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Beer & Pretzels Gamer

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Everything posted by Beer & Pretzels Gamer

  1. “The future is already here - it’s just not evenly distributed yet.” - William Gibson Not disputing at all the veracity of what you’re saying. But a tool I didn’t know about and had no simple and straight forward way to find out about was of no use to me. In time I did the due diligence I could including asking the manager of the FLGS I was buying from what the best thing to do was given my concerns about my painting skills. I think he gave the best advice he could given what he knew. It didn’t work. From talking to plenty of others even recently this wasn’t some aberration. Marketing of course ultimately about getting you to buy something. But any good marketer will recognize that one of the best ways to do that is to educate your customer base. GW as the biggest kid on the block was the one with the marketing budget to invest in that education, even if, as I’m sure you are correctly noting, they didn’t invent the product and arguably oversold its virtues. But as a reward for that marketing education they’ve reaped a reward in yes, selling a lot of contrast paint but I’d also suggest in enabling a bunch of new players, such as myself to finally gain traction in a hobby we then become very passionate about. Does that mean they get a pass on higher prices? Not my call because obviously every person’s hobby budget and demand elasticity to price is going to be different. Not thrilled with it myself. I think we both agree that we don’t want to see the recent price increase push anyone out of the game or prevent new players from joining by raising the $$$ barrier to entry. I think we both worry that it could. I think where we disagree is how much credit GW should get for expanding the player base to begin with. I can only speak from my own personal experience on that and my conversations with others I’ve interacted with in the game who’ve played longer than I have and the half dozen and growing I’ve directly brought into the game. From that perspective things like easier to assemble models, the combination of the painting system, app and yes contrast paints, as well as the simplification of the rule set were all absolutely critical. For others of course some of those steps may have been completely unnecessary. In the end I recognize that price may force some people out of the game and keep others from joining. Given how much I’ve come to enjoy the game though my sincere hope is that on a net basis it continues to grow.
  2. So in comparison to say a Slaughterpriest (who I’m not just plunking down in the Skull Alter buff zone) where I’ve only got a 50% chance of getting the benefit I am trying for? Or an Aspiring Deathbringer where I’m having to spend a CP for their buff. Having failed a prayer when I really needed and similarly found the CP well dry at a critical point I can see that appeal. But relative to a Bloodsecrator or my Wrathmongers (who admittedly aren’t competing for a Hero slot) the reliability advantage would be even. Thanks for the food for thought. At a minimum reopens consideration of Dark Feast. I have been strongly favoring Gore Pilgims for the Slaughterpriests and Bloodsecrator...
  3. Know it won’t happen but as someone who hasn’t gotten the chance, due to pandemic, to see the current points played to any serious extent would be hoping for no changes. Agree with @obmik1 that the problem with TZ isn’t the points, it’s issues with battalions or sub factions.
  4. @NauticalSoup hear you on 40K. My son got super excited about the Tau when I was bringing him in for painting lessons at my FLGS but we actually only play Kill Team and Apocalypse. Despite the grander scale found it so much easier to play APOC than straight 40K. And with hours and hours using them I’m familiar with strengths and weaknesses of contrast. And I still use both styles of paint on most models. But I know from my past experience with the dwarves (before they were Duardin lol) that I never would’ve gotten through the 2K plus full summoning bench for my FEC at all, nonetheless under the deadline for the tournament (as it was I insisted at midnight the night before..) without contrast paints. For less skilled painters such as myself every little bit of simplification helps. On the luck vs planned GW of course didn’t plan the large secondary market which I also think has lowered barrier to entry. While I’m proud to have an army where I can say “I did that” I’m also happy that when I want to I at least have the option of skipping the whole build & paint steps and go straight to play. Sure there was some secondary markets and commission options my first time round but clearly a lot easier these days if that’s how you want to do it. There of course GW just benefiting from technology advances.
