be officially removed from AoS in the next ruleset update." - Everyone on the internet in the period leading up to every ruleset update, all the way back to GHB1 Keep on saying it guys, one of these days it'll be right maybe.
  23. Lordy - I got one second hand, and repainted to match my existing army. What a pain in the backside. Luckily the area up in the guts that you can't get at no-how was a reasonable enough approximation of my own that I didn't have to get all the way up in there.
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