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Everything posted by Turragor

  1. Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals Mortal Realm: Aqshy Lord-Celestant On Stardrake (560) - General - Celestine Hammer - Trait: Shielded by Faith - Artefact: Ignax's Scales - Mount Trait: Keen-clawed Lord-Castellant (100) Knight-Incantor (140) - Spell: Azyrite Halo Celestant-Prime (340) 5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammer & Shield - 1x Grandblades 5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammer & Shield - 1x Grandhammers 5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammer & Shield - 1x Grandhammers 2 x Fulminators (240) 3 x Aetherwings (50) 3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (140) Everblaze Comet (100) Total: 1970 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 87 Roast me - I'm mad to take this to a mini-tourney right?
  2. Working on a handful of chaos warriors while I wait for new project inspiration (spoiler its those new gits I bet) Banner is 2nd freehanded banner in my life and the best part is it is totally spontaneous and barely barely related to my candyrot (whom inspired the colours for these slaves to darkness)
  3. What is best in life in one image. Pray may they be the best choice for that unit. If the shortblades version ends up great on the table I don't care!
  4. I like a bunch of these ideas but there's one drawback and it may be the biggest - it's certainly the problem in a lot of lists I try. Blades is ultra-critical. No successful blades cast, no punch (on any durable unit). I've personally been contemplating moving away from blades and the units that use it (plague monks - although these have punch to spare - & Plague Drones for instance) and just getting 2 more GUOs (1 of which rotigus) for thricefold.
  5. I feel like I could buy everything and throw meta to the wind. I also feel like if unit spam of one or two of the new releases proves to be best, I could do that too. I also feel like I could collect, convert, paint and play this army only henceforth. It's just the hype talking, I need to lie down a while. I don't paint fast anyway, so this is a year long project for me
  6. Army of Squig knights with fanatic support. Trollish army. Balanced classic goblin approach. I'm pretty sure I'm just going to buy 7 boxes Squig knights with lances in the end ...
  7. I'm not about to say no to an army of squigs and squig riders tbh
  8. V excited to do some destruction now. Am I a bit foolish to hope (seeing I am starting from scratch) to see a few "elite" options for army lists? A blob of 30 or so night goblins with some fanatics, squigs adn then LOTS of trolls could be awesome.
  9. Doing some endless spells to sorta match the nurgle theme Might add another colour to the tips, a bit of nearly rainbow flame.
  10. Ive used this battalion for 1 tournament previously and am using them again in 11 days. I like it because I like running demons and don't have the models for an effective tallyband (and dont have 3 GUOs). It seems great for the price apart from 2 things: 1) The nurglings aren't really what you want and so, really, are part of the battalion cost. 2) If you don't plan on running Horti then he's part of the cost too and then it's a really steep tax My list is barebones (I'm a slow painter) and kind of MSU bar the 30 pb unit. Rerolling 1s is neat if you get blades off on drones (and you take 6, I've only painted 3 :S) and extra pb regen is always nice. I'm a fan but it loses out for sure to the bk battalions that others favour. Or 3 GUOs.
  11. I think it's because most things you might invest in offensively buffing PBs buff other units better. And defensively buffing PBs is almost unnecessary. To top it off, there's not much that can specifically make PBs better, they're just great based on their warscroll (at 30). I'm trying riticulturalists for the hit bonus on all in the battalion in case I want to throw blades on the PBs instead of drones (of which I've only painted 3). In a similar vein, I'd love to try multiple units of 10xpbs. I'd like for them to be more than just a summoning option. It'd improve my opinion of Tallyband for instance.
  12. I'm a slow painter and must play painted. That means I've got no crazy netlist but just 90% of a fun list I planned and bought when Maggotkin released in ~January Taking it to Stockholm's biggest tournament to date (maybe Swedens!) in a couple of weeks: Leaders Great Unclean One (340) - General - Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell - Trait: Pestilent Breath - Artefact: The Endless Gift - Lore of Virulence: Glorious Afflictions Poxbringer Herald of Nurgle (120) - Artefact: The Witherstave - Lore of Virulence: Favoured Poxes Horticulous Slimux (220) Sorcerer (120) - Lore of Malignance: Blades of Putrefaction Battleline 30 x Plaguebearers (320) 5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) 5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) Units 3 x Plague Drones (200) 3 x Nurglings (100) Battalions Fecund Rituculturalists (180) Endless Spells Aethervoid Pendulum (40) Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (40) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 132
  13. I like poxbringers to hold a whitherstave when I take a 2nd artefact (and one GUO). The fact they are casters and trigger locii bonuses is also pretty good imo.
