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Everything posted by Dukeus

  1. Its not about money. Its about sending a message.
  2. These plaque ogers look awesome. Looking to see more vampirates stuff here.
  3. I cancelled my subsciption a week ago because of that. I liked the list building with the Azyr App but without point Updates after weeks its just useless. How much work can it be to adjust some numbers? Should be done in some hours.
  4. Thx a lot. Well that sucks. Maybe i just roll out that single damage like a normal attack. With a wound and save roll.
  5. Do i have to Update the Azyr App Somehow? Still no point Upgrade to ghb 2020 Standard. Its really annoying. I mean for what do i pay there exactly. Do do the math in my head myself?
  6. Hi Everyone. Some Artefacts add 1 to the damage value at an unmodified 6. But the weapon already does D6 MW at 6 and the attack sequence ends. Is it then D6+1 or is the additional 1 damage lost. Example: God Forged Blade in combination with the Drakesworn templar lance.
  7. As much as i love my stormcast. I hope GW focuses on other armies. They already have to much stuff. Its so much healthier for the game. 40k turns me quite off with the Focus on space Marines. Even Chaos is basically space Marines. So boring. Some updated rules and i am happy.
  8. I like how everyone did a 3+ ethereal hero. I did the same. 😄 So you can Stack the attributes. Like heavy armor * 3 for example
  9. Well. Normal matched play rules are not given by god. Just wrote down by some people at GW and we agree to play with them. If its actually fun and people like it, i assume their will be tournaments that allow it. Future will tell if it will play a bigger Part or not. Probably not but who knows.
  10. Me too. More options are always welcome. The exclusive models Larissa Shadowstalker and Leena Stormsire look sick.
  11. Is it possible to give your own heros artefacts and command traits. Or is it more like a named hero where you can not? Would like to create some celestial vindicator hero that has synergie with that stormhost traits and artefacts for example. Would be good to know.
  12. Well good thing about the hobby is you can paint them in every colour you like. ;). But i want a female drakesworn templer or dracoth rider to lead my Extremis chamber. So more female models for stormcast are always welcome. By the way there are a lot of female models, little dudes, giant dudes, fat dudes, ugly dudes, all kind of elves,.... and more then 140 coulors to give them the skin tone you prefer. If someone feels offended about GWs Model Range. Well. Get another Hobby i guess
  13. Wait for it aswell. Could be a cool lord celestant on foot. I read it was released as exclusive on some Australien Event.
  14. I watched a lot of battle reports when i started with the hobby. I just painted models and then Corona happend so i have Zero experience myself but Sklaven / Skryre looks the most fun to me. Strange and weird rules. You can blow up your whole army on your own if you get unlucky with dice. Units like the doomwheel seem fun. I enjoyed every battle report involving Skaven so far.
  15. Awesome painted stormcast. I love the coulors. Well done basing too. I always prefered Metall armor instead of some fancy coulors but your Style changed my mind a little. I like the exclusive models as well. I miss the orc heads but it fits better to the rest, the way you converted it. Looking forward to see more. Keep up that good work
  16. Hi All, I orderd some helmet blumes of the evocators on dracolines online. But all heads are out of Stock. Do the normal evocator heads work as well? Would like to know before i get the wrong ones. I someone likes to trade or sell a Single female one you are also welcome (if allowed to ask here )
  17. Where is this from? I really need some flat greenskins
  18. I thought Alith Anar shoot him with an arrow? Not familiar with the lore just heard it somewhere. That shadow elves look really cool. I like the old dark elves and their assasins.
  19. You can only Pick one stormhost per battle or none at all. But It doesnt matter what you paint them. You can paint half of the as excelsior and the other half as anvils and play them together. But you can only get the buff of one stormhost. Still applies to ALL units in your army except named Heros (they are All hammers of Sigmar ) Dont know about any Champions that are not Hammers of Sigmar. But i like it more to create my own characters anyway.
  20. I really like the weapons. Thats what i have in mind for old world kislev magic ice weapons. Well done
  21. Awesome painted stuff here. 10 chainrasps in a week is awesome and they look great. I need so much longer Finally finished my first 500-540 point army (can switch dracoth weapons) . Inspired by the coulors of the Byzantine Empire. Always wanted to have a fantasy Version of them. Luckily i got all colours bevor gw closed.
  22. Could be :). Are there any hints what a new chamber could look like? Iam not familiar with the lore at all.
  23. Friend of mine is from kyrgyzstan and she actually has a headgear that looks like the one of the upper right. Looks kinda Old world to me. Love the Model and Kislev. I found my next Project. Awesome
  24. Its like 1000 times more User friendly and faster. If you like building armys in theory and try out different combinations its worth the little money. You also can save dozens of lists. I honestly recommend it. But if you already have your army and just want to switch in and out some warscroll here and there just skip it
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