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Everything posted by NinthMusketeer

  1. Thank you for sharing! A bit less detail in the writing may help; just going through the end results of a combat phase rather than each back-and-forth still delivers the event without having to read as much. And nice work on those models & terrain, it all looks really good together on the table.
  2. The point of having sub-factions is to give up the diversity of a larger roster in exchange for stronger allegiance benefits for the sub segment you have. In that regard, missing out on unit roles is entirely the point of sub-factions. When I make a specialized army, I don't want it to have diverse roles. I want to have the challenge of making the narrow scope of what I have work, with extra allegiance benefits as a tool to level the field. But bringing things back to Kruleboyz, flying cavalry are not what they need and it doesn't fit their theme. What they need is high-offense ambush infantry with a deep strike mechanic and some sort of bonus based around retreats. That's the hole in the roster both mechanically and narratively. But if Kruleboyz get grumpy chicken vulture cavalry I will still be super happy because rule of cool trumps all. @PTB I don't think we've seen the whole Kruleboyz roster yet. I'm not even certain it won't be cavalry. I just think assuming cavalry right now is a bit premature.
  3. Here's the thing; Orruks already have regular cavalry; boarboyz and morboyz. And monstrous cavalry; gore-gruntas. No, they aren't Kruleboyz but that's the point; not everyone gets everything. Except SCE. They are the poster boys, they get everything.
  4. Right, so... Kruleboyz: -Boss on monster trogg -Boss on swamp beastie -Named character on swamp beastie -Bunch of grots on hunchback trogg -Bolt thrower -Boss on angry chicken -Named character on angry chicken SCE: -Named dragon -Named dragon -Named character on foot -Ranged hero on foot -Ranged infantry -Chariot -Dragon rider hero -Dragon rider unit I'm not seeing the "equal amounts of each thing" personally, can you link it up to show your thinking?
  5. Having new players get 'schooled' seems like an effective means of driving them away, but I don't know the context.
  6. Ah, makes sense. Don't think they can smash two pieces of terrain though, the FAQ changed that ability.
  7. I am speaking from a normal play point of view, turning things to competitive is a different beast entirely. Running 3-4 bloodthirsters in a casual game is a bit dickish unless one's local meta is pretty hardcore whereas at a tournament that is more or less a necessity. I do think Baleful Lords is worth considering simply because the potential threat range granted by run & charge forces the opponent to make difficult tactical choices in how they move. As for Bloodlords, the RR is obviously highly relevant in this edition but there are still quite a lot of non-hero non-monster units out there kicking ass and I feel like Khorne is already strong at countering hero/monster heavy armies anyways. The heal meant a lot more when heroic recovery wasn't a thing. What pulls me back to Reapers over Bloodlords is the secondary stuff; there are some very high magic armies in the top tiers and extra magic hate helps with that. Skullshard Mantle on a bloodsecrator makes him extremely difficult for all but a few armies to put down since he will be ignoring spells on a 2+ and has a strong armor save already. An opponent absolutely can roar to stop the double-attack, but as mentioned by Charleston you can just use it with one of the other thirsters. It also means that the monster roaring is in combat with a bloodthirster and more often than not that is a good thing for the Khorne player; monstrous duel for +1 to hit combined with innate RR 1s to hit from allegiance puts a lot of thirster attacks at 2+ rerollable. That all said it is not something I am very certain about. I would certainly be keen to hear from players with direct experience in the matter. Quick note on Archaon; he is absolutely a powerhouse but it is also risky; Sons of Behemat counter him, and counter him hard. If one does not end up having to face up against SoB its great. If one does, not so much.
  8. Imagine Forge World going back to a branch that did things other than Horus Heresy, even!
  9. Thing is, stuff isn't effectively immune anymore. Bar OBR everyone lost save re-rolls. A stacked save to be effectively 2+ still fails on 1s. Notice something; while many units can achieve such save stacking it is only heroes that are being raised as problematic examples. Heroes that heal, thanks to heroic recovery. Sylvaneth were also raised and again, they heal (a lot). Being extremely resistant to damage still means 1s fail and the thing will die eventually. The problem is when that is combined with healing so that it doesn't die eventually. This is an EXTREMELY important distinction to make. Because the direct way to counter that is offense hitting so hard that there isn't time to heal (either by buffing offense or nerfing defense) and then we are back to square one. What we need is a healing nerf. That said, we do need more rend and less MWs. I will not stop complaining about there being more units dealing MWs than rend -2 until it is addressed.
