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Everything posted by Popisdead

  1. That's the best example of 8th ed. 200-300 models for an army that did really well. just to play. egads..
  2. How feasible do you think spamming Raiders (thinking 120) with Desolating Herd in tops of double shots from 6s on ambush and being in the enemies deployment. With Darkwalkers (a waste) you could do half the units turn 2. I find good opponents still have enough to block off behind table ambushing.
  3. I bought a few boxes of Orc Boarboyz. I put spare Bullgor horns on them to bulk them up. I also did up my Chariots with them. I suspect next battletome both chariots and razorgors will be gone. GW isn't doing a good job supporting this range. We only have 1 plastic hero. I guess Gorebeasts are the new Boarboyz? Is that correct? Those should work better as they are more bulky. Mine were always a touch small.
  4. I get that. GW needs to push unique aesthetic and they appear to be doing this with both Tzeentch and Slaanesh (Nurgle and Khorne mostly seem like Fantasy era styling still). Otherwise they'll get stuck for still be clones of Michael Moorcock, LotR of the 1970s and Conan. So while at first things aren't quite the direction I would expect it settles in well. I'm also an old ****** whose Slaanesh army is 99% Juan Diaz sculpts. Even my Masque is an old metal one which I hate compared to the new one but,.. mmm well cash strapped also 😉 So I'm unlikely to jump into a lot of new kits. Even if I get that Glutos I'll use old metal daemonettes. I hope so. I read a Josh Reynolds Slaanesh novel where the Beastlord was exceptionally touched by Slaanesh and had some guide and tutelage from a Chaos Lord. There was also a good Sylvaneth vs Slaanesh short story from maybe a year ago. BL mostly screws up announcements. If there is a short story with a good antagonist from an army I play they only detail the protagonists. I've emailed them several times saying "I would have bought this book had you given us a clue about both factions involved since I'm a fan of both" and like the monolithic ignorance of giant corporations they've ignored that and continued to plod along clueless.
  5. Yeah, i guess my failed communication of the point I was saying. It's a paradox of GW. "hey kids, $50 gets you into the game, it's also easy to just build up a small force" which turns into "oh if you want to play this seriously it's 100+ models."
  6. After the Kislev video this morning for Total War 3 they had Marc Bedford and Andy Hoare. the former is a FW employee, the latter is head of "specialist games". Because it's specialist games, I'm feeling more it will not be a 30 mm plastic range. I don't even think the old War of the Ring (alpha-8th ed) version of LotR exists any longer. I heard the Hobbit went back to skirmish style narrative play akin to the 2001 era LotR rules. The Hobbit is a Specialist game where the models are strictly FW. I can see FW making an Old World game if 30 mm to replace HH which kinda died and will die out more as GW pushes Primaris storylines and FW has something to explore. A good point Vince made on the recent Honest Wargamer is we know the story of a) HH and b) the old world. Having old locked in timelines makes the narrative play for boutique specialist models makes sense more.
  7. Hmmm guess it's a double entedre (sp). I get the sense GW is good at finding old english words. payment, tribute, to pay, money is the first definition for Geld in etymology but I bet they enjoyed the second being there,... or,.. not being there. "why can't it be both?"
  8. Dont discredit that. Rule of Cool makes something worth it even if it isn't optimal. Granted I think the dragons are better than just cool 😉
  9. Oof I don't recall 4x8 (as a kid I think we played Rogue Trader on 4x8 but i didn't play 2nd or 3rd ed). I am aware of the distinction of feeling even 2k is a skirmish level game. I wonder if GW has a misconstrued intent. "make games smaller, make armies smaller so people can get player faster" that turns into "have a giant collection to play cause we dropped the points on everything".
  10. So, the previews have started making me think Saturday should be preorder but I heard GW moved to an every 2-weeks. So did Dark Angels just come out or go on pre-order? I would say Slaanesh 2 weeks after in parallel.
  11. I'm not sure. It's been a chatter amongst the more,.. gamers who are stepped back from emotion about it. Perhaps some people know and have made the comments we all latch on to. Shrugs, 100% speculation here across all mindsets. They don't know if people will buy 30 mm old world models (I would say 90% of the old world clinger-ons have their old armies and are refusing to change). GW *hopes* they will buy into their game. I won't, and the major talk about the old world I see reposted is people who still feel negative emotions towards AoS. When the ice weapons were released the atrocious caustic comments by people were shocking. Granted I've stopped going on FB long ago so maybe people just still behave that way as the norm. I don't care if people still play 8th ed. I think that's kinda neat. I liked 4th ed Old hammer when it sprung up,.. what a decade ago? Nostalgia is a cruel mistriss. People buy models and want to play games and have fun. I support that. I'm just looking at this logically from a standpoint of what GW manages and does. It may well be 30 mm. Cross sales between both games would be good. But do they want to have a 3rd support team focus on another 30 mm game that will likely just cause strain in resources? So let's say it's not 15 mm and it's 30 mm. Do you think it will be GW proper or the FW resin the HObbit has shifted towards. And those prices?
  12. I think we are going to see 40k changes come to AoS. Obviously smaller tables, battleshock if reworked could really help Horde armies (suddenly BoC becomes good akin to how Horde 40k Orks were top dog for 6 months). What I don't want is the record and book keeping of 40k. I have a hard time getting into it because it's SO much more complicated than the more clean ruleset of AoS. I worry AoS will get too many layers put on top. Monsters getting better would be nice. I think they need to rework warscrolls so getting damaged is slower. The #1 comment about Durthu is "he's good until he takes wounds". And 2 wounds does that. Slow that down and make it a better scaling so a top dog is amazing but a mid level damaged monster is still an actual threat. Let's also keep in mind AoS is nearly 7? years old and has had a huge constant growth and improvement (given the ball they've dropped about nearly no support since last March). I would say,.. the thing I want to see most is more mid level. I dont' want high ceilings and low floors I want more average so there aren't glaring issues (Sylvaneth, and BoC). Those create issues for new players which ruins their game experience.
