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Everything posted by Beastmaster

  1. Very nice! I could also see the well-meaning anarchist seeking fundamental change get in the fangs of Tzeentch, the nice fun-loving party host being slowly overtaken by Slaanesh, or, perhaps most disturbing, the self-sacrificing caretaker of the sick becoming entangled with Nurgle. Just like in real life, they don’t start as evil. They slowly slide into it until there‘s no turning back.
  2. Have you tried the old Necromunda rules from 1995? They can still be found on the Internet. Never played it, but it looks like oldschooly Mordheim-like fun, all in one book, for free. Just add dice and miniatures. And there will never be any official addons again. To add to the general discussion, I had a similar experience with Kill Team. I got interested, I looked at the mass of books, rules and stuff I would need just to get into it at this point, then I stopped. From GWs point of view, that’s actually catastrophic if more people feel that way.
  3. Ok, I may be a bit of a special case, since I started with Ogors, which can be built as one of the cheapest armies in the game, and compare from there. For comparison, I recently calculated the Euro/point ratio for different common units. With Ogors it’s about 8. Idoneth are somewhere between 3 and 4. The Lumineth battleline is under 3. I know many buyers won’t calculate the ratio. But as far as I’ve heard, most start with setting a first points goal before they start collecting. And it does make a huge difference if I get to, say, 1000 p with 130 € or with 350 €. I would do the first, MAYBE the second, but definitely not both. If this goes on I’m sure there will be a point where sales will go down for new kits, because more people decide they’re just not worth it, or at least only buy what’s absolutely necessary for playing at all. Maybe we are already at that point. And, as can be seen in all those pile of shame discussions, a lot of GW sales depends on people not only buying what is absolutely needed... 😎
  4. I don’t necessarily think that price increases keep people from getting their first army, because you need it to play. But for me, it’s definitely an important factor in the decision to start a second or third army, which is not really needed, and much more of a luxury buy. Your choice, GW.
  5. Yep, that’s also a problem, if you’re not playing in an isolated group, it’s impossible to change anything, make house rules, ignore FAQs or to leave addons completely out of your games. Another constraint over which the single player has no control, and where fuming on the internet is basically the only possible action one can take.
  6. Like Darth said: I find your lack of faith disturbing. 😄 We have to keep in mind that these are chaotic times indeed. No one could expect what happened in the last months, and no one knows what will happen during the next. Just cut them some slack.
  7. And then there is Brexit looming. 😬 Must be a nightmare in those times to calculate a release and to ensure shops worldwide keep well-stocked. Seriously.
  8. How is miniature production getting along right now? Are they still severely limited by Corona? If they wouldn’t be able to meet customer demands in miniature output anyway, maybe it’s a clever tactic to stretch out the releases (and the Hype) over a longer time period?
  9. That’s actually a nice summary. What exacerbates this is the fact that miniature games are a huge investment in time and money to be even able to play. I can only imagine the frustration of someone who is mainly playing to win if he feels like his collection, in which he invested countless hours and dollars, is getting unfairly weaker than others, and there’s actually not much he can do about it. Even from a narrative point of view, it’s not a nice story if your superhuman heroes just keep on losing. I really think that a more grimdark setting helps with this.
  10. Will the furniture and the miniatures be in scale with the 28+ mm heroic of current GW models? If yes, we could easily substitute models with GW models to make it more Warhammery. I‘m actually not that impressed by the HQ models anyway. Though I think almost everything in that box could be used for that weird RPG-Tabletop hybrid running around in my head... 😄
  11. Well, it would be better if he didn’t have hooves. 😁
  12. Skaven paw, maybe? Somehow reminds me a bit of the Verminlord.
  13. I really wonder why they didn’t expand in that direction in the first place. Just yesterday I saw a lot of Battlemats on Deepcut Studios that seem to emulate different AoS realms. Would have sold like crazy with the AoS license/marketing, good for both. Someone in the Marketing department must have slept. 😎
  14. 4+ Swallowing the spell whole 6+ Spit it back against its caster 😄
  15. The design of the Gargant models is what I would see as a perfect example of keeping with the traditional look of the old Aleguzzler, yet make it new and impressive. It’s exactly what I hope for other ranges too. 😃 Of course, this means if someone didn’t like the Aleguzzler, he won’t like the new Gargants, too. But nothing will ever appeal to everyone.
  16. I just hope my Aleguzzler model gets at least some usefulness as an Ally under the new Gargant rules. May even motivate me to finally finish painting the model. 😅
  17. I could imagine that they wait with a Cities update until Oldworld comes around.
  18. Ok, now that you say it I remember last time I was in a miniature shop I heard a conversation between the shop owner and a customer. The owner asked if he would be interested in playing. And the customer said he wouldn’t play because he hated losing so much and he would be afraid of losing control over himself if he lost. A normal middle-aged man. I find this attitude self-crippling. In RPGS, there is also this kind of gamers who are only interested in being the strongest. Maybe that’s comparable. Seems there is a streak in nerdism using fantasy games mainly for self-empowering. I don’t know how many they are and honestly I find it sad. But for the sake of enjoyable playing experiences I’d advise to stay away from them.
  19. I still like the Plague Monk kit. They look reasonably ratty (as in non-hamstery) imo. And they are plastic, cheap, easy to convert to almost anything.
  20. Skaven weapon teams and Acolytes. And Yhetees. Mainly because it’s difficult to find or customize alternatives for them. Many other outdated units can be circumvented quite easily (e.g. Fenrisian wolves for frostsabers). Heroes are generally not that much of a problem, I think, since you can spend some time to customize. But homebuilding alternatives for whole battlelines is absurd.
  21. At some point they will have to sort out the vampires in some form. And the traditional gothic vampire look might not be considered AoSy enough. So the open question is which way they will go with them. Pirates are just as likely or unlikely as literally anything else. Since the TW vampire coast is fully fleshed out and was well received, Pirates may seem the safe lazy man‘s choice for the designers. But GW has shown in the past that they’re not afraid of completely new and quite bold design decisions. So everything is open from that angle, too.
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