  5. Looking for insight here on Bloodstoker. At least in my Khorne Mortals lists the primary scarcity is Hero slots. We have so many great buffing units and some interesting other options from Chaos Lord Karkadrak (or Manticore even) to Daemon Prince that I can never find the space to fit my Bloodstoker. As far as movement goes I guess I’ve just found I get enough from some Skullcrushers. But it’s clear from these threads that the Stoker is very popular. Based on your gaming experiences is it the rerolling Wounds I’m underestimating? the extra charge? the combination?
  6. I agree that it is important not to price out the community. That said I think it is important to recognize that price is only one of the barriers to entry and over last few years GW has done a tremendous amount to lower the barriers to entry. To use their own rubric for simplicity: Build - the new plastic models get easier and easier to assemble with beginners having access to push fit meaning they might not even have to deal with glue. Paint - I tried and failed to play Warhammer Fantasy years ago buying the Battle for Skull Pass set. Managed to get through the goblins but was completely stymied by trying to paint the dwarves. The painting system and app made it a lot easier for someone like myself to paint an army and be proud of the result. Contrast paints take that to a whole new degree of simplicity and were key to my finishing painting a 2K Robinhood Themed FEC army to play in my local tournament that actually garnered a few compliments. Play - even as an experienced historical war gamer the old rule set was far more cumbersome. Sure, I worry about increasing complexity in 2.0 and power creep but I was able to get my 8 year old son and his friend up and playing in 15 minutes last year. In twice that time I MIGHT have been able to explain to them how the armies moved in the old rule set... Because of this lowering of the barriers to entry I’ve brought six new players (not counting my kids) into regular play and have even more waiting for pandemic to end in order play their first game. And yes, they did get price bumps but Underworlds and WarCry still represent far lower priced entry points than were available to me when I first tried, and failed, to get into Warhammer.
  7. I’ll start off by agreeing with @Frowny that in my own personal experience Ogors are by far the most fun army to play, having played both BCR and Gutbusters centric lists. Like the big centerpiece but don’t want to be too OP throw in a FLoSH as part of an otherwise Gutbuster-based list and you should be fine. But you’ve noted you already have Mawtribes represented in your friendly local gaming group so let’s move on. I can’t speak much to the squig side of Gloomspite Gitz beyond noting that the manager of the FLGS runs them and couldn’t speak more highly of them. Similarly Trogs look great but haven’t made it onto our tables. In our gaming group though we did run for quite awhile the other parts of the faction and the Spiderfang Grots proved a particularly fun sub-faction to play and play against. I know another player in an associated gaming group we meet up with once a year for a friendly tournament is going all in on Squigs and has been loving it. So of the two options you’re leaning towards that’s the one that gets my vote. If you’re interested in still considering other options here’s some quick thoughts on the other factions in my gaming group that I can speak directly towards: Nurgle is tricky. On the one hand I think it is one of the best factions to learn to play with and with a very dedicated Nurgle player in our group I’ve had a lot of fun & memorable games against them (including with FEC, love those undead beasts as well). But other opponents get frustrated playing against all the wound negation options and Artefacts like Witherstave. I’ve come to prefer Khorne Mortals over Khorne Daemons but if you really have to have those big center piece models and are willing to go ForgeWorld could I suggest adding Mazarall the Butcher to an otherwise Mortals-centric list? He’s an amazing centerpiece and a lot of fun to play. Bonus, he doesn’t even count against your HERO slots! After Ogors, Khorne Mortals have arguably been the most fun to play and play against in our gaming group. Sylvaneth will likely be leaving our group soon as that player moves on to another army. Dryad spam wasn’t terribly fun for either side but we did have a good run with Spite Revenants and Kurnoth Hunters. The Wyldwoods the big issue with these in our perspective as both sides often were frustrated by the time it took to get them placed. Curious what your group’s experience with them has been? Kharadron Overlords play very different from anything else we have in our group due to their combination of movement & shooting. New tome seems to fix a lot of issues. Our experience has been that KO is better as a change of pace army than a first choice army. If you want to go a bit more esoteric than there’s Legion of Azgorh. We’ve seen both sides and my personal bias is towards the Execution Herd and a couple Magma Cannons but another player in our group favors the Chaos Dwarves and a full Hashut Artillery Train of MCs. In either case a fun ally (Execution Herd plus Skarbrand has been a hit, Be’lakor favored on the other side) can be the secret to making the list more fun to play and play against. Can’t speak to OBR but will say in our gaming group while FEC started out very dominant the other players found good ways to adapt to it. And for a low unit options army even a switch from Gristelgore to Blisterkin can really change things up. Anyway, if nothing else walking through this made me feel fortunate that I’ve gotten to play with & against so many different factions in my local gaming group. Hope you’re able to find something fun to add to yours!
