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Chris Tomlin

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Everything posted by Chris Tomlin

  1. Morning guys, first post of 2017! Hope you all had a great holiday period and are enjoying the return to monotony! Yey! So some of you will have seen that I posted on Twitter last night to advise that the General's Handbook Compendium Warscrolls will not be allowed at Tomorrow Burns. Whilst this seems a hot (burning?) topic on Twitter and elsewhere on these forums at the moment, I have not seen any comment or backlash from anyone actually at my event (gotta love the internet!). If anyone who has paid up for a ticket is disappointed by the decision and would like a refund, that is perfectly acceptable of course. However, what I would rather is that you keep your ticket and try to come along with a different army (contact me and I can look to set you up with a borrowed army perhaps). I am confident that you will thoroughly enjoy the event regardless! I don't really feel the need to justify the decision (as others on this forum elsewhere seem to be demanding!), I just feel it's time we moved on with the game and embraced the now. There seems to be countless posts of people bemoaning the loss of their beloved armies that they care so much about...I must've forgotten the times all these Tomb King lovers were playing them back in WFB! This really isn't a big deal as there will be events that allow compendium and others that don't. I used a compendium model in my army throughout 2016, dropping it when Tournaments didn't allow it (yes; banning compendium is not a new thing!) and taking something different. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that going forward Games Workshop will cease to support rules for models they no longer produce. I am of the opinion that the Compendium section of the General's Handbook will be dropped out in the future (just my personal opinion, not based on any fact) and am happy to just start moving with the times. Though I appreciate this outlook will not be for all and of course TO's remain free to run their Tournaments the way they want, it's then down to you (and indeed me) to pick and choose the events we wish to attend. To confirm, I am referring to the General's Handbook Compendium Matched Play Profiles (pages 146-152) Everything will be finalised in a PDF at the beginning of February once I am back from America. I honestly do not anticipate this effecting the Tomorrow Burns entrants list whatsoever. Also, I have good news regarding attendance in that I have secured extra tables. I just need to get in to the venue over the next couple of weeks to measure up. Again, final capacity will be confirmed in the aforementioned PDF. Cheers, Chris
  2. Morning Megabosses! Hope everyone had a nice Christmas? Mine was very sedate, but the time off work is always nice. Anyway, back to it today. I'm guessing (hoping) the rest of the week will be quiet so plan to wrap up my reports - these will all just be one liners to finish the year off. I can then post a summary of the year (post General's Handbook) with the Ironjawz and also plans into 2017, which have already started following my game with @Snoopdom yesterday. The TBS Weekly podcast episode I did with @Sangfroid is now available and well worth a listen for all Ironjawz/Destruction players... Go check it out Hope you enjoyed it mate! Hey, no worries man, glad you liked them. Out of all the Tournaments I've been to this year, only one has disallowed compendium warscrolls. However, I think in 2017 we will see this number rise sharply, culminating in them not being included in the next General's Handbook (just my opinion, not based on fact whatsoever!). So I will now be moving away from the Ardnob. He's been fun to use and I'm glad I got to use him. If your local meta/events are open to compendium, then give him a go for sure. Cheers, Chris
  3. Cheers guys, Really glad that readers here are also translating to listeners. I envisage being able to talk about Ironjawz/Destruction a lot on the podcast and tie it into discussion here - the next two episodes are certainly going to feature some heavy Ironjawz content as well. Case in point, @Sangfroid joined me on Skype earlier this week to discuss his impressive Tournament year with Destruction, this led into some great chat about Ironjawz including some ideas and list builds we've both been mulling over but have yet to really reveal or discuss on here. As limited as the Ironjawz battletome may seem (more so given the inevitable loss of the Ardnob and Grimgor), I genuinely believe we can continue to innovate and think outside the box....hopefully to good effect aswell. It comes as no surprise to me that after using them at events, Kieran would be thinking similar thoughts to me on how best to move forward - in fact he had a number of thoughts that were new to me, so it made for a great discussion. I'll be releasing this on Boxing Day, it's a bit longer than I hoped for the weekly format, but when the Ironjawz chat gets flowing, you can't stop it! I really hope you guys enjoy it and actually, I think you will. Kieran was a great guest and has a lot of knowledge to impart. I'll post a link when it's out, but you should all be subscribed anyway! The week after that I will be joined by @Snoopdom where we will discuss selecting a new army in AoS, this will not be Destruction related specifically. However we are going to play a game beforehand and discuss that as well. I will be debuting one of my new Ironjawz builds in this game and will talk about how it plays for the first time in that episode, which should be fun! Anyway, this is my last update here before Christmas, so.... HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!! Hope you all have a blast. Much love, Chris x
  4. Oh dear god... @#SteveJames first round at Age of Santa, @Snoopdom and Jan at this one...are you trying to let her experience the most perverse degenerates the scene has to offer in the hope that if she is fine with them, she'll be fine playing anyone? Good shout actually. A baptism of fire j1zz and p1ss! (not s*!t and needles mind!).
