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Everything posted by Praecautus

  1. Painted an imperial bunker for my local club and started my manticore lord. Some wip shots
  2. Iโ€™m of a certain age and have fond memories of getting through Khare city port of traps on another fruitless quest to reclaim the crown of command! Or hours lost wandering around the damn labyrinth in firetop mountain. so fond in fact that I bought a load second hand to give to my son, that will teach him...
  3. I am going to vote for khorne also. Sure it has some oddities and some parts need refining. The lore is ok but in places reads like an overexcited teenager with a thing for gore and axes. They need to capture more the old realm of chaos vibe of why people fall to chaos and the perilous path they choose. But the book has the following plusses Very large unit selection majority of units are viable and points wise are generally ok good ways to boost units without breaking the game multiple list options feels like it is well balanced vs other armies fun combos and tricks overall the list building feels quite deep.
  4. Idoneth - The tidecaster is a great little model to paint, loads of detail and different textures. Khorne - Skarr can be a fun project
  5. Never been so glad to be wrong - I had the leak was wrong. Looks like my Khorne aregetting some reinforcements. Iโ€™ll be interested to see the rules for integrating them into the god armies. But regardless I think Iโ€™ll be making a pure Slaves force. Currently I have various items from different kits chaos sorcerer lord daemon prince chaos lord on manticore 2 gore chariots warshrine i think the new box or will create a nice little army when mixed in with that off to write my Christmas list ๐Ÿ˜€
  6. Too excited! I have a stock of Slaves I mix in with my Khorne, which I love, but the idea it can be another army is fantastic
  7. October was a failure ๐Ÿ˜” so November i hope to do more, work depending. Chaos Khorne lord on manticore Warqueen 5 skull reapers anything isa bonus after that
  8. If going daemon then you will want a bloodthirster. All are good but have distinct roles rage thirster deals a bucket of explosive damage fury thirster allows daemon u itโ€™s to pile in from 6 inches - very powerful wrath thirster is a key anti magic option skarbrand is a beast any will help but consider how you like to play. skulltaker is great in murderhost herald is best being summoned you will also need to consider a blood secrator and priest as they are so useful and powerful othrtwise itโ€™s bloodletters or flesh hounds
  9. Yeah I do like the model, I bought him to fill out the army as I have a lot of Khorne so there is a bit of getting him for fun. He does seem like a glass cannon with that build. I am wondering about the shield with flesh for the 2+ save. Could be a great rock. Not built the rider yet so options are open ๐Ÿ˜€
  10. Just got a Chaos lord on manticore; how are people running him? I was thinking with hew the foe, daemon sword and gorecleaver on the lance for those 7 damage -2 rend on the charge. But is it a glass cannon build and am I missing a trick
  11. Add to your list โ€˜azyrite ruineโ€™ and โ€˜iron golemโ€™ typos plus a lack of 40k in all that huge list I want to believe but too many things off with that list
  12. In a change of plans I bought a Chaos lord on manticore. I am going to work on that as I have been doing units for a few weeks so a change is good. I wonโ€™t finish this month but I have some bits built and will prime/paint in sections.
  13. I remember seeing citadel miniatures in my local toy shop and starting to collect them way back in the late 80s. Used to have random minis and remember them on my bedroom shelves unpainted. I remember certain sets well eg a warhammer set with 40-60 minis - 10 each of elves, dwarves, orcs, skaven in white plastic, thrugg bullneck and his space orks, citadel special sets with old oop random minis for whfrp. I eventually got into 40k and had a huge ork and chaos renegade army, all painted to a dubious quality. Also had fantasy roleplay, space marine, epic, blood bowl and dark future. Mainly collected and painted but did a few games with mates, but mainly we did roleplay. took a long hiatus until a few years back and now have the income for the Khorne army of my dreams ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  14. Not making amazing progress this month due to work and things. However, I have completed 5 flesh hounds (older wip shot as evidence)
  15. I think based on the tomes which got released over 2019 and were not in battle boxes then I could see the following Beasts of chaos Fyreslayers Gitz Stormcast as they always get one/sell Maybe Slaanesh to cash in on success, but no keeper will be inside I canโ€™t see cities getting one as they have 2 start collecting coming out soon and the army is too varied. I think it will be too soon for orruks and Bonereapers. Khorne wont as we had one a few years back and I would be surprised if there is stock around to make one with all the other goodness released this year.
  16. This is on of my favourite threads on TGA. I look forward to posting what I aim to do each month.
  17. I managed all my goals in September so onward to October! 1 Paint warqueen 2 Paint 5 flesh hounds 3 Paint 5 skull reapers 4 Build chaos lord on manticore 5 Something else
  18. Yep, what agent of chaos said ๐Ÿ˜€ marvellous isnโ€™t it? I used to play 3 priests and a shrine which gave me 8 prayers + blessings each hero phase. It was pretty good, your opponent will never forget the 16-18 MW hero phases + judgement and then a big unit rerolling hits and getting a ward save
  19. Victory to khorne - tonight many goblin skulls adorn the brass throne. Gave a 2 battalion list a go. It felt odd winning priority and also having so few models. But it feels like a fun list with a lot of built in resilience. Goretribe slaughterhost Daemon prince general w sword of judgement and hew the foe Bloodthirster of fury w thronebreakers torc Exalted deathbringer with mark of the destroyer bloodsecrator priest w kill frenzy priest w sacrifice 3x 5 bloodwarriors w fists 1x10 bloodreavers w axes 2x5 skull reapers wrath axe hexgouger skulls alter
  20. I think the priest would be the more reliable choice with the prayers, blessings and judgements. Skarr is great and I am big fan of him right now, however you have 2 fast flyers with the thirsters and the priest will make them better. So that overcomes some of the lack of deepstrike by taking the priest
  21. So going quite well Magores fiends done Objective markers done Skull reapers built Karanak will be complete this weekend giving me time to do something else. Couple of pics
  22. Yes you can have units without. Warscroll says 1 in 10 can have banner, not must have banner. Just be clear with opponenT at the start
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