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Everything posted by Fulcanelli

  1. Is indeed an odd name, feels 'generic' or an acronym. In the Lexicanum, Primer Innerlands of Shyish page, the island is mentioned very briefly โ€“ and it refers to 2nd Edition Core Book (so we can assume it's not a typo ๐Ÿ˜). But we not have any more details.
  2. Hey, glad we're back! The Rotmire Creed - Carrion Catcher is a beautiful model, I'm in love with it, but for a moment I was convinced of a new non-chaotic human race... โ˜น๏ธ Anyway, I want to see his friends, they could be converted for a nice unit for CoS. @The Brotherhood of Necros that board is sick!!!
  3. This screams Beasts of Chaos to me! Look at the Doomblast Dirgehorn:
  4. The checkered pattern speaks clearly. But for a moment, I was thinking about the Witch Hunters warband too: imagine one or two secondary characters flagellant-fanatic-style, with crappy weapons and clothes. I'd love that.
  5. Wow, never heard of these before, very nice lore! Thank you! So, can we surely expect a good number of new models today? Indeed an unusual hype for a 'side-game' built up by GW.
  6. Rats now lay eggs? What are those? ๐Ÿคจ
  7. I want to reply to this: I see your point, but the problem โ€“ possibly โ€“ is a sexualized representation of women which is, believe it or not, an inherent aspect of our chauvinist society. This is a fact, for ages, in figurative art. And GW know that. If you don't see the problem, watching a Nurgle army and a DoK one, well, maybe this is demonstration of the fact Sorry for the off topic, maybe we can move this in a proper thread! Returning to rumours: I also think that these shadow elves are bonded to Malerion somehow, but they'll be part of DoK faction. Very happy to see Eshin again!
  8. I admit this sounds a pretty logical thing and it would be coherent with the 'AoSification' of warhammer universe. Nevertheless, a part of me would be so sad to see the clans squatted, it's such a cool lore (one of my favourite, despite I've never played skaven)... probably it could stay in Old World.
  9. Regarding the last RE, on the article GW says: Is this a new faction? I see 'entirely' in italic, it's some sort of joke?
  10. Here: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/05/28/broken-realms-fiction-the-turnskins-tale/ I also tend to think about to Karazai and Krondys.
  11. Totally agree. The art is gorgeous, but the model is so disappointing, a missed opportunity... it's instinctive to think to endless spell, IMO. However, I like the concept, I bet people will grab this opportunity to convert/kitbash some beautiful elemental beasts.
  12. This is a good preview. My favourites: Necromunda bug-riders, stunning models (I really would like Silent People or other bug-race in AoS); NH ferryman, nice concept, nice miniature! The Underworld band seems very uninspired, sounds like a wasted opportunity. (And what does that armoured skeleton with shield and halberd have to do with it?)
  13. Very lazy approach. Too much bookkeeping. Doesn't solve anything.
  14. I think someone has already pointed out: those guys braiding the Shaggoth's hair are supposed to be ungors, aren't they? I thought the scale was simply off. However I would like a new bigger Shaggoth.
  15. A FEC Mortarch would be great! What makes you think there's a connection between the two rumours above and the critter(s)?
  16. Oh finally an exciting RE! It's weird, definitely not skaven... Something in this little fella call to my mind kruleboyz. But the most baffling thing here is the context. On the left I see a sort of 'rigid band' that doesn't seem to be part of the hairy stuff.
  17. For my first Path to Glory campaign, I would like to paint: 5 Brutes 3 Goregruntas 1 Warchanter Now that I've written it, it seemes lots of stuff
  18. I've started Ironjawz for Path to Glory. I wanted to try this system, but I've limited free time, so I can run a small force with IJ. Lovely models, but I'm slow at painting them
  19. I love artillery and I tend to always fit one or two in my army, even if they have poor warscrolls... I'm not competitive. It's possible that GW doesn't want to give space to warmachines, in fact the models we have come almost exclusively from Fantasy... But I agree, they would need some love!
  20. Interesting thread. The funniest games I ever played were those setted on 1000 points or so. Small forces, fresh lists, not eternal match. 1500 points would be a nice standard to me.
  21. Wow, I did a similar project two years ago, 2k points of Greywater Fastness: light mecha-conversion and a lot of artillery. And I pulled both Rockets and Helblaster from one box, you possibly just have to find two more wheels!
  22. In my experience, armies I built for the sole pleasure of assembing/converting/painting them are the ones that gave me higher satisfaction. I never look at the rules in order to buy models. Obviously I'm not into a competitive scene, but in the end the most important reward for me is fun I would like to try Path to Glory now. Good luck with your Skaven project!
  23. Well done! I too suggest to use Nuln Oil on the silver, it will be a lot better. For he bases, probably you could paint black the edges.
  24. I'd like to start a BoC project, soon or later. We could assume that Bullgors sculpts won't be refresh for AoS 3.0, since they are in the Broken Realms box? It would be frustrating to buy it and then watch them replaced with better ones... (Yes they're a bit goofy, especially the legs, but properly painted they'll be ok, I guess).
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