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  1. I also see a benefit in splitting the three shots for multiple -1 to-hit debuffs.
  2. That was also my first thought, but I am not sure about this. Games will show. As long as they are ingnoring -2 rend, there will be plenty abilities giving them a 3+ roll, mountain dudes always 2+ roll, perhaps all the time? That does not sound too bad to me. Mystic Shield, Command Ability and Aether Quarz are three units per turn. Of course they loose their re-roll via the battalion.
  3. Thanks. But that's really a bad profile just for looking cooler than the others. 😆
  4. I have got a stupid question: how many attacks does a Truestone Senshal have? Is it 6 because he wields two Stratum Hammers and the Standard Bearer only 3 attacks with one hammer?
  5. You can also play the Balistas with a Lord Ordinator or Knight-Azyros in the new Cities of Sigmar. I am really looking forward to this. Also a bunch of empowered endless spells are good fun for Teclis. Maybe even Emerald Lifeswarm is an option there. Has anyone seen the full rules for Settlers Gain?
  6. Opps, Vanari. I am sorry. But with the Shining Company and Sunmetal MW on 5+ with 3* attacks fighting from 2 ranks they get interesting again. (*average estimation: maybe rank 1 has even 6 models within 2", at 25mm maybe 3 enemy ranks could be 9 models, and the second rank only 3)
  7. If they are Hurakan, they will be able to pile-fly in 6 inches? Maybe also flying shenanigan might be available somehow? What combinations are possible? +1 Attack from our Avalenor?
  8. I am really wondering about the ballistas: why are they so expensive? They do not seem to be bigger than the Stormcast ones. Is there anything known about the base size? I am quite excited how many would fit into our different army tactics, 1, 2, 3 or even 4?
  9. I personally like this list and playstyle with Cleansing Phalanx. It is really good fun to play. But I do not think that Gavriel works well with battallions. Since Sequitors do not get the Blob-Bonus (440 for 20) I would reduce them to 15: Base Size, Pile-In and the 9 Inch Castellant already gets difficult. Depends a little, how much damage they will get on the opponents first charge. If you want to buff them in the hero phase, you cannot Deepstrike and Surecharge them. Does this work for your strategy? Then you have room for more tools. Either 3 more Evocators on Dracoline as Celestial Vindicators. Maybe the Knight Heraldor fits for multiple retreat-charge actions and beasty D3 damage claws? Then you could also change to the Arcanum's mount to a Dracoline for more support. Or you go the Staunch Defender Castellant route with all the buffs on the Sequitors.
  10. I have got a rules question regarding Myari's Purifiers. They all got the Ymetrica Keyword in their warscroll. However, it might be great playing them in an Syar or Zaitrec army. Stacking -1 to hit buffs could be great fun. I assume they cannot get those nation keyword? Will all the rules get applied? I think Myari and the Warband will each get a seperate aetherquarz reserve?
  11. 30 Phoenix Guard is for sure the magic number: With the horde bonus they are really solid. Do not forget, that they are fighting in 3 ranks because of their 2" weapons. But you should always add the Annointed on foot for ignoring battleshock. Additionally, a major fun thing is, that you can easily switch between cities but still keep nearly the same army lists. 30PG in the phoenicum can also be great fun with death frenzy.
  12. That is really a nice colour scheme. Although I might prefer brighter jewels as an eye catcher. May I ask how you painted the robe? On the one hand it seems to be quick that you can paint 60-100 Aelves but also very smooth and clean. Is it done traditionally with Seraphim Sepia Shade or with some Contrast? The difference between the sepia and the clear white on the armour is nice, too.
  13. I also play it this way, but what is the exact rules wording, that allows me to do so? Isn't generally entering the 3" zone forbidden without a charge move?
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