  10. Unless the Great Waaagh! abilities are heavily nerfed, Kruleboyz will be in a very good spot. Just those + MWs on 6s is already plenty enough to be on par with all but the strongest allegiances. They could still take a hit via points costs but the evidence we have right now points to them being average at worst. I think Kruleboyz players don't need to worry, and can instead focus on getting excited for what else they might receive on top of what they already will.
  11. Still looking for an answer on this one, as I am very curious to hear from experienced SoB on this.
  12. My bud has been doing Khorne at 1500 points and it's going fine. Reapers of Vengeance to have a thirster attack twice is as strong as it's always been, and the amulet of destiny gives serious durability that they've never had before. Combined with heroic recovery on a bravery 10 model and it's just really hard to put down. But then my friend runs almost all daemons with the only bloodbound being a slaughterpriest and bloodsecrator. The mortal side of khorne is not in a good place right now (seriously wth is with that point cost on skullreapers) but the daemon side is still kicking hard. RR 1s to hit combines really well with the new all put attack, in particular. He's gunna add Skarbrand as part of moving up to 2k. Bloodsecrator + RoV means he can roll up and do an automatic 32 MWs to something round 2 (plus regular damage) for the cost of 1 CP and I expect the threat of that possibility will put serious tactical pressure on opponent's positioning.
  13. Yup--just add a leader for the battalion and they all drop at once. It'll also leave two demi-leader and one artillery/behemoth slot open if you have pieces from other parts of the army you want one-dropped.
  14. You could convert savage boar riders since they are med cavalry. Won't get the poison but they will get whatever the bonesplitterz rules is plus all the same Waaagh! stuff.
  15. Points change, rules change. But what you think looks cool doesn't 🙂 (Should've gone with Pestilens!)
  16. Quick question; what is the advantage of running a gatebreaker over another kraken eater? The grot dies in the audio drama so it has a happy ending 😆
  17. I will go out and say they don't need it at all. Redeploy already gives ranged units a way to react against encroachment. Nerfs to the ability would make it so only the ones exploiting it use it and it's not worthwhile for anyone else. Hitting only on 6s still leaves units like sentinels who only care about 6s anyways. Not triggering abilities helps with that but does nothing against more blunt force shooting like irondrakes or stormfiends. Both just leads back to my first point of why even have it at all.
  18. I was at a small tournament that house-ruled random initiative not starting until round 3 (as in, round 2 automatically used the same initiative as round 1). None of the games were decided before round 4, most needed round 5.
  19. I feel like hobgrots aren't going to shine as chaff as they are too many points for the role. As skirmishers though, much better. They can run up flanks to grab objectives with numbers and still shoot. But I also feel like spending the points on more gutrippaz or boltboyz is a more effective way to go. MWs on 6s to hit is just really powerful.
  20. It's all in the list balance; if your games are ending by turn 3 it's little to do with the core rules and everything to do with the awful balance of matched play. And/or they are double-turn games.
  21. What they improved in 3rd is that they made turn choice an actual choice; going first is nice but going second is an extra CP every round, plus being able to remove an objective on round 3 in a good chunk of matched scenarios. It isn't perfect but overall it is a pretty elegant approach that alleviates first turn advantage without flipping things the other way. Except the double turn exists so nevermind.
  22. Wait, players of the army that gets 6+ to hit causing mortals on all their models is complaining that their army abilities are too weak?
  23. That is how it used to be. With 3rd they changed allegiances so they work off what is in the battletome instead of by keyword (not happy about it myself, but I can see why they did it). The summoner on disc can no longer be taken in Tzeentch lists proper. It CAN be taken as an ally, which means it could not be given enhancements (artifacts, spells, etc). This is because it is a StD unit, a valid ally, and the "Mark of Chaos" exception is defined by a certain ability which he does not have. The "can or must" bit is referring to some units, like cultists in an Idolators army, have the choice to take a mark while most units with the rule are required to pick one of the options.
  24. I've killed her round 2. She charged me turn one and that was that; 3 wounds per combat phase. It's really not difficult; I imagine round 3 kills are pretty common. Dying round 3 or even round 2 doesn't mean she didn't get enough work done to be worthwhile though.
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