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Everything posted by Zappgrot

  1. Well form the rules in the warclan book it's easy to assum they can be in the big whaagh. I don't think its a streach to assume they will have the orruk keyword.
  2. Oh wil since AOS 2.0 gw learned that FOMO marketing works. So they will keep doing it forever. And not only GW. FOMO marketing will become standard in every industry before to long
  3. Yea so this is going to be 40k 9.5 or something. I love the models but every thing they spoiled for the game sounds like the worst thing possible. More focus on hero's and monsters. ;-( smaller tabel sizes ;-( more abilities ;-( A bonus command point for going second ;-( (what the hell in AOS you want to go second do they even play their own game?) Uh i gues we will see. This is the bad thing about warhammer as an hobby your kind of depenent on the whims of GW even if they have ideas that are meh.
  4. Build around him how? He has 0 synergy whit anny thing. Abilities or spells don't work on him cause he doesn't have keywords.
  5. Off topic. But that is some cool terrain you got there. I love it. Also leave it to the SOB to make the orgres look small
  6. They even the spread the love. Cause every other allegiance can take that sculpt to. Gw loves destruction so much that they think no faction should be whitout a little destruction on the inside.
  7. From the leaked Kragnos points page it seems that the battalions are in the Kragnos book. ( and nothing else)
  8. Kragnos Feels like an insult. His model does not fit whit the rest of the destcrution aesthetic. His fluff comes at you out of nowhere. His rules are both booring and lol random at the same time. And he's overcosted The perfect dark brown smelly mess of bad.
  9. While i tink the battle tomes varry a bit in strength both internaly and externaly. I don't think AOS is all that bad. 40K has a way worse 7th 8th and now 9th see codexes that dominate the competative scene solo. While also haveing armies that might as well just stay in the box for all the power lvl they contain. HH is lot better but even there you see that some armies can't compete at all. (good luck playing word bearers vs iron warriors). And some battle tomes might be a bit bland. But I heavily prefer that over the way 40k is now. Whit dozens of inbalanced relics, warlord traits and stratagems all fighting for the players atention. It makes 40k a combo fest where some combos break te game in to while others are comleet snoze. Makeing the game less fun to play. You get the impresion that list building matters way more then what you do in the actual game. (well appart from lucking out on who starts or not) I pray to the dice gods that aos 3.0 stays bland. Cause if it gets as "spicy"as 40k It might end up giving me indegestion and going down the toilet.
  10. Well don't take me out of context. The point is was trying to make is that if you play very casually and not use much tactics you will suffer more at the hands of unbalance. Skill can certainly help you a lot. Skill is still a factor. its just not the only factor. And the less skilled you are the more army balance becomes a factor.
  11. I'ts not cheating. And he did not claim it is cheating. He said that it feels or is percived as "cheating". Not because rules are broken but because it's a way to try and overcome a lack of skill. Now that is not entirerly true because. Beeing in the meta and haveing the right stuff is also a sort of skill. So it's not like the problem whit overpowered armies is skill based. Truly it's not even a game problem (from an competative standpoint). it's an economic problem. Because it puts capital at an advantage compared to skill. And I can understand that that irritates ppl. That aside from a hobby perspective it's also a bit of a problem. When your army is so bad you struggle to win. Because that makes you feel bad about something you spend a lot of time on creating. And the last thing i noticed is that the unbalance in amries is even worse for the verry casual amoung the player base. Really compatative and skilled players make way less mistakes in thier gameplay and can get around the diffrances in stats between units by useing the units correctly and supportive of each army element. But if you are just smacking stuff together casualy whit not much of a game plan. The units that are statsticly better one on one will Always come out on top. Some of the ppl at our club play against each other over and over. And we had a orruk player that always lost to his friends khorne army. Now that the new book is out he is starting to win. Not because they learned something, No just because in a straith up smackdown the orruks just got a little better whit the book
  12. Oh that sounds pretty impactfull. But doesn't that get counterd by the rules that state that if you must strike first and strike last you strike at the normal time?
  13. They did? What happend? I would think that the release of Slaves to Darkness only gave them more options.
  14. Really Slaanesh is a bit of a problem . That win rate at a reasonable meta % is just broken
  15. Undivided makes you units immune to battle shock. That is actually really good for armies that plan to swarm the board whit models And hold the objectives trough sheer number of bodies. The book can build list like that whit marauders or marauder horsemen- Sadly the marauder models are really ugly.
  16. You could? How? The old rules for marks made you mark them when you deploy them. When do you build army list in aos ccording to the rules when you deploy?
  17. I was wondering now that they changed the wording of the makrs. Does this mean you can play units whit a mark useing that god's battle tome. Like useing khorne marked units to build a blades of khorne army?
  18. Since i play Khorne a fair bit i think i will put in my two cents. I am going to work whit the list you provided. Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster 6 Bloodcrushers 30 Bloodletters Bloodsecrator 5 Fleshhounds Bloodthrone Karanak Skull Cannon Skullmaster 2 Slaughterpriests Skull Alter Now important when playing the game is keeping in mind what you want to do. Looking at the units you have I see one problem is the lack of bodies. for 2000 point's its not that much. While you have a fair few hard hitting units like the bloodthirster en the bloodcrushers and the slaugherpriest you lack enough bodies to screen yourself and then take the objectives. This is not ideal if you want to play the game by claiming objectives. By the description of it that sounds like what the seraphon player is dooing. It's going to be hard to beat him at that so i would not try. I think you should go whit the true Khorne feel and try to make as many things die as quickly as possible. While trying to control your part of the board trough the threat of pure murder. For this I would start every game whit picking out what objectives you are going to want to control and what objectives you are going to ignore. Lets say there are 3 objectives. Then just pick the two you want to commit to and ignore the last one completly. Give it to him you can't stop him annyway. Place your throne forward near the objectives you want. Then place your Bloodruchers skullcannon slaugherpriests, bloodsecrator and bloodthirster near it. These units are there to do the killing . The rest is there to do the dieing. (split up thoe bloodlettes into 3 units to do this) As in you use those units to keep his teleporting stuff away from your killing units. So that you can use your killing units to engage yourself. Setting them up to strike first and murder what they are up against, Between the mortal wounds from the slaughter priests the shot from the cannon and the attacks from the crushers or bloodthirster, most seraphon units should die. Keep in mind that loseing your screens is not a problem. Activily use them to block movement and space form the seraphon player, Even if that means they get compleetly whiped.) If they die to bad you get a bloodpoint and you can set up your killing units. While doing this try to keep your army moeving in a way to threathen his slan. Even if you can not kill him. If he is forced to teleport it at least he does not use it on a other unit that can deal dammage to you. Bloodpoints should be used to either move one of your killing units in position, fight in the hero phase to finish something off, or to summon back more bloodletters to screen or a bloodthirster if he died during the game. The most importent part to keep right is keeping your army in formation. Make it so that what ever part of your other screen he attacks you can hit him back whit you killing units. That way all he does when teleporting a strong unit towards you is trade it for one of your weaker screens.
  19. Exactly what i find irritating the diffrend wound values is annoying to keep track of. At least if you do not know the unit. Well at least its better then the shadspire units. Those are even more detailed and almost all bad
  20. man i was hoping they simplify the rules for the warcry warbands. They are a bit more detailed then needed IMHO. Not really fitting in whit the general playstyle of AOS:
  21. I feel you, I really do. It just makes no sense. I have 4 of them and i am prettys sure i never managed to do it correctly even whit help form a video. It's just a badly designed part of the kit.
  22. What do i think? What do I think. I am thinking .Why the hell would you take them in uniets of 3. That's what i am thinking
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