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Everything posted by Shadowcortax

  1. Hi, sorry if this is long or feels ranty. I like the lore of aos and whfb, I have all but FEC of the death battletomes. But I'm confused about some things I've read in this thread. 1. Nagash lore. As I remember/understand it, when Sigmar freed Nagash and asked him to join up , Nagash reluctantly agreed on the basis of not wanting to owe anybody. And when he "betrayed" Sigmar it was more of, after all the others deserted Nagash found out his palace/city was under attack so he left to go save it. Sigmar felt Nagash had deserted him. So after he lost the battle from being too stubborn to retreat when he should have, he attacked Shyish. He carved a path through anything in his way in his rage, katakros was defeated and imprisoned, Ushoran (who was caged because he had gone insane and delusional from Neferata's curse) was freed, an exhausted (from defending his palace/city from chaos forces) Nagash was beaten down and nearly crippled, the souls of countless heroes (which were used by Nagash to defend the realm and it's people) were stolen/pilfered by Sigmar, then Sigmar departed for Azyr (where he would lock the gates and pout for years before using the stolen hero souls to make stormcast) leaving a swath of destruction in his wake (he smashed everything on his way in, villages, cities, people, everything that he viewed as nagash's that was in reach), as soon as Sigmar had left Archaon showed up and went to "kill" Nagash. Nagash forged the realmstone chains that keep Slaneesh imprisioned. The great black pyramid was supposed to act as a homing beacon, pulling all those souls who are "supposed" to be dead, to Shyish. Then the skaven mucked it up. Tyrion, Teclis, Malerion, and Morathi all started stealing aelven souls before they could reach Shyish. Not to mention chaos and what they took. Nagash got fed up with it all and kinda went, "fine be that way, I'll get back what is mine another way". Nagash is, while not exactly a overly benevolent ruler, he is at least a protective one of those that worship and venerate him. Nagash doesn't want to kill everything, he just wants to make it so that death is inevitable, after all he views all those who live in Shyish and all the dead as his subjects. Nighthaunt. They usually don't indiscriminately attack innocents, they just sweep through a town and take those who should have died or those that linger afterwards too long. They will however attack armed people and those that fight back against them. Sigmar. Acts like a child sometimes, with no thought to the consequences. Like when he rampaged through Shyish (leaving a clear and under defended path for Archaon and Chaos), when he had his Stormcast Eternals break through the barrier around the Everqueen's safe haven to "help" (leading Nurgle forces straight to them), or when he brought the core of the world-that-was around with him everywhere (while it unknowingly had Chaos tainting it which led them right to the Mortal Realms). He and his forces cause damage with no regard for anyone around them or the damage they cause. Pharus Thaum. When transformed by Nagash his appearance was very different: His armour bore the heraldry of a long-vanished city-state of Realm of Shyish whilst a stylised hourglass occupied the centre of his chest-plate. Crossed scythes were engraved into the backs of his gauntlets, and heavy chains draped his shoulders and torso like a sash. His helmet was shaped as a skull, surmounted by large curving antlers of bone, the cheek-guards swept back into bat-wing shapes. Thick robes, stained with grave matter, cloaked his limbs and lower body but when his concentration failed both seemed no more substantial than smoke. Makes it sound like he still looks vaguelylike a Stormcast Eternal but made from death and spirit. Chaos gods. I thought they represented: Khorne - wrath/anger Tzeech - indecision Nurgle - fear of death/dying Slaneesh - excess/overindulgence
  2. So far we have 3 old, 2 new, and 4 unknown. We know nagash is actively looking for individuals to become Mortarchs. Some new people could be nice, but so could some old people with new models and backstory as to what they have been doing all this time.
  3. I read that he was handsome when he first showed up in the age of myth, but then the whole curse thing happened. He then made the Flesh eater courts, who he spread his delusions to. Eventually nagash got annoyed, caught him and locked him up in a special cage. When Sigmar tore through Shyish smashing everything in his way, when he threw his huge hissy fit. He smashed the cage and Ushoran got free.
