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Everything posted by Kramer

  1. Yeah it keeps surprising my regular opponents for some reason. My main opponent has repeatedly charged his endrinriggers into my butcher for example thinking him a weak wizard to take out. I don't think he ever did and I usually kill one in return, heal the next hero phase and basically win that trade off hands down.
  2. I second Latty, and will add to it that the butcher on pot duty is more likely to get a kill in combat to refill the pot.
  3. They would. They would also be impossible to balance. have you played the gargants? I’ve played one at the start a couple of times. And found them really... lacklustre? I don’t know. Not really bad, not really good. Just that everything it does we can do better.
  4. Its a rule of cool choice, I agree. If you like the model, you’ll find the points. mid you are looking to be more competitive. It solves nothing of the (minor) problems we have.
  5. This sounds like a second tenant in a new church of paint. Very buddhist 😂 First rule being of course, two thin coats.
  6. I just helped @Lysandestolpe with the editing of his Gargant skin tutorial. Ik of course biased. But i really liked it. wouldn’t work with him if I didn’t think his work is great a good one as well is his ogor skin tutorial if you want a bit more paler skin. https://youtu.be/S8sJCbgSv3c
  7. Yeah the connection is bigger. That’s true. But as hinterlands requires quite a bit of house ruling I wouldn’t be above doing the same for Warcry if I wanted to play that siege weapon assassination for example. Fully agree
  8. Hinterlands is great indeed. I’m jumping into Warcry in the new box. And I had some of the same concerns. the injuries and upgrades are in the champions mode. Or at least they are more pronounced. As I understand it what I do love the idea of, that hinterlands lacks, the ‘play your own campaign’ set up.
  9. Just playing grudge matches to claim certain skulls 😂 Have you seen the White Dwarf Ogor Campaign? It's roughly what you're describing. But might be fun for you!
  10. That art thread is a big shame especially. 😞
  11. Crazy smooth transitions. Amazing
  12. That skull was taken from his model right? imagine the pain of losing to you with 150 euro mega gargants and you snatching his head
  13. It’s fun. I kind of died out when the author got a job at GW. He designed the current skirmish rules and I think beast of chaos and ogor mawtribes
  14. Don’t say that out loud!!! now GW will start selling overpriced coffee in the sizes duardin, ogor, aleguzzler and mega gargant at tournaments. And bottles of deepkin aqua. maybe spicy magmadroth burgers as dinner. woundnt go for the nurgle nuggets though. And the slaanesh themed ‘aspirine ’ being sold below the counter seems iffy to me too.
  15. You truly are chosen by the ratking. That's an amazing bit of rolling. Did you actually have two with you?
  16. Does it need to be chaos? And if so, do greater daemons count?
  17. it's weird right. It happened with several armies for me as well. Deepkin, KO, OBR, Stormcast, Fireslayers didn't like any of them on release. And they all have become things I expect in the setting and learned to appreciate (and collect in the case of KO and Stormcast). The things that I didn't like on release back in the old world I never really started to like later on.
  18. Its just envy for the bottomless moneybags you must carry along every day.
  19. hahaha Maybe that's what happened. GW have a system that scrubs fora. And every time the system detects a positive post about the mega-gargants they raised the price by 10cent.... The Gargants were meant to be 10 bucks but your comments alone account for the rest 😂
  20. Playing devil’s advocate: that means GW needs less Molds, production capacity (which is limited), production resources, storage, transport, etc. so if for every Hastings and @JackStreicher that skip it, one @KingBrodd buys two regardless of price, they might still make the same profit. we just don’t know enough to really jurge that. although personally I agree it’s too much But I can think of a couple of reasons why it would make sense for them.
  21. You lost me at objectively. if I’m painting shadows in my models I dont have to rotate them to correspond to the lamp above the gaming table. it looks ‘best’ from one angle and it’s ‘meant’ to viewed from that angle if you want to see the full glory. But it’s not objectively wrong as a technique because it doesn’t look ‘best’ from several angles. but it’s all subjective, I’ll agree to that also it’s the rumours thread if that doesn’t derail every othe day what the point 😂
  22. Yeah Ogors are what bullhorns should have been. Hitting on threes, charge damage, etc. That is a missed chance. But it seems they learned from it and applied those learning to Ogors. Now it’s just a matter of time before BoC get a redo. Regarding gargants. I’m firmly in the camp that expects them not to be good. It’s just to hard to balance something that far off the norm. If they overshot it, then I’m convinced it will be a KO on launch scenario. A heavy nerf at the first update. okay rephrasing. I don’t expect them to be competitive tournament winning. Because they are so far from the norm, some armies will have little chance while other will be brilliant against them.
  23. I never felt outnumbered for objectives in my games. But I play a few bigger units not msu. so I’m not that worried that the might makes right bonus for the mega gargants will be that big of a deal. It’s fluffy as well, so alway a big plus imo. Im curious about that rule. I’m kinda expecting it not being that big of a deal. Say you set a single ogor in the exact middle of an objective. the gargant player needs to end a move in range, survive the turn, then a possible double, then roll a 8 or higher to get it out of range. and say they do all that. They can only do it once to every objective. Can’t do it more than to four objectives, as they can’t take more than four models with that rule due to points. How many battleplans with four of less objectives? This will be the big thing, I think. Can we outmanoeuvre to gang up on them. Also to put your heart at ease. Vs the Kraken eater, which seems the monster killer but without artefacts. this is the damage spread of a full health Kraken Eater before the 5+ after save on the stone horn. So you have the biggest chance of suffering 5,3 damage. That’s without charge damage and all of that both ways. But in the end, our stone horn is still very survivable.
  24. Nothing short of brilliant. Damn that looks good.
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