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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. via Naftka New Eldar god of death is born Soo yeah.... A new god of death is coming. And with how they've been doing crossover themed releases, does that mean new AoS Death soon!?.... O_O
  2. I really hope we don't get scutterlings before proper grots....
  3. There's no mention of bows on Tzaangor enlightened....?
  4. It all looks great, and will be my first chaos army eventually, but I'm pretty disappointed that there's not one female model amongst the Acolytes. I had no reason to expect any but damn!..... Sure would of been nice to have some breakup in the tide of epic pecs. Out of EVERY single AoS new model we've had what, 3!? And one was made of bark!!!
  5. I know there's a hefty want for both Steam Duardin and free peeps but I'd like to see Duardin halted and campaigned against renewed and rebooted Grots. Some sweet artisan engineer vs psychotic engineer action.
  6. Well, looks like I'll be starting my first chaos army.... good job, GWs!
  7. great start! http://stores.ebay.com/Blackdagger-Games/Space-Wolves-Bits-/_i.html?_fsub=1812206013&_sid=120663&_trksid=p4634.c0.m322
  8. If that doesn't get points..... then..... I can't use a gargant with my Ironjawz. So hope it does get points!
  9. I just hope it has a similar head to Archaon s mount. Now that's a good looking bird head.
  10. A bit off here but I'm hoping the Arcanites won't be ALL shredded shirtless man birds and at least one or two in the box will be female
  11. And Gitmob Grots shall be the dark Mechanicum of AoS. At least I hope..... Probably be rats though..... meh.
  12. Ironjawz is the only one that has something out out of allegiance or am I mistaken. Hopeful that this means points cost for using a gargant with ironjawz.
  13. Be patient my friend. Death comes for us all....
  14. I hope it gets points if it even gets a battalion. Would seem silly not to. Beastclaw have one to add gruntas sooo why couldn't Ironjawz get a gar8?
  15. So I just read a comment on another site that claims the destruction army bundle is Ironjawz. 10 x brutes 3x gruntas 1x shaman 1x megaboss AND..... 1 x gargant.... Being able to take a gargant wilst retaining Ironjawz allegiance!?... yes plz. Anyone confirm this?
  16. I'll have to think a bit on this if it'll be worth it for Ardboyz conversions. Maybe a bits dealer will have them on the cheap.
  17. Very well done. Looking forward to trying it out.
  18. It's good to get out of your comfort zone. Helps ya grow. Looks great so far.
  19. Nothing all that grand but here's the first 5 cobblestone bases for my small SE army. I'll add some flock after minis are mounted.
  20. Looks great! This army is in my que and, although replacing all ogors with ironjawz, you've got my excited to have my go. I'll definitely take some inspiration from your work. So thanks for that. Are you using GWs yhetees or an alternative. I've been thinking that with some green stuff furs and a little time that crypt horror could make some excellent yhetees. Again, very inspiring force!
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