  4. Thanks. I wasn't complaining just pointing out the "nerfs" I was talking about in an earlier post on this thread weren't a stat adjustment or something like arkhan's hand of dust no longer going off on 1's. It is more flavor and abilities being completely changed or removed and when I try to look up why, most of what I find is long threads bashing the army and people who play it, and any time someone speaks up for the army or players quite a few people jump down their throat. Am I disappointed that GW changed those characters and abilities before I had a chance to try them out? Yes. Is that what this thread is about or what I was referencing? No. I was merely pointing out which "nerfs" I came across threads of, that the behaviour this thread is discussing happened on so that other could look it up if they wanted. (Not upset, just felt like I needed to clarify)
  5. Considering this from the Grand Alliance: Death battletome. At the top of the hierarchy of death are the Deathlords, the MortarchsNagash is the supreme lord of the undead and claims service from all dwell in the Realm of Shyish and jealously claims dominion over all spirits of the dead. At the top of the hierarchy of death are the Deathlords, the Mortarchs whose lives and memories stretch back to the World-that-was. Guarding them like royal bodyguards are the Morghasts, powerful winged undead creations of bone and shadow that fight with ghostly blades, the Morghast Harbingers, and spectral glaives, the Morghast Archai. and the fact that both of them are listed as Deathlords. I think they might be, which would still leave 2.
  6. Considering that FEC were made by Ushoran, and that he was originally supposed to be a Mortarch in Shyish before his cousin Neferata cursed him which broke his mind. I think they might make him one at some point.
  7. Hey just wondering if anyone has any theories about the other 4 mortarch of nagash? He has always had 9. 9 advisors, 9 dark lords, 9 Mortarchs (end times) He currently has; Arkhan the Black: Mortarch of Sacrement Mannfred Von Carstein: Mortarch of Night Neferata: Mortarch of Blood Lady Olynder: Mortarch of Grief Orpheon Katakros: Mortarch of the Necropolis That's 5, Mortarchs usually are a total of 9 so where is the other 4? I think Vlad and Krell are good solid choices, maybe/hopefully ushoran, abhorash, U'soran/Melkhior, drachenfels.
  8. So they would use command points and not replace it with the RDP for the army? The trade off being the same as running a OBR list, have RDP but no CP, so they could use the command abilities on warscroll but not the generic or scenario or realm of battle specific ones?
  9. The main "nerf" I was talking about was nagash and arkhan losing the ability to know the spells of every death wizard on the field (made sense to me lore wise that they would) and neferata not being able turn heroes she kills into vampires (once again made sense to me lore wise that she could). I don't remember the others right now.
  10. I like to play for fun, casual, and lore. My most recent game (3rd or 4th honestly) was a Coalition of Death 4 player game 2500 pts a player. I played OBR with a SE teammate vs. Pestilens skaven and BoK/Archaon. I took out the skaven player bottom of turn 2 and the Khorne player turn 3. Not sure if it was overkill or if I did something wrong? They said they had fun, but it left me wondering feeling guilty and second guessing myself. It was my first game with OBR and I like them for the lore and look so.... To be fair most of the damage to the Khorne player was from my teammate (who was fielding that one super fire dwarf?) I just helped with clean up.
  11. #3 is partially what I'm talking about. I read some abilities in my battletomes that make sense from a lore point of view and I would love to play them or try them out. But then I saw some threads bashing a specific list combo that abused them and took advantage of loopholes. 1 of the people in my group insists we have to play with the most current errata/rules, and because tournament players were a bit overzealous in taking advantage of a certain combo, GW hit most things in that list with a huge nerf bat and now they say I'm not allowed to use those abilities or warscroll because they are FAQed out. So what do I do about this? Last time I asked someone this they said, " oh well, get over it or don't play. Current up to date rules are the only thing your allowed to use.". Which kinda came off as dismissive and cold.
  12. Wondering how to run a Grand Alliance of Death Army with FEC, LoN, NH, and OBR. Is there anything out there that has rules for that? I'm mainly asking because most death factions have their own mechanics and rules that they need to be able to run, and those are highly dependent on their allegiance abilities. Like OBR relentless discipline points. So I'm trying to figure out how to run an army made up of all death. I mean they have similar mechanics for the most part but just called different abilities. Also what would be used for battleline? Just the LoN battleline? Or battle line from any of them? If anyone has any suggestions or can direct me where to find rules for this it would be much appreciated.
  13. It's a 2500 pts coalition of Death 4 player game I also added Soulscream bridge Quicksilver swords Suffocating gravetide
  14. I understand that's what some people are doing but others are actually actively saying that "you should stop playing this faction because it's unfair" or "this faction shouldn't be in the game" and as a death player it's really depressing to try finding a answer to a question I have about my rules and the only threads I find about it are that everyone seems to hate death armies more than anything but maybe slaneesh summoning.
