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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. I m.pretty sure its to give +1 to the translocation prayer
  2. Well, Gold is the easiest way to pain the SCE. I'm a ****** poor painter, and even with the Anvils scheme, I'm not very fond of what I did
  3. Ok so I just lost 2 oval bases. Its a bad habit of mine to open up the boxes and keep the bases separately in a box.
  4. Also, how did you guys modeled your Longstrikes. If I'm not mistaken, ther's only 2 oval bases inside a box and the Prime is on a round one. So making a unit of 9 with only one prime, did you buy additional oval ones or did you just use the round ones ? What's legal ?
  5. I see. How does @PJetski @Roarkor @Requizen play the rule ?
  6. Thanks @Mark Williams, @schwabbele and @TomParry84 for your replies guys. Now that I've read all of you, I agree with Schwabebele. The way I see it, they get the 30" range. THe ability says : If you don't move during your movement phase, you get 30" range. The ability by itself is not restricted to any phase, it just puts the emphasis on : Did you move during the movement phase ? In the first hero phase, you haven't moved yet, so you answer no the question. so you get the additionnal range. It seems quite weird that, you would get the additional range in your second hero turn if you didn't move, but not during the first one. To take a real life exemple about the default state, in some countries, you can't own guns. The defaut setting is thus interdiction. But if you're sports shooter in a club, you can. Thus : Defaut is interdiction Exception is authorization on the condition you shoot at paper targerts in a club If you aplly this to the longshot rules then : DEfaut : Add 6"range Exception : If you've moved during movement phase, you don't. Does it make sense to you guys ?
  7. Would be fun to, but I won't have the time. Maybe next year. Quuick question, I've never played an Anvil List. Tell me if I'm wrong, but because of how it's worded, Longstrikes do not benefit fro +6" range at the hero phase, right ? I'm going to play a 1250 poitns game : 9 Longstrikes, 2 aetherwings, 2x5man liberators and don't know yet for the heroes. I'll try to learn what is it that makes this list the ultimate SCE list.
  8. Phoenixes without the 4++ given by riding Anointed sucks, as do the battalion.
  9. That's because griffin feathers are extra conmfy yet sturdy
  10. @Trayanee I've got 50 painted halberds guards so I won't be touching that unit and anyway I think it's a very good one on the offense. If you want something more tanky, I'd look towards dwarfs units or Phoenix Guards, although they're more expensive.
  11. My pleasure. I hope we'll all keep this thread alive and I'm thinking of removing description of units when the BT will be out, to replace it with tactics and lists. I know how it can be a pain in the ass to have to read 60 pages to find what's hot or not @Sabotage!
  12. @Sabotage! Have a look at this if you want to know what city will have your preference
  13. It seems like there's no such restriction anymore @Sabotage!
  14. What do you play that gives you a strong alpha strike ? I could play Slayer's with some Longstrikes or go full anvils longstrike for the first time. I tried the desolators list with the Celestant Prime, and the same one with Stardrake + Prime. It was fun, I got lucky on FallingStars rolls, so I decimated his heroes with a MW rain. Dunno if it will be viable against DOK
  15. So guys, I'll probably have to face a DoK player pretty soon. I dont know what he's going to field, but apparently he's a competitive one. I've never faced DoK. Any advice ? What should I prioritize, what should I be wary about ? Cheers!
  16. Except that what is really interesting in SCE are their heroes. We haven't got that many really standing out units, so what really shines are our heroes, Lord Castellant for ex. Except Knight AZyros and Lord Ordinator, none of our heroes can synergize with CoS units, they all do with SCE units only
  17. It will depend on what keywords those units have. If they retained scourgerunner and also got cities of Sigmar, he could do both. But units can t be part od two different batalions so he ll need everything in double.
  18. The later batalion is way better IMHO. +1 to wound AND Reroll 1s to wound if use a CP with GHB 2019 new CA
  19. Too bad, that was a really powerful option. LO+Hurricanuym+Seadragon pennant : 2+/2+/-1/1 HE balistas was great!
  20. What bout the High Elves Balistas, they're compendium but legal for now in Matched play since they have a price tag and weren't removed with the FAQ, contrarty to the Dark Elves Reaper balistas (which were totally nuts.). 36"4+/3+ rend-1/1 are nothing to scoff at, especially since you'll buff them with Hurricanum or LO. I get that you don't like SCE units, but with artillery Lord Ordinator is a must have if you bring enough of them.
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