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Everything posted by Warmill

  1. I'm no expert but I'd say split off 3 of the ggs for your battleline and split the 10 ardboyz into 2x5 for objective holding, 3 units can't be everywhere and 6 ggs will still hit plenty hard.
  2. Had a game against Mawtribes last night with my double krushas, he had 3 cannons with the 2-shot battalion but my prayers to gorkamorka worked as I rolled 4 5+ armour saves against his turn 1 shooting. After that my krushas rolled down his flank while ardboyz and gruntas held up his main blob of gluttons. By the time the 2+/2+ kicked in it was a pretty foregone conclusion and I tabled him by end of turn 3 for the loss of 10 ardboyz and 3 gruntas. Tzeentch and Cities will absolutely tear me a new one, but in the meantime I'm loving big waaagh!
  3. This is gonna be where I decide whether to run double krushas or double rogue idols for the gt in February 😈
  4. I've been testing a 2 cabbage army recently, mostly for fun but it's proving to be a hell of a lot of fun and putting up a good showing against our local fec and dok players. Only a few games in but I think there's some good potential with it. I will say that I've been running them as big waagh as I've been finding the 2+2+ a big help to reduce those moments when the krushas completely whiff, and the 6++ has been an absolute godsend. 2 free MDs seems to be more than enough so I just end up using CPs for rr1s. My list currently is; Allegiance: Big Waaagh!Mortal Realm: ShyishLeadersMegaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)- General- Boss Choppa and Rip-tooth fist- Trait: Brutish Cunning- Artefact: Ethereal Amulet- Mount Trait: Weird 'UnMegaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)- Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa- Artefact: Metalrippa's Klaw- Mount Trait: Fast 'UnOrruk Warchanter (110)- Warbeat: Fixin' BeatOrruk Warchanter (110)- Warbeat: Fixin' BeatBattleline10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (160)- Pig-iron Choppas3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (160)- Jagged Gore-hackasBattalionsIronfist (160)Total: 1980 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 112 Once I've got some more ardboyz built I'm going to try swapping one unit of pigs for 2 x 5 ardboyz for backfield objective holding. The extra 2" from fast un is awesome for getting the glass cannon where he needs to be, I'm also testing swapping a chanter for a weirdnob but to he honest the extra damage feels way better, and even in a game of scorched earth last night I didn't feel like I needed hand of gork. There's no denying that I'm short on bodies and objective play is tough but you know, waaagh and all that! 🤣
  5. I'm off to a tournament Saturday and I can't decide whether to run this list with the 2 warchanters or swap 1 chanter for a weirdnob, and if I do go with weirdnob what spell to run. I tried the 2 chanter list last night and it was great fun against the gitz army I was facing, but I feel like it's a bit too vulnerable with no magic protection at all. The 2 free MDs meant I didn't really feel like I needed hand of gork, so maybe a damage spell would be better, but I only have 4 units for wrath of gork... Chanters list Allegiance: Big Waaagh!Mortal Realm: ShyishLeadersMegaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)- General- Boss Choppa and Rip-tooth fist- Trait: Brutish Cunning- Artefact: Ethereal Amulet- Mount Trait: Weird 'UnMegaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)- Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa- Artefact: Metalrippa's Klaw- Mount Trait: Fast 'UnOrruk Warchanter (110)- Warbeat: Get 'Em BeatOrruk Warchanter (110)- Warbeat: Fixin' BeatBattleline10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (160)- Jagged Gore-hackas3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (160)- Pig-iron ChoppasBattalionsIronfist (160)Total: 1980 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 112
  6. After a shocking performance at spear the rear I need to smash this. If everyone could bring their weakest lists that would be awesome thanks. 👍
  7. I love a good styrene model, awesome project and I can't wait to see more!
  8. I just wanted to have a gangsta prophet giving it the finger guns, I've not seen Jojo but I'll take it! ;) Here's a pic of my warchanters and shaman prints up against a regular Warchanter. Sadly work means I won't be able to paint them for a couple of weeks, but I hope to take at least one of them to Vanguard in Swindon on the 16th.
  9. Thanks, I really appreciate it! I took part in the Spear the Rear meeting engagement tournament and came last with a 0-4 record, not the boyz' finest moment! I think I would have done better if I'd managed to get my next 3 goregruntas painted so I'd been able to run the list I'd actually practiced with, at least my footboss did a bit of duffing and actually managed to survive all 4 games, 3 of which were against ****ing nighthaunt :(. IT'S A LEGITIMATE STRATEGY!!! With the new battletome I want to try some bonesplitterz and big waaagh, so I need a wurrgog prophet! I'll be printing him out in the next few days, I've printed 2 more of my warchanters after a bit of rescaling to make them better match the existing models, which I need to paint when I've got a quiet moment .
