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Everything posted by azdimy

  1. Give them time to increase their prices first 😀
  2. I d prefer a one time yearly price increase accross the board rather than multiple random price increases multiple time a year as they are currently doing. Start Collecting boxes had just gone up and now this...
  3. Are the upcoming price increase that have leaked affect only North America? It appears to be the case but would like to know if I need to rush an order before monday or if it can wait since I ll mostly buy from a uk retailer
  4. I have decided to skip this one. I think the promotion of it has been poor and so am I because of all the AOS releases that have come out this year
  5. Strangely enough (or not) , the forgeworld keeper of secret lost the ability to pile in and attack twice with its new warscroll
  6. You can, it s a different named ability. The limitation on the locus ability does not apply to the eptitome ability
  7. Would love to see both Tomb kings and Bretonnia in AOS. As a bretonian player I was sad to see them being canned. I m tired of snarky persons telling me I can play them in other game systems or FEC is the AOS Bretonnia 😥
  8. I would think they produced a lot more wrath and rapture boxes than carrion empire ones as the former targets both AOS and 40k players
  9. I would try to get an extra CP in the list. You could then in the same turn use 1 on the longstrike and 1 on the evocators. I m running a similar list but with 20 sequitors instead of 10 evocators but thats a personnal preference
  10. The Las Vegas Open is next Week End Expect some AOS reveals there
  11. Considering the poor quality of the binding of our battletome and all the warscroll changes we re seeing, a reprint would be more than welcome
  12. The Skyborne slayer battalion seems interresting and it s all older units
  13. @Mark Williams Thanks for the bat reps and your analysis. I enjoyed reading. I m trying to build a competitive list without gav and no evocators but I really struggle. Do you know where I can find the list of the stormcast player you faced game 4?
  14. The heraldor ability is used at the beginning of the movement phase so I don t believe you can use his ability the turn he drops I guess he s positionned for the next turn?
  15. Regarding Gavriel Surecharge, I would change his command ability to be used in the hero phase instead of the charge phase so it doesn t garantee units to teleport in the ennemy unit the sce player wants to delete I think he would still have a place with that change, not just the auto include, forget any other list type of hero
  16. Take another look at the war mammoth warscroll. It sees plenty of table time in my neck of the wood as it is grossly undercosted right now
  17. Sequitors are better in every way and especially in path to glory as you don t pay more points for them nor do you require the lord arcanum tax to make them battleline
  18. Because you can only get 4 artillery pieces at 2k? Or are you taking less ballistars?
  19. azdimy


    From the blades of khorne faq: Q: When Skarbrand becomes Incandescent because he was not able to fight in the last battle round, does he use the Incandescent row of the damage table to determine Slaughter’s attacks and Carnage’s total carnage rolls? A: Yes.
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