  5. Afternoon guys, No further reports or updates at present I'm afraid. Did just quickly want to mention the new format and direction I am taking my Podcast; So yeh, The Black Sun is now The Black Sun Weekly. Predominately a solo show coming out every Monday for short episodes covering a wide variety of topics. As it's me, this will include plenty of Ironjawz and Destruction chat so I thought it might be of note here. I'll be looking to do some Skype interviews to bring in some other opinions and views for variety. If anyone here has a topic they would like to discuss, please get in touch. The first episode isn't the most exciting, but please stick with it as I feel it will work out well going forwards. Also, I can't imagine any regular poster in this Sub Forum will get much from this episode as it's just a very basic run down of the Ironjawz scrolls!! I will be sending out a text to a certain @Sangfroid later today as I reckon his journey with Destruction over 2016, culminating in a UK Masters invite is probably a story worth telling! Going forward I am quite keen to tie this thread in with the podcast and can use it to show off anything relevant I may be discussing on there. So yeh, I'll be keeping this going in 2017. Just need to wrap up 2016!! Chris
  6. I'll definitely be coming @Ben - Was gonna text you about it later anyways Tbh I'd been checking the rankings pretty frequently post B&G to see if I could hang onto my place and whilst I was expecting the drop, it was still a shame to wind up in 17th. Making the Masters would've been a great surprise to cap off the end of my favourite year of Warhammer nicely. Congratulations to everyone who made the top 16...even @Sangfroid who pipped me to 16th right at the death!! (he's way more deserving tbh!)
  7. @Forestreveries - I would definitely like to do some team events once there are dedicated AoS ones set up and running. Love me a bit of team Warhammer. You need to spend a few minutes on the events calendar actually planning some in advance mate, none of this last minute nonsense in 2017. Want you at 4+ two dayers next year.
  8. We are not. We have prioritised Partners in Chaos. I think as a group we might be done with mixed events.
  9. Cheers man, hopefully you'll be able to make my second event later in 2017. I think you and Elliot are pretty safe mate
  10. Yeh you will all need terrain - 5 pieces each, painted. You can move them from table to table with your army if you wish and if you have a 6x4 game mat that goes nicely with your army, please feel free to bring that as well to play on (just check with your opponents before each game to make sure they don't mind). Ok so grudges...as ever they are of course encouraged at my events, the seem to help to get the party started early. I'm also happy for people on the entrants lists to issue and accept grudges, then once I've confirmed the number of entrants we'll actually be able to fit* we can make amendments if required. I'll update the main post shortly, but for now we have; @Karl vs @Andy Talbot @Forestreveries vs @Donal And I'm sure there is at least one more that someone told me about at Age of Santa... @Binx vs @The Lost Lighthouse (Gary) perhaps? Chris *It looks like I may not be able to get access into the hall to measure up until after Christmas. Also waiting on further advices around table/board numbers.
