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Everything posted by Aelfric

  1. Thank goodness we've been unable to spend our Christmas money!
  2. Not sure where this is from (not reveal photo), but I'm in for giant kangaroos.
  3. The stance has no downsides. Also the two stances can be applied at the same time. There was likely an earlier beta version where there were several stances and you had to pick one each turn. This morphed into what we have now, but they didn't (forgot?) remove the need to state that Alarith units were in the stance. Basically, just say at the start of the game that they are always in Mountain stance - your opponent should be ok about it.
  4. Given the long neck on the riding beast, how tall are the riders hats going to be? Teclis help us if we ever get giraffe cavalry (although I'd love it).
  5. Judging from the picture, it looks as though the rider is perched on a hump since the feet are on a par with the bottom of the neck. I'm still hoping for camels of some description. Certainly there is no cavalry unit like that currently available in AOS as far as I'm aware. I'd be happy either way though. A hero on Sphiranx would be nice.
  6. I would much prefer AOSified camels. They might even come with a ranged spitting attack. Also hoping for a crocodilan spirit and hippo riders with the River Temple, but that's probably next year at the earliest.
  7. I see - more chances to hit means more chances to wound, which means more chances to wound on a 6. Thanks for clearing that up, it makes sense now I follow the logic.
  8. So which of those armies are you most passionate about and which comes a close second? Perhaps if you pick both of those and put the rest to one side (preferrably out of sight), it might help you focus. If you alternate between the two, that will help avoid either one becoming stale. Paint in small batches. If you are new to painting, work on your 2nd favourite first and don't worry too much about the initial result - GW basic technique is fine and contrasts do make life easier. I wish I had had that when I started. Throw the spreadsheet away. Reality is ?, so let the hobby help you live in the moment and forget about it for a while.
  9. Hopefully, the Wind Temple will come with a battalion as well. We already have the four Teclian Nations and the Temples are Teclian more than Tyrionic, so I'm not expecting them to be affiliated with any one in particular like the Alarith.
  10. I think this topic has probably reached a Dead-end. Shall we move on.
  11. I understand where you're coming from. For me it depends on the faction. My Lumineth are having a similar colour scheme throughout, with minor variation for Temples. My Troggoth army, on the other hand, has a wide variety of colour, with no more than 3 Troggoths in the same scheme. I have a small force of Sylvaneth and I have gone down the route (pardon the pun) of having a variety of bark colour to give the idea of a mixed woodland. After all, there are many different types of tree in nature with a variety of colouration, both leaves and bark, so it felt a natural thing to do. My Ironjaws are greenskinned, but with different hues of green, though the rest of each model follows a regulated scheme. Sylvaneth is a faction that lends itself easily to a wide selection of colour and shade. It also makes the painting process less monotonous when painting 30 Dryads which is also nice.
  12. Perhaps a unit of little jolly Leprechauns is what's needed in Fyreslayers - I just didn't know it until now.
  13. In the lore there have been stories about the early Gods of Death that existed before Nagash destroyed them one by one, and there has been suggestion that some may still be in existence but hiding. Sigmar has even sent Questors looking for them. It would only take one to resurface and begin an offensive against Nagash - I'm sure they'd find allies to help them.
  14. I've been on a detour with Troggoths and Loonshrine, but now I'm back on the Lumineth trail. Just completed my Cathallar and thought I'd post a couple of photos. I did struggle with this one, especially the scarf. It was only when starting that I realised I'd backed myself into a bit of a corner - I have chosen dark skin colour for my Aelves, which meant a lighter scarf. All tutorials for painting sheer clothing that I could find were for light skin, so I've had to wing it. I'd appreciate any feed back on improvements if anybody has some tips to share, thanks.
  15. Sisters do MW on a "Wound" roll of 6, not hit roll, so RR1 will not affect MW output. Just got hold of my Azyros, so still think it's a good choice nonetheless.
  16. There's nothing more gothic than a raven within a key. I think it'll be gothic turned to gas mark 9.
  17. There's a cloud boat coming soon. You could put Teclis in one.
  18. In my mind, the stolen banquet is the Aelven souls stolen from Slaanesh's belly. The mirror of men's minds could, I suppose, be the Anvil of Apotheosis. So implying the downfall of Azyr and Aelven re-gorging .
  19. Teclis obviously decided He wanted "Bigger Aelves".
  20. I collected Dark Elves pre-AOS. When AOS dropped, it seemed that I could now play an army of any type of Aelf, which was amazingly freeing, so I collected a Wanderers army and made a start on High Aelves. I did a bit of dabbling with Idoneth, but haven't really expanded on the old Witch Elves I have. The Cities book came along and gave my Aelves a home, which is nice. Since AOS launched its Battletomes, though, I have been waiting for an Aelf faction that is embedded in the new lore and when Lumineth came along it ticked all the boxes for me, lore-wise and model-wise. So here I am, totally committed and hoping the faction will slow-grow for years to come to give me lots of hobby pleasure. If the Umbraneth had come along first, I'd no doubt be waxing lyrical about them. When it comes to Aelves and me, GW are preaching to one of the converted .
  21. Sounds like you made pretty good progress over little more than a year! I too find it tedious painting basic units after the first unit is done, so I always have to do something else before starting again on the same unit type. It can take a while to get a block of 30 done, but I am painting something inbetween, whether it's the same faction or a different one. Currently painting my Cathallar after a detour painting a Loonshrine and 3 more Fellwater Troggoths. That made a pleasant change from the intricacies of the Lumineth models and allowed me to return to the Lumineth with fresh vigour. I have 2 boxes of Brutes waiting to add to my Ironjawz the next time I need a diversion. A change is as good as a rest for me. I'm not sure I will ever do another 5 Dawnriders! But that's ok since the Camel Corp are on their way and I can wait for them to get a second cavalry unit. If I ever do more Dawnriders, I will paint the Rider and Steed seperately. I still haven't made my mind up about Teclis, but I want 2000 pts done before I get him anyway.
  22. And I'm looking forward to finding out the answers! I'd like to see Tyrion's Temples being different orders of Warrior Monks with less emphasis on magic, rather a mechanism for channelling the enlightenment energy that they have accumulated within themselves through their training - different tables of abilities for each one, with perhaps heroes having more powerful versions.Like the old concept of the Wardancers but given the AOS treatment. I don't think we'll see a Tyrion Battletome for some years, but I think it will come eventually - probably as a foil to Malerion when the Umbraneth Battletome appears. I sense an Aelven Civil War approaching, mainly due to being on different sides of a greater conflict.
  23. I agree that neither Teclis' Temples, nor any established by Tyrion, are restricted to the Nations governed by either of the Twin Gods. They nevertheless would owe allegience primarily to the God that established their Temple, whilst accepting the deity of both. It feels to me that, although each God has jurisdiction over specific Nations geographically, there is a more collaborative approach regarding the paths chosen by the Lumineth that reside in each such Nation. As the only Realm that has two Gods equally bonded to it (if you don't include Gorkamorka, I suppose), the society ought to be more complicated than simply belonging to arbitrary geographical constructs.
  24. I was under the impression from the lore that the four Temples are the result of Teclis' interaction with Celennar resulting in Him teaching some Lumineth the path to bonding with elemental Spirits; so not connected to Tyrion at all. Tyrion, rather, has concentrated on more martial prowess, being a warrior first and foremost, and so I expect He has created His own "Temples" that specialise in specific martial styles - rather like Kendo or Kung-fu for example. The Vanari are the more generalised military units that work alongside either (or, indeed, both). I don't expect to see Tyrion's forces until all the Aelimentari have been released, and when they do appear will have their own Battletome.
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