  13. Beasts of Chaos is a glaring issue. The most recent models we got were 2010 sculpts (AFAIK,.. no wait the Cockatrice, and Chimera was Storm of Magic so maybe 2012? 2013?). The warscrolls are duds and the model range is really dated. The effort GW did was pretty garbage. The ghorgon and Cygor is fine, a little silly (87 skulls?) but the Minotaurs are atrocious. Just an abomination. Having said all that we did get "a" book. Wanderers got amalgamated and there will be a successor book in a year or so).
  14. I'm painting some old 1987 Jes Goodwin sculpted Wardancers to use as Wildwood Rangers. the models are a joy to paint, classic from my childhood and I'm happy to be a much better painter these days so I can do them right. I've been painting old metal Centigors for a Khorne Beasts of Chaos lists also. Excited to use models with a fun lore and imaginative creative setting. Also I picked these up cheap and happy to keep them on the gaming table Looking back at the Gnome Warhammer army created by someone who used Night Goblins and Treelords. Showed my two young kiddos the photos and they laughed saying "these are cute but they look like angry gnomes". (hope that made you chuckle, cause if funny comments from kids don't make you laugh,.. seek out some good classic humour).
  15. You can do this now. GW supports tournament play with Matched Points as a focus. Tournaments drive competitive play, people search out competitive builds to use locally in games either tournaments or pick-up games. The threads here are driven mostly by more competitive players (not narrative or older gamers who have enjoyed lore and creativity). Nothing is stopping anyone from using the original Warscrolls, older battalions, playing in any manner. The problem is the player base. Have you seen anyone play Cities of Death in 40k? No cause a few vocal power gamers ruined it by complaining about how you can just do one things (keep space marine army in reserve) and killed off people trying it. Same with Storm of Magic. "oh you can put a HE dragon mage on the balewind and ruin the game? never playing it". I played Storm of Magic and had a hoot. Also AoS is hugely immersive, the first year was primarily community driven work and GW picked up on that and well,.. they didn't curate it very well. Vince and Rob had a really good chat involving other game systems as well on a recent Honest WArgamer (you can find this on youtube most likely). Vince mentions how AoS could be much more and akin to what you are saying. I've always seen the hindrance as power gamers/WAAC as they tend to get vocal, not wanting change they cannot control (i.e. loser game play, more narrative fun).
  16. I had the same thoughts too. MWs on the horns and still some impact from charges.
  17. awesome. I have 3 finecast and 3 plastic. I wish I had more. I kinda wish I had the 1987 era Realm of Chaos ones too. I still like them. I hope. Maybe he'll be top tier 5-0 kinda list guy. Yes,.. they could be Alarielle
  18. Exactly it. There will be enough time in real life between the old world timeline change that the 8th ed Fanbois will probably buy into it not realizing the game could exactly be anything. no one knows anything.
  19. Not sure that makes sense. 6x1 has an easier time for Wholly Within than 2 x 3. Conventional wisdom is 6-man Hunters is better. Why cut your # of attacks in half or thinking exposing your battleline to more of the enemy is better? It also helps with the 1:4 more than having 2 units.
  20. So currently the kit contains 3 different perimeter sections of wood. So if you buy 3 of the kits you can make a huge variation in woods. From using all 3 small to all 3 large. So the diameter can change. I would recommend seeing about finding the older Citadel Woods and using one of those to start. I believe there were some PDFs uploaded to an old wood elf forum asrai (i believe hosted on druchii if that still exist) during the 8th ed release? maybe googling can find it still? I dunno. just a thought.
  21. Hmmm yeah... monsters are tricky, GW hasn't done an amazing job a non-hero based Monsters. They've done an okay job. I was painting some old 1987 Jes Goodwin Wardancer for a Wildwood Ranger. Rangers have a goodish profile 3+/3+ and it made me think GW isn't doing a good job on Troggoths or Bullgors as a result. Giving them 3+ to counter the dice spiking involved takes away what elite aelves should have (WS has LONG been an issue with me dating back to 6th ed). The lack of a lot of 2+ isn't a good either. So I feel, this presents issue with Bullgors. High risk high reward unit that in game presents unreliability. I don't want to see them watered down to multi-wound Bestigors but I don't want to see them become martial ninjas. Perhaps a better mechanic for an aura for WArherd to get better at attacking and wounding based on proximity (doombull has a trait for +1 to hit/A for Bullgors and his cmd ability is +1 to wound). This way the pairing and focus on going Warherd is self-helpful for the army. I dunno,.. I love the army and it's not getting the attention it deserves.
  22. Depends on the build. I'm a fan of Ghorgons but they are swingy. They are cheap enough and destructive enough to cause a pain.
  23. Oh, I thought you dropped your shamans based on previous comments. I've used 30 Raiders early game march up to snipe characters. There was a guy in the early days of AoS who loved heavy pressure of lots of Raiders (Gorthor had a good buff at the time). I have 120 Ungors and locally ppl don't care if I proxy. So i've been tempted to spam them. 40 of them are built and painted as Raiders. It isn't too far a stretch to put quivers and bows on the Maul-ungors and then easily have 80 that are usable. These days CoS is a more effective shooting army and i have a very large WE army that I've converting over to Living City.
  24. nice. Very similar to the list I am focussing on. You may find the Arch Rev doen't do that much for the inclusion. Combine your Hunters cause they have 2" reach. If you had taken Swords, then 2x3 makes sense. If you start facing mega casters the SotT may do little for you (I would have expected a Phoenix with them) and while they are good,.. they have no casting bonus.
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