  15. That's the kinda thing I'm talking/asking about. But most of the time I've seen someone try to do that in the treads and forum that need it most people respond 1 of 4 ways: Ignore them and keep driving their point. Say something like "you don't know what you're talking about". Immediately verbally abuse/assault them. Accept the advice either willingly or grudgingly, but this happen so very little it's disappointing.
  16. You can never go wrong with more DRAGONS😁
  17. Mostly yes, but I noticed a trend of a lot of people complaining about certain things because they didn't want to play against it, even though the solution was easy-ish they just wanted it nerfed. And then the things got over nerfed and when the next big army came out the people who played the nerfed armies complained about not being able to compete because their armies were nerfed and not up to snuff unless they play a very very specific list, so their army now sorta sucks and the people who wanted it nerfed basically say "get good" because they are playing the new army. Hence causing an endless cycle of people pressuring GW to need certain armies, GW over doing it and then releasing another army or book that brings another army up to the level of the previous one so it can compete, but the nerfed one isn't at that standard anymore, and so now there is a new round of people want an army nerfed, so it all begins again.
  18. I don't remember the exact name but there were 5 different threads where people were bashing respectively each: OBR, NH, LoN, HoS, and Seraphon.
  19. First game playing bonereapers any advice? My list is Arkhan the black Vokmortain, master of the tithe Soulreaper Soulmason Boneshaper Harvester 1 unit of 3 stalkers 3 units of 20 mortek guard 1 mortek shield corps 1 mortisan trident Any advice about who to be my general or what artifacts, command traits, spells and legion I should do?
  20. Thanks. I have spoken to the person about their behavior. They say they are just joking afterwards, but their tone at the time is not joking it's very aggressive, and they are a very large and intimidating person.
  21. Thanks. The specific player I mentioned plays: Stormcast Eternals, Fyreslayers, and Cities of Sigmar in Age of Sigmar and Grey Knights, Ultramarines, and Tau in 40k, they hate the monolith (I play necrons) because they played against it in 5th edition and still are of the opinion that it is undefeatable, they also played against death during end times and hold a grudge against nagash, which is one reason (other than price) I haven't gotten him yet (they said they would smash him). Yes I realize that I should probably avoid this person but they are one of the only 5 people in my play group, and they don't act like that with any other army so most of the rest of group don't believe it. Although they do say all chaos should die but that's more their opinion on lore. They brought a thunderbird cannon to my first 40k game and used it against me. So not that great of an experience.
  22. Thanks for the advice, I'll try to. I'm just worried that I won't be able to tell which is which before starting a game with them. Also there is still the other problem of people discriminating against certain armies, like "if you play that army you're a *blank*". Any advise for that? I don't really like talking to some one and I mention I play OBR, NH, and LoN and being promptly assailed with nasty comments about why those armies are bad, OP and need to be nerfed or I'm bad player for playing them. It really gets depressing. I also come across a similar problem in 40k.
  23. Even then it shouldn't be about trying to get GW to nerf every army you play against that is even the smallest bit frustrating or that you haven't been able to beat in your first few game against them. Also it's more about why are so many people in the community bitter and hostile? The community is advertised as welcoming and supportive, but if say a new player picks up and plays NH, OBR, or HOS then they get bullied or discriminated against for their choice. I personally had someone threaten to burn my book and smash my models when I beat them (I got lucky and managed to kill their general, but that was mainly good rolls on my part and bad on theirs, but they didn't see it that way, they just saw it as my faction was too OP and needed to be nerfed).
  24. I'm fairly new to aos, only really played a few games with friends. But why whenever I try to look up the answer to a question I have in the forums, most of what I see is just people ranting about, "this faction needs to be nerfed", "this army should never have been made", "ability is too overpowered", "that character needs to be nerfed". And then a few threads later I see, "why did they need this", "my army can't beat that army because I got nerfed", "if this is how GW is gonna do things then I'm out". And most of the time the reason that I see people complaining is because they are having a bit of trouble winning against a certain army, but the reason they are having trouble is because their army got nerfed, so now they want to nerf another army. I was told when I started this hobby that the community was supportive, but more than half of what I see and find is people complaining, and when someone offers advice most people either ignore it or respond with something like "well have YOU ever face them", or "you have no idea what you're talking about". And then there are the things I see and here about people being bullied away from certain armies because the community decided that if you play that armies your either a noob or a 'meta-chaser' or a bad person in general. Why? What happened? And why do I feel like everyone has it out for the death faction, and by extension me a death player?
  25. Working on putting some rules together. I'll post them here when I'm done for some feedback and opinions
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