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Everything posted by Boar

  1. Maybe, or they just forgot. Either way look how long we sometimes wait for simplest of rules FAQ/updates. It's not like they need to change rules logic and underlying program like in computer games. To me it looks like corporate that doesn't want to assign enough resources, there is just few guys working on it AFAIK.
  2. It's under allegiance abilities, so no
  3. Technically you are of course correct, but intention is clear on that one. So RAI it is. Which reminds me of one twitch streamer saying that only when he came to AOS/GW he learned of thing like RAI as opposed to RAW. Speaks for itself.
  4. In story? Darkling coven troops ensorcelled by Sorceresses
  5. Idolators (S2D) don't have artifacts, and Misthavn doesn't have spells - second especially strange with trait giving your wizard additional cast. Looks like bug on the face of it.
  6. You can find more in dude's twitter mostley , ie. how ELO was calculated and some discusion on skill expression. I think he was on Honest Wargamer some time ago. https://twitter.com/jpganis/status/1305855855640940546 https://twitter.com/jpganis/status/1306534854063017987 I don't exactly know what you are getting at, care to clarify?
  7. Yeah, last changes that further lowered cost of executioners pushed out corsairs almost completely IMO (in competitive sense). 40 Corsairs are only 20pts cheaper than 30 Executioners, and need Fleetmaster and 1 CP to roughly equal fighting power of draich wielding Aelves. And Execs have better save in melee. Corsair would offer only incresed survavibility vs shooting and MW as they have 10 extra guys. Even if you think about Vitriolic Spray Corsairs will deal 22 dmg vs Execs 20, so neglible difference
  8. Prevelance of KO in top 5 of tournaments results appear to contradict that. There are also attempts at more indepth analysis by folks out there.
  9. Assassin is 80pts tough, so the same as one chariot. The thing that he can pop out out of 1 wound unit can be useful (for Hero keyword mostly). I kinda like him in Anvilgard where he could take Venomfang Sword which gave him overall 2d3 MW on 6+ to wound. In other Cities there are some tricks as well, not really in Har Kuron unfortuantely. Maybe as general where he could bring his trait where it's needed without actually moving there by himself? That would be probably better in list with more infantry then yours.
  10. I know Teclis have one, who else? Having weaknesses, bad matchups is given, if army has 1-2 bad matchups and say 15 favorable it definitely would need adjusting. How much KO need adjusting and where (Zilfin mostly perhaps?) is another subject, but having (one) obvious weakness isn't really compelling argument. Slaneesh was weak vs shooting, it still needed downgrade. Kroak OTH is example of unit that definetly needs adjustment.
  11. I think Withering, with Pit you have two rolls to make to have any effect, and vs many targets not very useful
  12. Fortuantely in knife at least it doesn't change value as you win if you control both. Tough they could kick it alogn their whole army trampling towards yours.
  13. That's good point, if we got new stuff for Frigates it would be great
  14. Yeah let's go with that: Ironclad goes up in points (FAQ): it is very efficient unit when it comes to effects of triumphs/aethergold, CP, transport effciency, and effects of endrinworks compared to other ships which isn't fully reflected in it's cost. Oustanding questions get resolved(FAQ): things like Emergency Ventplates still are not resolved, I paid for book GW give me working product WLV is nerfed somewhow (FAQ): even before KO I heard lot of negativity about this spell, KO just made it worse with 100% reliable delivery system Skywardens boosted (Broken Realms): if they could f.ex add +1 to hit on pikes in FAQ, not waiting for Realms book it would be even better, but probably book is the earliest we could hope for change, which leads me to: Barak Nar and Brokk Grungsson (Broken Realms): as it stands both are somewhat lackluster. With rules of Nar not really giving you enough tools to choose it over other ports, and locking you into both artifact and trait (both kinda underwhelming). Brokk also suffers in comparison with generic hero who can take command trait and artifact and unlock skyriggers as battleline. So some rewrite here would be nice. Narrative pretext for rewrite could be centered around shocking discovery Brokk himself made in Greywater Fastness on his Grand Tour.
  15. First how would you do that? Second why, it would be absolutely one of worst decision I can imagine when it comes to changes to any battletome. If it is unreliable (activates on roll) you can't really plan anything and playing KO is just gambling.
  16. I see it's mostly about unit that is not present in your list😉
  17. That battalion is for Anvilgard or Har Kuron so Misthavn doesn't even get one
  18. This one, mechanically all unit's attacks are resolved and then damage is allocated to unit. If another unit attacks later, than that 2nd attacker could face different save profile. *For purposes of damage negation you allocate wounds one at a time, sometimes it can be different here as f.ex. Throggoth can have artifact that stops working on roll of one, so that would be rolled one by one. But that's different problem
  19. Very similar, in smaller numbers Bleakswords are slightly better, but if range of spear starts giving you additional attacks it quickly gives slight advantage to dreadspears. Dreadspears have more annoying attack sequence, with 6 on hit giving additional rend, so after hits you have two separate dice pools. Drusa's Battalion takes only dreadspears tough if you think about using it. If this is not of any concern than question is about numbers 10 clearly bleakswords, 30+ dreadspears. Also if there is enough terrain, enemy has small units or there are other concerns regarding movement this can give dreadspears slight boost, as they won't lose attacks so easily.
  20. Yeah that's why I am wondering, as in normal Cities empowered Spellportal can be put anywhere, but Har Kuron lost that. With balewind yeah it gives more range I played that sometimes in Anvilgard, just wondering how much flexibility is lost. Both Morathi's are listed as Unique.
  21. Looking at screens from YT, there is note that Zanthar Kai has access to Temple of Khaine rules and can include those battalions. Morathi is listed as two units, just taken as sets which is similar to underworlds bands - so 2 drops.
  22. Spellportal is 18"range so I wonder how useful Vitriolic spray would be. I guess Morathi would be up front blocking access to squishy darkshards somewhat? What spell would you put on Morathi?
  23. Doubt it, it would just move everything not other direction IMO, back to dozen heros buffing large block and if you can't do that you die. But it's just a tought. And I would love double to be removed, but not by changing it to 40k system as I think you are right. It's not binary choice however and many different systems are in use, even in GW games. I don't want to get here too much into all that, it's rumor thread after all. And especially discussions about priority crop up regularly. EDIT: Yeah and there is Mod notice even
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