  11. Oh ******...haha! Great news you're coming along Arnie...will have to have a shandy or two. Me and @Paddy O'Sullivan have accepted the first grudge we received which I believe is @Rob Ellis and Gilmore.
  12. Well done to @Paddy O'Sullivan and all the players for making it such a great weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed myself just hanging out and getting to play 3 1/2 games as spare player vs some great people. There was an cool mix of existing mates and I also got to meet some new people as well which is always nice - shout outs to @bottle for being a nice guy with an awesome army and @BlackBass for one of the most fun games I've played. Congrats to all the winners, but especially @Cowboy Boots Matt for his emphatic win and @Paul Buckler for 3rd and Best Sports. Goes without saying that Gimore's army is utterly stunning. I consider myself a decent painter, but he is on another level. Well done to the Dorset Doggers as a whole for just being a great group of guys to be around, always smiling and having fun. Such a pleasure to be around you all Thanks to @Forestreveries & @Superpotts for a super fun Friday night. Apologies I wasn't really feeling it on the Saturday. I'm pretty sure @Lhw was pleased though as it meant he got to listen to me and Aaron watching Ninja Sex Party videos on Youtube in the hotel room for an hour or so instead!! Also thanks to Will for driving...obviously we had a bit of a disaster at the end that left us with a tough decision to make. The important thing is that everyone got home safe though. Probably missed something, but yeh. Solid weekend boys and girls, thanks xx
  13. I think it'll take me until April to assemble them, let alone paint them.
  14. @HobbyHammer - Cool man! I'll check that out in a bit. Do not want loads of pics of Orruks all over my screen at work haha!! Thanks for taking the time to clean up those rubbish photos of mine a bit, hopefully they show the models off ok (still better in person as anyone who's seen will attest I'm sure!) and people like the Q&A Now...just to sort out full army pics for @The Stronghold. (Again, I've run out of likes for the day!)
  15. Guys, I've got 18 Gore-gruntas now (Thanks @Dangermouse425 ....I think! ). I win.
  16. YES! Ha! Didn't even consider the surname. That's amazing though. Run out of likes...considered yourself liked though bro x
  17. YES! Ha! Didn't even consider the surname. That's amazing though. Run out of likes...considered yourself liked though bro x
  18. Yeh man, it is really cool tbh. I remember watching a lot of your games at New Dawn back in March of this year and thinking "This guy is gonna be good!"...and here we are, you potentially in the Masters. If the one event you're talking about is Age of Santa this weekend, there is actually a threat I hadn't previously considered; Kris Robertson. I good result from him (unfortunately quite likely, given the field) could see you drop down a spot. But as everyone has said, there is likely to be someone in the 16 who can't make it, so your chances are good. The only other players ranked decently are @Cowboy Boots Matt, @jonwarmington and @Paul Buckler I think, but none of them can catch you (I don't think? Don't take this as gospel though haha!!) I definitely will not be playing, that was a joke haha! Anyway...enough on the rankings/Masters... Ok, so here we go... Game 27 - Warchiefs GT - Round Five vs Carl Smith (Fyreslayers) Ooooh Fyreslayers...an army I always say are pretty weak and a good match for Ironjawz? Sounds great! Throw in the fact that they are a very nice looking Fyreslayers army and that Carl (ideal name for a Fyreslayers player btw!) is a top bloke - sounds really great!! And spoilers, it really was great. Had a blast with Carl and straight up I'll say he got my Best Sports and actually took home that award, so good one man! Not sure if Carl is on here, searched the @'s a bit but couldn't find him? This Battleplan was a bit fruity, you'll have to read the pack I linked to a couple of pages ago as it'd take me forever to explain. In short there are 4 objectives worth 1 point (2 in each territory, each themed around a Chaos God with a suitable debuff to nearby units) and one central objective worth 2 points (and giving out all 4 debuffs). For each of the 4 games youd previously one you could grant immunity from one of the debuff to one your units. Other than that it's a pretty standard objective grab...oh yeh, 2 of the 1pt