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Everything posted by Galas

  1. GW has never put a official list of X base for Y model. It always was "The base the model come with". So they don't need to specified the size of the base, or even made them officially round or squares to make B2B measure official.
  2. I see them as Deathrattle still in the front of the box.
  3. No more miniatures in the box Missed oportunity GW. Now I fear a rise in price, like the tzeentch demon reboxes. EDIT: Oh, if they cost 15,5 pounds then is the same price. But, well. A shame they don't put 20 in a box and sell them for 30€ like the Saurus Warriors.
  4. Very crisp yellow. And thats not a easy work!
  5. Skav-what? Theres no ratmen in the mortal realms! Its obviously a bald gryphound tail
  6. Oh man, one of those "Na, I'll buy it in the future" till is to late! I ended paying a good chunk of cash for him on ebay. Very crisp colours!
  7. GW should pay you, really. My favourite its Geppeto The Steam tank its a very beautiful model.
  8. Killagore say it before, but yes. I was referring to the quality of the sculpt. GW zombies, I think, are one of the worst miniature zombies out there. Even some game tokens like the Black Plague ones in PVC are better! But I'll stop the zombie theme here because its offtopic, sorry!
  9. 24 skelletons for 30€ like the Skinks its the repackage I'm expecting. Maybe they put 20 for 30€ like Saurus Warriors and let the 24 for 30€ for zombies, but I don't think those ugly and old zombies of GW are gonna stick for long without a re-done. Aren't those guys ugly and expensive for a bunch of 3 points zombies....
  10. I just magnetized my square bases, as AoS do the change from a size up: 25mm square to 32mm round, 40mm square to 50mm round, etc... so I have 0 problems with the base thing. Maybe someday I'll paint the round bases behind the painted and decorated squares ones. For now I just pain all them black like the borders of the squares ones, so it looks like a big pedestal. I can see the outrage in a ultra competitive setting of someone getting 1-2 attacks more (or X) for having different sized bases. But as I'm no competitive player and don't play in a competitive setting, I take it easy. I'm just a little tired of people on the internet bashing people with square bases. Stop discriminating me man! You are gonna push me into the 9th age crowd!
  11. You are the dream hobby guy. Superb paint skills, Superb entusiasm, rule writting quality, and professional quality photos! You are Edison to me, a mere Homer Simpson. Maybe I'm not a beautiful korean girl, but maybe someday you will accept me as your waifu...
  12. GW will not impose a full round-base rule before they rebox ALL the models in their store. And if they do it before, well... that will be a d*ck move from their part.
  13. Citadel began doing historical miniatures. The Warhammer World as a World was made with the only excuse to fit all the miniatures they were doing in that age with their own IP. Thats why you have Araby, Tilea, Estalia, Empire, etc... carbon copies from our world. From a objetive point of view, Warhammer was a more historical setting at his beginning that later. But this are not rumours, sorry!
  14. I think GW will realice with the change in Slaugtherbrute and the Mutalist Beast that many people want to buy models, but if they just can't use them with their armys, that push back many people. As GW realised that maybe they are a model company, but many people but their miniatures both to paint them and to use them in games, I'm sure we will see this trend of touching the keywords in many warscroll to make things more usable will continue. And to me that its a good thing.
  15. Thanks! Thats why I didn't encounter it. It was Twitter, not Facebook
  16. To bring some rumours to the table... with the change in the warscrols of Slaugtherbrute and the Tzeentch One, someone of GW has say that they are thinking of doing something similar with the Giants. So, maybe Giants with Ironjawz keyword? On Facebook one guy talk about how Jabberslythe could have the same treatement as the Slaugtherbrute but with Nurgle Keyword, and a GW guy replied with a "Oh, thats very interesting! We will think about it!"
  17. With humanoid models I can understand the "it feel wrong" sentiment, because LOTR figures are 25mm realistic scale wheres Warhammer its 28mm "Heroic" scale thats its not only more like 32mm but has the proportions of heads, weapons and hands changed. You can see it here, its not only the difference in height, but the head, weapons and hands are very different. Now, with monsters, thats not a problem. Monsters, things like the Withc King with his Fel Beast, Wuargs, etc... are very ok because for his nature (They are not humanoids, so we don't feel wrong seeing a variation in proportions and height.) really can fit perfectly with one another.
  18. Just bring he back, GW! Dam you GW! Just give him to me!
  19. Lotr trolls are objetively better than warhammer ones in all shape and form. But yes, I think this work better with monsters. Whats the difference in using a lotr troll, a mierce one , etc? I use toó ringwhraits instead of Whightkings and whraits on my undeads. The Knight of Umbar model its ultra cool, just see him.
  20. Forget the dragon! Who its that handsome guy with the big bunny hears helmet?! If it don't cost like 50 pounds maybe I have find my new Mighty Lord of Khorne!
  21. Slaneesh its the prince of excess. He represents the worst part of the search for perfection. Thats its applied to all things: Music, Art, War, etc... Thats for example the diference in Slaanesh warriors and Khorne Warriors. Slaanesh followers fight because its an art and they do in the most beautiful and perfect way. Khorne warriors don't rejoice in their killings, they kill because thats what their god demand and want. Blood and skulls. Internet its full of "SLAANESH LOL SEX AND DRUGS !!111" but because thats how things work.
  22. Yeah, I'm all aboard to new grots pirates, but the spider looking ones of Silver Tower are just... horrendous.
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