  10. We just had a 4 game ME tournament, admittedly I had to change my list at the last minute because I didn't get some models painted and it really didn't work, but yeah it was a tough day. 3 of 4 games were against Nighthaunt and you hit the nail on the head regarding trying to score objectives, I just could not get into combat or do enough damage to score in the time allowed against blobs of chainrasps. It didn't help that my dice were appalling all day, I buffed a brute mob with +1 damage for 3 combats and they only killed 5 reapers 🤬🤬, and I only got hand of gork off twice all day.
  11. Someone told me you don't have to run forward and charge into combat every time, but I think they were lying.
  12. That's beautiful, I never know how people manage such fine beushwork!
  13. I've been really loving the new Orruk Warclans book, so much so the tzeentch I bought just before it dropped are going to be languishing in the drawer for a while yet! We have a meeting engagement tourney at our flgs this Saturday, it motivated me to finish a unit of goregruntas who have been in base colours for months. These guys really benefitted from the new book, they're beasts now! I have 3 with spears to do who are still in their grey birthday suits, it's going to be a busy Friday night! Since Warchanters also got a major update in the new tome, and are way more useful now, I had to sculpt myself a custom one. I've got 2 of them on the printer so looking forward to seeing the results tomorrow, not 100% sure about those guitar strings! 🤣🤣🙈
  14. Don't take my dream of a healing krusha away from me! No I totally agree that's how it works, but it would be a nice little perk if he could better after being wounded, especially when terrorgheists heal d6 wounds a turn.
  15. He'd have 11 wounds left. You track the number of wounds allocated to a model, so if he has 5 wounds allocated against a characteristic of 15 that is 10 left, if it has 5 wounds allocated against a characteristic of 16 that's 11 left. I hope they faq how it works with the damage taken table though, as you could argue that even if the krusha builds up to 20 wounds, the damage table is based on wounds taken not wounds remaining.
  16. I'm going to try brutal cunning + ironfist + great green visions at the weekend, I think stacking cps for +1 to hit and rr1s to hit could be fun, and 2 free mighty destroyers will leave plenty for it.
  17. Just played my first game with the new rules, 2K against a footslogging khorne meat list with skarbrand on Starstrike. Obviously first game caveats apply but I really enjoyed it, the new rules just gave the army such a different feel and so many more options than just line up and hope for a waagh. The amount of movement options available really opened the battlefield up, and the army was way less dependent on staying in one big blob. I've always struggled with wide battleplans as anything out of the bubble felt so squishy, but this felt way freer. My list was: MBMK, mean'un mount trait 2 x warchanter, get em beat and fixing beat Shaman w/ hand of gork and great green visions 20 x ardboyz 2 x 5 brutes 2 x 3 GG Geminids Ironfist Ironsunz His list was 2 x slaughterpriest, bloodsecrator, skarbrand, skullgrinder and then 2 blobs of bloodwarriors with accompanying wrathmongers. End result was a foregone conclusion in turn 4 at 20-5 to me. I didn't have any luck with spells besides casting geminids but his luck with the slaughterpriest abilities was equally awful, but get em beat was amazing. Helped by a piece of commanding terrain I was drowning in CPs and the free ironfist use meant I could get my stuff exactly where it needed to be with CPs left for rerolling 1s. I did forget about the megaboss +1 to hit all game which was a shame. I'd probably drop geminids to either make the krusha gordrakk or squeeze in another 5 ardboyz, CP or even a fungoid. I didn't get much use out of Ironsunz due to the battleplan, but I sent my krusha against skarbrand with +1 damage, +1 to hit, RR 1s to hit and +1 attack with the waagh and one-shotted him with the hacka Downside for me is brutes feel very whiffy, the boss and choppa should really be 3+/3+. 2 units failed to kill a daemon prince in one combat phase, although his armour saves were on point. GGs felt way more useful, and having a GG ironfist boss was awesome for getting the free might destroyer where I needed it. Altogether obviously it's only the first game against an army I've faced a few times, but man I'm in love with my orks again!
  18. You'll need to condense 2 of those ardboyz units won't you? Arent they only battleline in groups of 10?
  19. Tim's doing a wicked job getting our club playing, I would be so up for this if I wasn't off to Antwerp the weekend after 😥
  20. Guess I'll have to resculpt the foot to be something else now, since foot of gork no longer exists! Fffffuuuu....
  21. Yeah +1 to hit and wound armywide is gonna be very hard to turn down, especially if Gordrakk + 2 chanters gets you there by start of turn 2.
  22. So immediate thing I though from the video, Ardfist + chanter + 5x5 ardboyz would be 680 points and each time one unit dies on a 4+ you get a unit of 10 back on any table edge! That could make a big difference on battleplans like scorched earth.
  23. I hope there's some killer command and mount traits and a allegiance abilities, cos brutes were my favourite unit and unless ardoyz went up they're staying on the shelf. Just bought a second krusha to be gordrakk or second mbmk, I guess they're better candidates for weapon artefacts now and splitting the attacks is a bit less stressful, but did they really need to go up in points? I'll probably pick up the book and an extra start collecting box, but not sure how I feel yet.
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