  8. More experience seeing the Execution Herd side of LoA where Skarbrand or Mazarall the Butcher make for excellent Distraction Carnifex allowing Shar’tor and Tau’ruk to do their thing. @NJohansson idea of Khorne Daemon Prince or CSL on Manticore could be similar for a lot less points. But with a more Fireglaives centric lists not sure. All three would give you some of that melee you’re missing while keeping people focused away from your Magma Cannons. Agree with @Televiper11 that Be’lakor can be useful (true in most Chaos lists that are looking for a little oomph). But with that list what you may actually want/need is less a Hero to buff your units than an Endless Spell. Know @Televiper11 has had luck with Cogs. Soul scream Bridge another way to get those Fireglaives in shooting range. Maybe bringing an allied wizard like the Contorted Epitome and using one of its casts for an Endless Spell is best way to maximize those units?
  9. With the Lord of Change getting Spell Eater in the recent Tzeentch Tome we know this ability is possible but GW may be reluctant to repeat so quickly. (Especially as they are almost certain to get some version of Mawtribes’ multiple model count for objectives...). But maybe enabling them to “extinguish” Endless Spells by clapping them between their hands (maybe on a 4+). Or maybe “blowing them out” like a candle with a huge (stinky) breath. That could be enough to differentiate them from LoC?
  10. To get some perspective I went back to the original Beastclaw Raiders Tome and it had 20 pages of what I would call “game specific materials” (allegiance abilities, Artefact lists, battalions, war scrolls, etc.). Given the path away from small tomes such as these GW has taken I have to think that 20 pages a bare minimum for Sons... For a more recent example of a still small number of models faction I looked at Flesh Eater Courts. Their tome had 26 pages. Would guess target for Sons is actually closer to this. Okay, for a moment let’s work under the assumption that Aleguzzler still a single war scrolls and each of the giants they’ve shown gets a single page war scroll. So that’s 4 pages. Let’s go with 2 pages of allegiance abilities (pretty standard unless there’s a 3rd page with summoning...), 4 pages of sub-factions, 1 page command trait, 1 page artefacts, and 2 pages of battalions. That’s 14 pages suggesting there is at least 6 pages of “stuff” we don’t know about yet. Any wizard or priest option adds a page of spell lore/prayers. Endless Spells and/or Terrain piece another page or two. Splitting the Aleguzzler scroll maybe another couple of pages. That could get us to BCR’s 20 pages, which still leaves plenty more upside to FEC’s page count. Maybe I just really want there to be more and I’m grasping at straws but I have to think there is more plastic (models, terrain, or endless spells) to come to fill out the pages...
