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Everything posted by chord

  1. Original Hammerstrike where I can drop the paladins in, or still just a bonus?
  2. Personally I'm a fan of the relictors (had two since the beginning of AoS thanks to Ebay). They've saved the day for me many times. But that said a catellant is a great choice as well and gives you a gryph hound. Why not both
  3. What would KO terrain look like? A cloud? 😀
  4. For Me: Full stop on purchases till I play more games, more frequently.
  5. "Spiderfang Grot units deal mortal wounds on a 5+ to hit, rather than a 6+. " This bothers me ALOT. Bloodletters nerfed to unmodified, stormcast retributors nerfed to unmodified , etc. What?
  6. Great question!! I don't want metal or finecast either. I find it crazy that to have effective summoning we need a slann while other factions don't need a particular model tax. GW give us a nice plastic one at least.
  7. Yup it would make it 6. It can be used on the carnosaur
  8. Who? Never heard of them. (Didn't play WHFB)
  9. Well...its only nostalgia for those who read all the old world novels. For people new to AoS. the stories are just really odd when you're supposed to know references, etc.
  10. Disagree!! I started with AoS and it was great initially!! None of the WHFB baggage and people who were into playing for fun. Was doing super great in my area, and has gone downhill since 2.0 . Please stop speaking like what you think are facts. It's just one of many opinions.
  11. Agreed!! This new battletome is so frustrating. I read the DoK one and wow it's awesome, everything is useful and battalions are useful then compare that to ours...
  12. Why do the flesh hounds have the frills...think it makes them look way less scary then they should be.
  13. Technically 4, but then people would complain about buying more battletomes.
  14. A lot of people hate on stormcast for no reason. Well they are just mad their favorite army does not get as many units.
  15. Mortal wounds in skirmish are key! I vote for a priest. Movement is also very important in skirmish if you can out-maneuver your opponent you get an advantage
  16. We're running a skirmish league in my area, its doing great!
  17. we see something similar a lot in our local GW Store. The Seraphon start collecting always draws the attraction of new people, but for some odd reason GW has almost zero seraphon models stocked in store, so when they look at what else goes with the army they see nothing. Of course they get the pitch you can order on this website...but usually they put it down and go with something else.
  18. Agreed the ruins don't really do it for me at the price points.
  19. Wasn't that the box that gave you 12 gryph-hounds or something crazy? That makes it highly unappealing.
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