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Everything posted by Oceanic_Eyes

  1. How do you like Tallyband? I've thought about trying it out a few times
  2. See I've always been a Plague Cyst fan myself, and now that unmodified 6s to hit are going to be extra important for Blightkings, the extra rerolls might end up being really handy.
  3. https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/b52ed84a.pdf https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/age_of_sigmar_skaven_designers_commentary_en-1.pdf
  4. This is great. It's like a game of finding all the hidden updates.
  5. So with a 6+, the ability goes off on a 6, or anything buffed to a 6. With unmodified 6s, regardless of +1s or -1s, the ability goes off. Nurgle doesn't have any easily accessible +1 to hit options for Blightkings, but there's many -1 to hits in the game. So the unmodified 6s helps us out a lot more.
  6. You can see the Beasts of Chaos changes if you go on English and sort by Z-A The standouts to me are Doombulls for 100, Bulgors 140.
  7. Yeah when I posted it I hadn't refreshed my page yet, so missed a lot of comments. Oopsie daisy
  8. Was able to see Deepkin, Daughters, and Legions of Nagash in the Japanese section but I cant tell which units are which honestly. EDIT: Oops ignore, just noticed someone already pointed this out above me
  9. I love it. I'm saving 120 points in a pure Rotbringers list I was planning!
  10. Affliction Cyst 140 Blight Cyst 140 Plague Cyst 140 The Munificient Wanderers 40 Nurgle's Menagerie 180 Tallyband of Nurgle 160 Thricefold Befoulment 60 The Blessed Sons 40
  11. Solid points drops on the battalions are unexpected but welcome, but those unmodified hit changes are a blessing from Papa Nurgle himself.
  12. Khorne is no longer a god of violence and war. He is now the god of friendly competition where the winner isn't important, it's about if everyone had a good time.
  13. Soul Grinders at 210 and still the same warscroll wise? Actually really tempting.
  14. I've been doing some thinking, and something I'm quite excited for is that there will be some increased demand and use for certain releases. For example, I'm assuming a Seraphon update will happen before 2-3 years (GW please), but in the future if we have both a supported Fantasy and AOS community who would both love some new Saurus and Dinosaurs to use (even just as proxies or kitbash bases), there will be two communities providing a good demand for those releases. I'm an absolute sucker for Nurgle models. If this means another game source for me to grab models and proxies from, I'm hype. I already use Nurgle models that technically came from the End Times. And models from 40k kitbashed to fit AOS.
  15. I'm just hoping GW has enough resources to properly dedicate to a project like this without hurting AOS' development. I'm also not looking forward to how this might not lead to two fanbases coexisting, but instead lead to more of the "my game is better and that other one sucks" arguments.
  16. Plastic Tamurkhan would make me the happiest nurgling, but I can almost never see that happening.
  17. Noticed Tamurkhan was out of stock online, sent an email and got an unfortunate confirmation that as of now he is no longer a part of the forgeworld production range.
  18. On the subject of taking Fungoids in a Mawtribes army, found this in the Malign Portents FAQ from June 2018. Not sure if it's the most up to date ruling on it though, couldn't see anything anywhere else.
  19. Do the Malign Portents heralds still have that rule where they can be allies as long as they come from the same Grand Alliance as the army they're being put in? If so you should be able to ally a Fungoid into a Mawtribes list.
  20. I can understand Thundertusks taking some overall nerfs, but that would make sense if their price goes down, or the prayers the huskard has access to are great.
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