  11. First off, welcome to the wonderful world of Khorne! The Blood God eagerly awaits your Blood Tithe and all the skulls you are sure to add to the Skull Throne. By choosing the Mortals side of the faction you’ve ensured yourself of plenty of options so really a lot of the advice will depend on what you consider fun? Love having massive hordes rampaging across the table and don’t care that many will sacrificed to wrack up your Blood Tithe? Than Reavers and Marauders (if you can find and don’t mind the models or identify a good proxy for) are a good choice and the rest is about maximizing their potential wit( your buffing units. Enjoy hard hitting heavy cavalry, then strongly consider a Brass Stampede of Mighty Skullcrushers (though to get to your Slaves to Darkness query, I am very fond of running the Chaos Lord on Karkadrak alongside them either instead of or in addition to the Mighty Lord on Juggernaut). Since I am a far bigger fan of the Bloodsecrator and enjoy having a multiple Slaughterpriests I almost always start my lists with Gore Pilgrims, which can also allow me to address all my battlelines. If you’re going to focus primarily on the ground game Wrathmongers, either stand alone or as part of Bloodforged Battalion are always a fun addition. (And a big plus with Khorne Mortals is how easy it is to run double-battalions and pick up the extra artefacts and CP if you need them...). Or again, if you want more movement than a Mighty Skullcrushers are a great way to go. In my opinion, the STD Chaos Warriors and Chaos Knights don’t currently give us much that we can’t get better internally. But if you enjoy them go for it and if you picked up the STD start collecting kit that got you a great option again in the Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (and gives him something to use his Command Ability on). If you want to go super crazy on the non-Blades of Khorne Khorne options then there’s always Doombull & Bullgors in Brass Despoilers from Beasts of Chaos. If you’re willing to consider adding daemons that fit nicely in with mortals I highly recommend Flash Hounds and/or Karanak. While the non-summoning Blood Tithe table should not be ignored you probably will also want at least a few summoning options which does mean you’ll want a few daemons anyway. Flesh Hounds, Bloodcrushers (particularly if you skipped Skull Crushers) and at least one Bloodthirster are probably enough to at least have your opponent worried about what you might do. But if you only take one thing away from this it should be that Khorne Mortals are incredibly flexible so figure out first what play style you’lll get the most out of and then tweaking up or down depending on level of competition is a matter of adding or subtracting buffing units, potent allies, or switching artefacts and/or sub-factions. The added benefit is that, because the AoS meta is always in flux something flexible like Khorne Mortals is better long-term than something that will get nerfed into oblivion with the next FAQ or see its cost go way up in the next General’s Handbook. Finally a Skull Altar is basically a must given the buff to Slaughterpriests and that it costs you nothing points wise. Given the amount of spell casting in the last few releases (TZ, Seraphon, and more coming with the pointy aelves...) I’d also strongly recommend the Endless Spells, in particular the Hexgorger Skulls, but the Wrath-Axe also very good.
  12. One of the first things we’re going to try when our gaming group gets back together is Brass Despoilers plus Gore Pilgrims. The latter gets you the Bloodsecrator (for the +1 attack) and the Slaughterpriests for the +1 to Hit buff. At minimum size for both you still have plenty of points left over to either bulk up your Bulls or add other Khorne buffing units to the list.
  13. The biggest surprise I’d love to see is a Gargantuan Artillery Unit! Not a gargant using a separate artillery piece mind you (though believe me I’d take that too) but more a gargant holding a ballista like it was a crossbow or using the arm of a catapult like a lacrosse stick. That’s probably too far out there though. Think I saw someone earlier in the thread picturing the gargant version of a leadbelcher, which could be cool as well. More likely is to get them just throwing rocks as our Shooting Phase... Part of the hoping for more models though is that the army gets rounded out enough. For battle line current Aleguzzler or updated version plus a second kit that can be modeled at least two ways (too much to ask that each of the two different ways gets two weapons options)? BCR and the three gargant preview gives me hope that we could see something like the Stonehorn/Thundertusk - Frostlord/Huskard/Beastriders versatility in the mid-tier kit(s). That would allow for a Start Collecting kit a la BCR with one of the mid-tier kits and one of the new battleline kits. Then I agree the money maker model kit of King Brodd/Generic Super-sized Gargant (a la the old Khorne’s Khul/Mighty Lord of Khorne thinking, albeit hopefully with more diversity). From I’m done to day dreams like these... But while I’m at it a unique rule I’d like to see, even if just for the largest gargant is the Drax “Nothing Goes Over My Head” rule that’s prevents flying units from going over them when moving, charging or piling in. At a minimum would like to see them get “Swing Batter, Batter, Swing!” bonuses against Flying units given they are effectively on the same level (at least as modeled... understand technically they fly higher but think this is an under explored area of the game that could give Gargants some unique flavor).
