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Everything posted by Aginor

  1. I like the pants-less Scythe dude/lady. I bet he/she was a fun guy/gal when he/she was still alive.
  2. Also a fun 1200 list (very risky though, I'd love to try it anyway some day) Firelance Starhost 3x 10 Saurus Knights Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur Skink Starpriest or Priest 60 points left, could be a Razordon or Salamander Tactics: Attack!! If you get your charge you will probably win. Otherwise you'll probably die, but die laughing because this list is so much fun.
  3. Ok I guess that's what I would have tried (as I said I am a fan of Skinks): 1200 pts pure Seraphon: - Skink Chief General (Sickle+Blowpipe) - Starpriest - 10x Skinks (Boltspitters+Shields) - 10x Skinks (Boltspitters+Shields) - 40x Skinks (Boltspitters+Shields) - 3x Terradon Riders (Bolas) - 1x Bastiladon with Solar Engine - Shadowstrike Starhost (containing the Starpriest, the Terradons, the 40x Skinks and one 10x Skinks unit) Tactics: Try to avoid melee, Always buff either the Bastiladon or the biggest Skink unit with the Skink Chief, shoot the hell out of the biggest units (Skeletons aren't too scary if they are less than 30), use the Bastiladon for blocking if they get closer, always retreat with the Skinks when possible to avoid melee. Snipe the enemy hero units using the Terradons. Mystic shield on either a Skink unit that gets attacked or on the Bastiladon. At 1200 points it isn't as I'd like it to be though. 1600 and upwards it gets interesting because you can add some blockers in front of the Skinks, and maybe an Astrolith Bearer for more re-rolls.
  4. Thanks for the report, and nice Oldblood you have there! I am not too big of a fan of Saurus in general. Guards (Eternal Starhost) could probably have done a better job. I think in that fight a Skink army would probably have prevailed. Imagine how a Bastiladon or a Sunfire Thrower Stegadon (maybe buffed by a Skink Chief, +1 on hits, or by an Astrolith Bearer, re-roll hits) would have torn through those Skeletons! Salamanders and Razordons as well. Kroxigors should be able to convert Zombies to mincemeat and Skeletons to bone dust. Even a group of 40 Skinks (buffed by Astrolith and/or Skink Chief) should do major damage there, plus they are faster than the Skellies, retreating from melee if possible. I am pretty confident that if you play some of the above with a Shadowstrike Starhost (to snipe the enemy heros) and/or a Thunderquake Starhost (to make the Monsters more durable) you would litter the battlefield with those bony guys' bodyparts. EDIT: Sorry I somehow missed the part saying 1200pts. But it could work.... thinking of a list right now...
  5. Are there also new units mentioned? I don't know Khorne well so I can't tell.
  6. I love that banner, it looks great! Also good idea with the red war paint on the Orruks. IMO the naked Orruks' skin is great, but the lack of armor can make them a bit boring regardless of how awesome one paints the skin. The war paint solves that problem to a certain degree. My only critique would be that the bones look very bright. Since they are used as weapons by savages I would assume them to be more brown-ish than they are. Could be caused the light though, I know some of my colors also look much brighter on pictures taken in a light box than they look in normal light.
  7. The main reason why I'd like to take the Starseer is the Heavenswatch Starhost. I kinda like how it is a mix between the Shadowstrike Starhost and the Thunderquake Starhost. No clue whether it is worth it though.
  8. IMO the solar engine Bastiladon is much better than the Ark of Sotek one in most cases. As for Krox: I like how they look but they haven't been very good in any match I played them. Might be coincidence though. The Starseer... I don't know. From reading its warscroll I don't like it much at that cost, but I see it on a lot of lists by other people. Might get one and try it myself. Engine of the Gods sucks because of the summoning nerf. Not worth it IMO, but a Slann makes it decent at least.
  9. Ah, OK, my bad. I agree then, Ironjawz should get the same treatment. ...it just sucks for the Ironjawz fans who just recently got their first battletome. If I was GW I would probably add the missing content by having a few pages that add this stuff available for free.
  10. Ah, I see where you are coming from, and I think I can agree with that. For me it would feel kinda silly if zombies or skeletons broke allegiance for any Death army. ..and now that I think about it, the same applies to other factions as well, up to a certain point. Aleguzzlers in an Ironjawz army come to mind. They are single dudes that got recruited. They will never be a proper army I guess. Let any Destruction player take them without breaking allegiance, I wouldn't care. uhh... really? I was pretty sure Ironjawz have artefacts and allegiance abilities and multi-part battailons, don't they?
  11. I think - and yeah, kinda hope - that they are buffing the armies that already have had a battletome, but had it before the GHB was released (and thus have some disadvantages because they rely heavily on rules that were changed afterwards by the GHB such as summoning), up to the power level / complexity level that they have established with the armies that had their battletomes released after the GHB. So now after the Stormcast and Khorne Demons are done I assume (and yes, hope, since I play Lizards) we will see Seraphon, Skaven and perhaps Fyreslayers pretty quickly. And then IMO the other factions should get some love, especially those that don't have a battletome at all. I think Ironjawz, Sylvaneth and later won't get new ones since those releases came short-ish before the release of the GHB so they probably had those rules in mind already, and they have all the fancy stuff (allegiance abilities, artefacts, special spells and so on) already. They are also established on the new power level already IMO (debatable for Ironjawz I guess, but for Sylvaneth I'd say they are). As for Death: I wonder if it would be better to have a Deathrattle and Zombie Horde and Tomb Kings Battletome seperately or a huge cool one for the whole grand alliance... I think the former plus a few models to make each Death army competitive on its own would be preferable. But again, that's a personal opinion, I'd like to start a pure Deathrattle army with tons of Skeletons but they seem quite weak to me.
  12. Nice one! Always good to see people who think about an answer to those threats instead of just shouting "NERF!!!". Even though Kunnin' Rukk probably still is a bit OP.
  13. Aginor

    Boring dinosaur

    Exactly what @Durant said! I think this will end up being a pretty nice Troglodon.
  14. Either that or - hoping for more AoS since I don't play 40k - maybe something for the Nighthaunt army? Spirit Hosts for example have similar tomb stones on their bases.
  15. To me the SCE are like the New England Patriots in American Football: I don't like them much because they seem to get all the publicity and they are shiny arrogant ***** who are kinda overpowered, and they have a lot of fair weather fans because of that, but I have to admit they ARE kinda cool and I am a bit jealous of a lot of their abilities. It becomes increasingly hard to not like them. And I am probably unable to paint them decently (because I suck at painting) so I can't really play them....
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