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Dave Fraser

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Blog Comments posted by Dave Fraser

  1. 20 hours ago, Nico said:

    Thank you @Stevewren.

    It is interesting that both Tzeentch and KO have a cornucopia of options in theory and yet on encountering a Tzeentch or KO player you almost know what they have after one or two questions: Changehost? Kairos or Skyfires? Occasionally you might get Tzaangor instead. This is inevitable to an extent as Tzeentch and KO are glass cannon armies with key heroes that are potentially very vulnerable. If you bring a couple of 5 Wound heroes in a mixed bag 6+ Drop Tzeentch list, you can expect them to be dead turn one in several games and half your combos with them.

    KO hardly have a cornucopia of options.

    4 regular characters, 1 special character (1 of which is in every list, 1 of which in a few and 3 which rarely hit the table)

    1 battleline unit

    3 non-battleline units (of which you regularly see 2)

    3 boats (of which you regularly see one and sometimes one other)


    KO are not OP as a rule, there is one build which is and this is the build you see at tournaments because the rest are mediocre at best. What KO are is rather boring.  The majority of the army is there to shoot you off and then there is one unit which is there to fight you in combat but is a glass hammer so it has to smash you off or it's probably dead.

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  2. So assume the typical backstory about playing as a kid, dropping it for beer & girls, getting a grown up job & life, stopping with beers & girls and finding myself a little bit bored & with spare time on my hands.

    I started back up around 2006 from memory, which would entirely make sense, out of uni I spent a couple of years working out what the hell I wanted to do with my life bouncing around a few jobs, then spent 3 years getting an accountancy qualification.  This put me in my late 20s and sports etc had started to tail off from my previous 4-5 days a week and I had free time to fill.  At this time in my life I lived on my own and I didn't own a TV.

    I got into 2 hobbies around then:

    1. Online gaming - COD4 mostly, a bit of battlefront after that tailed off but I wasnt really wired for it

    2. Painting models

    I didn't start gaming until 2009, so for the first couple of years it was just painting figs because I wanted to paint figs.  This was me just picking up an old army and painting up all the remaining models I had still sitting around unpainted because I never got rid of my collection.

    I think what kicked me into gaming again was splitting up with my partner of the time. I now had all my weekends free with no commitments and a painted army, so figured why not give these tournament things a go.


    So I then spent the next few years smashing through a bunch of tournaments (I think I topped out at around 10 in a year at the highest) and then painting up new armies to open up different playstyles for me.

    But the main thing has always been I still enjoy painting the models.  As I said I'm a qualified accountant and was working pretty long hours at times in what is considered a reasonably stressful environment and I found painting helped me unwind and relax after work.  

    I then got myself down the road of trying to collect every single army for WFB so my collection grew rapidly but I was always painting too, so I ended up at 11 painted WFB armies when WFB got blown up.  For AoS that 'catch em all' mentality doesn't really fit, so I've stopped trying to get them all and sold some off now.


    But I'm still painting to relax and I'm starting to enjoy trying to paint to a slightly higher standard.  I'm not at competition painter levels yet and don't know if I'll ever get there but I think I'd like to see if I can paint an army or two up to the best army level as my next objective.


    So painting is to relax but I've also started to stretch myself with it too and to expand what I can create & learn as I do so.  And it's that learning part which I'm enjoying more than anything else.

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  3. I predict daily updates will fall off relatively soon.  Is your project 365 based on 365 hours or models, I've seen people do both, looks like models?

    FWIW I tend to only log things per month and run a +/- swing against the run rate of 1/day.  There will always be periods where you're working on large complex model,  go on holiday, family stuff, etc etc that gets in the way, so you generally don't track along at a regular rate.  These  lulls are then offset by things like a unit of 30 basic dudes where you suddenly chunk out a whole month's worth of figs in a single lump.

    Hope you find it motivational to do, it's always something I've enjoyed having a log of but it's not a specific target for me this year.

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  4. the head is actually from the Dark Elf Cold one knights just with the top knot hair chopped off it to go completely bald. Cold one knight legs & lance, Dragon prince Torso, old DE xbow/spear kit left arm & shield.


    Monster is a Reaper Bones Jaberwokky that I chopped the neck up to make space for a rider.


    I have since managed to source the official model so I'll be able to run it at the GW heats (or other events hosted there) should the need arise.

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