  14. Just when I thought I was out, they PULL me back in! Seriously, with the Mawtribes release considered my Destruction Box more than satisfactorily checked. But then our family’s “art class” substitution got me back painting models and while I still don’t enjoy working on small models at larger scales I have to admit I am seeing some improvement. At first I wasn’t too sure about the Sons but remembered enjoying detailing a partially painted Ale Guzzler last year and then that preview... And then the rationalizations start. No, I don’t “need” another army but... this one will only have a few models so it’s not like I’d be taking up too much more space. And yes, I just got done selling most of my old Gitz army because I was much more into my Gutbusters and BCR so I particularly don’t “need” another Destruction army but... surely the Mawtribes and Sons will be able to ally. And so on and so forth. In the end if the new tome can offer me enough differentiation from Mawtribes (though I am guessing they’ll get a similar “counts as X models for objectives” along with any “punting”) I just have to accept that I’ll be adding this faction. I am actually hoping that it ends up closer to ten or twelve models for a standard list. My current thought is that it will end up being something like three 3x unit battle lines (sized somewhere between Rockgut Troggoths and Aleguzzlers or simply the latter’s size), a “super-sized” hero, and two support Heroes (most likely priests or wizards) sized in between. But will just have to wait & see.
  15. As my handle suggests and as I’ve posted in other narrative threads I am primarily in AoS for the fun and for me that mainly means narrative. I am very fortunate to have a local gaming group that is also very into narrative. We’re working through a campaign (on hold for obvious reasons at moment) where Khorne Daemons and Khorne Mortals are competing to see who can provide more skulls for the skull throne. It has been a lot of fun. But as others have noted this can be compatible with more competitive play as well. Narrative games are a great way to explore new units and try out new combos. Three of us from the narrative group went to the local gaming tournament and we used what we’d learned from the narrative games to build our lists. Our still relative lack of experience (and a few bad draws, e.g. I ran up against the White Dwarf Slaanesh list in my first game that puts a half dozen KoS on the table) meant we didn’t do great but we were all competitive enough that we had a great time. We’ve taken what we learned and we’re seeing if we can find new armies or combinations NOT to go the power list route but to be in more games. Sure any of us would love a top place but 3-2 would be fine for all of us in the end. That said we all love playing against an @Dead Scribe style player at these events because we always learn something new. I lost badly against Slaanesh but still learned more on a practical, as opposed to theoretical, basis about deployment, concentrating fire and the importance sniping key units. That’s a great thing about AoS is that it has a really well rounded player base so in a large enough tournament you’re as likely to run into a power list as a pure fun list. My hardest match At the tournament was actually against a really wonky old tome Seraphon list that teleported R1T1 and shot most of my Heroes out from under me. Nicest guy you’d ever meet though and it was clear from the all metal models And the way he talked about his army that this was an army he’d been playing a long, long time. All of which is a long way of confirming that depth is the best way to go about finding this balance. Each active army in our in little group has 3K+ worth of units. This mainly evolved organically out of narrative “needs” but it means we have a lot of flexibility when it comes to increasing the competitiveness of our lists when we leave or narrative bubble. (Side benefit where it applies this also means we have a really good summoning selection to choose from.) Can’t speak to IDK specifically on that note but will note that despite its similar minimal unit count we didn’t have a problem striking this balance with FEC. Good luck and sincerely hope you find a way to experience the best of both worlds.
  16. My base case is Goretide. Have some spare Bull Centaur Renders I had hoped to proxy as Centigors as they are an excellent model But the base sizes just too different. Unfortunate as, you note above, would give this list a little more range. Would add to drops but Wrathmongers, since they buff the Khorne keyword as you note, have grown in appeal. Using the range of the Ghorgon behind some screening Mortals also has been recommended to me by a regular BoC player.
