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Everything posted by Carnelian

  1. I actually think they've scaled back (get it?) the scale creep over the last year. Nothing has increased in size over the Khorne Bloodreavers from the very beginning of AoS - if anything we've more recently got a whole host of smaller scale humans via warcry. Mortek Guard are smol too. Maybe that's why they're so cute?
  2. I would have thought Khorne will love playing against Lumineth - as long as they remember to bring their floating skulls along!
  3. And it also means you can model a gargant riding Cellenar!
  4. Interesting. For me my one criticism of the Gotrek model (other than having to magnetise him to both base sizes) is that he should be totally nude
  5. We'll don't worry you have plenty of time to take more care when deciding whether to embark on The Old World as it's not gonna be out for years!
  6. Just in case anyone has forgotten, when it comes to historical accuracy Warhammer Fantasy Battle: Age of Sigmar: 🤪😝😆
  7. I love some of Adrian Tchaikovsky's stuff so if that was real it would be very exciting. Although personally, I can't see what I love about his style translating to AoS - I'm a huge fan of his world building and the slow reveals/opening of those worlds. Not sure he would be able to pull of that trick in an established world such as AoS. Exciting if he did though!
  8. Yup, it's still not working! I've got the map in my cart but that's all I've been able to do so far. Dang that limited edition is tempting
  9. Sorry this is a but pedantic but hey, we've all got plenty of time on our hands. There are actually plenty of Human Mortals in AoS at the moment - tons, and tons, and tons. It's just that they're all chaos! I'd be well on board for more Order Humans though.
  10. I refuse to accept the battletomes are all up to date until we get the AoS 2 version of the Chaos Dreadhold Battletome 😛😇
  11. Haven't we all been preparing for this moment for years by stockpiling massive backlogs of unbuilt and unpainted models?
  12. Yes this is why i am excited for Kurnothi.i can see them being real nicely dark
  13. I know it’s not what you meant, but I always think it’s worth reminding everyone that even in a “normal” matched play game, it’s not a symmetrical experience unless you use exactly the same armies and lists! so much of what makes aos so fun is the asymmetrical abilities that each army has
  14. Does the great bray shaman get a lore spell cos he gains the tzeentch keyword?
  15. Good stuff. Some nicely surprising lists in top 20!
  16. Changehost is a hard counter to OBR so once changehost becomes reasonable I predict OBR will go back up the tournament rankings
  17. Get rid of the no retreat rule from the Hosts Duplicitous for something else (or make it cost a command point) Change the battleshock interaction with destiny dice. Change the Changehost to be one unit that can teleport and it costs a command point or can only teleport within 9" of a friendly unit or some such. (oh and also drop skyfires and enlightened and tzaangors by 20 points each pls hehehehe)
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