  14. Plague bearer batch I'm working on at the moment have mixed heads. Blight Kings heads are fantastic on pbs btw
  15. Candyrot are very nearly at an acceptable 2000 points army level (10 plaguebearers to go) and beyond that I've a few ideas for expanding and giving myself more list variety! The pretty boys are just waiting on my shelves right now:
  16. And here he is with the 2 other 'big guys' from my other armies:
  17. I've been busy on and off with Candyrot. Here's a closeup of the centrepiece of the army, completed the past month:
  18. Thanks for input! I think the Sorcerer lord point is good. Festus might be better there for sure. What I miss with tallybands is bks, I really like what even 2 units of 5 can bring to the table but I don't want to focus entirely on them and end up going for one of the cysts. I should check a tallyband out on the table. Question for the majority on drones - do ppl find 6 difficult to pile in? The unreliability of blades is worth it with 6 drones getting stuck in but I'd almost prefer 2x3 in some games I've played. In the list example above it'd let me play the tallyband with 1 less pb unit giving me 120 pts for something else - such as a cheaper objective holding unit and some endless spells.
  19. I think in particular Dracolines v Durthu was an uneven matchup as he could retaliate and actually kill most of that valuable unit. Last time I played Sc against Durthu I avoided him as I was playing LcoSD turtle style and had nothing to move him with. The time before that I sacrificed half of a unit of retributors and decimators each but starsoul mace/ blast to ashes him out. I think fulminatos pinning the hunters was ok though there could be other targets - prevented them shooting and with a heraldor you can retreat and recharge another unit anyway.
  20. Played a 1day tourney and finished high middle (I assume). 2 majors wins (including a tight one against pestilens - tough opponents) and 1 major loss. Total of 20 players. List was: Allegiance: Nurgle Great Unclean One (340) - General - Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell - Trait: Pestilent Breath - Artefact: The Endless Gift - Lore of Virulence: Glorious Afflictions Poxbringer Herald of Nurgle (120) - Artefact: The Witherstave - Lore of Virulence: Favoured Poxes Chaos Sorcerer Lord (160) - Runestaff - Lore of Foulness: Plague Squall Horticulous Slimux (220) 5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) 5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) 30 x Plaguebearers (320) 3 x Plague Drones (200) 3 x Nurglings (100) Fecund Rituculturalists (180) Balewind Vortex (40) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 131 Thoughts after: I need a bit more oomph (Im not sure blades will be enough) for some opponents Plague squall isn't much worth it Balewind is a distraction rather than any kind of bonus (in the long run) Objective holding can be awkward if I lock some bks down I feel like Pbs would work so much better in 10s if it wasn't for the 10+ 20+ bonus levels I think I'll keep the battalion. It's the cheapest way to get the absolute unit artefact combo of endless gift guo and herald witherstave Anyone think of any tweaks or suggestions? I quite like the basic structure of this. The aim is to summon as soon as possible and pin the enemy in no mans land or their own zone. I lost (against casting undead with vhordrai) when I let my opponent pin me down.
  21. I mean you met Sylvaneth - one of the only armies possibly more durable than SC (when built to be durable). Durthu needs mws basically.
  22. If you're rerolling failed hits any 6s rolled would proc abilities that land on a 6. When you say "again" I'm a bit confused though as you're rerolling failed hits and 6s wouldn't be fails. You roll - you get some misses and some hits and some 6s. You reroll those misses - you get some misses and some hits and some 6s.
  23. What do folks think of a bit of fecund riticulturalism? Allegiance: Nurgle Leaders Great Unclean One (340) - General - Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell - Trait: Pestilent Breath - Artefact: The Endless Gift - Lore of Virulence: Glorious Afflictions Poxbringer Herald of Nurgle (120) - Artefact: The Witherstave - Lore of Virulence: Favoured Poxes Chaos Sorcerer Lord (160) - Runestaff - Lore of Foulness: Plague Squall Horticulous Slimux (220) Battleline 30 x Plaguebearers (320) 5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) 5 x Putrid Blightkings (160) Units 3 x Plague Drones (200) 3 x Nurglings (100) Battalions Fecund Rituculturalists (180) Endless Spells Balewind Vortex (40) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 131
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