  17. With a lot of list building time at moment was working through the “final frontier” of my Khorne armies now that I feel like, after several games, I have a few really good Mortals lists, some Daemons lists coming into shape, and decent blended options: adding some Beasts of Chaos to the mix. It seems like a Doombull/Bullgor centric Brass Despoilers Battalion the way to go and pairs nicely with my favorite Mortals Battalion, Gore Pilgrims. But once I’ve met the basic requirements fir both battalions is it better to lean into the new BoC options that are available or does pushing more Mortals into the mix provide better balance/value?
  18. Here you go. He’s definitely smaller than a Daemon Prince.
  19. Been very lucky that I convinced my family that while the kids are home from school “Art Class” should be painting miniatures. My daughter likes mythical animals so she’s been painting mounted Stormcast. My son tackled his Knight Incantors. My wife decided on a Phoenix. Has let me so far finish off three partially painted models (Chaos Lord on Karkadrak, The Changeling, Chaos Sorcerer Lord) and even start on a few new things (magister, ogroid thaumaturge). Only real downside has been the reminder that I’m only the third best painter in my family, and as my 9-year old son gets better I’m probably destined for fourth place... 🤷‍♂️ May shift to some assembly soon. Can we call that “Shop Class”?
  20. For Mortals, whether you take the actual Battalion (140 pts) or not there are far worse places to start than Gore Pilgrims: Bloodsecrator 1 or 2 Slaughter Priests (I’m biased to 2, especially with Skull Alter, but you may prefer another option) 1 unit of Bloodreavers 1 unit of Bloodwarriors This covers your battle lines and gives you at least two good buffing units. At minimum size with the battalion that’s 530 pts. That leaves you a lot of room to configure towards your play style. Want a hard hitting unit consider the Chaos Lord on Karkadrak. Want lots of bodies got to a max size unit of reavers and get a nice point break. Want to buff your other units consider adding some Wrathmongers, who bonus, damage your opponent when they explode upon dying. Heck, consider adding a a Daemon Prince and use his ability to ****** up your opponents plan. Will leave it to others to cover Daemons as points wise they’re tough at 2K for me to be truly happy with so not sure how I’d scale down. But Mortals have a lot of good options. As far as doubles Goes a lot of course would depend on what your opponent is bringing but another basic set up to consider is Brass Stampe (here battalion probably not worth it. Maybe something like: Mighty Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut Chaos Lord on Karkadrak 3x Mighty Skullcrushers 3x Mighty Skullcrushers Without the battalion and thus the required third unit of Skullcrushers that gives you 270 pts to play with. But that foundation brings a lot of movement and potential damage to a doubles team.
