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Everything posted by KnightFire

  1. I can see the PDF warscroll links fine on the UK site.
  2. I regularly use the mighty waaagh on the mawcrusha. Its range is big enough that you can usually get 6 units in it in the first few turns (characters count, including himself) to guarantee it going off, and get the 1 in 6 chance of +2 attacks (I have had that a few times). +1 attack is incredibly potent though, suddenly brute bosses have 2 chances to hit with their klaw, and if they do, get 3 auto-hits from the smasha, brutes are putting out 5 attacks each at 3s and 3s. It makes a big difference to the damage you put out, and in my opinion, the best defense of ironjawz has always been killing everything before it attacks back, and mighty waagh is a good tool for that. Being immune to battleshock isn't such a big deal when you have 11 extra attacks from the unit, and even if you do lose some to battleshock, your opponent will probably lose more (unless its daemons, in which case they will all just pop back into existence). When Zebgrokk was fighting Gordrakk at SCGT I used it, it made for a really bloody combat but because It was my turn, I was able to get more out of it than Ian was.
  3. I work away most week days and do something similar. I have a couple of different small cases - a citadel skirmish case (which isnt actually that small) and a small toolbox from the local DIY store. I use one of these (depending what I am taking). I usually take 5 undercoated miniatures at a time, and around 20 paints and 10 brushes. I use citadel pallet paper instead of a pallet, although any really thick coated paper would work (I did try a glossy tourist brochure in a hotel once, and it worked ok but the paint would eventually soak through it). I also have a small USB powered LED lamp, which gives good light, and a small container that I use for water. This all takes up about 2/3 of the room in a small (carry on size) suitcase, so I have to be quite tight with my clothes and toiletries that I take. My approach is usually to base coat, apply two layers, wash and drybrush 5 minis over the 4 nights I am away, and then apply final layer and do the basing over the weekend. It works pretty well as an approach. Sometimes I don't take paints, and instead take 1k of stormcast and try and get a game in at a club near where I am staying, which is also a great way to meet some nice people and have something to look forward to during the tedium of being away from family.
  4. I can vouch for units of 10 brutes with two choppas each, I have been running it for a while, and found it pretty decent, especially in the mirror match. Here is my logic: A unit of 10 brutes is probably deployed in two rows of 5, your boss and 4 normal guys are in the front line, which is fine. Your second rank has the two gore-choppas in it, leaving three normal guys. You can normally pile in the two end guys from the second rank to wrap around your opponent, meaning you only miss one model out. This gives you boss + gore-choppas,+24 normal attacks. With gore-hackas you would get all the normal attacks in, but thats still boss+gore-choppas+21 normal attacks. Obviously with 15 brutes the gore-hackas get much better, as your still only likely to get two models on a wrap-around.
  5. Yea, I see that, but wanted to stay away from something too close to the khorne mechanic of rewards for killing stuff. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  6. Something I was thinking about was that it would be great to have an allegiance ability that gives bonuses depending on how many units you ha e in combat. If you don't have many units you get the current destruction ability, but as you get more units in combat you get other bonuses like bravery and extra rend. I think that could keep the flavour of the ironjawz at the moment while giving them a boost. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  7. It leaves you ideally positioned to take part in the narrative hijack [emoji4] Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  8. Larger bases aren't usually a problem, smaller ones are usually disallowed as they allow more models to get attacks in. I would complain to the to if my opponent bad smaller bases. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  9. The same reason we paint the models, to make it look pretty, although scenery does have an impact on the game, it can be damned, mystical etc. It doesn't need more rules. Aos is great because of its simplicity. Most players don't want to go back to the rules hell of 8th. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  10. But Age of Sigmar isn't trying to be a simulation of a battle, its a game. The forests have rules, and you just play the rules, without trying to extrapolate that into real life (or fantastical life). The forests don't have any undergrowth that affects anything. What they have is trees, which block where you can stand, and to a small extent, what you can see. The same applies for line of sight - its not trying to simulate anything, its a rule for playing a game. If you don't like it then play something different with your friends, and if you don't want to play in events that use it that way then run your own events with your rules.
  11. KnightFire


    Yes, it's based on one of the suggested schemes in the assembly instructions, combined with the kryptboyz scheme from how to paint ironjawz.
  12. KnightFire


    2000 points of Ironjawz. I started this army in September after losing to an ironjawz army at Warlords. I enjoyed the subtle tactics and careful decision making required to play the army.
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