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Everything posted by Thiagoma

  1. We all have to start somewhere. Tzeench is very forgiving army when it comes to color schemes. You can do it!
  2. Can use input on my elven list: My local meta is Vanguard 1500 pts. Anointed on Flame Phoenix (ignax) Nomad prince (general, hawk eyed) Sorceress (adjuntant) Celestial Visions Sisters of the Watch x 20 (BL) Darkshards x 20 (BL) Phoenix Guard x 10 Phoenix Guard x 10 Shadow Warriors x 10 Shackles Total 1500/1500 My Plan is to charge foward with the Phoenix to keep the enemy stuck in combat. The Nomad, Sorceress, Darkshards and Sisters are gona rush and fire, with the Shards in front to keep the sisters protected. The Phoenix Guard to hold objectives or to keep enemies away from the archers and the Shadow Warriors as strategical deep strike. Any feedback?
  3. You are right. I collect High Elves and if i cant proxy something, i wont use it. Got some Wanderers now to fill some gaps on my forces tho. That said i am ok with that and actually did well on my first tournament using Phoenix Temple + mages and shadow warriors (went 2x1 againt mawtribes, Sylvaneth and Stormcast) using Hallowheart. Now i am improving my list and overall i am enjoying the book.
  4. I got this Girl from Mierce to be my nomad Princess phoenix themed army. Disclaimer: the scale is a bit smaller than GW (same as Malifaux), so i will make some sort of tall scenic base so she wont look so small.
  5. Disclaimer, i neverplayed with CoS but used to play by the Warscroll with GA: Order and Phoenix Temple. Once this book was anounced i was sure i would play Phoenicium, but since i only play about 3 or 4 times a year, i had a lot of time to think where would my elven boys go. I was thorn between Living City or Hallowheart and decided for the second with the list i managed to paint. A 1500 pts list with 2 mages and 2 endless spells (balewind and Emerald lifeswarm). The idea is to go crazy suicide with a Flamespyre to block the enemy with 10 phoenix guards and use the spells as a buff/heal for my forces. The list also have 20 PGs with a Frosty and 10 Shadow Warriors to sneak around . I belive the 4 spells a turn plus the resistance to magic with 5+is good enough for me to field my list on the city. Will check it out on the next few days. Living city deep strike also looks fun on paper. As i said, i lack practical experience and the benefits of Tempests Eye seen a bit more complex to pull of in the field, but feels like it would work out really well if Order Draconis was still around.
  6. I loved the Girls with crossobws for darkshards
  7. Do they use the same scale or are smaller?
  8. Plus it is new models for an existing line, unlike the others who were new factions.
  9. Phoenix Temple and Order Draconis (RIP). I dont care about winning but i did on once with Draconis and used to be on the middle of the table with PT. Now i am going PT within CoS for the first time.
  10. Using elven helmets would be the best call. Shadow Warrior ones should ve easy to find on bit stores.
  11. The White Lion Charriot was replaced by a Balewind Vortex that i converted: Kinda liked the result! The Shadow Warriors are also painted but i couldnt get a nice pic of those guys. Really happy, in 2 years will be my first event with full painted army!
  12. PS: Phoenix used to be way more abusive. You would get +1 to armor for each casting attempt, yours or adversary, with no limits. But had a starting armor of 5+.
  13. The anointed currently starts with 4+ and goes to 3+ if an ally sucessfully cast something at 12" from it. Not sure how you are get to 2+. Things you can do: -Unbind spells cast near him. - Mortal Wounds. Allarielle cannot heal him (he is not sylvaneth) unless she uses the lore spell (1d6). Will require focus fire and lucky tho. With that said: You wont kill it. Dont try. Your adversary spent half of his points into this duo, so toss cheap units into its way and go for the objectives. You should be able to hold then up long enough to score a win.
  14. I would love for more female models. Last year i was bored and decided to convert all Wanderers heroes as females and part of the challenge was using spare models and bits. Oh boy i had trouble finding bodies to convert, but i loved the results (then all models were removed from the game lol). This year i assembled Shadow Warriors and loved the kit! Take away the magic bows and you can mix the girls really well with the boys. I really hope that new elves comes with a proportion like Idoneth Thralls/Reavers with some ladies mixed in the unit. Makes it so full of variety! The point i disagree with some is the boob plate. No need for bikini armor (we got DoK on that field) , but for heavy armor, the boob plate makes it easier to id a girl in the middle of the troops, even if she uses a helmet. Doesnt have to be exagereted or sexualized, just there for easy id. What i disliked about the new Sisters of Battle is that their faces are ugly. I LOVE the artwork used on the promos, with pretty face , heavy armor and a lot of attitude but the models... meh. I dont really get GW problem with sculpting women faces, it is not really their strongest skill.
  15. Some of their recent lines are not Skimpy like their first waves. There is a paladin faction and one for sisters that are pretty cool.
  16. I love the SoB artwork but i really dislike the models faces. They look manly to me. I would rather get Raging Heroes myself. I assembled a Shadow Warriors box and i made half man/ half woman unit and had a blast "converting". I love the multiple assemblies you can do with older models.
  17. Yes, maybe it has do nothing with Hysh (just used the sound of the word) and the HUGE just mean an anouncement and nothing to do with giants 🤣
  18. I see the issues with very positive eyes. Lets think about the best case scenario, shall we? - Modern models for classic Heroes (Settra returns!) - Insert trays for both square and round bases - Fans of the Old lore, Total War and new players will be able to experience WHFB lore! - What if the AoS 3.0 gives rules to interchange armies bettwen systems? AoS Brettonians! Idoneth in WHFB games! No lore, just rules so we can play with our toys and create our own lore. - New models to proxy or conversions! (currently FW barely does AoS stuff anyways)! I see a very positive future regarding this news!
  19. Or maybe they will release another Lore so that collection can be used in AoS.
  20. Maybe they will make a Journal like they did with Sister of Battle, who knows?
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