  21. Since I started playing I’ve wanted a “classic cavalry” army list given my passion for the Mongol Empire and its history. Which to my doesn’t have to be 100% cavalry but a list where the cavalry provides the primary utility of the army, so greatly appreciate the thread. Tried Swifthawk Agents with Ellyrian Reavers, High Wardens and Sky Cutters backed by some infantry to hold objectives (and meet battleline requirements I believe). In theory loved the Ellyrian special ability to Shoot and move given alignment with Mongol tactics but in practice a 4’x6’ shrinks way too fast in most games to Mae it a truly viable tactic. In practice it almost always came down to the High Wardens and Swordmasters to do the army’s work so nice try but ultimately a failure from running a true cav-centric list. Then they got squatted so... As others have mentioned the closest I’ve truly come is running Braggoth’s Beast Hammer in BCR. Won a small friendly round robin tournament with it last year. Both Mournfang and Gore Gruntas functioned effectively as classic Heavy Cav (not as much movement but hit like a hammer once they’re stuck in, living up to battalion name) so it really comes down whether by Cav you simply mean “mounted” or are more specifically looking for the functionality/utility of say, historical cavalry as from my perspective Stonehorns and Thundertusks are effectively more equivalent to modern tanks than historical cavalry. I spent a lot of time recently trying to make an OBR based list that appealed to me, including variations on what @Overread has but personally just couldn’t get into it. Others mileage of course may vary. I have not personally run a Gloomspite Squig list but the manager of my FLGS has and sings it’s praises but from conversations the greatest fun comes from some of the elements that would make it very “non-traditional” from a functional perspective. His wife runs an IDK eels list and she really enjoys that. Not sure where that one sits on the spectrum though. Cant speak to Varaguard. In the end I guess I’d say if what you are primarily looking for is the mounted aesthetic of cavalry you have plenty of options. But in my experience if you are looking for the feel and experience equivalent to historical cavalry (whether light or heavy) that is a lot trickier
  22. Having watched a friend experience their misery I’m going to go with Infernal Guard Ironsworn in Legion of Azgorh as while neither war scrolls is great at only 10 points more Fireglaives seem so much better. Based on experience the most damage they do is when they get attacked as their Spiteshields do 1 MW on an unmodified Save Roll of 6. Their base weapon profile is 1/3+/4+/-1/1 with the Rend being the only good thing about it. Blackshard Armor means they can ignore the first wound in both the shooting phase and the combat phase but all of LoA gets that and at only 1 Wound even with a 4+ Save they don’t last long and with a Bravery of 6 you can expect to lose more to Battleshock more often than not. Being FW the insult to injury is you have to pay extra to get any of the command units. Add in their 4” movement and if your opponent doesn’t want to bother to eliminate them from the table all too often they can just ignore them by maneuvering around. In comparison while Fireglaives lose the Rend on their melee weapon they have Rend on their shooting, which makes them much more difficult to ignore. So unless you’re taking the Battalion (which requires two of each) and you haven’t just gone the far superior route of the Execution Herd allowing you to make Bull Centaur Renders battleline you’re probably best off taking three minimum size units of Fireglaives to screen your artillery or maybe hold a back line objective and filling the rest of your army with units that might actually do something.
  23. So new Daemons list, as noted above, did much better. After several games where Bloodletters let the side down the switch to Flesh Hounds for Battleline was one of the areas of clearest improvement. Along with that came switch from Murderhost Battalion to Blood Hunt Battalion making the foundation of the army: Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster Karanak Three Units of 5x Flesh Hounds as we went over the 2K limiter this narrative match this battalion also had two units of 3x Bloodcrushers. Truth be told they were almost as disappointing as their unmounted brethren. On top of that foundation we added Skarbrand, Mazarall the Butcher and a Daemon Prince. The reality was that with KO having no spell casting and not really wanting to Charge in we didn’t see the true potential of this list. For final round we’ll drop at least a unit of Bloodcrushers to get back to 2K compliance and see how it works on more normal conditions. Part of me is curious though to add a Tyrants of Blood Battalion (Skarbrand, Rage Fury) as in non-narrative this minimizes drops and gets you an extra Artefact. Not to mention the chain activation from Battalion. But loses you some of the unique things Maz and DP bring. And with their better saves they seemed to last longer on table despite fewer wounds. Any thoughts on the relative merits outside of fewer drops of switching?
  24. Well the second round of our Khorne Narrative is in the bag. Much closer this time as the Daemons wracked up 69 Wounds worth of killed models in the clash with the Kharadron. Unfortunately for them the Mortals managed to score 72 Wounds worth of kills, further widening the already large gap that they’d built in Round One. With the score at Daemons 99 - Mortals 190 would take a very dramatic swing for Daemons to come back but we’re gonna finish this one out. Not certain what the final two armies will be? Maybe FEC and Nurgle...
  25. Speaking of a Khorne Mortals. In their half of the narrative the Sylvaneth have managed to split their army in two. Can they come back together and crush them into splinters? And of course how many more Skulls will they add to the Skull Throne as part of Bel’akor’s bet?
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