objectives blow up in T3 and the other 2 in T4! Pretty crazy. Carl's army was cool, he had the Runefather on Magmadroth (Kingdom Hearts keyblade thing ftw!), Grimwrath, Runesmiter, Runestoker, maybe one other character, 30 tunneling dudes, 20 tunneling dudes and 20 Hearthguard fighty dudes. Sorry I'm being super lazy with the names!! We layed down the objectives and rolled for sides. This is one game where had I won I actually would've chosen the opposite side as the one I was on had the Nurgle (-1 save) and Khorne (D3 mortal wounds) objectives on, whilst his had Tzeentch (something spell related that didnt effect either of us) and Slaanesh (move D6" randomly if not in combat). So yeh, that was pretty lopsided and I actually felt we should've spread them out differently (wasn't set in the pack), but suggesting that after the fact would've seemed like bad sports. But anyway, I got on with it and deployed fairly normally (I always say that, do people know what I do by now? Can do a pic if not). Carl had 50 Fyreslayers tunnelling (20 and 30) and set up his Grimwrath on the Slaanesh objective and the Heathguard and other characters on the Tzeentch one, which was also on a Mystical hill. The Magmadorth went dead centre to use its speed to get into the middle objective. Thanks to my battalion I was down well before him. I surveyed the table...obviously this plays a little like Border War (GHOUL PATROL!), which I always go first in to score early....I looked at Carl and say "You can go first mate". He gives me a genuinely baffled look and begins his turn. No sooner have I done this do I swear quite loudly at myself (Carl's young son was away from the table)...what an utterly stupid, uneccesary, unforced mistake. Wow! I think being a top bloke he actually may even have offered for me to take the turn at that point, but in my mind I'd made my bed so would have to lay in it. Now there were a couple of bits in this game were I felt a little hard done by on the dice, however I cannot reflect negatively on any of that as this initial mistake off the bat was so monumental, nothing else mattered. The Heathguard failed their Mystical test for the first 3 turns of the game, but it didn't matter as they were sitting pretty on an objective. The Grimwrath chilled near Slaanesh and the Magmadroth swaggered up to the centre. That's 4-0 Carl and we've barely started. Both units of tunnellers come up in front of my battleline and both make their charges into me. Some Brutes were deployed in cover so I wasn't too worried tbh. What I didn't bank on was that shield throw rule...I did not realise just one ginger bro needs to get within an inch and the whole unit lobs the shields in. So, Megaboss Krunk went down, before he moved as 30 shields were chucked at him!! Initially I said it was a terrible way for the Hero of Legend to die, until Carl pointed out that dudes spinning shields into big green monsters could be kinda cool if you're a Marvel fan, which I am, so it was!! But yeh, I was on the ropes. In any battleplan like this, if you can take the fight to the enemy and have combats take place across their objectives then by default you are protecting your own. The best form of defence is a good offence...or something. Anyway, as I said, Fyreslayers are pretty weak...and they are. By the end of my Turn 1 (ONE!) all 50 tunnelling Fyreslayers and their character mate were dead to a man. Take them all off. I'd lost very little (other than Krunk) in return. He could put no real damage on me and once you take the units past the 4+ "ward save" they die in droves, no battleshock immunity either. So yeah, that was good and made me feel a little better. However, due to the battleplan I don't think I scored anything that turn! From there, I was thinking, well I can probably turn this around now and tbh, I feel I probably could have done. In short, I was able to table the Fyreslayers quite convincingly without much loss however the earlier deficit was too large to turn around, especially as the two objectives that disappeared were the one on my side I was holding with Brutes (so they couldn't leave) and more detrimentally on Carl's side it was the one I was about to claim that went. I also charged the Cabbage into a hero with one wound left, planning to Destructive Bulk him off and then go into the Magmadroth behind it, finish that (only a few wounds left) and then claim 2 points from the middle. However in my 6 dice (Cabbage had taken some wounds) I was unable to pop the single 4+ required, so had to finish him off and again lost points. So yeh...loss. Pretty crazy really considering all the Duardin were dead, but I would put it all down to that one inexplicable mistake when choosing to go second!! Great game though. Result - Major Loss All in all a very disappointing 15th out of 26 players. Strange really as there wasn't a single game where I thought "I can't win this"...which is good in a way, always nice to feel in a game but I do feel I could've done better. Still it was a great event vs 5 great guys, all of whom I've never played AoS with (Played Russ and Jon multiple times at WFB). To top off a great weekend I also picked up Best Painted Army. This was really nice as it was player voted, so nice to pick that up a week after taking Best Painted at Facehammer (which was voted by the judges at that event). Great trophy as well, will post a pic in a bit. Oh, reminds me - @Ben are the broken photo links getting fixed do you know? Would love to fix this topic to show up all my pics again. But yeh, well done to the Warchiefs for putting on a great event...all my feedback/praise is already given elsewhere, but suffice to say they did a fantastic job. There we go, another Tournament done. Just one more (Clash) to chance up on, then a bunch of random games. As mentioned above the rest of these are gonna be reviewed in a couple of lines so we can wrap up in 2016. Thanks for reading, have a great weekend all. Chris x
  19. Will reply to the above by @Forestreveries & @Nico tomorrow. I've written up the majority of that final battle report for Warchiefs GT so can get that up in the morning as well Have a good evening!
  20. How Large Is Your Co... Was the preview I saw of this topic!!! ....llection? Imagine my disappointment!!
  21. Afternoon, Just gonna do some replies now. Hopeful of getting my Warchiefs round 5 report sorted this afternoon. Before I get onto that actually, just wanna say congrats to @Sangfroid for squeezing into the 16th UK masters spot after a great performance at Blood & Glory. Great to see one of own making this prestigious event...though only downside is that by getting in, he just bumped me out and down to 17th haha!! There is likely to be someone from the initial 16 invites that cannot make it though, so I may well still be in for a shot. But no, seriously, well done Kieran. There is actually an opportunity for me to get in, as I'm helping run an 20 man event this weekend in Cardiff and am not actually playing. If I decided to play and made the podium I would get myself back in 16th...however this goes against what it would mean to get there without actively going after it, if that makes sense and I'm not really that sort of player. I'm there to help Paddy and that's more important! Still, its been a fantastic year regardless and I'm proud of my achievements (Painting and Sports awards more than gaming for sure). Anyway... Cheers Dez, as one of the original guys who was posting loads in this Sub Forum, you definitely have had a part to play in keeping this going etc, so thanks! I don't think there's anything wrong with people taking a bit of downtime now and again. Thanks dude, that's a great post...super kind words! Why not try to get down to Waaagh!Paca anyway. I'm coming from the UK and am not signed up to any events, just gonna hang out and play some pick up games. Should be a blast. I'll look into gutplates and Ogryns. Cheers. I am sending off my feedback directly tonight. Did a bit with @scrubyandwells originally but have the opportunity to provide my own thoughts. Yeh, Ardboyz as Batteline would solve a lot of problems...although between painting 20 more of them or 30 Savages I'm not sure which is worse!! Ha! Thanks...I think! Keep lurking bro. @Nico - I agree with a fair amount of what you've said, but not all. I may reply to that one individually in more details as there is a lot there. In short though, Ironjawz are kinda weak I think. Though...saying Ironjawz don't have easy access to rend was a typo on your part or a misreading on mine, right? Hopefully check back in later with a report...spoiler, its vs Fyreslayers! Chris
  22. Hey @Paddy O'Sullivan, I had a quick look and @ChippyRick vs @#SteveJames is the only one I noticed...as I'm 99% sure Ricky isn't attending!! Means Jen can have the sheer delight of playing the 8th Wonder of the World; @#SteveJames!!
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